
Essence of Templates: A SI Harry Potter x MCU fic

(DROPPED)(DROPPED)(DROPPED)(DROPPED)(DROPPED) - A Man dies and finds himself in the void. He wanders through the black abyss until suddenly finding himself inside a shop. A Unique Magical Shop. In there, he meets an Old Man that gives him an Essence all the while waving the influence of the Great Writer away from abusing them. And, after his eyes open in this new World, he'll grab at his chance at a new life and abuse it. - Hey, Author here. This story will be semi-serious/comedy, as I tend to write while I am in high emotions. So, expect either neutral chaps or chaps filled with anger or sadness. I also have ADHD, meaning I'll probably be juggling this fic with others that I'll be writing. First time posting here on Webnovel, btw. You can find more of my stuff on FF.net under the name of Leffyet. Also, also, the MC is bisexual but only into Femboys. He'll bang girls & femboys only. I don't do muscly men. - Cover Art was done and edited by MegaMacho (Go check out his fics, great author) Elf Man was done by Marcela Freira Tintagel Castle background was done by Karine Villette I own nothing except my OCs and Ideas. All credit goes to their respective owners. -

Ludwig_The_Mad · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 1


Opening his eyes, he was met with a black void stretching beyond his sight. Confused, he looked around before the memories of what he had done before going to bed are brought forth in his mind.

''Ah… So I died peacefully. I expected to wake up from the pain, and then have to deal with having a plastic bag tied to my head. Though, I guess this is much better… But where am I? Limbo?'' He asked curiously, as he felt an immense amount of emotions leaving his body as he felt all the illnesses and mental problems disappear for a moment.

''I wonder if I can get the Isekai package… It would be nice. Though, I guess I wouldn't mind being stuck in this void for a while… So… Quiet. Peaceful, I think is the word I am looking for… Heh,'' He chuckles as he shakes his head as fond memories pass through his mind. ''This reminds me of the Twilight Realm… Or, well, not it specifically, but the feeling I had when I managed to step foot in it. Fond memories, hah… Now if only they had made the Tears of the Kingdom related to Twilight Princess I would've bought it instantly.'' He says as he reminisces the first time he played through Twilight Princess.

Truly, it was a great game. Sure, he was a stupid brat at the time and had to use his older brother's savefile to actually do anything in the game as he had no clue how to do anything, but besides that, he loved it dearly in his heart. As much as he did Team Fortress 2, among a few other games that he holds close and dear to heart. Though as much as he wished, his memories were sadly tainted by his family.

Being the third, and youngest sibling was an annoying thing. Though that wasn't all that bad. What was bad, was all the abuse he went through due to his mother, and his… Absent? Neglectful? Hah, he doesn't know how to describe his father besides as a ''background'' NPC.

He was there, yet wasn't.

Though if he were to be completely honest, he doesn't blame the man at all. He puts all the blame and hatred he bottled up on his mother, brother, and sister. Much of that was directed into his mother, and his brother as his sister was more of an afterthought as his pettiness, and grudges resurfaced in his mind. And also due to her absolutely poor choice of profession. Now, he'll fully admit that he doesn't care about what Job she chooses. Or anyone for that matter.

But when you have been forced to go to psychiatrists, and therapists that didn't do jack shit to help him. He feels he's correct in saying that she made a poor choice in choosing to research those entitled morons that think they know everything about the mind and can categorize them as ''illnesses'' and ''disorders''.

Huffing at such things, he could only shake his head and sigh. He truly despises both professions and thinks they should be researched much, much more thoroughly than it currently is. Though considering the filthy country and language he was born in and forced to speak, he couldn't fault it.

After all, Brazil is a shithole, and the internet didn't make Memes on it just to slander it. It is a genuine shithole, and depending on the state, and neighborhood, your life could be the shittiest ever. And that is not even touching on the subject of money.

''Ah, a New Soul wanders in my shop? How surprising. And one that has his faculties intact, now this is rare.'' A voice pulls him out of his thoughts, and he stares in surprise as he suddenly finds himself surrounded by… Bottles, jars, trinkets, and books.

