
Error Within the System

[LOADING..] [LOADING.] [LOADING...] ... [ERROR] [PLAYER NOT DETECTED] [REFRESHING.] ... [ERROR] [REFRESHING...] ... [ERROR] ... [ERROR] ... [PLAYER “ERROR” SUCCESSFULLY CONNECTED] [GENERATING NEW BODY.] ... [ERROR] [PLAYER NOT DETECTED] [ERROR] [BODY GENERATED] [GENERATING ABILITIES...] [ERROR] ... [ABILITIES GENERATED] [ERROR] [SEARCHING FOR NEW WORLD..] [PLAYER NOT DETECTED] [ERROR] [BODY GENERATED] [REFRESHING..] [REFRESHING..] ... [ERROR] [ERROR] [PLAYER NOT DETECTED] [WORLD NOT FOUND] [ERROR] [BODY GENERATED] [ERROR] [ABILITIES GENERATED] [REFRESHING.] [REFRESHING.] [ERROR] [REFRESHING.] [REFRESHING...] ... ... An endless noise is piercing his ears. Over and over... Never ending errors. All he could do was stare blank at it with his lifeless eyes waiting and watching for a sign of hope he could cling onto. There was none. Not a thing. Only himself and the ‘system’ in an endless black plane which he grew so familiar with. Years.. Decades.. Centuries.. He lost count long ago, it didn’t matter to him anymore. He never felt like he needed to sleep, eat, or do anything. The only thing that plagued his mind was the never ending boredom this place brought him. Its been so long for him that he forgot how he died. All he knew was that he did die and he was in the process of reincarnation but the system decided that he wasn’t good enough for it. His thoughts were blank and he only grew more and more bored. He wanted an adventure. Something that could excite him out of his infinitely flat existence. And he got it.

JuniorJumble · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Chapter 5: The Void and The Error

{ Black Panel }


[ Generating system name. 7% ]

[ Generating system name... 24% ]


Erick took a look at the panel on his left.

{ Void System }


' [Bloodline] search... '


When Erick wanted to read the text on the Void System he would here a voice. The voice sounded like it could be either a woman or a man but he just thought that it was made that way for gender neutrality. The voice would read the panel to him so he just guessed that the Void System must've been voice activated or something of the such.

{ Black Panel }


[ Generating system name.. 81% ]




[ System named [Error System] ]


"Error?" He took another look at the panel on his right and saw that it now had in bold gold text "[Error System]" at the top middle just like the [Void System].

{ Error System }



[ Finding player [Error]'s [Bloodline]. 6%]


Yep. The system still recognized him as an error. Erick hoped that this didn't mean he would have to go through another endless barrage of errors on his system. More importantly "My [Bloodline]?"

The [Void System] was also doing the same but he didn't know what they meant by [Bloodline]. Usually this would mean his family bloodline but this wasn't like that anymore. He forgot nearly everything thing that he learned on his world except basic stuff like the things he learned academically and his name after he got trapped here for so long.

{ Error System }


[ Finding player [Error]'s [Bloodline]... 46% ]


{ Void System }



' [Bloodline]: '?' found '


"Huh? My [Bloodline] is 'question mark'? Did the system not find anything?" He scanned the other six and found that they were all the same as him, confused as fuck.

{ Void System }


' [Bloodline] will be unlocked when certain requirements are met '


The seven then let out a sigh of relief as they all thought that it meant they wouldn't obtain anything.

{ Error System }



[ [Bloodline]: '?' discovered ]




[ [Bloodline] requirements achieved ]

[ [Bloodline] '[Error]' revealed ]

[ Generating [Abilities].. 9% ]


{ Void System }


' Getting [Abilities]... '


Erick saw that he had already unlocked his [Bloodline] on the [Error System] but it was called "[Error]". Erick then thought that if his systems were named different then maybe he would obtain a different bloodline on the Void System. If that were to happen then Erick would have a huge advantage over everyone here. Although Erick might've seemed like a good guy he really just craved battle and blood.

After a few seconds..

{ Error System }



[ [Abilities] generated ]


{ Void System }



' [Abilities] received '


Erick looked disappointed. Even though it said he got abilities he didn't feel stronger, he didn't feel like he gained knowledge, and he couldn't see his abilities on the systems just yet either.

{ Void & Error System }


'[ Searching for new fantasy universe... ]'

'[ Universe: 22476 located ]'

'[ Spreading players... ]'

'[ Galaxy 'Etri' chosen for player '[Error]' ]'

'[ World 'Maumar' chosen for player '[Error]' ]'

'[ Starting rebirth... ]'


In an instant, Erick and the six were engulfed in light colored of their respected outlines. After a while they all disappeared from the void and parted ways to there new worlds.