
Escaping from Slavery (Naruto SI)

Guy dies, given a second chance of life only to be told that after 35yrs of living, he will be turned into one of many slaves of Gods. Read as he finds ways to escape his seemingly inevitable fate by swearing, fucking, doing other shit that guys do and of course gaining power to not only survive but thrive in the new hell he found himself. Self Insert, SI-OC.

GodSpeed28 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Second Encounter

A/N: All characters and places belong to Kishimoto…. except the ones that don't.


Chapter 4 – Second Encounter


I was sitting at the end of the crowd of the children in the hall. Minato has just finished telling his story about how he had helped and saved people throughout his ninja career, telling them how the ninjas are true hero's that help the weak and other shit like that.

The kids were awestruck by his speech and their eyes were sparkling. No doubt they were already beholding him as their hero

I scoffed mentally at the crowd's reaction.

Why don't you tell them about your kill count and missions that actually made you famous? Then we can see their reactions.

He, after answering some questions to the children seated at the front of the crowd, got up from his seat. This got everyone's attention in the hall room.

"So, now that you know about Ninjas, how many of you want to become ninjas in the future?"

Everyone raised their hand immediately…...well almost everyone. I also raised my hand, but relatively slow compared to the crowd. It seems he noticed it, even though I was sitting at the very back, his eyes were on me for a moment longer while scanning the crowd, giving them a warm (fake!) smile.

He seemed pleased with the audience's response and why wouldn't he be? He got a lot of potential future cannon fodder for his army with this little visit.

"Well, I hope you all join the Academy and graduate to become ninjas to protect your village and loved ones. The Will of Fire burns brightly in all of you." With that, he left his seat and walked off, towards the matron. We were also dismissed. I wandered towards the park that was just across the street.

There was another thing I forgot to mention, The Will of Fire.

The tool that justifies the existence of the village. I don't know about other villages but I guess they also adopted this and made WILL of their own.

I swear if the Green Lantern Corps. ever find out about this, there will be hell to pay…..that is if they ever find this place. I don't think Elemental Nations are in the DC Universe but who knows, maybe they are?

Anyone could interpret the 'will' in any way they desired to benefit themselves. Giving your life to the village, giving your life to the village because someone you love who lives in the village and many other bullshit like that. They don't even compensate the families of people of the soldiers who died in the line of duty. But for me, it comes down to this, give your life for the village and we will carve your name in a fucking stone.

As if there was not enough propaganda.

I'm not planning to have my name on that stone.

Watching Minato just made me feel bitter and angry inside.

GOD! Why did I have to see his ugly mug of the face today? (well…..not really, he is quite good looking)

I haven't finished the plan to make his and his wife's life depressing but when I do, they will suffer.

Ahahahahhahahahahahaah! (Evil Laugh).

*Cough* *Cough* *Cough*

*Ahem* Moving on…..

Time to finish my laps.

Ohhhh! The struggle I have to endure to remain free and getting petty revenge.

…..Sarcastically pitying myself seems to have become of an inside joke with...…well myself.

Huh…...so that's what happens when you don't get proper human interaction.



Arashi has grown….. maybe even taller than Naruto.

Watching the red-haired Jinchuriki leave out of the hall without any friends just made him feel more guilty.

Then again, maybe he should feel guilty for putting Arashi through all this.

…..Turning his eyes away from the retreating figure of Arashi, he walked towards the Akane-senpai.

"Akane-senpai, it's nice to see you again."

Her eyebrows started twitching when Minato said that, this can't be good.

"Hokage-sama…...how many times do I have to tell you that you don't need to call me senpai anymore? You are in a higher station now and I have retired from the ninja corps."

"Ahh… but you will always be senpai to me and Kushina."

Okay, at least the twitching stopped….but why is there a dark menacing aura around her?!

"…..Are you calling me old?"

WHAT?! How did she get that?

"WHAT?! N-No, I didn't call you old. I value my life, you know."

This seemed to have calmed her down.

Phew….The menacing aura is gone.

She is calm now.

"Hmph… at least you know your place."

Even he could see that Dog and Bear who came here as his ANBU guards were a little bewildered at this.

She just called him her superior, at least she could act as she cared about his position!

He decided to shift the topic before things get awkward.

"How have you been? Everything is going good I hope. I haven't been able to keep up with friends with all the work. The twins also keep me and Kushina exhausted. How you can manage so many children is beyond my understanding?"

"It would be better if we had more funds."

Man, always business first, isn't she?

"I-I will see what I can do about that."

Akane-senpai signed.

"Well, it is good, I guess. More peaceful than the field. I like it here."

"T-That's good." He replied.

Then there was silence….

Well…..this is awkward.

Akane-senpai who was staring at me finally spoke, probably getting irritated with the silence.