If he had to describe his surroundings it would be in three words. Magical Fantasy Shop.

Looking around for a few seconds at all the paraphernalia strewn around haphazardly, he directs his gaze to the old man behind the counter. He had a magnificent short beard, and galaxy-like eyes as if they held actual galaxies. He was just about to ask who he was, but his gaze wandered to the various potions behind a glass case display with the simple title of ''Essences'' behind the old man.

''I see you became attracted to the Essences, ey? I wonder if any of them are compatible with you?'' The old man says in a curious tone, and before he can reply, he waves his hands, and the potions disappear from the case and appear on the counter.

All of them had simplistic titles, and weird colors, some of which he was sure a human's eyesight couldn't actually perceive, though that didn't seem to matter as he saw them either way.

''Hmmph… That's interesting, one of them wants to be drunk by you. While the other… is clearly being influenced by a higher entity to choose you. But I cannot allow that. Forgive me, oh great writer, for the Essences must make their own choices by themselves, and not under your influence.'' He says before he waves his hands over the Essences, and while nothing seems to happen he can feel something has changed.

Suddenly, one of the glass potions containing one of the essences jumps towards him and it is only due to sheer reflex that he catches it without dropping it on the floor. Looking at the glass vial, he raises an eyebrow in confusion.

''Essence of Templates?'' He asks and the old man nods at him.

''Aye, that one is as powerful as the Gacha one. Though it works differently, if similar to the Essence of Gacha. You'll 'roll' a random template, and you'll be able to become that character, alongside having all of their powers and memories. Of course, the Essence has a lot of failsafes to prevent the memories of the characters from taking over your mind or causing you to think you are them. Amongst a few others. Though it won't protect you if you willingly ''fuse'' with them.'' He says as moves his hand through his beard as he explains the Essence.

''You'll get Random Characters that would normally align with your mentality and ideals. So heroic people would get characters like Superman, Captain America, Nightwing, and various other ''good'' people. While those that are more nefarious, or in simple terms, ''evil'', would get characters like the Joker, Magneto, or Voldemort. Of course, not everyone fits the bill of being on the side of the light, or of the darkness. Most normally prefer to dwell in the twilight of both light and darkness combined.'' He says and his confused face makes him look at him amused.

''That means the ''neutral'' ones. Or Gray-aligned people.'' Seeing his still confused look, he sighs before shaking his head. ''The Essence will give you characters based on your alignment like D&D. You are currently a Chaotic Neutral soul. Though, in my personal opinion, you hop over the lines of Chaotic Evil and Good a lot of times to be Chaotic Neutral. Not that I care about such things.'' He shakes his head before pointing at the vial still in his hand.

''I would recommend you to drink it. Essences choose few people, and even fewer ever grace my shop and walk out with one of them in body. Most souls tend to not even be cognizant enough to be able to think logically, though it is most entertaining to see them bump into things and have those things be absorbed into their souls.'' He chuckles as a reminiscent look appears in his eyes, not that he could tell but he seemed to be remembering something.

Looking at the Essence of Templates Vial, and then at the old man, he sighs before shrugging his shoulders. Opening it, he drinks the entire thing in one go. As the liquid goes down his throat, and into his stomach, he frowns as he doesn't feel any different which causes the old man to roll his eyes.

''The Essence will manifest itself in whichever way is easier for you to understand. Most souls coming from Terra tend to use Systems, or tattoos to represent their powers. Amongst a few other ways, like divine marks, items, or funnily enough a clown. Just think about what will be the most convenient for you, and the Essence will take that form. Though, I would recommend you to choose wisely for what your Essence would look like, as it will be permanent.'' The old man says with some humor in his voice, before warning him at the end.

He only nods before he simply wishes for it to have a system-like interface. Seeing nothing happening he looks at the old man curiously and he chuckles once again.

''The Essence will ''Awaken'' when you have a physical body.'' He says and he frowns before he looks at himself and then back at the old man.

