
Essence Meta CYOA

Welcome to Essence Meta CYOA.One of the most overpowered powers amongst superpowers

WillOblivionK · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Essence Meta CYOA Part 2-Section 4(Lack of Space)


Essence of Overcoming Limitations

By drinking this sticky fluid that tastes strangely like lemonade you gain the following abilities:

This grants you a body that stands at the peak of whatever race that you start as and grants significantly higher strength, endurance, intelligence, wisdom durability, stamina, talent, coordination etc compared to the race. Alongside this the body can become even stronger without any limit with a decently high growth rate. This growth rate will also increase as you grow stronger. This also makes your mind significantly more resistant to anything that can negatively effect your mind(Boredom, Madness, Mind Control,Fear, Telepathy, Memetic effects of Lovecraftian horrors and many many more things). Even standing in front of Cthulhu wouldn't drive you insane unless it uses its full power to do so. And rest assured you can recover from it given sometime away from such things.

This essence grants you immortality in the form of infinite reincarnation allowing you to surpass the limits of mortality. This reincarnation cannot be stopped by any being no matter how powerful. You will only stop reincarnating if you truly with a completely sound mind wish for it. You can reincarnate in whatever world or universe that you choose fictional or otherwise. You can reincarnate as whoever you choose (Wanna be Superman Shagging Wonder Woman? Sure go ahead).

If and only if you choose to be Canon character then you can activate a sort-of built-in auto-pilot that will allow you to do the same things they would have done had you not reincarnated as them. You can toggle on-off this auto-pilot as you please.This can be complete auto-pilot or partial or no auto-pilot. This could be useful for universes that you have no knowledge of. This auto-pilot mode is fully under your control and cannot take over your body or form their own consciousness. This will allow you to understand whatever character you are reincarnated as.

When you reincarnate, your status as a reincarnator and out-of-world knowledge and skills etc are completely hidden from all beings who would normally know about it. This means that if you are reborn as a human then even if you were a god in previous lives nobody will be able to detect the divine power in your body. You could go to Marvel verse and stand in front of One-Above-All and he wouldn't be able to tell that you don't belong and he'll receive info from his omniscience that you belong in Marvel. They'll only know about this status if you tell them yourself and allow them permission to look in your mind.

When it concerns your outside knowledge your mind, body and soul are completely immune to anything that would disclose your secrets like telepathy, drugs etc. However, when it doesn't concern such knowledge, the only protection you get is what is mentioned above unless you have additional abilities from somewhere else.

This immortality also allows you to retain everything. Anything physical, spiritual, mental such as memories, personality, skills, perks, abilities can be retained in subsequent reincarnations. You can discard or keep whatever you wish. If instead of dying from old age you are killed then in the next life you become immune to what killed you to a certain extent. (An example would be that if you died from Superman using his full power to rip your head off then should you reincarnate in the same universe Superman would need to use at least an order of magnitude more strength of kill you). Die enough times and you'll be invulnerable.

Any abilities like a Sacred Gear/Exaltation or such similar abilities will be copied and the original will be released back into the world after you move on to the next life. Or if you don't wish to have it remain an item, you can turn it into an innate ability with none of the drawbacks it had before. It will function properly regardless, even though it shouldn't.

Anything you gain from your adventures/CYOAs/Jumps whether by buying it or just pure hard work such as personal pocket dimensions, inventories, Bank accounts, Conquered universes and civilizations, Bases, Incomes, Potions, plants, gardens and such similar material things can also be taken with you into subsequent reincarnations and inserted without anyone questioning where they came from. And all of it fits in perfectly and legally.

This also gives you a higher than normal luck that can be further trained to become stronger. In the beginning this will be just enough for it to be noticeable such that while it won't let you clean out casinos it will let you win enough money to live a few months in luxury, get that one hot girl you didn't have a much of a chance with etc. But once it starts growing life might as well be a smooth sailing boat. Train it to a sufficiently high level and entire pantheon of gods can fall before your luck, even the dumbest plans you make will have a high chance of succeeding.

While this essence doesn't give you any knowledge or abilities in strategy, magic or ruling empires or anything that can be learned, If you manage to get your foot in the door, so to speak, your abilities will grow rapidly matching even the greatest of Archmages in a few years with this essence alone and surpass them if you have additional abilities that increase your growth even more.

Any abilities you have whether it is a spell, mutant power, your pool of magic, Divine Authority/Domains or merely just an ordinary skill will rapidly grow stronger eliminating weaknesses and limitations and adding new benefits surpassing what they previously were extremely quickly. Even the cost of using your abilities will continue to decrease with practice until you can use your skills for decades before feeling a noticeable dip in your power. This will even work on your essences and even similar abilities that help other abilities grow. If you're a God, you do not need the worship of mortals or others to live, survive or grow stronger.

Any of your abilities/powers that rely on external sources like Authorities/Domains become innate abilities in your next life. These innate abilities will be just as strong as the domain and can be used anywhere, no longer dependent on the permission of the World or the need of atmosphere or a planet. They can be used at the same level without using mana and enhanced even higher with mana. These powers will still grow stronger through worship or training or any other method you have. Eventually you'll be able to create planetary/cosmic storms and the like, with the strength and potency being still enough to kill gods and destroy planets and galaxies. If other gods couldn't resist your attacks before then they won't be able to resist it after the changes regardless of their immunity etc. And it will only get stronger with time.

This essence gives you minor porn logic enough to not harm partners during sexual activities and gives you a one time opportunity to decide what you look like and any look you chose will be absolutely, divinely gorgeous 10/10 to everyone. This is not some kind of allure effect, you just look that good. And this beauty will increase even more as you grow in life.

Any such abilities/essences/perks/powers that are similar such as Peak body, learning ability, Essences, blessings, porn logic, immortality will stack regardless of any other CYOAs say. But they have to be at least similar.

And finally, perhaps the greatest ability this essence grants is a multiplication to the Points and Choices available in CYOAs and Jumpchains. If a CYOA or jump gives you 10 points then multiply it by, 5 times the amount of available initial points, 50(10x50), if 100 points then (100x500) and so on and so forth. These extra points are not only to overcome the limitation of points available but also to upgrade available abilities and reduce drawbacks of the abilities. If an ability costs 10 points, then after spending 10 points to buy the initial ability there are various upgrades that can be added to the perk or skill or ability.

This multiplication works for not just points but choices/decision etc as well. If a CYOA doesn't have points and only choices then use the choices to upgrade the perks (One choice per upgrade or something similar to the initial choice cost). And if there are both Points and Choices then points can be used to upgrade the choices you make even though the choices may not be connected to the points in any way.

Upgrades cost the same as the original price of the perk and how much of an upgrade you get depends on the number of points spent. You can also double the strength of the perk per upgrade or add some new functionality to it. When you double - all aspects of the perk are doubled including any new upgrades.

You can buy a perk as many times as you wish regardless of any restrictions put on it. If a perk says "Perk 1" cannot be bought with "Perk 2" simply buy them both as long as you can afford them and they will work together perfectly even though they should not. Similar limitations like "This can only be bought twice" can be ignored and can be bought as many times as you can afford.

You can even choose the time/location/background where you start in the story and even modify it, if you pay the points.

Alongside the upgrades, the drawbacks/weaknesses of the skills/perks can be reduced by spending points similarly. However, the points spent on removing each of the drawbacks will cost at least twice as many points as the initial points of the perk. The upgrades can be anything as long as they are relevant to the original ability and doesn't deviate too much from the general theme of the perk. (A peak human CANNOT become as strong as Superman by spending an additional 10 points but it can be done if sufficient points are spent).

A drawback is anything you consider a drawback. Even Mandatory Drawbacks that are required to be taken without any extra points can be removed by spending points. But if there are multiple drawbacks in a skill for you then each drawback will have to removed individually by spending points as stated above. These points are available in every CYOA or jump that you do in a chain with this essence.

You can buy any and all origins, backgrounds, abilities etc including the ones that contradict each other. They will blend seamlessly with each other, stack where necessary and never work to harm you. Wank Responsibly.

Essence of Infinite Adventure

By GetRektNuub and cliffc999

Drinking this Absolutely Glorious looking liquid gifts you the following benefits:

This essence allows you to start your own Omniversal Adventures. This ability to go on an Adventure is powered by your own soul. So the stronger your soul is, the more powerful the world you can go into. At first, this will be limited to relatively weaker worlds like Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, and the like. But as you make your way through your own story and complete Adventures your soul will grow and with it your ability to go on greater and more powerful Adventures, and to whatever world(s) that you may desire and as often as you wish. No longer shall you be at the mercy of those damn ROBs.

When you start an Adventure you may arrive in whatever manner you wish. Arrive fully adult like an isekai character, reincarnate into the body of a child being born (with your age of 'awakening' to your full memories and power set at anywhere you choose up to adulthood), be created or summoned by some native character, whatever is appropriate to the particular narrative. This does allow you to replace a 'canon' character if you so choose, but you cannot reincarnate into a character significantly more powerful than you are currently unless the power boost comes entirely from the new racial template.

