
Train (I)

This event occurred before the next 5 years. Saffire Moon is a pure-blood girl from the Moon family. studied at Hogwarts for 2 years, and is now in his third year. his daily life is only spent broadening his horizons in the library. antisocial are reluctant to open up or look for peers. his reason for doing so was to hide his true identity, from the residents of Hogwarts.


#Saffi just got off the train, then walked at a moderate pace. dragging suitcases in hand, eager to approach the crowd of students who were watching, watching Hagrid briefly explain Hogwarts to the new year's students.

"Hi Saf, how are you?" Call Hagrid and say hello.

Saffi looked up. "ohh Hi Hagrid! I'm fine. and you?" Said Saffi answered and asked back.

"I'm fine. By the way have you heard the rumors of ... prisoners who escaped from Azkaban?" continued Hagrid explained.

"No. but who?" he replied, frowning.

Hagrid's face was taken aback, then leaned closer to the girl to tell her something.

"Sirius...Black!" he hissed whispering in her ear.

Saffi flinched for a moment. "Ohh that's bad! ...but what's the cause?"

"I don't know for sure, ... you better find out for yourself." he continued.

"Okay. then see you Hagrid" Saffi called to continue walking, waving at Hagrid.


When walking, Saffi cursed annoyed with her parents. who care more about work than their own children


Suddenly he accidentally bumps into someone. and made the person's belongings fall on the ground.

I had to stop and roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Tch! watch your step corpse!"

his blood boils.

the man frowned. "You idiot! I should be the one angry... not you bird!" the person quipped did not accept being blamed.

"Quickly fix this!!" his orders.

"Cuih! You think I'm your babu?! Take care of the corpse yourself!" The final grunt, then walked again and nudged the man at once to make him fall.

the man was knocked over and almost lost his balance.

"Insolent girl-!" The person rebuked, but unfortunately Saffi didn't pay attention and just focused on walking.

"Crabbe! Goyle! Hurry up!"

his two servants nodded and bent down to tidy up his master's things.

it turned out that Saffi had been watching him silently from a distance. then sneered "You spoiled!"

then step again.




Saffi stepped into the hall. and joins his dorm mate, Ravenclaw.

Coincidentally, there was a big party at the time. featuring a choir performance, which was brought by several students. from 4 dorms at once.

after the show the principal came forward and spoke.

"Welcome to Hogwarts again, my dear students." said the principal, always welcoming his students. every time they return to Hogwarts.

"Before you go back to your respective dormitories. I want to tell you some important things." said the principal.

"The first was Sirius Black's escape..." continued the principal. and suddenly all the students reacted with fear. except that Saffi just had a flat expression as if she didn't feel anything.

"Second welcome the new DADA teacher. Professor Remus John Lupin!" Headmaster final. and the students immediately cheered and gave applause.

while Saffi felt that she had met this man with her father... but forgot where to meet?

after the big party at the beginning of the semester was over. The principal dismissed the students and told them to return to their respective dormitories. rest soon, after the long train ride to Hogwarts.










The next day, Saffi was done dressed neatly as usual. and hugged his books to carry to class the first class schedule.

while walking to DADA class. he accidentally saw some Slytherin students bullying the other house students.


"You're like a Longbottom doormat . . . deserves to be trampled on!" One of the Slytherins pushed the boy backwards.

Ah! the boy winced in pain all over his body.

after that they burst out laughing with satisfaction. "That's why Mud-bloods like you... must be suppressed!"

"You mud!"

"disgusting! useless trash!"

"Stop it!" Saffi exclaimed immediately approaching the child. and helped him up from the floor.

"You again! Songong girl!" The man grumbled angrily while looking at Saffi sharply.

"Why? scared? undead? eh." Saffi snapped sarcastically while grinning mischievously.

the man growled and snorted in annoyance.

while clenching his fists tightly.

Saffi gave the man a threatening look. and chose to take the child's hand and take him away from there.






when Saffi and the boy walked down the hall. the boy suddenly stopped and faced Saffi.

"T-t-thank you for helping me" the boy said a little nervously.

Saffi was surprised. "oh no problem"

Saffi replied with a smile.

"Aaanu... may I know your name?" added the boy pretended to glance the other way because he was nervous.

"Saffire Calista Moon. you?"

"Neville Longbottom"

"Nice to meet you.