''How will I get a body?'' He asks and the old man points at a random wheel that probably wasn't there before on the counter.

''The Great Writer wishes to roll for a few things before that. That being your appearance, therefore your body, and nationality. Not that is going to affect any of the ''plot'' of the story. Or the world you would roll.'' He explains and spins the wheel before he could ask any more questions.

The wheel seemed to be a simple spinning wheel, though as he examines the wheel he can see the names of multiple characters he knows of. And a lot of them make him feel a chill go down his spine, as a lot of them seemed to be either traps or femboys.

'Why the fuck is half the wheel Femboys or Traps?!? I don't wish to look like a fucking twink! I always imagined myself with a Greek God Physique, what the fuck is this!?!' He thinks angrily with a frown.

And that frown only deepens when he sees what character he lands on.

[ Venti (Genshin Impact) ]

He tsked before sighing at what the wheel landed on. The old man seems amused at his suffering, though he doesn't comment as he spins the wheel again. Though this time he recognizes the names on the list to be various countries on Earth, or Terra as the old man called it. He was slightly confused and before he could ask his question the old man spoke up before he could.

''The world/universe you'll be reincarnated into will be on Terra or a version of Terra. The Great Writer doesn't want to bother with a lot of ''fictional'' countries from various media. Though if you ask me, he's simply being a lazy git.'' He says and he only nods in understanding.

The wheel soon stops, and the country it stops on brings a great smile to his face.

[ Germany/Deutschland ]

Pleasantly satisfied, he almost doesn't notice the old man spinning the wheel again. And he can only grin at him mischievously.

''Well, the Great Writer wants you to reincarnate as a human. But I find humans to be boring, and your soul and mind scream in pain that you wish to be anything but an animal or human. So why not roll for a sentient race in the vast cosmos?'' He says and he can only nod in thanks.

''I thank you for doing such a thing. I have grown tired of being human, and to be completely honest, I think I would've killed myself if I was reincarnated as a fucking human.'' He says and the old man nods at him.

''I see. The Great Writer would've been quite annoyed if you just killed yourself as soon as you could due to you being a human.'' The old man says and he could only nod in agreement.

Soon, after a few seconds of the wheel spinning it stopped, and he squealed in delight at the result.

[ High Elf Eladrin Hybrid = High Eladrin (D&D 5e) ]

He was jumping around in happiness though that happiness was quickly drained dry by the words that came out of the old man's mouth. He chuckled at his enthusiasm and sheer happiness, but his next words quickly soured his initial happiness.

''I'm afraid that this only applies to your soul. Don't look at me with those eyes!'' He says as he points at him, and he could only stare at him madly before he shook his head. ''Before you decide to go on a crusade to kill me, know this. Your soul will transform your body to be your new race. This is more of a failsafe, as depending on the world you roll, you could be hunted down, or even be killed while you are a baby. And both of us wouldn't want that, am I right?'' He explained and he could only stay rooted in place shocked before he started cursing at him for being right.

He sighed before he thanked him again, and he only shrugged.

''Don't go thanking me, yet. You haven't even got your template yet. They'll be the last thing you'll roll before you get reincarnated. So let's move on into the world/universe you'll be born in, shall we?'' He said with a smile and he only nodded as he spinned the wheel again.

He closely watched the wheel this time, and he quickly paled as he saw the death worlds listed in it. Alongside a few other animes, and worlds that would seem to be ''amazing'' or ''easy'' worlds to live in but he sincerely doubted such a thing. Humans are cruel beings, and he sincerely hopes he doesn't land in any of the fantasy settings or ''superhero'' worlds.

He would prefer not to have to deal with slavery, racism, and monsters if he landed in a fantasy setting. And that is not mentioning the superhero worlds. Animes, movies, and comics appeared in the wheel, and although he wasn't really a fan of anything, he recognized a lot of them. My Hero Academia, The Watchmen, DC Comics, Marvel Comics, even a few movies from the franchises, and a lot of others that he has never heard of or had vaguely familiar names. There were even a few mangas on the wheel and as soon as he recognized them he started praying to Yggdrasil and all the Nine Realms to not land in any of them.

