
Essence of it All (DxD Essence Meta CYOA)

Kidnapped and given superpowers by being beyond his comprehension, Taylor must learn to survive in the deceptively dangerous world he now finds himself in. With the help of his new 'essence' powers and the fresh start given to him, Taylor must find ways to entertain his ROB patrons. The greater multiverse is watching, and... what was that? They want to see him fuck?!? Definitely 18+ (This story is "Plot" with plot. I will never claim it is anything other than a smutfic.) Also, this story contains mind control. In my opinion, it's rather light on the mind control scale, but not everyone is as degenerate as me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Warning: This isn't an Issei-bashing fic. He's not the main character, but I'm not going to kill him or whatever else authors with a hate boner for the pervert do to him. He's basically just a side character in this story.

Daddy · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

10 (18+)

"Then we have a deal," I said, smiling down at her. My words combined with me suddenly forcing her to her knees caused a small orgasm to shudder up through her body. My cock was fully erect from our little exchange, and I pulled it free from the prison my pants had become. Laying it on Aika's face caused her nose and lips to press against the sensitive underside. We both gasped, me from the sensation of soft lips on my cock, and her from the scent of the pillar obscuring the center of her face.

"Kiss your way up to the tip slowly," I ordered. I groaned as she followed my instructions, laying featherlight kisses from the bottom of my shaft to the tip.

"Good girl. Now just relax and let me do all the work," I said. I quickly cast a spell provided by the Breeder designed to get rid of pain and increase elasticity. Even with the hentai physics that came with the Essence, I didn't want to hurt her. Aika's mouth opened wide, swallowing the tip, as I grabbed her braids firmly. She was turning out to be such a thoughtful cocksucker, providing these handles for the first man to take her throat.

Slowly, I pulled her down onto my cock. She swallowed and gagged around me as I pressed on through the entrance to her throat without stopping. I steadily thrust forward until her lips wrapped around the base of my dick. Holding her there, I just enjoyed the feeling of her throat writhing around me for a second. It felt like she didn't want to let me go, so after pulling out enough for her to take a breath, I thrust back inside the warm, wet vice that was her throat. I took care to keep my thrusts slow, letting her adjust to the prodigious cock that was fucking her face.

Aika's eyes crossed as she gazed at the dick entering and exiting her mouth, awe and desire clear in her emotions. When I pulled her back down to the base, pleasure exploded throughout her mind and her eyes squeezed shut. I paused again, buried deep in her throat, as she looked up at me, desire for more written across her face. Answering her unasked request, I speed up her face fucking.

The storage shed filled with the sound of wet slurps, panted breaths, and my own groans as the pleasure became too much for me to stay silent in the face of. Aika's fingers dipped below her skirt as she started to work her tongue in little circles on the bottom of my cock. My thrusts grew faster in response and Aika tried to put even more of her perverted knowledge to work pleasing me. She swallowed around the head of my cock, milking me with her throat muscles. Her fingers worked faster on her clit, and her whole body tightened up as she came.

Her orgasm locked me in place with my cock down her throat. She came and came like that for what must have been 15 seconds. Her body unconsciously squeezing and swallowing around my cock like a machine. When she finally went limp, I pulled my cock back until only the head was in her mouth. Her lips still suckled on my tip, and the faint light of consciousness was still in her eyes.

Seeing as my end of the deal hadn't been fulfilled yet, and as I hadn't cum myself yet, I stepped up my game. Aika's fingers lazily strummed her clit, but she saw I wasn't finished and they started to speed up again. I stepped closer to Aika's kneeling form, forcing her head to turn up to keep my cock on her tongue. In this position, standing almost directly above her, I had free reign of her throat, and she was positioned in a way that let my cock slide in and out of her with ease.

I didn't hold back anything with my first thrust down her throat. I made use of her braids, and how relaxed her throat already was, to plow into her without mercy. Drool pooled at the corner of her lips, lubricating my path directly into her throat. My cock showed its progress by visibly bulging her neck with each thrust. Orgasms came fast and hard for Aika, as she gave herself to me completely, submitting to my whims as I used her for both of our pleasures.

My own orgasm came quickly as I freely used her throat. With a stifled roar, I came, pulling Aika's head so I could get as deep as possible. My balls churned and clenched as cum surged through my dick and into Aika's stomach. I bent over almost double as I held her in place to take my seed. It was easily the most intense orgasm I'd ever had, and Aika wasn't far behind in her own. Her orgasm lasted even longer this time, and my cock was locked down her throat by her own body even after I stopped shooting down her throat and my cum came out in dribbles.

Aika's eyes had rolled back in her head as her orgasm drove the remaining consciousness out of her body. She went limp and I slowly removed myself from her airways to allow her to breath. Laying her down with her head in my lap, I stroked her messed up hair as I considered how lucky I'd gotten with her. I absently applied the Binding to her, fulfilling her side of the deal. I noticed her devotion was already almost as high as it could go.

Damn, how starved for positive attention must this girl have been? Now that she's mine, I'd have to spoil her and use her every chance I get. She's the first girl to give herself to me completely consciously and willingly, and that fact alone deserves some rewards.

As I waited for Aika to wake up, I considered which Essences to give to her, and at what levels. I ended up deciding on Blank, Mage, and Breeder. The first two so that she could keep up with this crazy shounen world, and Breeder because I was curious to see how lewd she could become with some meta help.