
Erythro: The Prophecy Unveiled

Aurelia, a land divided into five empires—Carthage, Sunaria, Winteris, Skotos, and Verdantia—is oppressed with tension and history. Once ravaged by wolves, the land endured a devastating conflict known as the Great War, resulting in the defeat of the wolf threat and a fragile peace. In the aftermath, the five empires were established, each with its own sovereign ruler. The laws were overseen by the Council, ensuring the establishment and preservation of unity. However, lingering fear and superstition cloaked the land, particularly regarding Erythro – a Greek word meaning RED. The color that associated with curses and dark magic. According to an ancient prophecy, the appearance of a red-hooded girl heralds impending catastrophe and the rise of the Wolf King, the sworn enemy of humanity. This belief has instilled paranoia and mistrust among the people of the land, leading to the execution of individuals suspected of witchcraft. In Carthage, one of the empires, resides a girl adorned in a crimson robe—a figure of intrigue and suspicion. As rumors spread of her alleged connection to the Wolf King, the inhabitants of Carthage view her with suspicion and fear. Is she truly a witch conspiring with their enemies, or is she merely a pawn in a larger, more sinister game? The mystery surrounding the red-cloaked girl deepens as the empire wrestles with questions of power, loyalty, and the true nature of evil.

Carnation_Noir · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter 7 - The life of a servant

After the lesson, Prince Sebastian excused himself and discreetly approached Madeline. He glanced to his left and right, ensuring the instructor had already left. Satisfied, he continued toward her. Madeline noticed him and smiled, moving to meet him halfway. "You're awesome, and so is duke," she complimented. "I know," the prince responded with a playful grin.

As they shared a light moment, a servant named Karen arrived at the stable and interrupted their conversation. "Madie, Ms. Emilia is looking for you," she informed. Karen was taken aback upon seeing the young prince with Madeline. 'Your Highness,' she greeted with a curtsy. Madeline's mind raced as she tried to recall the day's events and wondered why the head servant was seeking her. Her expression became puzzled and thoughtful.

Seeing the concern on her face, Sebastian gently inquired, "Did you do something wrong?" His tone was a mix of curiosity and worry, hoping to ease any anxiety she might be feeling. Madeline shrugged slightly, still trying to piece together any possible reason for Ms. Emilia's summons, leaving the prince and Karen to wait for her response.

Madeline suddenly remembered her task—to clean the window of the castle guest room. She had completely forgotten about it in her eagerness to visit the stable. "Oh no!" she exclaimed in worry. The head servant would surely reprimand her, or worse, a punishment might await her. "I need to go," Madeline said hastily, bidding goodbye to the young prince with a quick curtsy.

Following Karen into the castle, Madeline's heart raced with apprehension. 'Madeline, you know you're not allowed to talk to the royals, especially the prince. You're just a kid and maybe you don't understand your predicament, or rather, our status,' Karen said beside her. Madeline was taken aback, having not paid attention earlier. 'Please don't mention it to anyone, Miss Karen,' Madeline pleaded. 'Alright, just for today,' Karen answered with a sigh. She felt a little pity for the small girl, thinking, 'Maybe she's just looking for a friend.'

Inside, the hallway was lined with servants standing at attention. At the end of the hall stood the head servant, Emilia, next to the castle butler, Barry. Barry had been working at the castle grounds for as long as anyone could remember. He was old, slim, and had a reputation for being incredibly strict. His extensive knowledge of castle operations and dedication to the royals' well-being made him a formidable figure.

Barry managed the castle servants with an iron fist, ensuring they performed their duties to the highest standard. His eagle-eyed vigilance left no room for error, and even the head servant, Emilia, was afraid of his scrutiny. Barry's appearance was always the same: he wore a black livery with white gloves, an ensemble that never seemed to change. Madeline often wondered if it was a uniform or if he simply owned multiple identical sets of clothing.

As Madeline approached, she could feel Barry's piercing gaze upon her. She tried to remain calm, knowing that any sign of nervousness would not go unnoticed. The tension in the hallway was palpable as she drew nearer.

The castle hall was silent, with only the sound of their hurried footsteps echoing through the space. Madeline searched for her mother and soon spotted her standing beside her friend, Sarah. Her mother's stern looks quickly met Madeline's gaze, silently questioning where she had been. Trying to avoid drawing further attention, Madeline positioned herself at the back of the group. She stared at the floor, trying to be invisible, and doing her best to avoid her mother's piercing eyes.

