

Ever wondered... โ€œWhat if time and space were codes in a program, people were NPCs, and reality was nothing more than a simulation.โ€ Well, it all comes to life in this story where it all begins with a simple call from an unknown caller. Multiple lifetimes, different timelines and a mystery folded in the origin of reality. Mysterious watchers, hackers, anonymous beings and time travellers, these are simply just a taste of the mysteries that are exposed as you follow through the story. Many leads may die but one will struggle to survive longer than the rest. For how long? That's up to you to find out. This is going to be a long series so sit back and enjoy the read. I know you'll like what you read. ********** Also, for my readers out there, I'll be posting two chapters every single week without fail. So you can expect my frequent posts and enjoy my work as much as you can.

Firelorn_P_King ยท Sci-fi
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14 Chs


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Sometime before the twenty-fourth Eric's "death", a character was introduced.

Access to Eric Brander's reality had been granted to a hacker, a hacker with a specific set of skills to kill.

And the name of the said hacker? His name was...


A man in a red hoodie, wearing an led mask with two LED x's for eyes and an LED sewn mouth design. This individual was the infamous error killer and hacker also known as the Body Hacker.

"Aigoo....! It's my turn already!?" Delete complained.

"This is so stressful! I've already got an assassin. Why can't I just use him!?" Delete had been using an assassin for hire to take care of his little dirty work. And it seemed to be working really well for him. But not everyone knew that fact, actually, only three entities knew he did his kills that way.

"Oh yeah... That bozo's on a vacation. So annoying!" Delete remembered that his assassin had taken a sick leave which was in actuality just a vacation.

....๐…๐„๐– ๐‡๐Ž๐”๐‘๐’ ๐€๐†๐Ž....

At this time, Delete was having an important call with his personal assassin whose identity we do not know.

"Umm boss, I can't afford to execute the next mission. I'm gonna need a vacation." the mysterious assassin requested from Delete.

"Huh! Why!? You're my best assassin!" Delete was surprised at the current development.

"Boss, I'm your only assassin."

"That's beside the point, you can't just up and leave whenever you wish! Come on..! I pay you for your jobs, you know that, right!?" Delete wasn't calm and refused to give up on his assassin. Well, it was more like he just didn't want to get his hands dirty.

"I'm sure you could find someone else to get the job done, boss." The assassin insisted.

"My point exactly! Where do you think I'll find someone well versed in using an avatar as well as clean assassinations?" Delete retorted.

"Well boss, right now I've got a condition called BOOMM disease..." the mysterious assassin mentioned.

"B-BOOMM disease!? What the f#ck is that!? It's not contagious, is it!? We just got over the fifth pandemic, don't tell me something new's emerged!?" Delete wasn't about taking any risks.

"No boss, it's not contagious, don't worry. But it is a rare condition, boss. It means 'Bored Out Of My Mind' disease. I've helped you kill a lot of versions of that Eric guy that it's gotten pretty exhausting." The mysterious assassin's statement calmed Delete down for the moment but at the same time irked him that he was using such an excuse to get a vacation.

"Wait... So what you're saying is that you got bored of killing!?" Delete wanted to confirm once more.

"Well...yes, pretty much?" The mysterious assassin said so promptly.

At this point, Delete didn't know whether to go along with the charade or to just reprimand the guy.

There was a certain odd amount of silence between the two, the call went on without so much as a word until...

"How...?" Delete broke the silence.

"I'm sorry?" The mysterious assassin asked.

"HOW DO YOU GET BORED OF YOUR F#CKING JOB! IT'S YOUR JOB!!" That was a loud outburst from Delete, the assassin's ear was ringing from the noise.

Without so much as a breath between sentences, the assassin made a quick explanation as to why he wouldn't be able to do any assassinations in the meantime...

"I get how it sounds but it's really serious, I've eliminated a bunch of Erics on repeat, I even tried to spice it up with some different styles to eliminate him like strangling, drowning, electrocution, stabbing e.t.c But those methods just got sooo boring as well! I'm sorry, boss! But I can't kill anymore Eric's."

"You've got to be joking... Please tell me you're joking." Delete was skeptical.

"I'm extremely serious, boss, I can't help you on this version of the target, I'm assassined out right now, but don't worry-"

Before the assassin could finish his statement he was interrupted by the panicking Delete...

"-Why won't I worry!? It's remaining just two more versions, just two! And you leaving me hung and dry like this! After all that I've given you!? After all the jobs I've paid you for!?"

"That's why I won't just leave you hanging. I'll leave you with access to my assassin avatar. That way you can eliminate the target with ease." The assassin proposed.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Not at all, so here's the access code, boss. Please remember to be cautious and gentle with my assassin avatar, it's pretty expensive. So... Good luck~!-*BRZZ!*" And just after sending a kind of digital code to Delete's device, the assassin immediately ended the call.

"-Huh? Hello? Did you just hang up on me!?" And just like that, it was now up to Delete to eliminate the twenty-fourth version of Eric Brander, all by himself.

"I can't believe that guy actually hung up on me!! It's alright! It's alright... Just breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out." Delete calmed himself down and began analyzing his current situation.

"Ok, I don't have my assassin to do my bidding right now, and that's fine. I can handle this, it's not I haven't gotten rid of someone before. Plus I have access to my assassin's avatar, that thing is just chucked up with killing experience! Yeah, I've got this!" He convinced himself.

"And if push comes to shove, all I need to do is bend Eric Brander to my will, his very existence won't stand a chance." It seemed like Delete had a last resort just in case things went awry.

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Delete began typing into his hacking device on his arm, in hindsight, the device looked like an extended Yu-Gi-Oh card holder...

"Eric Brander, you'll see why I, Delete, the puppeteer, the destroyer of souls, the Body Hacker is feared amongst many hackers. Hahahaha....!!" He laughed maniacally.

Delete laughed for a few minutes before finally accessing Eric's timeline, as well as transferring his consciousness into the assassin's avatar which was coincidentally also called an assassin avatar, and it was already kept offline in Eric's reality waiting to be accessed.

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The transfer was complete and Delete had finally transferred his consciousness into the assassin avatar. It was a surreal experience for Delete, after all, it was his first time doing a dive; Downloading one's mind virtually into an avatar to operate in a different timeline in a different reality.

Delete was able to walk, run, jump, and even talk in basically another body that wasn't his own. One thing that all avatars use or function with, is their A.I, Artificial Intelligence. And Delete checked on its functionality before moving further onto his mission.

"Ahh... It all seems to be working properly." The A.I was working. The A.I was equipped in basically every avatar in the universe and was extremely useful to executivesโ€”The Watchers, the Unknown Callers, and the Admins. It had the ability to predict, triangulate time and location of beings after the authorisation for such an act was given of course, as well as stop time for a short period of time.

"Eric Brander, your worst nightmare is coming." With that said, he wore up his hoodie, took to the Guy Fawkes mask that was in the avatar's inventory, and wore it. He tightened on a pair of black leather gloves and set off to make his kill.

His red bloodlust seeped out from his eyes as he ventured into the night.

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I like the vibe the Merriweather Font gives it. I was thinking of giving Being X a specific don't to his words but... That would just be too much work.

If y'all think it's still a good idea to put into the story future wise, comment for me to see.

Firelorn_P_Kingcreators' thoughts