
Escape from the Alpha Vampire

Plunged from the castle walls, Rosemary found herself reborn, the chilling memory of her tragic demise clinging to her like a shroud. This new life, a shimmering escape from her fated fall, was supposed to be sweet freedom. But the shadow of the Alpha Vampire loomed, his iron grip refusing to release her. Unlike her previous existence as a mere plaything, however, she now sensed something different in his gaze – a flicker of something beneath the surface, a whisper of unspoken feelings. It ignited a spark of curiosity within her. Would this life unfold differently? Would she finally break free from his oppressive hold? What awaited her beyond this life, beyond the next? The questions swirled around her, a symphony of uncertainty promising both peril and potential, painting the unknown canvas of her future with vibrant, untold possibilities. And they seem to be tangoing in the next life... the life after next life...

Car_Li · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 25 - The Ambassador

Moonlight, an ethereal spy, painted the gilded ballroom in silver threads, dancing between crystal chandeliers and swirling silk gowns. Tonight, the labyrinth echoed with the delicate melody of diplomacy, as the Vampire Institute hosted the Elven Ambassador and her entourage.

Rosemary, the unexpected Omega, navigated the throngs of elegant guests with practiced ease, her emerald eyes gleaming like hidden fireflies amidst the polished marble. Tonight, she wasn't the Alpha's secret consort, but a representative of the Institute, her defiance masked by a facade of grace and charm.


The Ambassador, Elowen, was a vision of ethereal beauty, her silver hair adorned with moonstone, her voice a melodious whisper amidst the clinking of crystal goblets. Her pale eyes, however, held an ancient wisdom, a silent challenge that Rosemary met with unwavering poise.


Conversations flowed like sparkling wine, laced with veiled barbs and unspoken agendas. The vampires, draped in their finery, discussed trade agreements and alliances, their smiles as sharp as their fangs. The elves, their voices like wind chimes, countered with demands for ecological protections and cultural reciprocity.


Rosemary, caught between these two worlds, found herself an unexpected bridge. She navigated the labyrinthine conversations, finding common ground in unexpected places. With the vampires, she discussed the intricate dance of power within the labyrinth, earning respect with her sharp wit and understanding of their hierarchy. With the elves, she spoke of the moon's secrets and the whispers of the ancient forests, bridging the gap between their reverence for nature and the vampires' pragmatic survivalism.


As the night deepened, the ballroom hummed with an uneasy truce. Elowen, her gaze fixed on Rosemary, approached, her whisper cutting through the din. "You are an anomaly, Omega," she remarked, her voice laced with curiosity. "A server who speaks the language of the moon, a pawn with the eyes of a queen."


Rosemary smiled, a spark of defiance dancing in her emerald eyes. "Perhaps," she replied, her voice as smooth as velvet, "that makes me the perfect bridge between our worlds, Ambassador. A weaver of moonlight and steel, a melody composed of whispers and echoes."


Elowen studied her for a moment, then a hint of a smile graced her lips. "Indeed," she conceded, her voice low and meaningful. "Perhaps you are the unexpected chord that will harmonize the labyrinth's song, the spark that will illuminate the path towards a future where shadows dance with moonlight, and fangs and feathers find common ground."


Their conversation, a spark amidst the gilded shadows, ended as dawn began to paint the eastern sky. The elves departed, leaving behind a whisper of hope and a renewed sense of possibility. And Rosemary, the unexpected Omega, stood alone in the echoing ballroom, the faint scent of pine needles and ancient magic clinging to the air.


Violeta, the Omega Vampire Server, swept into the ballroom. Gilding glinted off her emerald gown, but it couldn't mask the venomous scowl twisting her usually beautiful face. She was late, her entrance orchestrated to steal the spotlight, but the scene before her sent a fresh wave of fury down her spine.


There, bathed in the moonlit whispers of departing elves, stood Rosemary, the unexpected Omega, engaged in deep conversation with the ethereal Elven Ambassador. Laughter danced on Rosemary's lips, her emerald eyes gleaming with a warmth and confidence Violeta craved for herself.


The Ambassador, her silver hair catching the last rays of moonlight, seemed captivated by Rosemary's words. Their connection, woven from shared laughter and whispered secrets, was a stark contrast to Violeta's own gilded isolation.