Barry stood with his hands clasped behind his back, his posture exuding authority. He stood proudly on the fifth step of the grand staircase, his chin lifted as he surveyed the gathered maids. His expression was severe, completely devoid of any warmth or emotion. His eagle-like eyes scrutinized each maid in turn, as if passing silent judgment on every one of them.

The atmosphere was tense as Barry's gaze continued to move from one maid to the next. Madeline felt a shiver run down her spine as his eyes momentarily lingered on her. She kept her head down, hoping to escape his notice. The weight of his presence filled the hall, and the maids stood silently, awaiting his next words or actions with a mixture of fear and apprehension.

When Barry's gaze fell upon Madeline, his eyes narrowed slightly, causing her to gulp nervously. He then addressed Emilia, "Are all the castle servants here?" "Yes," Emilia replied, her eyes cast downward. In a booming voice, Barry announced, "Today, the sun rises in the sky, and the gods grace us with their blessings. Summer is upon us, which means it is also time for the Helios Ceremony. A time of thanksgiving and giving back to the deities who have answered our prayers. Therefore, some of you are invited to join the ceremony tonight. I have already discussed potential candidates with Ms. Emilia. However, unlike previous years, His Majesty will only allow a few castle servants to attend. Two high-ranking servants and one middle-ranking servant will go. Low-ranking servants will remain at the castle as we need manpower for the upcoming royal ball. That is all. You may resume your duties."

As if on cue, all the servants dispersed and returned to their tasks. Some murmured their protests, whispering to each other, "What is going on?" "It is unfair." "No servants from the low rank?" Hearing the discontent around her, Madeline made her way to greet her mother. Theresa approached her with a concerned look and asked, "Where were you? Emilia was looking for you. Go and meet her."

"Yes, Auntie," Madeline responded, her voice tinged with anxiety. She quickly headed in the direction of Ms. Emilia, her mind racing with worry about the potential consequences of her earlier oversight.

As she walked, she couldn't help but think about the upcoming Helios Ceremony and the royal ball. The prospect of missing the ceremony was disappointing, but she understood the necessity of her duties at the castle. She remembered the conversation she had with the prince a week before.

It was a typical rainy afternoon in the Carthage Empire. The castle was silent, with only the thrashing of trees and the harsh wind breaking the stillness. Prince Sebastian and Madeline were in the castle's enormous library. Madeline had been instructed to assist with cleaning the library books. It was here that she encountered the prince, who was engrossed in a book. As she worked, she sat beside him, learning new words and practicing her writing under his guidance.

"I'm excited for this year's Helios," the prince remarked. Madeline, curious, asked, "Helios? What is that, Your Highness?"

"It's a ceremony that takes place during the summer," the prince explained. "There will be lots of sweets, food, stalls, stores, and fascinating things in the town. And the fair, it is the most awaited event. I visit it every year. And the lantern lighting," the prince added, a smile crossing his face as he recalled the memory.

Madeline saw the excitement in his voice and the delight in his eyes with every word. "Do you want to go with me?" the prince asked, meeting her gaze. "It's outside the castle, right? I think we're not allowed," Madeline replied, feeling dejected. "Trust me," the prince promised, bringing a smile to the young girl's lips.

Madeline initially felt that her hopes might not come to fruition, but she quickly shook off the feeling with a sigh, replacing it with a smile. There were more important things to focus on today, like Ms. Emilia. She steeled herself for whatever awaited her, determined to prove her dedication and competence despite the morning's misstep.

Ms. Emilia was outside, tending to the castle garden. She wore an apron over her maid uniform and gloves covered in mud and dirt as she planted flowers. Madeline approached her and greeted her in a small voice, "Good day, Ms. Emilia. Karen said you were looking for me."

"Oh, there you are! You'll be going to the market with Betty tonight," Ms. Emilia announced. Betty was a teenage middle servant maid. She was promoted to the position for she knows how to read and write. "You'll help her carry the goods for the royal ball since we'll need many helping hands for the event," she added, her attention fixed on her tasks as she spoke.

"Tonight?" Madeline repeated, her excitement evident as her voice rose. A broad smile spread across her face; it would be her first time venturing outside the castle and into the town. The excitement was clear on her young face. Emilia turned to face her and reminded her sternly, "You're there to help, Madeline. No funny business, alright?"

"Yes, Miss," Madeline responded eagerly, already imagining telling the prince the good news. But a tinge of sorrow touched her heart as she thought of her mother. "I wish she could come too," she murmured to herself. "But I'll buy her a gift from the market."