If you choose you may stop in the middle of one Adventure to start another one, and then return later on to resume your original Adventure where you left off. You can start as many adventures as you wish.

This Adventure wouldn't be infinite if you could die, so you are immortal now in the sense that your mind and soul are Absolute. Literally nothing, regardless of how powerful it might be, can alter them against your will, manipulate or control them, or harm them. This essentially gives you unlimited willpower, immunity to anything that affects your mind or soul, and a perfect memory with infinite storage. This does not affect your ability to learn from your mistakes or grow as a person.

As adventurers are rarely ugly or weak, at the time you drink this Essence and every time you reincarnate you get the opportunity to re-sculpt your body to your ideal desires and whatever aesthetics you choose. This body will be attractive beyond the most beautiful beings in universe and will only improve as you go to more and more worlds.

Alongside this, you become the absolute pinnacle of whatever race you chose to be part of. Your strength, intelligence, speed, resilience, talent and everything else you can think of will represent the maximum potential of your heritage, and that's when starting out.

In addition to this you may with sufficient effort overcome the inherent limitations or weaknesses of your race. You can train yourself to be immune to sunlight or blood deprivation if you are a vampire, to ignore Kryptonite if you're a Kryptonian, etc. These weaknesses can no longer instantly kill you or affect you.

Successful adventurers tend to be highly adaptable polymaths, so you will have an enormous amount of talent for pretty much anything you might wish to learn and an ideal growth rate. Provided that you possess the faintest capacity for whatever ability you're trying to develop you will be able to progress at incredible speed.

You also have minor porn logic.

If your body is destroyed then it will regenerate if you have a power that allows it. If you don't then you will reincarnate into another Adventure after you die. Since this essence doesn't provide any protection against your body being altered (unless you get something like that from elsewhere), you get a built-in switch to make yourself reincarnate at need. If you are reduced to a state where you would genuinely want to activate it but cannot consciously do so (such as being sealed or trapped in an infinite time loop), then this will automatically trigger. Reincarnating undoes all harm or unwanted changes done to you, regardless of its nature or source.

This reincarnation process allows you to keep the powers from your previous Adventures into following Adventures, and similar powers stack together to increase to beyond what they would be individually. Your powers cannot be taken from you, controlled, manipulated, copied or altered against your wishes as they are powered by your soul and no matter how many times you are destroyed your powers will not be affected. Every power, every ability, every perk is powered by your soul and you can be assured that any powers, abilities, curses etc., that affect your soul to weaken or destroy this power will fail to work.

You are immune to fate, prophecy and the like and they unravel around you as desired. If you reincarnate as a known character you can choose to have events go exactly like they did in canon or just interfere when you like or you can just flip fate upside down and do what you like.

Although your powers cannot be altered or taken against you, sometimes to defeat the bad guy you have to sacrifice your power to do it. Now you can do this too and no amount of resurrection or plot armor can save your enemies from a permanent death. However, unlike other protagonists you don't lose your powers permanently if you sacrifice them to take down an enemy. Instead you will regain the power that you sacrificed after 4 years and when your powers return they will be atleast an order of magnitude stronger.

Should you wish you can combine any similar abilities together instead of keeping them separate and this combined power will work same as it would have if you stacked the similar powers as mentioned above. This will help you keep track of the different abilities you have.

A dangerous ability that you possess is - Any ability you have whether it is a Spell/Power/Perk/Ability/Memetic effect or anything that affects somebody else's mind and soul is completely undetectable. Any kind of Telepathy, Soul manipulation, memetic effect, an scent/ability that makes other fall in love with you or anything similar such as fluids/pheromones being addictive or affecting their biological/chemical processes, soul bindings, brainwashing etc is also undetectable, unavoidable and unbreakable regardless of who that being is. All such powers will be effective on all manner of beings regardless of whether they are biological beings or energy beings. Even Abstract Cosmic entities and Omnipotent, Omniscient beings will not be able to detect it or stop it unless you wan them to. You may optionally discard this option just this once. Use it responsibly.

You can dial down any ability you possess from zero to hundred or anywhere in between.

As your soul grows stronger, your powers will too. Initially, the strength of your powers will be limited to whatever Adventure you got them from but as your soul gets stronger the powers will rapidly grow in every aspect, reducing the limits and drawbacks and in time completely eliminating them. You can also remove the inherent limitations of any powers with training and improve them without limits.

If you find that you've become too powerful for Adventures to be any fun then you may choose to place as much of your power and potential as you wish 'in storage' when reincarnating, and reclaim it in a later reincarnation or you can also have it be a temporary power-up you can access when needed. Likewise, you may 'softcap' your growth or uncap it at will.

Finally, if you fail any Adventure then all you have to do is finish another Adventure in a separate world and you can go back to the one you failed and do it again. Learn from your failures and never give up, for your soul can reach infinity if you have the will.

Please note that these Omniversal adventures can be any type of adventures. Jumpchains, CYOAs or any combination of the two or anything else that you can imagine. If your adventures are a Jumpchain then at the end you'll receive an "Old-Walker Spark" and there can be no Jump fail scenario for you due to this essence and if it is a CYOA then same rules apply. And if you ever decide you need a break then you can spend as long as you wish in each world regardless of any drawbacks or scenarios you take.

You can also ignore rules that only force you to have one background or origin and can choose multiple to enhance your story. Any other similar limits can be ignored.

These adventures will last as long as you wish them to beyond the initial minimal requirements. If you wish to stay in a jump for more than 10 years then now you can but you still have to stay for minimum 10 years.

The rewards you receive from your adventures will work as intended in all worlds and they cannot be hindered as you have already struggled to earn all your power.

Or if you eventually decide it's time to stop Adventuring of your own free will, then you may move on to whatever comes next.

You can use as many Meta-CYOAs with this as you wish for enhancing your adventure.

Essence of Adventure Alteration

By drinking this essence you gain the following abilities

This essence provides you one and only one ability - You can change/modify the wording of any lore or perk or ability etc in any CYOA or jump that do in a chain to this one. This means that if you don't like any perk or ability that is available then you can completely overhaul it or make desirable changes or remove weaknesses,cooldowns etc.

This essence differs from Gamechanger and Rule Breaker essences in the sense that the changes you make doesn't have to follow the general theme of the perks. Yes, you can alter other essences with this including other META CYOAs as well. And as there are no points to spend on essences you may alter them as you wish. Anything that counts as a CYOA or Jumpchain can be changed.

If you wish you can add/remove/change perks, abilities etc but they must be consistent with the CYOA/Jump and cannot break the setting and appropriate cost must be assigned to it.You may however upgrade it or grow it into a setting breaking perk/ability if you have any king of essences/perks/powers etc that allow you to do so.

You may however add or remove anything to META CYOAs like Essence META,Cheater's Chest etc without limits.

However, there are certain limitations to this essence as mentioned below.

You cannot change the number of available points or prices of any abilities with this essence.

You cannot change any perk/ability to be more powerful than the points it is worth unless you pay for it. For example you cannot change a 100CP perk in a jump and make it as powerful as a 600CP perk if you don't pay 600CP. If you pay you can make it stronger and if not then you can only have it remain a 100CP perk.

You cannot take a drawback and then make it weaker to make things easier for yourself. Should you change a drawback then it must remain as effective and brutal as it's predecessor, though it can be easier to manage if you have any abilities from another world that help you deal with it.

The changes can only be done once unless you drink this essence again,somehow. For example: If you drink a few essences then drink this essence, you will be able to alter the essences(CYOAs) that came before this one and also the ones that come after this one. However, you can only do this once every time you drink this essence. If you somehow manage to replicate this essence(which is possible), then you can do so and change what you wish after you drink it.

Essence of the Anti-Immortal

By drinking this dark essence pulsing with an enormous amount of power, you become a being capable of killing that which cannot be killed.

Your mind, body and soul are elevated to the point that your body is strong enough to beat the Skyfathers to a pulp and take their blows without a single scratch on your nigh-indestructible body. Your mind surpasses the Ultimate Gods of Intelligence and Wisdom such that even a Matrioshka Brain would look like a dumb primitive monkey to your mental prowess. Your speed, agility, dexterity far surpasses the speed of light and the Gods of Travel and Speed. Your willpower is unlimited such that even if you are tortured for eternity in the flames of hell you will never break. Your soul has been made nigh-indestructible and absolutely immortal. This immortality cannot be altered or erased or otherwise affected negatively in anyway.

You no longer need to eat, drink, produce waste, sleep or perform any other bodily needs. You may however choose to perform all of them as you see fit. You also do not age and are biologically immortal. Your mind is completely immune to things that would negatively affect it such as illusions or hallucinations or telepathy or mind control. You are also immune to memetic effects and effects like no being able to withstand looking at the true/divine form of gods and demons. Any lie detecting powers or tech or any such thing will detect what you want them to detect.

All this perfectly culminates into a body suitable to kill the almighty gods and demons that rule the different parts of the world and the universe.

