
Escape From Konoha(edited)

A.U. (alternate narutoverse) Everything has to be studied to understand its meaning. The traveler Chiba Shiroishi picked up a book called “The Will of Fire”. When I opened it, the things on it had no nourishment, and the history of Konoha Village had no age, but the words ‘Will of Fire’ were written on every slanted page. Shiraishi couldn’t sleep, so he took out the book “The Will of Fire” and read it carefully in the middle of the night, only to see the words in the cracks. The whole book was written with two words – pyramid selling! Shiraishi felt hesitant and fearful for a while, and he decided that sooner or later, he must escape from this MLM brainwashing organization called Konoha! Author : Ye Xining (not mine)

RimuRu_TempesT1 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 9:Behind the scenes training of BOSS(1)

In the days that followed, Shiraishi often noticed Ayane staying alone at the academy. She appeared devoid of friends or any sense of purpose, her eyes empty, resembling a walking corpse. This seemed to be the true mindset of a "slave." It seemed impossible for her to escape this shadow in her lifetime.

Shiraishi couldn't comprehend how a girl who clearly longed for freedom was labeled a "slave" by her own clan. However, he understood that it must have been a state of despair and unimaginable pain for her.

After that day, Ayane's grades plummeted, and their homeroom teacher, Fujimura Taiga, said nothing about it. All he could offer was some insignificant words of comfort and encouragement, urging her to focus on her studies and not dwell on other matters.

Although Fujimura Taiga genuinely wanted to help his students, he knew that the traditions of the Hyuga clan would not be altered by an academy teacher like him. He was fully aware that seeking assistance from the Third Hokage was futile.

These powerful families functioned like small villages within Konoha Village, and many of Konoha Village's regulations were beyond their control. Shiraishi had a clear understanding of this.

Words of comfort were futile for Ayane; she needed to find enlightenment on a deeper level. Mental trauma could only be healed with mental medicine.

Inflicting physical pain on oneself had always been an effective remedy to counter emotional numbness. By experiencing this physical pain, Ayane could truly feel alive. She reminded herself that she was a person, not a captive "livestock" of her family.

Ayane didn't comprehend the traditional meaning of family, nor did she want to understand it. Despite the adults' attempts to enlighten her, claiming that the "Caged bird" seal was for her own good and the preservation of the family's legacy, she couldn't help but question why it was always her making sacrifices. Her mind was filled with thoughts of destruction and a growing hatred.

As her thoughts of hatred and anger intensified, her once gentle and fair face transformed into a distorted and fierce visage, devoid of its former gentleness.

She attacked the training stake with the Hyuga clan's Gentle Fist. Gradually, her attacks became increasingly forceful, fueled by her need to vent and grow harder.

Even as her fists bled and the pain persisted, Ayane showed no signs of stopping. Instead, she embraced the pain, hoping it would counter her emotional numbness.

After a while, she ceased this self-destructive method of release, squatting beside the stake. Clasping her knees with both hands, she lowered her head, her long black hair concealing her face as she sobbed softly.

The sun was setting, and darkness enveloped the woods. It was almost nightfall, and the forest air turned chilly. Dark green leaves fell onto Ayane's shoulders as she continued to sob quietly.

Suddenly, in that moment, the sound of slow footsteps echoed through the dim woods, causing Ayane to abruptly stop crying.

"So, you're hiding here. This place is quite fitting for someone to lick their wounds alone."

The voice was familiar to Ayane, and she raised her head to see who had arrived. It was her classmate, Chiba Shiroishi.

He was an entirely ordinary person, an average student with unremarkable grades. Previously, they had a relatively harmonious relationship, but Ayane currently had no interest in paying attention to an unrelated outsider like him.

"Why are you here?"

Instead of addressing him with the gentle title of "Shiroishi-kun" as before, her voice turned stiff and unfamiliar.

Ayane was perplexed as to why Shiroishi had come here, feeling as though he had been spying on her and discovered her secret, which angered her.

"There are many reasons, but I'm drawn here by the hatred and anger in your heart. In fact, I am just like you."

A meaningful smile appeared on Shiroishi's face.

"Like me?"

Ayane was taken aback, struggling to grasp the meaning behind Shiroishi's words.

Stepping out of the darkness, Shiroishi emerged with a faint smile in his steady black eyes.

"Yes, like you, I don't wish to be part of this twisted and monotonous village. Even the smallest role is considered despicable, as our fate is controlled by others."

Ayane gasped for breath, surprised by Shiroishi's words. It felt as though she was rediscovering her classmate, seeing him in a new light.

Was he expressing dissatisfaction and hostility towards the village? Why did he harbor such thoughts?

Yet, for some reason, Ayane felt a resonating delight within her upon hearing Shiroishi's words.

"You find me suspicious, don't you?" Shiroishi asked with a smile.

Suspicious? Doubtful of what? Ayane furrowed her brow, her white eyes displaying a hint of wariness.

"Do you already feel inferior?" Shiroishi's words instantly filled Ayane's chest with an overwhelming aura of hostility.

This sentence wounded her pride and self-esteem. All the negative emotions flooded her heart, causing Ayane to lose control in an instant. She lunged at Shiroishi, throwing a punch toward him.

Shiroishi smiled faintly, recognizing Ayane's attack as feeble and deceptive, a product of her anger dominating her composure.

With such a level of attack, there was no need for him to be on guard. This much he understood.

So, he caught Ayane's fist and swiftly countered, pinning her body against the nearby tree, rendering her immobile.

The situation shifted in an instant.

Perhaps the sudden defeat caught Ayane off guard, freezing her in place. She certainly hadn't expected this outcome.

"You've been hiding your strength. Why?" Ayane turned to Shiroishi, questioning him.

"What's the hurry? Before we delve into that, how about we discuss your situation?" Shiroishi calmly spoke in a warm voice.

"Hmph! What would someone like you, a commoner, understand? Stop mocking me."

Ayane's words carried a desire to tear at Shiroishi's throat.

What could a commoner like him possibly comprehend? She had been burdened with a "Caged bird" seal, and her entire future would be controlled and planned by those distant clans. Her freedom and dignity had been ruthlessly stripped away.

Every time she glimpsed the haughty expressions of the clan members, she felt an overwhelming urge to trample upon their pride. She wished to make them experience the humiliation and despair of having their dignity and freedom manipulated.