
Escape from the Alpha Vampire

Plunged from the castle walls, Rosemary found herself reborn, the chilling memory of her tragic demise clinging to her like a shroud. This new life, a shimmering escape from her fated fall, was supposed to be sweet freedom. But the shadow of the Alpha Vampire loomed, his iron grip refusing to release her. Unlike her previous existence as a mere plaything, however, she now sensed something different in his gaze – a flicker of something beneath the surface, a whisper of unspoken feelings. It ignited a spark of curiosity within her. Would this life unfold differently? Would she finally break free from his oppressive hold? What awaited her beyond this life, beyond the next? The questions swirled around her, a symphony of uncertainty promising both peril and potential, painting the unknown canvas of her future with vibrant, untold possibilities. And they seem to be tangoing in the next life... the life after next life...

Car_Li · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 5 - A New Life

The Alpha Vampire, a formidable figure with piercing eyes and an air of authority, sat upon his throne in the heart of the ancient vampire stronghold. His loyal subjects, clad in dark attire, stood before him, awaiting his command. The chamber was dimly lit by flickering torches, casting eerie shadows on the stone walls.


"Master, we have some news about the eldest daughter of the Ventayan Family that you may want to hear," a hushed murmur swept through the chamber as a messenger approached the Alpha Vampire, bowing deeply before addressing him. "Rosemary, the eldest daughter of the Ventayan Family has escaped to the werewolves pack area tonight."


The Alpha Vampire's eyes narrowed with fury. His towering figure seemed to grow even more imposing, and a palpable tension filled the chamber as his loyal subjects exchanged uneasy glances.


"Seems like it's time to reclaim my rose."



The moon cast its ethereal glow over the werewolf pack house, bathing the surroundings in an otherworldly light. Inside, Rosemary, found herself navigating the unfamiliar territory of the werewolf domain. As she settled into her temporary abode, a sense of unease mingled with curiosity.


Narita, Noah's sister, a kind-hearted and spirited werewolf, approached Rosemary with genuine warmth. Her eyes reflected a glimmer of empathy, a silent acknowledgment of the fragile alliance they were forging.


"I know this is all new to you, but I want you to feel welcome here."


Rosemary, taken aback by Narita's unexpected kindness, nodded in silent gratitude. The tension that had hung in the air began to dissipate, replaced by a tentative understanding that transcended ancient prejudices.


"Luckily, I have a big room so we can put up a bed next to the window. I hope you will feel comfy here." Narita's sincerity was palpable, her eyes reflecting a genuine desire to bridge the gap between their kind. She gestured to a comfortable chair by the window, offering Rosemary a moment of respite amidst the unfamiliar surroundings. 'I've put out some books and a few of my favorite things. Maybe they'll help make the room feel a bit more like your own.


Rosemary, taken aback by Narita's thoughtful gesture, couldn't help but be touched by the genuine effort to make her feel welcomed. As she took in the sight of the carefully arranged space, a flicker of warmth ignited within her, dispelling some of the lingering unease.


"Narita, I can't thank you enough for your hospitality. I hope I won't bring too much trouble to you. Noah said they will arrange a room for me very soon," Rosemary expressed, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.


"Not at all, Rosie. I know how much you mean to Noah, and that means you mean a lot to me as well," Narita replied with a reassuring smile, her eyes reflecting a deep sense of understanding and acceptance. "Let's get some sleep tonight, I will show you around tomorrow."


As Rosemary lay on the bed next to the window in Narita's room, the gentle rustle of the curtains and the distant howl of the wind outside enveloped her in a soothing embrace. The events of the day had left her feeling both relieved and apprehensive. 


Escaping the clutches of the Alpha Vampire had been a harrowing experience and the worry about her family's reaction upon realizing she was gone weighed heavily on her mind.


As she gazed out at the moonlit landscape, a sense of unease gnawed at her, fueled by the lingering threat of the Alpha Vampire's pursuit. The thought of him going after her, putting not only herself but also her loved ones in danger, sent a shiver down her spine. She couldn't bear the idea of bringing harm to her family or endangering the newfound allies who had shown her unexpected kindness.


Narita's words of reassurance echoed in her mind, offering a glimmer of solace amidst the turmoil. The genuine warmth in Narita's eyes and the unwavering support from Noah and the werewolf pack had provided her with a sanctuary amid the chaos. 


Yet, the weight of responsibility and the fear of the unknown loomed over her, threatening to overshadow the fragile sense of relief that had settled within her heart.


As sleep gradually embraced her, Rosemary found herself caught in a tumultuous dreamscape, where the shadows of her fears and the echoes of her longing intertwined in a haunting dance. 




As the first rays of dawn began to peek through the curtains, a soft knock echoed through the room. Rosemary, who had just drifted off to sleep, stirred from her slumber and her eyes fluttered open. She turned her head towards the door and saw Noah, Narita's brother, standing there with a warm smile on his face.