While having a nigh-indestructible body is well and good, there will always be someone strong enough to reduce you to a pile of ashes. So this essence grants you an absurdly, enormously powerful regeneration factor that works on a Physical, Mental and Spiritual level. If your body is completely disintegrated on a quantum level you will still regenerate and come back. Your mind becomes able to heal from any damage or trauma and you remain forever mentally healthy unaffected by things like boredom or depression etc caused by your immortality. Your soul is nigh-indestructible but there will always be some goddamn over-achiever who somehow managed to specialize in destroying souls, so your healing factor is strong enough that even if your soul is erased from existence it will still regenerate and reform.

Due to this regeneration, to truly kill you a being has to destroy you on the Physical, Mental and Spiritual level simultaneously. Only then can it be considered a true death for you. If a being only destroys your physical body but not your mind and spirit then it only counts as a physical death from which you can regenerate from. This is also similarly the case for Mental and Spiritual Deaths.

A side effect of this absurd regeneration is that you gain a type of Adaptive Evolution that also functions eerily similar to a Zenkai Boost. First of all, this Adaptive Evolution is not going to turn you into a hideous monster like Doomsday so be at ease. The way it works is that every time you take damage from anything to your mind, body or soul all three of those aspects start building up resistances against what damaged you and you also grow in power. The more you are damaged the stronger your resistance will be and the stronger the boost that you receive in power. The higher you resistances the less damage you receive from such attacks, eventually becoming completely invulnerable. If there is any attack that would kill you in a single hit(Whether it is a Physical, Mental or Spiritual death) without even granting you an opportunity to develop your resistance then instead of a resistance you'll develop a complete immunity to that level of attack and it will take much more power to one-shot you with the same type of attack again. (For example if someone hits you with a lightning blast enough to vaporize a mountain and you take a decent amount of damage then you'll build up resistances to lightning blasts of those level. The next time you get hit with the same attack it may not leave more than a few scratches on your body. If the lightning blast completely vaporizes you and causes a physical death then you'll be immune to that level of lightning blasts).

With the kind of intelligence and wisdom you have, it shouldn't be a surprise that your rate of learning and growth is absolutely absurd and beyond anything even the greatest gods are capable of and it only gets better to the point that your growth rate has a growth rate. This means that as you get stronger the speed at which you get stronger also increases. You have an absolutely ridiculous amount of talent for anything and everything in existence. Whether it is academics, acting, combat or anything you can imagine. You could learn and master any skills within a week and rapidly master them to beyond the most skilled of the gods in a few months at most such that you could surpass the most talented Goddess of Family at Cooking or the most skilled Smith God ever at creating artifacts/weapons etc that stand among the most breathtaking things ever created in existence or the most talented Incubus at seducing any being.

You are capable of copying and learning and improving any magic, magic system, skill, talent, perks, abilities, bloodlines etc even if you shouldn't be capable of it. Regardless of how innate the skill is, or how rare the bloodline is you can copy it. If you have a magic that lets you copy weapons or armors etc then as a Slayer of immortals you can even copy Divine/Conceptual weapons perfectly even if it shouldn't be possible to copy them. When you copy anything, it automatically becomes at least 5 times better than the original and in time you can make all your skills not just the copied ones up to several orders of magnitude stronger and better in every way. You can remove weakness of racial traits you copy or weakness in a magic spell, everything can be improved.

You know the perfect ways to train all your powers and improve them or remove limitations/weaknesses.

All the above abilities are just the base abilities provided by this essence. These abilities can be further enhanced by the absolutely enormously powerful Magic Core that is connected to your very existence. This core is extremely potent such that a single drop of your magic is equal to what thousands of the greatest of mortal mages generate throughout their lifetimes and an almost limitless well of magical energy such that even the almighty Odinforce pales in comparison. This energy can be used to enhance all your physical, mental and spiritual attributes, it can enhance the power and speed of your regeneration and provides energy for all your spells. This can even enhance passive skills and bloodlines and other perks beyond what their base give you.

Just like the Gods and Demons, you have an almost innate understanding of the life, death and the universe and all it's forces, natural, esoteric or otherwise. You can use your magic to create life, use all powerful runes to shape the universe or even create star forges to create any technology you can imagine, generate shields to stop supernovas, create Dyson Spheres and anything else you can imagine. You also gain an extremely powerful Clairvoyance that allows you to gaze into the past, present and future letting you see all the infinite possibilities and allowing you to choose which path to walk down on.

You wouldn't be called an Anti-Immortal if you weren't capable of living up to the title. You are capable of killing anything in existence regardless of how powerful they are or how unbeatable and invulnerable and unkillable they are and Regardless of the type of immortality (Phylactery or curse of immortality etc..). Whether they be Embodiments of concepts or all powerful gods, demons or angels you can kill them. You can rip through any immunity or invulnerability any being you face has. You can use lightning to kill a God of Thunder/Sky/Lightning for example or read minds of those immune to telepathy.

Even beings who lack the concept of death and the most bullshit forms of immortality can be killed. You can do it by applying the concept of death onto them or any other way available to you. You can also kill them without applying such concepts. You can kill those who resurrect using Time curses or loops and anything else you can imagine.

And every time you kill anything whether mortal or immortal you become stronger. Every bit of talent, potential, physical and magical power, knowledge, skill, experience,charisma, beauty, weapons, any special abilities given by their bloodlines and everything that once belonged to your defeated foe will be yours. Such is the price of going against you. And not just that - when you kill anything they die a permanent death unless you allow their resurrection by any means

Another ability provided by this essence is - the ability to revive your defeated/killed foe into a new species of Shadow Servants. The reason they are made of shadows is that all beings cast shadows since the day they are born. Our shadows are constantly with us every moment of our life, preserving memories and experiences. Our foes when revived as part of our shadow army don't possess the soul as it moves on to the after life after getting killed. The shadow possesses the ego, personality, the memories along with all their power. And all the powers and abilities the being had is much stronger than when they were alive. They will be completely loyal to us and incapable of betraying us no matter what whether willing or unwillingly.

This new species will look just as they did when your foes were alive but they are made of shadows. They are capable of procreating with all living beings and each other. They essentially function as any normal species does but they are completely loyal to us. There is no limit to how many Shadow servants you can have. And any being can be revived as your servant regardless of whether they are gods or cosmic beings or embodiments of concepts.

You have access to a separate dimension which is the 100 times the size of our solar system filled with 10 super planets which revolve around a super massive star. These planets have the best resources available in the universe. All your Shadow Servants will stay in this Shadow Dimension and eventually form a civilization better than 99.999% of the civilizations in the universe.

Although our Shadow servants may be stronger than they were in life, they can still get hurt and can be damaged and destroyed. Now however, every time they are damaged/destroyed you can either send them back to the shadow dimension to recuperate or use your own nigh-limitless magical energy to allow them to rapidly regenerate. They can continue regenerating so long as you have magical energy available and they can never be permanently destroyed so long as you live.

This essence does not give the option to become stronger through worship. Should you have that ability from somewhere else however then you can receive power from your servants as they worship you as their deity. And should you have the ability to be reborn into other worlds then you may take all your powers, your dimension and your servants along with you if you choose to.

Also if you become a deity or something similar or simply through this essence, then while you will get stronger when more and more people worship you, you won't get weaker when they stop worshiping you. Also an important thing is that you won't be influenced by the thoughts/perceptions of mortals and develop split personalities or something similar. You will only change if you want to change. You also won't be bound by divine/ancient laws or something similar and can freely interact/travel with all dimensions/realms/planets etc without being weakened or losing your powers.

If you slay gods as a god then their domains/authorities will become yours and any negative side effects of having them are nullified and these domains can be enhanced using your mana. If you're not a god then their domains will become an innate ability you can access and they function the same as before and can be enhanced with your mana. Nevertheless you'll have all the power and skill and knowledge need to use it.

All your powers cannot be suppressed, copied, altered, nullified or affected negatively against your will. You cannot be sealed away by any magic or seals or anything similar to it.

If you choose, you may allow somebody to seal you away and suppress your power but you will be able to escape the seal by breaking them or simply escape without even touching the seals if you don't want anyone to know you have escaped. This has the advantage of making the seals act like training wheels. The longer you have been sealed away the stronger your power becomes. Merely spending a year sealed away would double your power and it will keep doubling the longer you are sealed.

Similarly, you may choose to sacrifice your power to defeat a great enemy and no amount of resurrection or plot armor can save your enemies from a permanent death. However, unlike other protagonists you don't lose your powers permanently if you sacrifice them to take down an enemy. Instead you will regain the power that you sacrificed after a year and when your powers return they will be at least an order of magnitude stronger.

This sacrifice doesn't have to be all of your power as you can sacrifice a single ability to destroy an enemy. However, the stronger the enemy in comparison to you the more power you'll have to sacrifice. The strength of this sacrifice will keep increasing as you grow stronger.

This sacrifice doesn't necessarily have to be to defeat an enemy. You can sacrifice your power to perform miracles like saving someone's life or resurrecting the dead or any other cause in which case the return of your powers will be significantly faster than if you sacrificed to destroy someone.