"All right, I'll bite. Why are you here exactly? Last time you came here was 2 years ago and you had informed me of that visit beforehand. And now? I just got a message that you are coming here in 30 minutes from the ANBU."

Seems like she got him.

"…..I-I came to see how Arashi is doing?"

Her eyes seem to have softened a bit after hearing Arashi's name.

"Let us go to my office, we can talk there in private."

He nodded and we walked to her office in silence. When we reached her office, he told the guards to remain outside.

After we entered her office, she walked around the table and sat at the chair and gestured to me to sit.

We remained quite a moment before I decided to break the ice.

"So….. How is he doing?"

" 'How is he doing?!' What do you want me to say? You must have already received quarterly reports of his behaviour? Want me to give a verbal report?! Fine! He is a bit of a loner but is a smart-ass. And he is perceptive but from what I have seen, doesn't get along with other children and after the other caretakers told children to stay away from him. The situation only got worse and I only found about that much later. Nobody talks to him voluntarily. And his attitude doesn't help either, he doesn't try to make friends! I swear if he wasn't so comfortable talking to me and other adults that are actually willing to talk to him, I would have thought the kid was born emo. Either he stays holed up in his room or is outside exercising. It started about 2 weeks ago so it would not have been on report. Guess he has decided to become a ninja. Must be the guys last that came here that got him motivated. That's good for the village, I guess." She started out angry but her voice became resigned at the end. He didn't comment on her temper. She must have become quite protective of Arashi.

"Ohhh…. T-That's good I suppose." He replied nervously, but that was not the question he wanted to ask.

Akane-senpai seems to have the ability to make him nervous even though he was her superior.

Some things never change, he guessed.

She must have sensed his trepidation because she was the one that broke the awkward silence.

"Why don't we move on to what you really want to ask Minato? I don't have all day."

He signed "….When I sealed the Nine-Tails in Arashi, the Seal I used wasn't the original seal."

He looked at senpai, she raised an eyebrow at the information and gestured him to continue.

"The original seal was used to trap the Nine-Tails into its host. It was not designed to give the power of Kyubi to its Jinchuriki. Sure, you could force the seal to draw out the chakra but it wasn't very efficient and was very dangerous for the host to draw out the power and we needed a weapon after the Third Shinobi War. So, I made a new seal, this new seal was combat-oriented. Its function was to slowly pass Nine-Tails's Chakra through the host so that the host can get used to side-effects that come with using Nine-Tails's power. The process should have started when he turned 4, that was 2 months ago. What I wanted was to confirm that if the seal is working properly and do a check-up of the seal and see if there are any side effects or not. Has he shown any aggressive behaviour or something along those lines?"

Senpai studied him carefully, examined him as if searching for something.

"He has not shown any abnormal behaviour if that's what you are worried about. And about the check-up…...will it hurt him?"

"What?! No! No, it will not hurt him. It's just a simple check-up. And you said there has been no abnormal behaviour so there won't be a need to change the seal. And if there was, I'm not changing the whole seal. There will be only a little tweaking. That will only cause mild discomfort at best."

She seemed relieved to hear that.

"Good, he has already been through enough. He doesn't need someone to make his life more miserable. Tell one of your guards to bring him here. You can do the check-up here, right?"

"Of course." He called out to his ANBU guard, "Bear!", the door opened as Bear head peeked inside.

"Could you bring Arashi-kun here? Tell him the Matron is calling for him?"

A simple nod was his answer. Then the door closed.


"So, while he is bringing the brat here, tell me, how have you been? Last I saw you was when I brought you the report. Kushina and kids alright?" She spoke breaking the tense silence.

I sighed with relief as we moved to a comfortable topic.

"They are alright. But the kids seemed to have never-ending energy. It takes both me and Kushina to take care of them. Sometimes Kakashi stays home when Kushina is too tired and I'm at the office."

She remained quiet after hearing that.

" …... Kushina still won't adopt Arashi?" she asked.

He winced at that.

He wanted to avoid this topic.

"Tsunade-sama said that twins needed to stay away from Nine-Tails's chakra source while their chakra system is developing otherwise their body will become dependent on its chakra to survive. And after that night, she doesn't want Nine-Tails or Arashi anywhere near Naruto or Mito. Not until at least the start of Academy. She has been very adamant about keeping Arashi away from family."

"…...So there is no chance of Arashi getting adopted." She stated.

"Not until the kids are at least 10, so their chakra system can be independent of Nine-Tails's influence and until I have convinced Kushina." He signed, he seemed to be doing that a lot lately.

She stayed quiet, probably not in the mood of talking.

Then the door opened and Bear walked in with Kakashi and Naruto.



