

"Overhaul, what a pleasant surprise"

Esdeath didn't expect that the Yakuza was making the weapon. Afterall the Yakuza group is being watched closely, and they don't know what is happening beneath their noses, so Esdeath continues.

"I didn't expect that the Yakuza is hiding something, so coming here means that you are accepting our cooperation between us?"

"Hmm, I am here for something else" said Overhaul

"Hoh, and what would that be?" says Esdeath while changing her posture from relaxing to a serious one. After all their interest is colliding with the beliefs of the separatist.

"You see, I haven't heard any news or information about you. The separatist members don't know who is their mysterious leader and there you are sitting in front of me" said Overhaul with a calm judging look on his face. After all the Separatist's leader is mysterious and unknown, they don't have a single info about their leader and someone is claiming that she is the leader of the said group.

"Well then how about I prove it to you then?" said Esdeath. It made sense, Esdeath is being watched and busy with the school, plus has to be careful and after all these 3 years, their loyalty is showing.

"How?" asked Overhaul with a raised eyebrow

"Easy, Lend me a single of your product and I will give you a show" said Esdeath

"Hmm… just this once and let me see how it will fare" said Overhaul while snapping his fingers to signal one of his men and a man wearing a long white raincoat with a plague mask comes forth carrying a small case.

Once the man wearing a white raincoat gets near Esdeath, he opens it and shows 5 red cartridges with hypodermic needles. Picking up one and putting it at the table, making it stand and the needle facing upwards.

"Interesting, it's a cartridge intending to shoot it with a gun." Said Esdeath while examining the red cartridge. And continues "Does it work? Cause I got a lot of audience to satisfy"

"Oh yes, these work as intended. Once you pulled the trigger, their quirk is gone" said Overhaul

"All right, follow me and I will give a little show later" said Esdeath while standing up, gesturing to them to follow her.

While following Esdeath, Overhaul is contemplating his plans, if what he knows is correct. His product will be advertised with Esdeath's little show. Speaking of her, he doesn't know her name yet.

"I will tell my name later on" like reading his mind, Esdeath suddenly talked to Overhaul.

"Mhm" With an approval grunt, he just stayed quiet for now and enjoy.

Once they are at a pathway leading two directions, Esdeath turns to them and said "This will be our separation for now, the right side is for VIPs and I am gonna go to the left side to prepare"

"SO THAT YOU CAN LEAVE WITH THE PRODUCT ON YOUR HAND!?" said an IT and IT appears to just be a small black cloak with short leg and arm-like protrusions, and a white plague mask.

"You can come with me if you want to" said Esdeath while looking at the small creature with indifference.

"Enough Mimic, let's just enjoy the show" said Overhaul apprehending Mimic.

Once the small event is diffused they go in their separate ways.

(Overhaul POV)

We followed one of her subordinates, speaking of subordinates. I noticed their uniform, it seems all of them are wearing a brown trenchcoat and wearing a helmet sort of. So far I haven't heard them speak or anything just following her orders.

I know that she is the leader of this group, afterall everywhere she goes there's a subordinate following her. And she has that aura that is emitting and I know that aura.

After a while we seemed to have reached our destination, a room that is really intended for VIP uses. A couch is facing a window and this window is facing a stage. With thousands of people below waiting for the show to start.

And it seems that I am not the only VIP in here. There are several tinted windows next to ours. I seated at the couch and my subordinates stood to their positions in case something happened. Once I sat at the couch the lights turned off except at the stage.

"Hello my fellow separatists, we meet at last. I, your leader Retterin is here to revolutionize our way of living. Ever since quirks emerged our way of living has changed, everyday we fear a strong psychotic quirk user appearing in our daily lives. Yes, there are heroes but are they really a hero?" said the woman on the stage with her featureless mask.

Murmurs of voices are heard below and some of them contemplating the questions. While I already know my answers to that question, my thought is interrupted by her.

"No, there are no more real heroes, only the strong, look into our daily lives, before we only think of 'what is our dinner later or you hope it doesn't rain' but afterwards we now think 'Will I go home safe?' 'Hope there are no villains in the neighborhood', because of quirks villains are appearing on a daily basis."

Voices of protest are being heard in below

"How about the heroes that are protecting us from villains?"

"How about All Might?"

"Yeah, All Might!"

"Look at yourselves" Retterin points to us

"You are depending on heroes, instead of yourselves. Will there be a hero when you are home alone being burgled? Being bullied because you are quirkless? Being an outcast of society because you don't have a quirk?"

"Do you want your value in this society based on the usefulness of your quirk!?"

Murmurs of disagreement is voiced upon.

"Do you want to be something more than just being useless!?"

Their Murmurs are turning livelier.

"DO YOU want to be remembered based on your skills instead of your quirk!?"

Their voices are rising, fists rising to the air, agreeing to it.

"DO YOU want to be separated from this quirk society?!"

They shouted cries of agreement

"Then join me and be separated from this society and we will make it better for us"

The area vibrates from the sounds of the audience.




Retterin raised her hand to silence the crowd. And said

"Today we will rise, we will make them taste their own medicine." She snapped her fingers and the curtains behind her rose. Revealing a man sitting tied up with a sack on his head.

"This guy is famous in the news recently, do you know who it is?" said Retterin while walking behind him. She placed her hand at the sack and revealed who it was. Moonfish a man wearing black tight suit with his head being covered in black except for his mouth.

"This man is wanted for murder and all other kinds of cases. But all of them are related to cannibalism. His quirk allows himself to satisfy his desires."

"And today, he will be separated from his quirk and taste how it feels to be weak and helpless."

Suddenly Moonfish wakes up and begins to thrash around


"See this, he is beyond saving"

"YOU GIVE ME YOUR FLESH! RAAAAAAA" Moonfish said and his teeths grew sharp and moved toward Retterin with a fast growth.

Retterin dodges all of it and deflects with her hands, making it lands anywhere on the stage except on her position. Picking up a gun from her waist

"If I didn't protect myself, I would have been dead but with enough training we can protect ourselves without depending on heroes."

Aiming the gun towards the torso of Moonfish

"And today marks the day the Separatists rises to its glory"*BANG*


Moonfish's body lands to the ground like a broken puppet. His teeths receded to its former states. Moonfish tried to activate his quirk but something happened to him.


"I liberated you, I separated it your quirk from your body"