You can also sacrifice certain aspects of one of your powers to enhance other aspects of your powers. For example, if you get Tiamat's Authority of Life, you can simply sacrifice your ability to create her mud/sea of life and simply keep her infinite mana/true ether and also her immense output and then enhance it even further.

You have absolute control over all your powers and you know every possible trick and abilities your powers possess. You even retain your powers if you somehow possess another body by means of possession or crafting yourself a new body or any such method or even if you become a being of pure energy you can retain biological advantages even though it should not be possible. You can also decide if your previous bodies retain any benefit you had - leaving perks/abilities/bloodlines to the body or completely removing them rending the older bodies worthless.

God-slaying is all well and good but it wouldn't be very impressive if you were not good at laying with others. You don't need to worry about that now, however, as your Charisma is absolutely absurd and beyond even what the most suave and charismatic sex demons can have. You could convince even the most devoted Goddess of Marriage to leave their husbands for you over the course of a night or make a Succubus consider monogamy.

Your skills at manipulation are such that you can manipulate people incredible number of people without them being aware of what you are doing. Even the most talented Gods of Truth won't be able to tell you are doing it. You could easily start wars between entire pantheons with a few well-chosen words.

Your skills at seduction and sex are such that you passively seduce the women around you and this yields positive results almost all the time as though you were making a casual attempt at seduction using normal methods, there are no negative consequences for failure as you are not seen as doing anything abnormal. And when you are actually trying even the most prudish and man-hating virgin goddesses can be seduced without them even being aware that you are seducing them or if you want them to be aware that can also be done. Your ability to bring pleasure is such that even the most experienced goddesses and succubus can be left into a mewling ahegao'd mess. They would devote their entire lives to you after a single romp.

You have minor porn logic and all your fluids taste like the most heavenly substance in the entire multiverse and it creates a deep craving for more but it's not quite addiction unless they drink your blood. Any creature of night would be addicted to the taste of your blood should they experience is but once.

You are not bound by fate, prophecy, karma and all such similar things. Your destiny is your own and no amount of curses or prophecies can decide the course of your life.

You can adjust the power of this essence according to the world you go to if you wish.

Essence of the Infinite Multiplier Inventory

By drinking this essence you gain a video-game type inventory that bestows the following effects on you

Gain a video-game type inventory that only you and those you permit can access or interact with. This inventory has infinite slots and can be manifested as you please and can store any item regardless of its size. You can even store an entire planet in it by enlarging and pushing a slot of the inventory towards the planet.

This inventory allows you to put any stored item or being into stasis or you can even fast forward the time so that a wine that is stored can taste better or that "5 year old Heavenly Myriad Immortal Herb" from some cultivation world can rapidly grow into a "5000 year old Heavenly Myriad Immortal Herb". You can decide whether each slot is in stasis or accelerated time or just assign a different time for each individual slot.

This wouldn't be an Infinite Multiplier Inventory if it didn't do what it says it does - Any item you place in this can be multiplied an infinite number of times. Any weapon, potion, vehicle once it goes in it becomes infinite. You can put a $100 bill in it and it would multiply it while changing the numbers infinite times.

If you want to destroy anything in the inventory completely you can do it. It would be just like pressing the 'Delete' button, but you won't be able to get it back unless you had another saved in a slot.

You can use the inventory to absorb enemy attacks and multiply it ad infinitum and shoot them back at 10X greater speed than you received them. To absorb them you can manifest you slots like Gilgamesh's Gate of Babylon or anything else you wish.

There is a limitation on this ability - While it is possible to multiply living beings such as animals, even the ones that show an incredible amount of intelligence like "The 8 Kings in Toriko" or "Neo" or massive beasts, you cannot multiply Intelligent and Sapient beings like Humans.

You can also combine items/objects like metals, swords, potions to create stronger versions of them. For example, you can combine 2 low level health potions to create one medium level or 2 high level potions to create one ultimate level.

The only limitation is that those items must be of similar types. You can merge a poison and a health potion to create something that heals first then eventually kills them or combine a sword and a spear to create a weapon that can shift into either in an instant. You cannot however mix a sword made of steel and a sword made of wood unless the wood is actually as strong as steel. Similar rules apply to all other things.

Feel free to fan-wank.

Essence of the Heavenly Dragon Emperor (DxD)

By drinking this red and white swirling, chaotic drink you gain power greater than Ddraig and Albion

You gain the body of a Heavenly Dragon far stronger than even the two Heavenly Dragon Emperors combined at their prime. You can customize this body's color, shape, size and any other aesthetic as you please as long as it looks like a dragon. You have a human form, a human/dragon hybrid form and a full dragon form. Your dragon form can achieve a maximum of 10km length and 4km height. You can customize all three of your forms and they will always look like a perfect 10/10 in the DxD world. Only the gods of beauty could hope to match your looks and that's just barely.

Your physical attributes are such that in your human form a casual punch from you can pulverize an entire continent while a serious punch would destroy a planet the size of earth. In your dragon form a casual punch would destroy earth and your serious blows can even shake stars and with some effort destroy them, half a dozen hits should do. Your durability is enough to tank a supernova in your face with only a few scratches. Your defense also applies to the most esoteric, abstract or conceptual attacks as well. Your intelligence can match a Matrioshka brain and wisdom has also increased to balance your intelligence. You have an absurd amount of luck to the point that the world itself bends over backwards to accommodate you such that things seem to almost always go your way. Everything you set out to accomplish can be accomplished with just your luck alone.

You possess enormous charisma enough to bend the will of the entire planets. You could convince a women to sacrifice her newborn to you within minutes or seduce a strict, married no-nonsense devil maid to sleep with you within a couple of hours.

Your mind and soul are unbreakable. No matter the method - anything that affects your mind or soul from the most mundane things like stress to the most esoteric things like Dragon-Specific/Holy Grail type mind and soul control is incapable of effecting you. Your mind and soul are your own. Even a succubus wouldn't be able to take your soul.You could make a contract with the Omnipotent Devil selling your soul and he wouldn't be able to take it from you no matter what.

Your mind, body and soul are completely immortal. You have absurd regeneration to the point that you can regenerate from being conceptually erased from existence. No matter the method used to destroy you, you will return to life. And every time you are killed you become immune to what killed you and you will slowly develop resistance and immunity towards attacks that harm you.

You are completely immune to all forms of poison and Dragon slaying abilities/weapons etc. You also lack the innate racial weaknesses that affect Dragons and if your race is changed somehow then any weaknesses of that race will also be removed. You also cannot be sealed. Any attempt to seal you would result in the seal failing to take effect.

You possess incredible regeneration allowing you to regenerate from a single sub-atom within seconds similar to Ban. You can be killed but it's incredibly difficult. This regeneration cannot be stopped or slowed by any anti-healing/regeneration type attacks or even conceptual ones.

You possess enormous amounts of Magic power far surpassing even the most powerful of the gods and dragons. However, you are not the strongest in DxD with just this. The only ones who could hope to match you in raw power and potency are the Dragon Gods and Trihexa and even that is just barely. You have the knowledge of all of the magic systems in the DxD world and you have absurd talent in magic such that you can master one magic system within a month and surpass the greatest Gods of the respective pantheon in their own magic within 3 months. Your raw power, both physical and magic power and potency, doubles every year when you do nothing and the time is shortened drastically if you train hard. This doubling also affects all positive traits of your abilities, powers, perks etc while the negative effects are divided by 2 every time the doubling happens.

Your magic power grows stronger significantly faster than your physical power until you reach the same star destroying levels of physical strength mentioned above. However, this can only be done through training. Do note that even Dragon Gods can be killed by the Gods of the Other World. Make sure to train properly as relying on the power of this essence alone can get you killed.

Your growth rate is such that you can go from a baby dragon to matching the God of Destruction Shiva within a year of training and from then on your growth rate keeps increasing continuously to absurd levels.

You have all the powers and abilities and raw power possessed by Ddraig and Albion and they are easily at least an order of magnitude more efficient and powerful than the original abilities. All abilities such as Boost, Divide/Absorb, Penetrate, Blazing Inferno of the Scorching flames of Ddraig and the 'Reduce' ability of Albion are far stronger than the originals. You can now Boost and Divide abstract and conceptual things like Space, Distance and even time.Your flames can destroy souls of cosmic entities and even beings who should be completely immune to your abilities are now affected. You have full control over your powers and know every trick and every nuance of all your abilities and can master them rapidly and make them orders of magnitude stronger with sufficient training.

You possess the Dragon Allure - A quality that all dragons possess that attracts strong allies and strong enemies to you. This is the same for you, however as a Heavenly Dragon this ability is absurdly powerful in comparison. While you attract strong enemies, it will never reach a point where you face an opponent you can never defeat your opponent. You attract strong allies to the point that you can earn the respect of people who wouldn't easily respect you.