Mangas like Berserk were worlds he truly, truly, truly wished to not set foot in. Even if he has an Essence now, he doesn't want to deal with a world like Berserk. Or any other terrible death world he can recall. Like Attack On Titan, Worm, DBZ, the Fate: Series, Full Metal Alchemist, and a whole bunch of more death worlds.

He was so engrossed in his prayer to Yggdrasil, and the Nine Realms that he almost missed when the wheel stopped turning, and as he saw what he landed on he breathed the biggest sigh of relief ever.

''I'm not going to die five seconds after I am born! Thank the gods, and Yggdrasil!'' He shouted before he fell down on the ground exhausted at the stress the wheel gave him.

The old man only chuckled at his reaction before seeing what world/universe he landed on. His face morphed into a smug grin before shaking his head and returning to a neutral smile.

''Congratulations, you're a Wizard, Harry! I hope you like the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Ah, a small piece of advice, I would recommend you get the Hallows as soon as you can. And although obvious, I will still tell you that you should focus on Occlumency and Legillimency. And as a nice piece of extra advice, I would recommend you to meditate a lot as your Elvish soul will protect you against such things so the sooner you become a full Elf, the better. A magic-filled place will also accelerate your transformation.'' He said with a terrible Scottish accent before he turned serious at the end.

He could only nod and appreciate the genuine and wonderful advice. Nodding back, the old man rolled the wheel again, and similar to the first wheel that decided on his appearance, a lot of characters appeared once again. This time the wheel spinned for quite a while, to the point he was getting uneasy.

The old man also seemed surprised by the long wait time, and just as he was about to ask if there was anything wrong with the wheel, it stopped. And as he saw the character that landed, he could only growl in anger while the old man cackled like a madman as he fell down to the ground laughing.

''Hahaha! You're a lucky bastard! Your first Character, and it's Venti! Hahaha!'' He said as he laughed and he could only massage his temples as he looked at the character that the wheel landed upon.

[ Venti (Genshin Impact) ]

He wasn't sure if he should be happy, or angry that he got Venti of all possible characters. Though inwardly he was slightly relieved he didn't get a female character or a weak character. He is unsure how strong Venti actually is, after all, he didn't touch Genshin in his entire life. So he is slightly clueless about his actual powers, but he vaguely remembers he's an avatar of a god or something along those lines. Though the reason he doesn't know is that he has a deep hatred for the communist Chinese. And Chinese people in general. He is done reading broken Xianxia and Wuxian novels with terrible grammar and translations. Or anything that is in Chinese in general.

For some unknown reason, all Chinese writers think and write the same shit. Cultivation, generic magic system, OP super broken characters, and all the cliche tropes. At least the Japanese make it more interesting with weird ideas, or the rare Korean fic he rarely reads.

Of course, that doesn't mean the Japanese and Koreans don't have the same troupes or a lot of common things. But at least their fics are actually eligible for someone with a functioning frontal cortex. And doesn't require you to have a Ph.D. to read them. He still has headaches from a certain Chinese fic that was badly translated, AND, had terrible grammar to go along. To this day, he is still unsure if the name of the main character of that story was Abe or Abel. Though moving on from this topic, he looked at the still-laughing old man on the floor.

After a few seconds of him laughing, he finally seemed to take control of himself, though he is still chuckling. Not that he minds, he would've laughed as well. After all, he practically is a ''powerless'' Venti, which can change to a ''powered'' state. Or at least he assumes he can. It would be annoying if he were to be locked as a character until their ''assimilation'' or ''fusion'' were to be completed. Though it's slightly annoying he won't be able to have a ''second identity'' though he guessed looking like Venti might actually boost the assimilation or fusion between them.

With a smile and extremely amused eyes, the old man waved his hand in front of his face. He was going to ask more about his essence, but it didn't seem it was meant to be, as soon after the hand wavering he felt a deep sense of tiredness and unwillingly closed his eyes.

