
Essence of it All (DxD Essence Meta CYOA)

Kidnapped and given superpowers by being beyond his comprehension, Taylor must learn to survive in the deceptively dangerous world he now finds himself in. With the help of his new 'essence' powers and the fresh start given to him, Taylor must find ways to entertain his ROB patrons. The greater multiverse is watching, and... what was that? They want to see him fuck?!? Definitely 18+ (This story is "Plot" with plot. I will never claim it is anything other than a smutfic.) Also, this story contains mind control. In my opinion, it's rather light on the mind control scale, but not everyone is as degenerate as me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Warning: This isn't an Issei-bashing fic. He's not the main character, but I'm not going to kill him or whatever else authors with a hate boner for the pervert do to him. He's basically just a side character in this story.

Daddy · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

41 (18+)

After a metaphorical eternity spent waiting, I heard Rias call out from the bedroom, "You can come in now, Taylor."

I could feel her emotions as I stepped through the door and paused to take in the scene she had prepared for me. Jittery nerves and hopeful excitement flooded her mind in equal measures. She had been waiting for this for just as long as I had. I promised myself to do my best to not disappoint her.

She was waiting for me on the bed, clad only in the fishnets she was wearing earlier. Her smooth legs were curled up underneath her, and she lay back, propped up by a mountain of pillows. I had seen her naked plenty of times before, but her casual bedtime nudity had nothing on this scene. I could barely contain myself now that she was purposefully, and obviously, trying to seduce me.

Her pink nipples had hardened in anticipation. She was freshly showered, and I smelled a hint of perfume that was underlined with her own scent. Her fishnets came up to her belly button, highlighting her wide, breeding hips, and accentuating her slim waist. Her pussy was visible from the way she was posing, and it glistened like morning dew with her arousal.

A small nervous grin graced her face as I walked towards her. My clothes disappeared with a small pop and a single flex of a mental muscle. I got onto the bed, crawling until I was leaning over Rias. Her eyes darted between my face, torso, and cock.

"Nervous?" I asked.

"A little," she whispered.

I gently traced her fishnet covered legs. My featherlight touch made her shudder. I sent her a pulse of soothing vibes over a mental connection. I wasn't delving deep into her thoughts, just skimming my presence against the surface to let her know I was there. The knowledge of our connection made her relax slightly.

She pulled me in for a tender kiss. I moved her legs to the side as I reciprocated. Her soft lips played against my own, and my questing fingers found her entrance. She was already wet and ready. Her pussy seemed to be trying to suck my fingers inside.

I slid a pillow under her hips, propping her up in the optimal position. My cock aligned itself with her petals without breaking the kiss. A mental query had her nodding against my lips. A quick motion ripped the crotch of her fishnets, and made Rias gasp into my mouth.

I slid forward with one hand on her hip, and the other around the back of her neck to deepen the kiss. A subtle application of my power kept me from falling on top of her. Her slick pussy accepted my intrusion readily, allowing me to push my entire length into her on the first thrust.

Her maidenhood was ignored almost entirely as it parted for me without a hint of resistance. Rias moaned and lightly bit my lower lip at the feeling of being so thoroughly filled. Her inner walls clung to me, stretching just enough to let me deeper. I came to rest against the back of her pussy, and absently noted that we were a perfect fit.

Rias broke the kiss, panting from the intensity of her first penetration. Her legs wrapped around me, and I could feel her silky skin through the wide holes in her fishnets. I held myself still inside her only through sheer force of will.

My balls churned when Rias looked down at her stomach, and put her hand on the slight bulge made by my cock. The visible evidence of me claiming her stoked a primal fire in my core. I felt her core muscles flex and relax around me as she adjusted to the member piercing her most sacred place.

Gentle hands stroked my cheeks. Her thumbs traced my lips. Her eyes gazed up at me with soft love. It felt like I was falling into her body and soul. Her entire being embraced me, and I struggled to keep myself from moving under the weight of her attention.

"Thank you for coming into my life, Taylor. Thank you for becoming part of my family. Thank you for being gentle," Rias whispered. "I'm ready."

Her last sentence was the magic words I had been waiting for. I barely stopped myself from drawing back and driving my cock into her like a jackhammer. I took a deep breath to steady myself, and slowly pulled out of her inviting depths.

Every fold of her pussy seemed to suckle around me as I pulled out. The silken warmth gripped me like a vice, and despite Rias' words, her legs did their best to prevent me from leaving. I didn't get all the way out of her pussy before I thrust back in. The ridge of my cockhead scraped along her G spot, and made her eyes flutter in pleasure.

The second thrust made her moan, and the third was accompanied by her hands threading themselves through my hair. I settled into a steady pace that had Rias' legs pulling me deeper on every downstroke. Her walls quivered around my shaft until they developed into a milking rhythm that brought both of us the most pleasure.

A roiling tidal wave of ecstasy was building up inside me. Every movement, contraction, and coo of pleasure from Rias brought me closer to the edge. From the way that she was biting down on my shoulder, I could tell Rias was approaching the climax in the same way.

I kept my pace steady as my thumb went to her clit. An electric shock shot up Rias' spine when I touched her pleasure button. I paid special attention to the bundle of nerves hidden within her petals, and to the opposite side of it on the inside of her pussy.

My assault on two fronts swiftly brought her to the brink. Her eyelids fluttered, and she let out a long moan as I played her body like an instrument. The extra pleasure from her G spot and clit helped push her over the edge. She wrapped her arms around me, and used her legs to lock me inside as her pussy pulled me along with her.

I came as deep inside her as I possibly could. It felt like the suction of her milking cunt pulled the cum from my balls. Red hot pleasure battered our minds in waves, and the mental connection meant we both felt what the other did.

Each rope of cum pulled another moan from Rias' lips. Her womb was flooded with a thick, life-giving warmth. I purposefully didn't allow my seed to take. I'd wait until after the wedding to breed the crimson haired devil.

The fact that I wasn't impregnating her didn't make the orgasm any less fulfilling. Her body greedily sucked down my jizz until it overflowed through the seal Rias' pussy had made around my cock. She shook and shuddered from the feeling of fullness in her core, but her arms and legs didn't let me go. She was stuck to me so tightly that her back was off the bed, and we were basically floating on my power.

I lowered us onto the bed, turning over so that she was on top. Her face was buried in my neck as she struggled to retain control of herself through the intense climax. Eventually, her body stopped shaking, and she started grinding her hips against mine. She didn't remove her face from my neck, but her legs hooked under my thighs to give herself better leverage.

"Again?" I thought to her through the link.

She didn't respond with words, just a vague mental image of her passed out in a puddle of my cum and her own juices. If I wasn't still hard, that image would have been enough to send me into a breeding frenzy. As it was, I grabbed Rias' slim waist, and started helping her pump up and down atop me.

By the time we had finished fucking for the night, Rias was passed out still bent over the edge of the bed. I had railed her from behind until she screamed herself into unconsciousness. Her ass was the same shade of red as her hair, and even passed out, her body still shivered with orgasmic aftershocks.

I cleaned her up, and put her under the covers. I joined her after getting a couple bottles of water for the morning. Sleep claimed me easily as I cuddled my fiancee's naked body.