This works especially well on attracting strong and beautiful women and grants you great instincts to help you seduce them. Your scent is intoxicating to all women and the more powerful and magically sensitive they are the more your musk attracts them to you and tells them that you are the most suitable being to have offspring with. This scent also amplifies any pleasure they feel caused by you. The stronger you get the more powerful this effect becomes but regardless even the most magically insensitive person can be seduced without much effort within a week.

The effect also increases based on your proximity to women, your physical exertion, ventilation and the power of the women. The effect does not decrease if they run far away from you and eventually causes them to succumb to a sexual thirst that only you can sate. This effect of sexual thirst can be toggled on or off completely or even adjusted anywhere in between so that it's only extreme attraction and lust rather than "Pls fuck me right now". Do note that this may allow them to resist you for longer.

A side effect of this is that all your fluids taste like the most heavenly delicious substance in existence. Drinking enough of your fluid can be slightly addictive but never enough to create withdrawal symptoms or any negative consequences(Works especially well on vampires).

The Two Heavenly Dragons rule over the principles of Domination and Supremacy and now so do you. They don't seem to have a tangible effect in Canon. But thanks to this essence you get a tangible from those principles.

From Supremacy - Every time you defeat or kill an enemy you gain a copy of all of their knowledge, skills, abilities, bloodlines, talents etc. This copies all the advantages and removes all drawbacks all these may have. This allows you to rapidly grow in personal strength and become a perfect being.

From Domination - You are a master of seduction and manipulation. Your skills at seduction and sex are such that you passively seduce the women around you and this yields positive results almost all the time as though you were making a casual attempt at seduction using normal methods, there are no negative consequences for failure as you are not seen as doing anything abnormal. And when you are actually trying even the most prudish and man-hating virgin goddesses can be seduced without them even being aware that you are seducing them or if you want them to be aware that can also be done. Your ability to bring pleasure is such that even the most experienced goddesses and succubus can be left into a mewling ahegao'd mess. They would devote their entire lives to you after a single round. You could easily make any women fall in love with you whether they be mortal, devils or goddesses.

Apart from these anything that you can think of that falls under Domination and Supremacy is superbly effective. Such as dominating the minds of enemies or training to become the strongest.

You are immune to fate, prophecy etc and they will unravel around you as you please.

A final ability this essence grants is that similar to Boost and Divide you may create four techniques that are just as powerful as them (Example: Multiply etc). Along side this you may also select four additional principle to rule over. These principles can be anything such as Time, Space, Life, Death,Destruction etc and your control over them is such that you can stop Dragon Gods with Time Stop and even though their power should allow them to move they won't be able to. Resurrect entire countries filled dead not as zombies but as living breathing people and even Gods of Death won't be able to stop you. Kill Shiva with Orbs of destruction. You can eventually with training manipulate the principles on an absurd conceptual level.

Lastly, you may be granted a title of your own such as " Heavenly Dragon Emperor of Time/Space" etc depending on your principles.

You can be reborn in DxD at any point in time as anyone in any family.

Essence of the Demon King (Nanatsu no Taizai)

By drinking the essence filled with liquid darkness you gain the power surpassing the Demon Kings

You possess the physical attributes to shatter an entire country in your base form and possess a True Demon King form that makes you beyond a planetary threat. You can also easily withstand the same. You can design what your body looks like completely.

Your intelligence and Wisdom have been enhanced to be equal to that of the smartest beings in existence. Your mind and soul have turned into a bulwark of the highest order making it impossible to affect your mind and soul negatively in any manner no matter what. You have all benefits like perfect memory, recall and indexing. And you are now immortal and ageless and unlike normal demons do not die after 3000 years.

You possess incredible regeneration allowing you to regenerate from a single sub-atom within seconds similar to Ban. You can be killed but it's incredibly difficult. This regeneration cannot be stopped or slowed by any anti-healing/regeneration type attacks or even conceptual ones. The healing you possess is far superior to the one possessed by demons and Ban.

This regeneration allows your body to rapidly grow and evolve when faced with extreme conditions. This is similar to what happened to the Undead King - Ban when he was in purgatory but even better as you don't need thousands of years to adapt. Merely within a few months with harsh training and conditions you can start approaching what Ban accomplished and surpass him in a few years.

You hold terrifyingly massive amounts of Spiritual and Magical power that is far surpasses what the Demon King and Meliodas in his Demon King form would have combined. Enough to justify yourself being a beyond planetary threat. If you wish so, however, you can merely grant yourself the potential to reach this level with quite a bit of training.

Your magic power is compatible with every form of magic in existence. You can learn any magic or Ki or Chakra or similar such abilities even if you don't have the circuits or nerves or bloodlines or cores or gender etc. You can learn the magic of angels as a Demon.

You also have absurd magical resistance and any type of harmful magic which cannot effect/destroy an entire continent is completely nullified and only magics that go beyond that level can only start to give you scratches. It would take something that would destroy entire planets to cause any meaningful damage to you assuming they bypass your natural durability.

You have a terrifying growth rate. What would take even someone considered a super-genius centuries to learn you can learn, grow and master within days and anything that takes less than that you can learn within moments. You can learn anything whether it is magic of humans or even the Ark of the Goddess clan.

You are a master of combat both armed and unarmed and only Meliodas and Zeldris surpass you in strength and skill for now. With sufficient training you can surpass them and make even the greatest warriors look like untrained peasants swinging swords around.

Any abilities you have whether it is a spell, mutant power, your pool of magic, Divine Authority/Domains or merely just an ordinary skill will rapidly grow stronger eliminating weaknesses and limitations and adding new benefits surpassing what they previously were extremely quickly and eventually matching God-like being. This will even work on your essences and even similar abilities that help other abilities grow.

You know every single bit of magic and secret techniques ever created by the Demon Clan and Humans. All the magic shown by Chandler or abilities shown to be developed in the Demon Clan such as Admonition, Perfect cube or Full Counter etc. You can also use the curses of the Demon King and techniques shown by Meliodas and Zeldris.

You possess powerful Nature Manipulation abilities such as the ability to cover an entire country in a Storm or create Hurricanes the size of cities or create massive forests, manipulating the elements as you please, fogs, acids etc. You possess immunity to brainwashing effects and other negative mental status effects and can grant these effects to others.You have full control over all aspects of nature.

You do not need a specific weapon such as Sacred Treasures or other similar weapons to access your full power. You can use your full power as you like.

You gain a Sacred Treasure whose abilities are up to you. Whether they have a dozen powers like Chastefoil or a single power like Lostvayne is up to you. This treasure significantly amplifies all your powers and will start as strong as the Sins' Treasures. As you grow in power, knowledge etc, so will your weapon, without limits. This weapon is nigh-unbreakable and can be recalled to you in a moment.

You can merge any weapons that you gain or own into your Sacred Treasure granting it all the benefits while removing limits or drawbacks. It also adds multiple forms allowing your weapon to shift from a sword to a spear or a bow or a dagger and so-on.

All your powers cannot be suppressed, copied, altered, nullified or affected negatively against your will. You cannot be sealed away by any magic or seals or anything similar to it.

If you choose, you may allow somebody to seal you away and suppress your power but you will be able to escape the seal by breaking them or simply escape without even touching the seals if you don't want anyone to know you have escaped. This has the advantage of making the seals act like training wheels. The longer you have been sealed away the stronger your power becomes. Merely spending a year sealed away would double your power and it will keep doubling the longer you are sealed. This increase in power is permanent.

Similarly, you may choose to sacrifice your power to defeat a great enemy and no amount of resurrection or plot armor can save your enemies from a permanent death. However, unlike other protagonists you don't lose your powers permanently if you sacrifice them to take down an enemy. Instead you will regain the power that you sacrificed after 2 years and when your powers return they will be at least an order of magnitude stronger. This even works if you sacrifice your power to save a loved one or bring someone back to life etc, as long as it is a sacrifice for someone.

You possess all the personal powers of all people who ever became the Demon King but at a far higher level scaled to your power. You possess The Ruler, Meliodas' Demon King Form, Ominous Nebula, God and Crisis. You also possess the opportunity to create a personal ability that is as strong as Meliodas has.

If you wish, you also possess copies of the Graces of the angels. And unlike Estarossa they won't leave even though you are a demon nor will they drive you mad. You have full control over these graces.These Graces also grant you increased power level enough such that Escanor was able to fight the Demon King (Zeldris) without much problem for a while.This is optional.

This essence grants you the ability to use your own enormous and potent life force to enhance all your abilities. You can supercharge all your, powers, abilities, perks, commandments and graces etc with your own life force. This increases the power of all your abilities to the point of beating the Demon King at his full power into the ground and perhaps even higher with training. You can even extend others life span by putting your own into them, make others immortal, restore forests with your life force, revive the dead etc. Remember that a Demon has 3000 years worth of life force and your is far greater and potent in comparison.

Unlike Escanor, using up your life force will not kill you in any circumstance. It will simply tire you out and you will not be able to use your life force to do anything for one whole day as it recharges.This time of recharging can be reduced with training. A side benefit is that any abilities that utilize life force and have negative draw backs like reducing life span, faster aging and other negative effects like death simply do not happen for you. So, if you have magic that utilizes life force and reduces life span but allows you to bend reality then feel free to spam it as there will be no negative side effects.

