
Escape To Her World

• The world of the novels is filled with countless fantasies, it's a way for people to escape away from reality into their little world hidden deep inside from others: The Story: • A boy named Jin hates his life and the world in which he lives, and one day he meets a strange girl who will change his life and take him with her to another world away from his miserable reality.

yourdreamsprince · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Lyan World

The time has reached 12 pm

Lyan woke up and stared at Jin, who couldn't sleep because his mind was overwhelmed with thinking about the situation he found himself in.

You didn't sleep yet, Lyan asks in a faint voice, rubbing her drowsy eyes

I didn't sleep, is that what's on your mind right now Jin answers the question

Lyan is silent

What are you doing here? If you don't answer, go home? Jin asks

Well, I'll tell you, I'm a girl, not of this world. Lyan tells Jin, looking down, putting her hand on her knee.

Not from this world? This is not time to joke!

Jin seriously

I really I'm not of this world, and I chose you. Lyan held Jin's hand and stared at him with desire.

Jin stands fast

My first day of school ends up spending the day with crazy people!

Jin doesn't care what Lyan says, thinking she's crazy.

I want you to leave the room now, go home!

Jin points to the window and orders Lyan to get out.

Well I will prove it to you.

Lyan jumps out of the bed and rushes to Jin and give him a warm kiss.

The room lights up with a white beam and a circle appears under them and they disappear from Jin's room.

After a while, they appear in another room completely different, and the room looks dilapidated in an old palace, in a green mountainous land and a waterfall close to the palace. The weather is spring and the sun is shining.

Jin wakes up suffocating because Lyan's breast is in his face but he likes it and who doesn't like it, I'm just kidding.

where am I? Am I dreaming it seems that I fell on my head and I am now in a coma! My life is ruined.

Jin asks in unbelievable fear what is in front of him.

No you are not dreaming, I will explain to you.

Lyan woke up behind Jin and changed her dress to a tight pink shirt on her breast and a short white skirt.

This is my world and I am a witch who went out to the human world looking for a partner because I like to experience the feeling of love I read a lot about love and I didn't feel it.

For months I have been searching in the human world until I came across you, and then I felt a feeling that attracted me to you.

Then I wanted to get you.

You can choose to go back to your world or to stay here for an hour and then you will be here forever and everyone in your world will forget that you existed, as if you were never born before.

Lyan explains nicely to Jin.

Jin is shocked thinking deeply to himself

If what she are saying is true, of course I will accept to live in a new world as if I was born again and with this beautiful woman, and if it is a dream, I will wake up in the end.

What makes Jin think about acceptance is his hatred for his problematic world and the boring reality.

Well, if what you are saying is true, I accept to stay with you.

Jin is hesitant.

Really that's good I'm happy.

Lyan is excited, throwing herself at Jin while cuddling him.

But Jin thinks of her big chest.

Lyan takes Jin's hand and takes it with her.

I will show you my palace.

Lyan with enthusiasm.

Lyan and Jin walk into a room with a big bed and a lot of clothes lined up next to each other.

This is my room, what do you think of it?

Lyan asks Jin with a smile on her face.

Yes it's beautiful Jin answers with his eyes falling on her underwear in a drawer and he feeling happy.

I will show you your room

Lyan is indifferent when Jin looks at her underwear and takes him to an empty room.

So this will be your room, it's empty now but I'm going to add a bed and a few things to it.

Lyan tells Jin.

Jin answers: Well, but I think it's better if we sleep together, it will be good for your research and you can feel the love quickly, don't you think?

Jin only wants to have sex with Lyan, but she is only looking for love, not sex.

But you know what a pervert is like?

Innocent lyan.

Yes I think you're right that's mean you're going to sleep with me tonight.

Jin smiles mischievously.

Lyan says then I will show you the rest of the palace.

Lyan takes Jin around the palace and shows him the bathroom, the dining room which has a long table, the research room which has a lot of books and search equipment and she lets Jin take a hot bath to rest and then he goes to eat.

Go take a hot bath and then go down to eat the dinner together.

Lyan in a nice way.

Jin goes to the bathroom, takes off his clothes and opens the hot pan, thinking

Is what I'm living now real? If so, I don't want it to end, because now I'm going to live like a king, that's all I wanted, a new world, living with a beautiful girl away from the noise of the reality.

Jin goes down to dinner with Lyan at the long table

Sitting next to her, there was a lot of delicious food

Jin was hungry and started to eat

Lyan don't eating staring at Jin with great desire.

Of course you look at me, I'm very handsome, and now we're alone in this world, uh, what a feeling. Jin in himself.

Why is your ear shaped like this? Jin asks Lyan.

I don't understand what you mean so everyone here is like this, there is a big difference from the human world! Lyan answer

everybody! Aren't we alone in this world?

Jin was surprised and asked.

There is a lot of creatures in this world.

For example, there are witches, and they all look like me, and there are villagers, but they hate witches.

Yes, there are dragons and many other types of living creatures.

Lyan explain.

My dream of living comfortably alone in this world has been destroyed.

Jin feels sad.

But it's okay, we are far from them, and she said there are others like her, and this is better than the inhabitants of my world.

Jin thinks positively.

Is there anyone like me?

Jin asks.

No, you are the only human here. I activate a forbidden spell to open a door to the human world, and when I kiss the human I have chosen, I return to my world with him.

Lyan answer.

After dinner was over, it was time for bed, and Lyan made the bed, Jin was excited to sleep with her.

Lyan changes her clothes while Jin waits in bed, eager to get Lyan's body.

She came wearing a white shirt that was semi-transparent, revealing her body except for her sensitive places.

She sit next to him on the bed, and the place is silent and warm.

Jin to himself I'll at least do it if it's a dream I want to do it before I wake up.

Jin put his hand on Lyan's shoulder, she was embarrassed, no one had touched her before, and her nipples were showing.

Jin kissed her and you know what happened next, but Lyan doesn't know the meaning of sex or how to do it and she feels a feeling she doesn't understand.

This feeling is better than her first feeling about Jin.

Lyan wondered if this is love, it feels great.

You know what happened next


• In the next chapter, we will get to know the world of Lyan and is it safe to live in?

- Sex=Power what is that means?

- Jin Have Superpower.

- Other witches want Jin for themselves.