
Escaping Insomnia

I write what I dream.

GeNeRiC_wEeB · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1~

It was a beautiful day.

The sun was streaming through a window and onto the face of a young girl.

This young girl could be considered a beauty among girls, with long wavy brown hair fanned out on her bed, clear tanned skin, and long thick eyelashes.

Suddenly those eyelashes fluttered open in response to the sun's rays to reveal a pair of bright golden eyes.

Turning her head to look out the window, the girl admired the sound of birds and the bright green leaves of a large oak tree.

It was truly a wonderful day to be alive.


The girl sat up quickly at the stranger's voice.

The voice was alarmingly familiar yet the moment the girl tried to place it, she was halted by a mental barrier.

"Wake up."

There it was again.

The girl lightly stepped off her bed and walked quickly to her window.

Perhaps the voice came from outside?

Peering out, the girl only saw an open pasture filled with horses.

It was a picturesque scene, however there was not another soul in sight.

She continued to stare out at the beautiful mares and fillies romping through the fields distracting her from what she was doing before.

Wait. What was she doing?


The girl jolted out of her reverie and for a brief moment the serene field flashed to a dark and broken one.

But just as quickly as it came, the world flipped back to the bright picture.

However, to the girl, this picture was now flawed.

What just happened?

Screams and moans of pain smothered the bright light and forced the girl to see the pitch black night yet again.

Massive writhing forms stood in the distance, squirming in ecstasy and fear all at once.

The girl felt as if she were being watched.

There were eyes everywhere.

Horror filled the girl's face.

Something was not right.

This was not her home.



When did she have a home?

Where was she?

Breathing fast, the girl's knees went weak and buckled beneath her in her panic.

She fell to the floor with a small thump.

No she couldn't make any noise.

If she made noise then they would find her.

The girl knew she had to get out of the house before they found her.

Pulling her weight across the floor with only her arms she fought to get out of the room.

She pulled herself past the bed.

Through the door.

Down the stairs.

Pain spread through her legs as they collected splinters from the wood floors.

Don't stop.

She couldn't afford to stop.

She dragged herself to the left side of the stairs.

The girl's breathing was ragged and her heart pumped faster than her body could cope with.

He face was flushed and her lungs burned with exertion.

She fought down her fear and attempted to regain her ability to walk.

Somehow finding strength in her legs, the girl stood, turned towards the stairs, and ran her hands along the side of the stairs.

I have to get it out before they see it.

And me.

Finding a seam in the wood she opened a trap door behind the staircase.

She walked into a small room lit only by a dying lightbulb hanging from the ceiling.

Where is it?

I can't find it.

I have to find it.

What am I looking for?

Sweat dripped from her every pore.





The sound of footsteps reverberated from behind her.

Each step meaningful.

Meaningful in the way that the owner knew of the fear it would instill in the girl.

The footsteps stopped.

They were right behind her.

The hairs on the girls nape stood up and goose bumps covered her skin.

They found her.

Whipping her head around, she saw a silhouette in the entrance of the hidden room.

The light of the already dark room seemed to grow dimmer with every breath.




Hi, I’m pretty new to writing so I’d really love it if you readers might give me a few tips or criticisms to make your reading experience better! Love you and have a great day!! <3

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