

Why did I come as a girl, why did the good Lord decide to bring me to this wicked world . Why didn't I come as a princess, or a wealthy man's daughter ... I just wonder if this life is worth living.

"Esrella, talk to me. Why won't you just talk to me" . I stop running, I stand still with thoughts running through my mind. I decide to turn with no intentions of speaking to the girl who had just called my name. April ,my childhood and also best friend . I turn back slowly as I clean the tears on my face. She's wearing a bumshot with a brown shirt. Her hair is short and packed in a bun. She's a bit taller than I am and also has more skin. She's very pretty and also a great person. She's one in a million cause she's the best friend a person could ever get. We both stare at each other for a while and then I say " I said not to follow me . I'm fine April. What don't you understand?" . She gives me a cold stare...more tears drop and I try to hold it in . She opens her mouth trying to say something but I turn my back to her and say, " It's best you're not involved in certain issues . Thanks for caring" . I just walk away and I hear footsteps behind me. I'm desperate to turn but anger doesn't let me. I arrive at the porch , just outside our house and I have this urge to burn it to ashes.

I'm Esrella, daughter of Haven and Phyna. I am 17 years of age, stopped schooling at the age 15. I lost my mum at a very tender age all because of my father's reckless behavior which has now been passed onto my elder brother, Mavin.

Mum was coming from work one night at a very late hour. We were all worried, she had no phone so dad couldn't reach her. I was very worried and restless. Dad forced me to go to bed so I just went to my room , accompanied by Jake.

By 1 in the morning I heard the forceful slam of the entrance door. Mum was back , I wanted to run downstairs but stopped when I heard a loud bang . Mum was angry from the sound of her voice. Then after some minutes I heard her scream so I ran downstairs to help her. Dad was hitting her again. " A married woman coming home by this time. If you've turned to a whore , do it outside my house not here.". " I was working, you don't have a job and I'm trying to make ends meet but you're still complaining... I'm tired of you , you are an ungrateful bastard."

He walks over to where she's standing and hits her. "You stupid brat" . Mum falls over and hits her head on the television set. I scream and as I run to help her , dad yells at Marvin to hold me. Frightened, Marvin has no other choice than to do as he's instructed. He pulls me back by my dress and pins me down. I cried and screamed so much that I began to have headache. "Mum ". Dad picks up a wooden spoon and begins to hit her. She cries and I sit down there , unable to do anything. Mum bleeds seriously... unknown to us that the television set wasn't connected and due to the shaking it became weak and so it fell, dropping on mum's head. She screams in pain as she falls flat to the ground. That was the last time I saw my mother cause she passed on.

My life's become a mess...a huge mess. We've had to sell some things and work extra hard to make ends meet . Haven's the worst dad a child could ever have. What an excuse for a father. I wish he would just die.

I walk into the house and the television's on but making weird noises and sounds and so I turn it off. Then I head straight for my bedroom. I make a loud noise then I realize no one is at home . For the first time in six weeks , I'm home alone . I run downstairs, open the freezer and take some chips. I'm not in the mood to dance but I do it anyway. I walk over to the boom box , hit it hard and then it starts to play. 'Playing now Meghan Trainor, Made you look' the anchor anounces and I begin to dance. I remember when I and mum used to dance. She would teach me different dance steps and she was a graceful dancer. Oh mum.

Some minutes later , I hear the lock of the door. Someone's coming. I quickly turn of the music, pack my plate , phone and quickly run upstairs to my room . I lock the door and sit on the bed as I keep on panting heavily. There's a sudden knock on the door, I'm disquieted as I slowly open the door. It's Marvin and he's wrecked in alcohol. I squeak as I move away from him. "Esre come here. Keep me company tonight please darling." He tries to touch me but I push his hand and try to run. He pulls me back by my hair, I yell for help but as always, no one comes to my aid . Marvin throws me on the bed and gently removes my clothes, I'm left with my shreddies. "Marvin please don't do this I beg you . I'm your sister for heaven's sake." I plead but either ways he does what he wants to do. Immediately he's done, he gets of the bed and winks at me then begins to walk towards the bathroom. Just then I take a glance and see a bottle at the corner close to the bed. I hear dad slam the entrance door in a raging force. My heart begins to pound as I pick up the bottle. As I raise it up , dad enters the room and so I pretend like I'm arranging the room . "Marvin" he says

"Let's go now...go have a bathe in your own room...now" . "Daaaaaaad" he mumbles as dad drags him out of the room ' useless pigs . ' I whisper as they walk out of the room .

I feel there's a lot more to this story . The first chapter you can already tell how sad and pained Esrella is.

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