Noah was a tall and handsome werewolf with piercing blue eyes and a gentle demeanor. He had always been very protective of Rosemary and Narita, and he was always there for them when they needed him.

"May I come in?" Noah asked politely.

Rosemary, who was still half-asleep, nodded and Noah entered the room. He sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at Rosemary with a concerned expression.

"Did you have a good night's sleep?" he asked gently.

Rosemary smiled faintly. "I did. Thank you for asking, Noah."

Noah smiled back. "You're welcome. I was just checking up on you."

Rosemary looked at Noah and saw the genuine care in his eyes. She felt a warm feeling of gratitude towards him.

"I appreciate that, Noah. You're a good friend."

Noah blushed slightly. "I'm just doing what anyone would do for a friend."

Rosemary laughed softly. "That's true. But you're especially kind and thoughtful. I'm lucky to have you in my life."

Noah smiled and stood up. "Well, I should let you get ready. Just remember that I'm always here for you."

Rosemary nodded. "Thank you, Noah. I'll keep that in mind."

Noah gave her a final smile and then left the room. Rosemary watched him go and felt a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that she had a true friend in Noah, and she was grateful for his support.

She thought about how lucky she was to be part of the werewolf pack. They were a close-knit family, and they always looked out for each other. Rosemary knew that she would never be alone, and that thought filled her with a sense of comfort and security.



The first rays of dawn painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, signaling the start of a new day for the werewolf pack. Rosemary, stirred from her sleep, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension.

Today was her first day as a member of the pack, and she was eager to learn the rules and traditions that had guided their existence for centuries. She had left behind her old life in the vampire server world, seeking a sense of belonging and purpose within the pack.

Rosemary dressed in her best leather attire, a traditional outfit worn by the pack members. As she emerged from her room, she was greeted by the sounds of activity echoing through the compound. The other werewolves were preparing for the day ahead, their movements swift and efficient.

Rosemary made her way to the main hall. Rosemary, a newcomer to the pack, sat beside Narita, her friend and confidante, her heart pounding in her chest. The Alpha's words held a profound significance, outlining the pack's values, its code of conduct, and its unwavering commitment to preserving their way of life.

The Alpha of the werewolf pack, Liam, stood tall and imposing in the center of the grand hall, the weight of centuries of tradition and authority in his eyes. His voice, deep and resonant, echoed through the hall as he addressed the gathered pack members.

"My fellow werewolves," he began, his voice resonating with power and authority, "we are a proud and ancient lineage, our roots intertwined with the very spirit of the wild. For countless generations, we have roamed the forests, our primal instincts shaping our lives, our humanity guiding our paths.

But we must never forget that we are not merely creatures of instinct. We are also sentient beings, capable of love, compassion, and understanding. We must strive to maintain a delicate balance between our primal nature and our human spirit.

The rules and traditions that have shaped our pack for generations are not mere restrictions; they are the foundation of our society, the very threads that bind us together. They teach us discipline, respect, and responsibility, ensuring that our strength is used for the protection and well-being of our pack.

We must learn to control our primal instincts, to harness our strength without succumbing to the darkness that lurks within. We must temper our aggression with compassion, our hunger with restraint.

We are not merely predators; we are guardians of the balance, protectors of the natural order. We must respect the creatures of the forest, their lives as precious as our own.

And above all, we must honor our humanity, the spark of intelligence and compassion that sets us apart from the beasts. We must strive to understand, to empathize, to build connections that transcend our differences.

My fellow werewolves, we are the guardians of the wild, the protectors of our legacy. Let us remember our roots, honor our traditions, and embrace our humanity. Only then can we truly thrive as a pack, a force of strength and compassion in a world that often seeks our destruction."


As Alpha Liam spoke, Rosemary listened intently, her mind absorbing the wisdom and guidance he imparted. She was keen to learn the rules and traditions that had shaped the pack for generations, to understand the delicate balance between their primal instincts and their humanity.

Narita, sensing Rosemary's apprehension, leaned over and whispered, "Don't worry, Rosemary. The Alpha's words are not meant to intimidate but to guide us. He is our leader, our protector, and he has our best interests at heart."

Rosemary nodded, grateful for Narita's reassuring presence. She knew that Narita, with her deep understanding of the pack's dynamics and her unwavering loyalty, would be a valuable source of support.

As the Alpha continued his speech, Rosemary's initial anxiety gave way to a sense of respect and admiration. She was captivated by his eloquence, his unwavering conviction, and his deep connection to the pack's history and heritage.

When the Alpha finally concluded his address, a murmur of approval rippled through the crowd. Rosemary joined in the applause, her heart filled with a newfound sense of belonging and purpose.

In the heart of the werewolf pack's compound, a hush fell over the gathered members as Alpha Liam, their formidable leader, stepped forward to address them. His deep, resonant voice echoed through the hall, carrying the weight of centuries of tradition and authority.