

Pit, a boy who grew up in the orphanage. For 12 years during his time at the orphanage, he was called a “curse” and constantly bullied by the other orphans because they disliked him. Driving him away from everyone else. Seemingly destined to remain alone. However, things have changed. With a new path of life set out for him, a new found passion to become stronger, and a mysterious master to lead him down this path. His destiny and mysterious past will be revealed.

YuudariV2 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Short Training, and Bloodline?


I yelled as I fell down onto the grass panting, in an attempt to catch my breath. My body screamed in pain, muscles aching. The two orange suns in the clear ocean blue sky stared down my body, and beads of sweat continued racing down my face despite my attempt to wipe the sweat from my face. These past few days I had been through "training" as master would call it, but to me it was torture. Each day I was tasked to do 100 pushups, 80 sit ups, 60 jumping jacks, and then some long distance training for 2-4 miles. Whenever I asked master what the purpose of doing this was, he always responded back saying the same thing.

"You'll see when it is time"

When training was done, I helped keep the vegetation around the area alive. If I'm being honest, I was against the idea at first but as time passed I realized that it brought a sense of tranquility in my heart; it was like being in my own home, I was comfortable and fell in love with it. Seeing the life around me flourish because of my own efforts brought a sense of pride and accomplishment, it was something that I wasn't quite used to feeling, but it wasn't something I disliked. After taking care of that, I ended the day with a 30 minute to an hour meditation session in the garden. Sitting on the stone slabs that surrounded the pond in a circular formation, I would go into a deep state of mindfulness meditation using the directions my Master taught me about breathing. Focusing on the sound of my breath, the oxygen pouring through my lungs, birds chirping in the background, my 5 senses heightened to a new degree with each passing second. No distracting thoughts would enter my mind, the present moment was my entire focus during this time. As I got deeper in this state, I always felt a burning sensation in the middle of my chest, and when I focused my intent on that feeling it would get hotter but despite the burning sensation, I found myself getting drawn closer to it. But eventually the burning would get too much for me, and I had no choice but to stop. What confused me the most wasn't the feeling I felt, but when I told the master about what I experienced he looked at me with eyes of surprise before muttering to himself some words about me being a "genius" or "monster".

This all happened in the past 5 days. I would continue the same routine each and every day without stopping, the only things that were interesting during this time was the increase in my physical strength and me being able to get a little bit closer to that burning sensation every time I meditated. With my physical strength alone, I could shatter a tree. It was exhilarating to know that I was improving as the days went by and it only served to increase my work ethic.

Besides training, me and my master's relationship grew closer as the days went by. As we got closer I started realizing that he was a man full of mystery, it started from our first meeting but other things happened after that as well. Yesterday, I woke up earlier than usual and heard sounds of metal clanging against each other. My first thought was that there was a fight going on outside the house, but then I remembered the master saying that these grounds were protected from intruders. I walked outside, and a few meters away from in front of me, there was my master battling against a tall, and muscular long golden haired man who used a double bladed axe, while master used a normal looking spear. With one swing of the axe, wind rushed towards my master in great speed and ferociousness. In a split second, my master swung down his wooden spear into the ground, causing an earth wall to appear and block off the attack. However, before the golden haired could follow up with another attack, my master threw the spear through the wall in great strength. The golden haired man quickly reacted to this and just barely dodged, the spear grazed his arm causing blood to leak.

All this happened in the matter of 4 seconds. I stood there with my mouth wide open in amazement and shock.

The golden haired man who had just almost died, dropped his axe and began walking over to my master. Step by step he got closer and then stood in front of my master, both silent as they stared into each other eyes.


Both my master and the other man laughed out loud as they hugged each other and then started walking towards me. After being introduced, I found out that the man was a friend of my masters and his name was Riaz. He had long golden hair, a muscular and tall build with a scar on his neck, hazel brown eyes, and bushy eyebrows. Apparently they attended the same academy and traveled the world together during their youth, which was weird because Riaz looked like he was in his mid thirties while master looked At Least 40. When Riaz left I couldn't help but ask master how he was able to Wield a spear so well, and how he was able to counterattack with just a wooden spear. Before answering, he paused, then looked at me and said "It's called, spear intent "

"Spear intent?" I asked

Master then explained how there are certain levels one must attain to be called a master at whatever weapon he or she chooses. To go more in depth, spear intent isn't some type of technique but a state of mind that one can achieve when they have a great understanding and control of the spear. It enables one to control the entire flow of battle because of the boost in combat prowess, and when fighting the enemy it gives one the impression that they're fighting a living weapon. When one obtains spear intent they can even make a stick carry the sharpness and attack power. After gaining a brief understanding of everything master had just said, I started imagining myself carrying a spear, jumping into battle and defeating my enemies.

"Hehe" I chuckled to myself

"Master, is there a way you can teach me how to use the spear?" I asked with stars in my eyes

"Sigh, it seems like you've taken a liking to the spear. I'll teach you once you awaken your bloodline." Master responded.

"Bloodline? What is that?" I asked

"Ill explain tomorrow, now go prepare the table for dinner u brat!" Master responded while twisting his fist into my scalp.

End of Flashbacks


Smiling to myself, I hopped up off the ground.

"I wonder what my bloodline is" I wondered as I walked back towards the house in search of my master.

Authors Note: I know this was a shorter chapter then usual, I was going to include more but I figured I would save that for the next chapter. The next chapter releases either in the evening tomorrow or the next very morning. Thank you to whoever has read this chapter, just one reader is much appreciated.