When he would wake up, he would be surprised and saddened as he observed his new surroundings.


( - Timeskip - )

1986, January 1st

It has been six years since Maxi Heikecrux Siegmund was born. He was found as a little baby on the doorstep of an orphanage, with a note with his name on it and that his mother couldn't raise a child of rape. Even if she deeply loved the child, she couldn't have her fame and status be blemished by him. She expressed that she would always love him, and doesn't blame him in any way in the note. The note was also extremely insistent that she would arrive on his 11th birthday to introduce him to the world of magic.

He found his new name to be a weird one but he could only shrug and be thankful that it wasn't a cringe-sounding name like those of the British families. Or a lame name. Like Lars, or something.

Of course, the matron, and the workers of the orphanage just thought it meant she was a person that traveled a lot and not an actual Witch. When they received the child, they were surprised by his adorable face and his big intelligent aqua-green eyes with short black hair with short twin braids at the sides of his face that faded into aqua at the tips. His cute round nose was also something that made a lot of the women squeal at his cuteness. He also had slightly tipped ears like those of an elf, but none of them noticed such a thing and would only notice it when he was older.

The matron and various other women could see that he would grow to be quite a charming intelligent young lad. And that he did. He learned how to walk, talk, and write way earlier than any of the other babies, or kids near his age. They were also surprised at the speed he learned how to speak, and he even surprised them even more when he showed an interest in English.

A young man that was studying English at the time thought it was just a passing interest, and allowed him to read a few English books, and even allowed him to borrow the English dictionary that he had at the time. The next day, he would be surprised to find young Maxi speaking a few English words almost perfectly if you didn't mind the thick German accent.

The matron was ecstatic at his talent, and if he could be completely honest, she went a little crazy as she pampered him that entire day. She also ''discreetly'' started laying books of various languages around to see if he could pick up them as quickly as he had English. And surprisingly, both to Maxi himself, and everyone in the Orphanage, he quickly learned a few words and after years of studying the books, and just passing time in their library he could speak them, or at least hold a conversation, or in the barest of minimums, understand the words spoken. He could, although still with a very thick German accent, speak not only German and English, but also Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese.

The languages that he currently can only understand spoken words and their written language would be Polish, Latvian, Estonian, Bulgarian, Hungarian, and Russian. Though his Russian is more at the level he can speak a few important phrases, and ask for things.

Of those languages, he found French to be a complete nightmare to learn, alongside Polish and a few of the Balkan languages. Funnily enough, he found Italian to be a hard, yet easy language to learn. Much of it was due to it sounding very much like a mix between Spanish and Portuguese that he knew with a lot of words that he didn't know the meaning of. It having similar roots to Spanish, and Portuguese made it easier to learn. Due to his previous life, he easily learned and picked up both Portuguese and Spanish. Even if he neglected and never actually learned how to speak Spanish previously. Though his Portuguese was the Portuguese of Portugal and not the Portuguese that he knew. That is Brazilian Portuguese.

To be completely honest, Maxi wanted to not even learn where on the map those two countries were. His hatred for his old mother tongue was a strong thing, though after the constant nagging, and questioning from the people that heard him speak and swear a few times that sounded like Portuguese, he decided to ''learn'' how to speak Portuguese. That is, he simply just read the history books, and pretended they were language books as their titles were in Portuguese.

From that day forward they stopped nagging him as they thought he was learning it secretly. And he was secretly thankful for them. After all, even if he transmigrated/reincarnated, he was still an anti-social loner that preferred peace and quiet. Something very hard to find in an orphanage filled with kids of all ages and teenagers. Thankfully, his time wasn't wasted as he grew up.

He ''awakened'' his Essence when he became four years old. He is unsure why he didn't have it the moment he was conscious, but the warm feeling in his chest that comforted him whenever he thought he didn't have it made him simply leave it be for the moment. And true to his wish, it appeared like a system.