A final ability you possess is - You can initially grant 10 fragments of your power to ten individuals. These fragments can be granted abilities like the Commandments. What these abilities are is up to you. This will weaken you based on the amount of power that you grant and you will regain the given power at a rate of two commandments per month, meaning that to regain power spent on 10 commandments requires 5 months. You can instantly recall any fragments regardless of distance or any other circumstances. If your power is at full strength after 5 months and a fragment is recalled then your power will be boosted further permanently. The number of fragments you can grant increase by 10 each year.

You can even make existing commandments stronger by giving even more of your power to your servants. There is no limit to how much power you can grant to your commandments.

The commandments imprint all the experiences, knowledge, power, magic, physical attributes, talent, intelligence, skill and all other abilities into them and once they return to you, you will gain all those things from the users and become stronger. These commandments can be used to grant abilities you don't have to others and have them cultivate it and then once they die you reap the benefits.

Your fragments will grant the users all the abilities a high level demon possesses such as strength, magic, speed, regeneration etc. These fragments and the power they grant never work against you no matter what. However, this does ensure the loyalty of the user to you. The death of any commandment user will instantly return the power of the fragment to you.

You may decide how much life span the commandments grant to the users. It can be anywhere from 50 years to 3000 years or even as long as you live.

You gain access to a dimension similar to purgatory with similar conditions where you can train and can always find opponents regardless of how strong you become. The time in there can be adjusted to be similar to Purgatory if you wish. If you die in the dimension then you are teleported out and the dimension is locked away for 10 days after which you can try again.

You gain a one time opportunity to be reborn in Nanatsu no Taizai verse as anyone you please at any time whether during canon or even 10000 years before canon.

Essences of Empowering Charges

By drinking this sparkling soda like essences you gain the following benefits.

This essence grants you 5 charges per day which can be used to amplify every possible thing you possess. Your strength, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, your powers, weapons, skills, perks and everything you possess that you can imagine.

Each charge's enhancements can be considered to essentially double your abilities per charge(A two point bump in PRT rating of that power per charge). So a normal human can invest a few charges into physical attributes and become as strong as or perhaps even stronger than Spider-Man easily. You can enhance charisma, looks, voice, luck, wisdom and anything you can imagine. You can make your weapons sharper, durable/indestructible.

If you wish, you can have all your attributes, traits, skills, perks etc be shown to you like a Stats/Skill Tree in RPGs or like a Status/Skills page in The Gamer Webtoon. It can help to decide accurately what you want to improve.

The only limitation of this power is that you can't grant yourself powers. You can only enhance what you possess.

A secondary power you have is that you are completely immune to any power that can sense and manipulate your emotions or thoughts such as Empathy or Telepathy etc. Even technology cannot detect it regardless of how sophisticated and unbeatable it is. You are always in full control of your thoughts and emotions. You can lie to lie detectors and make people sense what you want them to sense from you. This power will protect you from those who would use you for their ends.

If you choose, you can use these charges on others to enhance their abilities and growth.

Anything you enhance can be undone but you will not get the charges back. You can even undo enhancements done on others regardless of distance. You can also spend charges to reduce or eliminate weaknesses and disadvantages.

You gain an additional 5 charges per year. This increases the total number of charges you get per day every year. This means that In the 1st year you have 5 charges per day, in the 2nd year 10 Charges/day, in the 3rd 15 per day and so on.

Any unused Charges are stored and cannot be lost.

Essence of the Dragon King (Fairy Tail)

By drinking this multi-colored essence you gain the following abilities

You gain a body at the peak of all species on Earth Land surpassing the strongest wizards and dragon slayers, demons on Earth Land. All attributes such as strength, speed, intelligence etc are at the absolute peak. These physical attributes will rapidly increase as you practice and improve your dragon slayer magic.

You gain a one time opportunity to re-sculpt your body as you wish so long as it looks human. As barely anyone on Earthland is ugly, your looks become a perfect 10/10 to everyone on Earth Land and you will only look better as you become stronger.

Your charisma is such that you can inspire entire nations from the brink of despair to fight on until the end and your will is unbreakable and boundless. Even if you were stuck in a loop where you died over and over with each death being worse than the previous one you still wouldn't break. You are immune to memetic effects and similar things such as looking at the True Form of a god and going insane or disintegrating. Your mind is immune to illusions, Hallucinations etc and cannot be negatively affected by anyone not even gods. You are also immune to Curses.

Instead of two containers, you possess three magic containers - Magic container, Second origin and Third Origin each of which hold enormous quantities of magic power enough to surpass the greatest mages with only a single one much less all three. You begin with an enormous amount of magic of extremely high potency enough to spam high level magic the entire day and not fell much of a dip in reserves. Your very presence makes even the strongest Spriggan-class mages like August wary. You will unlock all three by the time you turn 17 and each year you possess this essence - your total magic power will double and your control over your power will always be perfect.

Your magic power is compatible with all other possible magic systems and you can use any type of magic regardless of whether you possess the characteristics like circuits etc and can even teach that magic to others.

You also do not need Ethernano in the air to use magic as your magic comes from yourself. Your magic refills at an incredible rate and can go from empty to full in an hour regardless of the size of your pool and this time can be reduced further by repeatedly emptying your reserves and letting them refill. The more you exhaust your magic the faster and stronger it grows.

You are an incredible prodigy at magic far surpassing Zeref himself. You can master even the most difficult magic within days when others would take a few decades to master. You can at a glance copy others magic and use it at a proficient level and with some practice surpass even the greatest users of that magic.

The rate at which you learn, grow and master all kinds of things and gain strength is such that even the greatest savants at various fields and magic itself would look lame in comparison. You'll be capable of defeating people who have decades of experience with only a month of training and go from there.

You possess a powerful regeneration such that fatal wounds disappear in a few seconds and lost limbs regenerate in minutes. So long as you're not insta-killed you will survive and thrive. This regeneration is adaptive where once you regenerate from an attack, you'll have an enormous damage resistance to those type and of attacks whether Physical, mental, spiritual, conceptual etc. This resistance will significantly reduce incoming attacks to 1/10th of their damage and weaker attacks will be completely nullified. This resistance will be increased again if you are notably damaged once more.This regeneration cannot be stopped or slowed by any anti-healing/regeneration type attacks or even conceptual ones.

You gain the ability to use Dragon Slayer magic and all other magic from Fairy Tail Verse. You may choose any one or more elements/attributes such as fire, water, sky, wood, sun or even magic itself. Even abstract attributes like soul or divide etc are possible. You can learn all of them if you choose to. Your initial ability will be as proficient as Natsu was during the Grand Magic Games and rapidly grow from there. You can eat, dragons and bathe/partake in their blood to significantly enhance your raw power both physically and magically and gain all their knowledge about magic.

You can train and take these to conceptual level like burning Magic itself or destroying the soul of anyone who possesses magic etc.

You can use all the spells and abilities a dragon slayer has access to - such as Dragon Force and ability to eat elements other than your own and unlock new forms.

A side effect of Dragon Slayer magic is the creation of a Dragon Seed in the body which slowly transforms them into a dragon permanently. They lose the ability to sleep and taste and can get increasingly unstable due to the magic. Now you no longer face any of the side effects and while you still turn into a Dragon, you gain the ability to switch between human, human-dragon hybrid and a dragon form respectively. You also do not suffer from any motion sickness or such that other dragon slayers suffer through. You can customize your dragon form.

Your dragon form possess enormous amount of power compared to your human form. Once you become a dragon your already enormous magic power is increased to absurd levels and it's potency is such that even the strongest spells cost significantly less magic to use making the cost of all spells almost irrelevant.

You possess the physical attributes to pulverize an entire country in your human form and can shatter a planet in your Dragon form and can survive the same. Your spells and blasts are such that you can vaporize entire planets and perhaps destroy stars. You have perfect control over how much damage your spells cause. As a dragon you are immortal.

You are almost immune to all magic that is harmful or negatively affects you and even dragon slayer magic/weapons/poisons can barely hurt you. You can move at relativistic speeds as a human and approach light speed as a dragon. You also immune to any form Dragon Supremacy Magic or something to control dragons or their minds. You are also completely immune to your element and even God Slayer version of your element can barely affect you.

You are also a Master Enchanter capable of enchanting the very air, sky and space itself. You can even pull asteroids from outer space. And your dragon form increases the power of all your spells enormously.

As the Dragon King, you are the most amazing lover in the universe. You are a master of charm and seduction and there isn't a single being in the universe mortal or otherwise who wouldn't be left a mewling mess after a single round of sex. Even the most experienced gods and demons of lust and sex and Embodiments of Lust and Desire would swear their eternal devotion to you after a couple rounds. Your fluids taste delicious and your stamina is endless. Even beings who should be immune are no longer so to your seduction.