I was resting after doing the laps when an ANBU with a Dog mask and Bear mask came to me. The dog had white Spiky, gravity-defying hair. The only character I know with white hair and a dog mask is Kakashi. He came with Minato so he must be Kakashi. I have no idea who was behind the Bear mask though.

"Lady Akane has requested your presence in her office." Bear's voice was professional even though he was talking to a kid.

Why would she call me? And what's with the 'Lady' title? Wait, can she even order ANBU around?

Well, Minato did go to talk to Matron after his little "motivational speech".

So, it must be Minato who called for me.

Shit! Did he find out about my training?

The only way out of this is to lie my ass off. I might even be sent to Root if they find out about me.

Also can't let these guards know that I am in fact very nervous.


I decided to mess with, "Why?" I asked innocently.

"I haven't been informed of the reason."

"I don't want to go now. I'm playing." I replied stubbornly and pouted. Yeah, this actually works for kids.

Kakashi seemed amused by my antics. He looked around the empty area then looked at me. I got the impression he was asking who was I playing with?

I shrugged, "I like playing alone."

He remained quiet for a moment.

"…..Well, I guess I should inform Lady Akane that you are too busy."

With that, he turned around to leave. Bear moved behind him.

My eyes bulged out. I thought he would have at least tried to bring me to her! Shit. If Akane-san finds out that I wasn't listening to her words that will not be good for me. I rushed at Bear and grabbed his hand.

"W-Wait, I'll go. Just please don't tell her."

The Bear masked ANBU now also seemed to be amused by my reaction.

Damn it! They played me like a fiddle.

"Sure." He was amused alright.

Just then a screen popped up in front of me.




Name: Chakra Sensing

Description: In some cases, when a child is conceived, there is a mutation in its body that makes it extra sensitive to chakra. This helps to sense the beings that have chakra in them in their surroundings.

Chakra Sensing Range and Accuracy can be increased with practice.

This mutation happens totally at random.

Rank: E Class

Time for Assimilation: 20 hours.

Pain Level: E Class

Sample of Ability has been stored.

Ability can be assimilated at any time.

Click PROCEED to start assimilation now



I stared at the screen in front of me for a moment.

Ahh… So that's how my power works.

I just have to make skin contact with a person and then I can have my ability assimilated anytime.

Nice! Good to have verified that fact. I had my doubts about this.

Just then, a thought raced my mind.

If Kakashi is here, can I? …..

My mind made up, I tugged Kakashi's hand with my other hand.

He seemed surprised by my action but didn't resist. I let go of Bear's hand. They both walked me to Akane-san's office. Again a new screen popped up over the previous one.



Name: Chakra Chromatic Change

Description: The Bloodline of the Hatake Clan, has been used by Sakumo Hatake (white chakra) and his predecessor.

The Ability didn't manifest in his son Kakashi Hatake for unknown reasons.

It changes the chromatic wave nature behaviour of chakra when it comes in contact with electromagnetic waves of visible spectrum when the chakra is manifested in the physical world without it changing in 5 basic Nature transformations…...permanently.

….. For those who are too dumb to understand that, it basically means a change in the colour of the chakra.

It is a one-time permanent change.

The new colour will be decided randomly.

It is a passive Ability, so no physical body change will be made during usage.

Rank: E Class

Time for Assimilation: 10 hours

Pain Level: E Class

Sample of Ability has been stored.

Ability can be assimilated at any time.

Click PROCEED to start assimilation now.



The system is sassing me, even now! I feel like somebody is actively running the Guidance System. An automated system shouldn't be able to joke.

And Damn it! Should have known it won't be easy to get Kamui.

And what's with the Hatake Clan's bloodline. This wasn't mentioned in canon. But then again Kakashi's father did emit white chakra control when he used his special sword. Can't remember the name of the sword. Fang or something?

…Should I even use it? It won't make my chakra pink, right?

And I think because he had the Sharingan 'implanted', I can't copy his Mangekyō Sharingan or his Sharingan for that matter. I know for fact he had awakened the Mangekyō when he killed Rin. Or is Rin alive here? But if Rin is alive then Obito wouldn't form Akatsuki. Ahhhh! My Meta knowledge is useless in this AU unless I can confirm some facts here.

And if I can't copy powers from implanted Sharingan, then I would need to get it from the original user. So….taking Kotoamatsukami will not be possible from Danzō if he will have it in this Universe. I will have to take it from Shisui himself and have to be careful so that he doesn't use Kotoamatsukami on me.

Well….. You can't get everything. Now, how do I get rid of these boxes?

I mentally tried to dismiss them and viola they are gone!

I try to bring them up again and they are here!

Satisfied at this easy method of calling the Guidance System, I dismissed the boxes again.

By the time I am done, we are in front of Matron's office.