It was a pretty bare-bones system. It only displayed his name, age, current Character Template, skills, and race. Talking about his race, throughout the years he has been meditating even if it brought negligible results, and only increased the speed at which his soul was turning his body into that of a High Eladrin by micro percentages. Though he couldn't do anything about that, after all, he was in the Muggle World and there was very little magic, to no magic in the Orphanage he is in. He did try to find a few places with high quantities of magic, but he wasn't allowed to go outside without someone accompanying him.

Though besides a few tries, and changing into Venti a few times to feel how it works, he hasn't used his Essence at all. Being a paranoid individual, Maxi spent most of his free time that wasn't either reading, or sleeping, trying to control his magic and cast it wandlessly, and wordlessly. Something that would grant him an upper hand against the Wizards and Witches, as most of them never bothered, or even knew they could cast spells without a wand, or without their incantations. Even if he could lean on his Essence and turn into Venti if he needed to fight, he simply found that to be cheating to the extreme, as Venti was surprisingly, very powerful compared to any Wizard or Witch in the Harry Potter world. He'll only use his Essence in cases of emergency.

For his six years of effort, practicing casting, and using his magic, he had achieved only a simple Lumos spell that barely lasted a second. Though after his success, he suddenly felt revitalized as he, to his immense surprise, found another source of magic inside his body. Or well, it wasn't a single source, he felt there were ''four'' of them if he counted the Wizardry Magic that he feels in his body.

From what he could tell from experimenting with them, he could confidently say that his High Eladrin Soul wasn't the only thing that came from D&D. If he were to explain it, he would say he is a Level 0 Wizard, Sorcerer, and Druid.

Why 0 instead of 1st level? Simple, he can only circle this new source of magic inside his body, and the three of them, those being the Wizard, Sorcerer, and Druid sources were completely different from each other, and behaved accordingly.

To facilitate his understanding of his new sources of energy, he decided to call his Harry Potter magic as the Witcher source, and his D&D magic sources as their class title. So in his tiny six-year-old body, it somehow houses four distinct types of magic.

The Witcher Source, which powered his ''normal'' magic.

The Wizard's Source, which allowed, or would allow him to cast Wizard Spells and Cantrips.

The Sorceror's Source, which he could feel coming from his veins, and being pumped by his heart.

And the Druid's Source, which allowed him to feel a… Connection with nature. Funnily enough, it somehow also allowed him to ''understand'' or at least intuitively understand animals. He could accurately tell how an animal was feeling, and the reasons behind its actions. Though it would only be by total accident that he would discover he could speak Parseltongue. He discovered it while playing in the park, and he set under a tree far away from everyone but still in sight of the Matron so she wouldn't explode on his ear in worry.

He wasn't sure about the species of the snake, but while he was calmly reading under the shade, a snake sneaked its way into his legs and tried to strangle it. He only raised an eyebrow at the attempt, as the snake was quite small, and he had told it to fuck off in annoyance. Though when he heard the enthusiastic reply from the snake, asking if he was a Parselmouth, he could only surprisingly reply back with a nod. His visits to the park were now filled with either relaxing under the tree shade or talking with the local snakes about random topics.

Though lately, he has spent more time exercising and building muscle. It was mostly for two reasons only, both of which were because of him having Venti's appearance.

The first was due to a lack of muscles in his body, which would inevitably make him look too androgynous ''feminine'' to his tastes. And the other because he wanted to be taller than everyone. He wasn't small in his previous life, but he wasn't tall enough in his opinion. So after he decided to exercise to build up muscle, and also because it would only wield benefits to him, he also started asking for very specific foods and larger portions in the Orphanage.

Different from many fanfics he read in his previous life, which always portrayed any Orphan character living in an absolute shithole, his Orphanage, although not rolling in money, was wealthy, and nice enough to be willing to indulge in his weird requests. Of which were either meat-filled meals rich in protein or vegetables, fruits, and fish that either helped in the development of muscles or boosted his testosterone. After all, those things can influence the development of a young body, even if it's minuscule.