Rage, hot and suffocating, tightened Violeta's throat. All night, she had simmered, stewing in the viper's nest of whispers that Rosemary had somehow snagged the Ambassador's attention. Now, witnessing it firsthand, her envy threatened to spill like an overflowing chalice.


With a glacial smile, Violeta glided into their circle, her silk skirts whispering like a serpent's tongue. "My apologies for the tardiness, Ambassador," she purred, her voice dripping with feigned sweetness. "Unexpected duties, you understand."


Elowen, her smile genuine, turned to greet Violeta. "No apology necessary, Server Violeta. Your presence illuminates the night as surely as the moon."

But Violeta's gaze, sharp as a dagger, remained fixed on Rosemary. "And I see you've made… new friends, Omega," she remarked, the word dripping with disdain. "Though I wouldn't have expected you to mingle with the tree-huggers."


Rosemary, unfazed, met Violeta's venomous gaze with unwavering defiance. "The Ambassador and I were merely discussing matters of… mutual interest," she replied, her voice as smooth as the silk hugging her curves. "A bridge between worlds, wouldn't you agree?"


Violeta's smile remained brittle, a spiderweb cracking under pressure. "Perhaps," she hissed, her eyes narrowing to emerald slits. "But remember, Omega, it is my place to be flitting amongst the shadows with elven whispers."


The air crackled with unspoken threats, a viper poised to strike. 


With a graceful nod to Elowen, Rosemary turned and walked away. The ballroom, its opulence suddenly suffocating, faded behind her. But the moonlight, a silent promise, followed, painting her path with silver threads.




Rosemary, standing at the corner of the ballroom, after the Violeta's viperous outburst still echoed in her mind, a venomous reminder of the labyrinth's unspoken rules and the precariousness of her position.


Emily, her face etched with concern, poked in. "Lady Rosemary," she whispered, "the Alpha requests your presence."


Rosemary's heart stuttered. A summons at this hour, shrouded in secrecy, sent a shiver down her spine. 


Rosemary followed Emily through the labyrinth's moonlit corridors, her emerald eyes searching the shadows for any hint of danger. They arrived at a chamber but not the one the Alpha Vampire normally used.


Taking a deep breath, Rosemary pushed the heavy oak doors open and walked in. The chamber, bathed in the soft glow of a single candle, was empty. 


Suddenly, a figure materialized from the shadows. It was a maid ROsemary had never seen before, her dark eyes gleaming with a malevolent glint. "Lady Rosemary," she purred, her voice dripping with feigned concern. "The Alpha has been delayed, but he asked me to offer you some tea while you wait. He wouldn't want you to grow impatient, would he?"

The lure of warmth, of a moment of respite, was strong. And the alternative, facing the labyrinth's cold silence, seemed even more daunting.


With a silent prayer to the moon, Rosemary took the offered cup. The tea, amber-hued and fragrant with spices, seemed harmless enough. Yet, as she raised it to her lips, a faint, bitter tang lingered on her tongue.


The maid's smile widening, watched with predatory amusement. "Ah, I see you appreciate the Alpha's special blend," she purred. "It has a… certain calming effect, you see. Helps one relax, forget their worries…"


Rosemary's hand tightened around the cup. The air grew thick, the shadows whispering warnings. This unknown maid had drugged her. This wasn't a summons from the Alpha, but a trap, a viper's den ready to swallow her whole.


The maid silently left the room, leaving Rosemary alone. 


Rosemary felt the world tilt a fraction, the shadows elongating and blurring around her. The candlelight, once warm and inviting, became harsh and pulsating. A wave of heat flushed through her, prickling against her skin.


Her head throbbed, each heartbeat a dull echo in her skull. The air, no longer crisp and moonlit, tasted thick and metallic. Her limbs felt heavy, her thoughts sluggish, like quicksand pulling her under.


Panic, a cold serpent, began to coil in her stomach. The whispers of the labyrinth, usually comforting echoes, became a cacophony of distorted warnings. Each breath felt strained, each step unsteady.


Clinging to that spark, Rosemary focused on anchoring herself. She gripped the edge of a nearby table, the smooth wood a grounding point against the swirling world. Her emerald eyes, though glazed with a film of dizziness, still flickered with defiance.


Taking a deep, shaky breath, she forced her legs to move, each step a battle against the encroaching fog in her mind.


Suddenly, the oak doors burst open, shattering the tense silence. A tall figure stood framed in the moonlight. Rosemary could recognise that he was the guard of the Elven Ambassador.