You gain access to and can enter a dimension similar to Space Between Time, that only you can enter, filled with Magic of Space and Time that you consume regardless of your element. This will grant you enormous power that make the "previous you"(as mentioned above) look weak however there is high chance of separating body and soul and getting stuck in that dimension.

This essence however also grants access to Fairy Heart - which is a source of infinite magic power- in the form of a human-heart shaped crystal, the size of a human hidden somewhere on Fiore or a country of your choice on the planet you are currently on. This essence only provides vague hints for where it is hidden and as you get closer to it, you will get a tugging sensation towards it's location. It can only be found and used by someone who has drunk this essence and to everyone else it will only look like an ugly and weird statue.

If you find it, you can absorb the Fairy Heart in the Space Between Time. This allows you to eat the Magic of Space and Time without any of the previously mentioned consequences and also gain perfect control over your new found power as well as the dimension and gain the ability to control both Space and Time on the level of Gods. It will also grant you Infinite Magic Power - The Power of Gods, Surpassing Time itself.

You can teleport, reverse/forward/stop time, time-travel, resetting time to any point you wish, bend/freeze space, cut through space, create Time Locks, open portal to different universes and time lines and essentially manipulate worlds/timelines to your will etc. This ability to control space and time is absolute and the only way someone can resist these abilities is if they are at least more than 1000X stronger than you and also possess powerful Space-Time abilities themselves.

What you can accomplish with Space and Time is only limited to your creativity, imagination and experience. Drawing in alternate versions of people to fight for you, copying powers from fictional characters and alternate selves or fixing a destroyed neighborhood/forest by overlapping a pristine version of it. Anything you can imagine is can be done.

All your powers cannot be suppressed, copied, altered, nullified or affected negatively against your will. You cannot be sealed away by any magic or seals or anything similar to it.

A final ability this essence grants is the Power of Friendship. You can pour you will and positive emotions into your magic making it massively stronger to the point that enemies who are a dozen times stronger than you can be beaten even if it should not be possible. The stronger your emotions the greater the power boost.

You may choose to be reincarnated into the world of Fairy Tail with all the benefits of this essence at any point in time. But even if you don't choose to go to Earth Land, you will have all the benefits of this essence.

Essence of the Tree of Knowledge

By drinking this essence made from the fruit of the Tree of knowledge you gain the following benefits

You gain nigh-omniscience that allows you to know almost everything in the past, present and the future. The way this works is that you already have the knowledge but when you focus on a specific topic it comes to the forefront of your mind.

This also manifests as a clairvoyance that allows you to observe events that will happen at a different place as though you were present yourself. Whether it is observing a time-traveler going to the past and his actions or the end of the universe itself. You can witness it.

This ability is completely undetectable. Nobody can know you're watching them unless you allow them to know.

This essence will function regardless of what universe you are in. If you go to the Nasuverse - you will gain almost all knowledge of the root which includes how to achieve any of the True magics in a year at most or if you're in the Darksiders verse - you could know the secrets of the demons or creating entire planets and life itself in all it's forms.

Regardless of what shape the knowledge exists in you know it whether it is science, magic or the deepest secrets of the universe.

A side effect of this essence has granted you incredible intelligence and wisdom on par with the smartest and wisest individuals in the omniverse. Your mind and soul have turned into a bulwark of the highest order making it impossible to affect your mind negatively in any manner no matter what. This also means that any abilities you possess, whether biological or mental or spiritual, that can effect another persons mind and soul such as telepathy, incubus aura, pheromones, mind control, Supernatural charisma etc are completely undetectable and unbreakable even by Omnipotent and Omniscient beings.

You gain a pocket dimension containing a tree that bears a fruit once a week. Eating that fruit will give you the entirety of the knowledge regarding a single category and traveling to different universes updates this knowledge. What category the fruit grants is dependent upon your base knowledge and what you need most. These categories can range from Engineering to Magic to Cooking to Washing or Swimming or Smithing or Alchemy etc. If you get the Magic category then all knowledge of magic will be yours regardless of whether it is demonic, divine, conceptual or simple mortal magic.

A final ability is the ability to always get the best possible outcome for yourself. This essentially serves as a Path to Victory that you can turn on and off at will. You can always succeed regardless of the odds so long as you make full use of the knowledge you possess and take advantage of whatever opportunities you need to succeed.

Essence of Favored Probability

Drinking this weird essence that shifts to whatever color you're thinking about gives you the following power

This essence grants one and only one Absolute ability. That is the ability to check and control any outcome related to chance or probability.

This means that so long as anything has a non-zero chance of happening you can turn it into a 100% chance. No matter if it is rolling dice for CYOA/Jump or accepting random rewards after accomplishing something in real life or CYOA or even something as mundane as answering a choose the correct answer question in high school.

If you wish you can even force things that have a 100% chance of not happening to happen but this can only be done 4 times a month. With time however this limit will grow and eventually be eliminated.

This can be gamed to quite a high extent such as making a spear always strike the heart after breaking through an indestructible shield, stop that very same spear from striking you at all, if you're standing at cross-roads and need to decide which path to chose to stay alive then you can choose a path and check the probability and if it is the wrong path then you'll be able to sense it and then choose the right path, you can game the stock market by checking which stocks will give you maximum profit.

You can even automate some commands that allow you to protect yourself or execute things when involved in a situation that you can't keep up with. For example, if you're shot/injured then you can automatically execute "0% probability of dying" subroutine etc.

If you wish, you can have a sort of in-built Gamer type observe ability that you can toggle which displays all sorts of probabilities/chances to help you make decisions.

Essence of Self-Jumpchain Creation

This swirling essence that looks like the omniverse in a bottle grants you the following abilities

You can now self create Jumpchains for worlds that don't have any available. In this case, worlds count as anything fictional i.e, whether it is a fanfiction or just an alternate universes or similar such worlds.

This allows you to start a chain by yourself with an End-Jump giving you an Old Walker Spark. You can start as many chains as you wish with different end rewards. These chains cannot be controlled or manipulated or affected negatively by ROBs or Jump-chan or other Omnipotent beings with nothing better to do.

This will allow you to create all that a jumpchain entails i.e, Backgrounds, Origins, Perks, General Perks, Powers, Drawbacks, Companions etc. This will only grant you 1000CP per jump to buy perks and items and maybe a separate pool of CP to buy powers, items etc. Drawbacks give you extra CP. This is done at your discretion. Fanwank.

If you can't think of any perks, items etc that can be added to a jump or even how the entire jumpchain should work then you can have the jump be auto-generated according to your wishes and all aspects of it will be made according to how you would've made it or how your favorite jump creator/creators would have made it. You can even mix and match the creaters and their styles and formats.

You can use any format you wish for the chains. For example you can have four 100CP perks , 200 CP perks, 600 CP perks and 800CP perks and you can have a few perks being free or at a discount at your discretion. You can also use other formats.

You can create jumps for the Worlds that already have one and also can create jumps for different versions of the worlds, Alternate Universes, Fanfics, or simply use universes that you like while changing the story/history.

You can use any Meta-CYOA with this at your discretion.

You can use any version of any jump you prefer. If you prefer "Version 1" of a jump over "Version 2" then you can use the 1st version then later do the second version as well. You can even use jumps that are WIP or abandoned and perks from jumps that were removed while the jump was being made.

You can do the same version multiple times as well. How the same perks stack (whether additive or multiplicative) is up to you.

Restrictions such as being able to do a jump only once no longer apply and you always get the beginning CP of 1000CP regardless of how many times you do a jump (Even if the jump says you don't get 1000CP every time you do a jump).

The most important rule that must be followed is that when creating abilities, perks, powers you must make sure that whatever you create has some measure of connection/justification in universe. This means you cannot go to a Purely Sci-fi setting and create a perk that gives you magic powers or makes you a God of Magic. However, you can create perks that grant you mastery over all forms of energy so long as there is a mention of someone being able to control energy or the like.

If you fail your Chain, then feel free to restart it as much as you like.

How powerful the perks you make are? That's up to you so fanwank.

Essence of the the Ultimate Body and Weapon

Drinking this electrifying elixir will grant you the following abilities

You gain an Ultimate Body that is 10x the peak of your species. This applies to all attributes such as Strength, Speed, Charisma, Intelligence etc. If your species changes then this will upgrade to become 10x of your new species and if your new species has any downgrades compared to your previous one like lowered intelligence or vulnerability to sunlight then those weaknesses are eliminated.

You also gain the ability to combine any races/species that are available to you into a perfect Hybrid that is greater then the sum of it parts with all the strengths and none of the weaknesses and these strengths combine and form synergy where possible. This also applies to any CYOAs/Jumps you do, so you no longer need to switch between alt-forms or the like. So if you have a demon,dragon and god alt-forms with individual strengths and weaknesses you can simply combine them and eliminate all drawbacks.

You can make people detect you as whatever species you want them to detect you as - so if you want people to see you as a human then all detection abilities, magic, technology will detect you as human even if they do an X-ray or cut you open or take a blood sample etc. The only requirement is that you need to have that race/species in the first place.