Currently, he was doing push-ups in the park near the usual tree he sits under. Around him were a few snakes, most of them were hidden inside the bushes and talking to themselves, only a few of them bothered watching him exercise, and even fewer bothered talking while he was busy. Though a certain Zoo escapee Scarlet Snake was too dumb to not bother him.

Scarlet, as he had nicknamed her, was a Scarlet Snake that didn't know when to shut her mouth and was curious about anything, and everything around her. Though he kind of regrets befriending, and giving her such a lame nickname at the time. But she is very kind, and surprisingly very much like a labrador as in she is loyal to the few friends she has. And dumb as a rock, or well, more like oblivious to things or naive.

Though the other snakes around the park only tolerated her because of him. Him being the only Parseltongue speaker in the entire area made them see him as a ''dispute'' settler, of which those disputes were mostly finding nesting places, and knowing if another snake stole something from them. Usually food, or something they stored in their nests.

He also earned the title of ''Warder of Avians'' after he talked with a few big predatory birds in the park to not eat the snakes. It was the first time he ever managed to get his Druidic magic to be able to do anything other than circle around his body. What did he do? He is 90% sure he cast the spell Speak With Animals.

It is only a Verbal and Somatic spell making it to be surprisingly easy to cast. Not requiring a material component helped a lot. After the first try, he managed to repeat the same spell with a few geese and ducks on the park's pond. The verbal component, to his surprise, could work in both Elvish and any other language, as long as those words hold the same meaning. And the somatic component was easy to memorize and perform on either hand.

Talking about hands, he is ambidextrous in this life. Something he trained in his early years.

Though returning to his first spell, he discovered, or well, more like he guessed that he could change the words he spoke to cast the spell. He decided to stick with Elvish for any non-Witcher Spell, that is any Harry Potter spell, and only ever use Elvish to empower the spell. Funnily enough, after this discovery he managed to keep the Lumos spell for five whole seconds before he felt absolutely drained and tired. Though not in a physical sense, and more in a mental sense.

Though, thankfully, as the years passed and he exhausted his magic practicing any spell he could think of he was pleasantly surprised that those fanfics didn't lie. His magic has steadily grown bigger each time it regenerates, of course, it was only minuscule growth, but after years of doing the same thing, he assumes he has quite a lot of mana in his stockpile.

'Is Mana even a thing? I don't think anyone ever talked about it or even used the word. Granted, I only watched the movies, of which I barely remember anything, and didn't read the books, but I don't think Mana is a thing, or used to describe the Magical Energy of Wizards and Witches.' Maxi thinks in the middle of his workout with a thoughtful face. 'Well, I don't think there's any harm in calling it Mana, and even if it isn't used in the Wizarding World it still is a good word to describe our magical energy. Humu, I wonder if I can manage a few cantrips? Nah, I should focus on trying to learn Occlumency and Legillimency. The sooner I can protect my mind, and manage to read other people's minds the better.' Maxi nodded at his thought process.

Finishing his workout, he stretches before he sits down under the tree shade, and relaxes. The snakes, seeing him not being busy anymore tried to talk to him, of which he only paid minimum attention to them as he waited for his body to cool down from the heat. The snakes were weird talk mates, as they truly talked about the weirdest things.

Like if he had ever eaten a rat, or hunted some animal. How long he spends in the sun, for they are worried about his skin color. Funnily enough, he's pale as a ghost, something he isn't sure Venti actually is not that he cares about that much.

''Maxi! It's time to go!'' The matron called him, and after hissing, that is, talking in Parseltongue to the snakes that he has to go, he quickly moved towards the matron.

The other kids and a few older ones surrounded her. Most of them seemed dead tired or were loudly complaining about having to go, though a few of the older ones seemed to be giving weird looks to him. He didn't pay any mind to them, and after the matron made sure everyone was there they went back to the Orphanage.

Walking in the kids all either went to the garden to play more or went upstairs to rest. The matron said that dinner would be served soon enough, and the majority of the kids just nodded their heads or ignored her. Maxi himself ignored her as he knew the Orphanage's schedule.