You have enormous learning and growth rates such that you can learn, master and surpass what would take even the greatest geniuses and prodigies decades within a few days and things that take centuries can be done in a couple months at most. You can grow without an limits and can learn anything regardless of any restrictions.

You can also permanently absorb armors,materials used to create armors and even esoteric substances like Dragon Blood directly into your body to enhance it without turning your body into metal and keeping only the benefits without giving yourself any weaknesses. You can absorb Adamantium/Barbadium into your flesh,skin,bones,organs etc and make them just as durable as that metal or you can absorb an armor that nullifies harmful magic to grant your body that ability.

Gain an Ultimate weapon that is completely indestructible by any and all means. This weapon can transform into any weapon shape like Swords, Guns, Spears, Bows, Dual Swords, Sword and Shield, Magic Staff/Wand etc. This weapon grows stronger alongside you, as you grow stronger the weapon will as well growing stronger and sharper without limits. This weapon amplifies any supernatural, technological or similar such powers you have by a few orders of magnitude of your current strength.

This weapon is perfectly balanced and you have 2 years of experience using all types of weapons.

The greatest attribute of this weapon is that it can grow stronger faster when you feed it materials and artifacts like adamantium/Barbadium or Noble Phantasms or similar powerful artifacts. The more powerful the better and it will take everything positive and discard any limitations and restrictions they may have. Example - Feed the weapon a lance like Rhongomyniad and you'll have power equal to that, Feed it Ea or even Mjolnir after that then you'll have the power of both Rhongomyniad and Ea/Mjolnir in a single weapon.

To feed the weapon you don't need to own it yourself, you merely need to be near the weapon while it's not in use and intend for your weapon to absorb it for a couple seconds and your weapon will absorb it. You can retain any kind of aesthetic the weapons you feed had initially. The more you feed your weapon, the faster it grows. You will always retain full control over it and can dial up and dial down it's power as much as you like.

Another attribute of this weapon is that it can kill anything regardless of whether they are immortal gods/demons or unkillable eldritch horrors or simply lack the concept of death. All you have to do is stab them after weakening them enough. Now you need to make sure is that you are actually strong and skilled enough to defeat them and stab them.

Any of your abilities or your weapons abilities cannot be suppressed, copied, mimic, absorbed, nullified or negatively affected in any way by any being without your permission. Your weapon cannot be stolen, taken or lost and will return to you with a thought.

When not in your weapon is stored in a personal pocket dimension that only you can access and can be called to your hand instantly in any form.

Essence of Waifu Creation

By drinking this essence you're able to create your very own waifus

Gain the ability to create waifus that exist in fictional settings. These waifus will retain all their abilities, looks, powers, memories and everything else. Before activating the waifus, you will get the opportunity to customize their looks and personalities and apply commands in them to make them more suitable to you. These personalities can be anything you wish but rest assured the waifus will be completely loyal and devoted to you and follow any commands you imbue into them. These commands can be as simple and complicated and esoteric as you wish.

You can even create waifus that don't exist in fictional settings and give them a relationship to a Canon waifu (like a long lost sister/lover) and it will be applied retroactively.

You can grant any of your waifus you create any powers that belong to other waifus as well. This works for any OC waifus you create as well. For example, you can grant Irene Belserion's skill set to to Erza Scarlet or just create an OC waifu that looks like 2B and give her powers of Grayfia Lucifuge. Or even just give them the Phoenix Force. Fan-Wank Responsibly.

You can create as many waifus as you wish. You gain a status screen/ designer screen that helps you design and customize all aspects of your waifus.

These waifus have all their positive benefits of their abilities and power etc and all negative aspects are completely eliminated. So your Vampire waifus won't need to worry about dying from sunlight anymore.

These waifus can share their abilities/benefits/talents/species/races with you regardless of whether they are beauty, charisma, magic, immortality, chakra/aura, telepathy, genetics etc. The only requirement is that the waifus must have those abilities in the first place. You don't need to do a ritual or something similar to gain their powers, merely deciding to create a waifu will grant you whatever powers/skills/race you want them to have. The only requirement is that you must absolutely create them.

These waifus don't mind you having a harem and issues like jealousy etc will never arise though they may be competitive for your attention. You can have children with them if you wish and they'll never have any illnesses or genetic defects or issues no matter what.

You can retroactively insert these waifus into any world you go to, including the present world, along with whatever families, relationships, IDs and Documentations/Jobs and backgrounds you want them to have. You can also do the same for yourself giving yourself perfect documentations and backgrounds to explain everything. You can insert them and yourselves at any age including newborns and everything will be adjusted and no one will notice anything weird because there is nothing to notice.

If you do that then you can decide when and how you will inevitably meet your waifus if you're into making a story for yourselves. Regardless, your waifus will love you with all their hearts and any pleasure you give them will feel dozens of times better than from anyone else. If you ever end up in a Canon universe somehow then you can apply all these alterations to the Canon waifu instead of creating your own. You can make these alterations from anywhere.

If your waifu dies they'll return within 5 hours with an explanation (retcon) of why they didn't die. This can be applied to any waifus you create as well as the Canon waifus you alter.

You can grant any of your waifus additional talents like singing, dancing, medicine, engineering and they will be among the best to ever exist. Suffice to say, these talents can be shared with you as well.

You are granted a body, mind and soul that is the peak of your species in all physical, mental, spiritual and social attributes and are granted a one time re-sculpting of your body to your desired ideal form. If you change race using your waifus or any other method then you will automatically go to peak of that species. You can be a hybrid of as many races as you want with none of their drawbacks. You possess limitless stamina. You have immortality and eternal youth and so do your waifus and nobody will ever question this no matter what.

You also have a moderate level of porn-logic making your fluids taste amazing along with your sword fitting into any orifices along with a dozen other similar things.

Finally, you become a master of charisma, charm, seduction and sex. You can seduce even the haughtiest women in the multiverse without much effort and your mighty sword/sheath is such that you can easily fuck dozens of the most lurid goddesses and demons of sex and lust into ahegao'd mess in a single session and have them swear their eternal devotion to you.

Essence of Personal Objects

Drinking this essence grants you access to a dimension outside space and time along with the following abilities

This grants you a personal dimension that only you and those you allow can access. This cannot be accessed or entered by any beings without your permission regardless of how powerful and omnipotent they are and abilities like scrying, divination, clairvoyance fail to see into it. Their powers also cannot affect anything inside of this dimensions. You can directly teleport to it or open portals of any size needed to it.

You can customize how time works in this dimension as many times as you want. You can make 1 minute in the real world last for 1000 years and vice versa(or something similar), if you wish. You can also give anyone you bring into this dimension, while they are here, temporarily immortality and eternal youth along with not having them experience any mental consequences for such a quick passage of time. You can also permanently remove any physical or mental diseases or illnesses or defects.

This dimension has an island twice the size of Japan and the rest is surrounded by an ocean for thousands of miles. You can customize all aspects of this dimension as you like including adding animals, plants, atmosphere etc. This island either maintains itself or can generate automatons to maintain it, it's up to you. However, it cannot create sapient things.

The main aspect of this essence is that this dimension functions as a warehouse/storage/personal reality for your adventures. Everything you gain in your CYOAs/Jumps etc can be added to this dimension regardless of what it is.

If you gain an entire planet then this island becomes a planet and if you buy a moon, a moon will be added. If you buy multiple islands and planets then they can be either combined to create a supermassive planet or kept as multiple different planets. If these worlds had living beings they can be added into the dimension as well.

Similarly, other things can also be combined. If you buy multiple spaceships then all of them can be combined into a super-powerful spaceship with all the benefits and the drawbacks eliminated/reduced. If you buy a galaxy then the size of the personal dimension will be increased to fit it. If you wish you can also keep anything and everything separate.

This island/dimension is capable of growing any crop, weed or Xianxia style herbs, can support any infrastructure and do anything outside world can do. It can eventually become completely self-sufficient based on what you buy. The conditions of this dimension are always perfect and ideal.

You can fire or pull out anything in your dimension using your portals like the Gate of Babylon or you can even do it inconspicuously like drawing money from your wallet by opening a portal in there.

You can also use your dimension to escape from enemies trying to kill you. They won't be able to stop you or affect your dimension in any way.

This essence is meant as a supplement to your adventures and it can store anything that is considered an objects that belongs to you and is not part of your personal power - from bank accounts, planets, weapons, vaults, gold, islands, Xianxia style herbs,organizations, spaceships, Dyson spheres, universes. Anything you can buy, own or acquire on your own.

This essence allows you to take anything owned/acquired by you to subsequent adventures regardless of any restrictions that would normally apply. This also allow you to insert them and yourself (retroactively) into the worlds you go to and everything related to your/their existence as IDs, documents, VISAs etc is generated and no one will question where they came from as everything is legal and there is nothing unnatural to notice as they have always retroactively existed in-universe. This also generates all documents for you to live in those worlds (retroactively if necessary) and even the almighty beings wouldn't notice it.