He walked to his room, and after locking the door to not be disturbed called his ''System'', or well, his Essence.


[ Name: Maxi Heikecrux Siegmund ]

Race: Human ( 1.8% High Eladrin )

Age: 6 Years Old.

Character Template: Venti (Genshin Impact) ( 38% Assimilated )

Traits: Fey Ancestry, Fey Step, Eladrin Seasons, Darkvision, Parseltongue, Keen Senses, Trance, Ambidextrous, Polyglot

Skills: Swordsmanship, Bowsmanship.

Spells: Lumos, Speak with Animals.


Humming, Maxi can only sigh at his status. The traits are an addition that he manually added so he could keep track of his traits. Those are things that he either knows he has or discovered he had. For example, his Eladrin Seasons was something he discovered as he noticed his mood and mental state were slightly influenced by the seasons. His hair also presented small dots of the colors of the season. Summer being that of a light blue, cherry red, and orange color. Autumn changed his hair to have dots of lemon yellow, a very light shade of orange, and an eggplant purple color. Winter changes into red ruby, sapphire blue, and emerald green. Winter has his favorite mix of colors. Spring colors are poppy red, daffodil yellow, and tangerine orange.

Summer made him more… rash, impulsive, bold, and aggressive or confrontational. Though those were slight influences and didn't impede or really cause any problems.

Autumn made him more peaceful, more calm, and forgiving. He also felt charitable. This season he hates the most, as it made him more empathetic towards the blights of the humans around him.

Winter made him more contemplative, and hold more negative emotions. Sadness, sorrow, and distress were the main emotions and feelings it brought, though he found that it only amplified what was already there. This season also boosted his brain, as he felt he could retain and learn things faster during this season.

Spring made him more, cheerful, and in a celebratory mood. He found this season to also inspire him with more creativity than usual, and his magic to be… more mischievous.

Though from all the traits he has, he loves Trance the most. It allowed him to enter a trance-like meditation, which completely negated the need to sleep for 8-9 hours a day. It allowed him to feel completely rested in just four hours, and the best thing is that he is semi-aware of his surroundings during it meaning he couldn't be sneak attacked, or anything similar. Of course, that didn't mean he would never be caught off guard, or even when he has his guard up, after all, he is only semi-aware of his surroundings.

It was kind of like turning your brain off, and being dependent on your senses to feel your surroundings. And he could even sleep normally like a human if he wanted to as well! Though he still prefers to Trance to rest.

'I should try another spell. Then meditate and practice, or well, figure out how the fuck Occlumency works as I don't remember much about it. Though if I can figure it out, I am sure I'll be capable of organizing my memories and give me a very good recall ability.' Maxi thinks before he walks towards his bed.

But suddenly, he hits the dresser next to the door and as he sees the glass cup that was on top of it fall on the ground and break, he could only curse. With a sigh, he moved to collect the pieces, though he stops as he feels his… Wizardry mana circles wildly inside his body. Moving toward his hands, they glow a brownish-golden color and as they glow he sees how his Wizardry mana quickly drains.

But as it does, he can see the glass cup that was broken in half repair itself through his very own eyes. His eyes widen as he recognizes the spell, and as it fully mends itself back, he's left completely dry and tired.

With deep breaths, he gets up and picks up the glass cup. Looking over it, he finds it to be perfectly intact, as if it never broke in the first place. Setting it on top, and not near the edge of the dresser, he quickly moved towards his bed before he laid down. Closing his eyes, he started his Trance, and after a short rest of an hour, he felt his mana return to full capacity.

Pulling his status menu, he saw a singular new spell added to it. And as he saw it, he could confirm his suspicion as it was indeed the cantrip Mending. Though as he read the description, he guesses he must've ''overloaded'' the spell for it to be able to completely repair the glass cup. After all, it broke into various pieces.

Satisfied with his new spell, Maxi decided that for today he'll sleep a full 9 hours as a reward for himself.
