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System ERROR.. Scanning for Isekai ERROR Scanning again Glitch identified Repurposing system ERROR

Noguide · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


On the 18 of October in 2024 A young man at the age of 20 called Bing Smith had been fired from his job for almost a week now. All because he couldn't finish his assignment before the deadline, though he worked his ass off to the point where he saw an old man eating round, weird looking balls. Which he felt the smell of in his nostrils, a smell of weed and flowers. "Boogers" he heard the grandpa say, as he had felt a burning sensation of a sandal across his face.

Flash back over.

To get his mind off of the BS that happened in the past two weeks, he now continues writing on a "manuscript". If you could call it one, since he only writes unfinished mind bursts of thoughts down, about how he would want his power up system to be like, should he ever get one through reincarnating or invasion from monsters and what else there could possibly be to give him a system. In fact, his list is so bad, one can compare it to the bad doodles someone drew during class.

Bing as he feels like someone is trash talking him raises the finger in the middle of his hand in all kinds of directions.

Please blur this... Ahem- back on track now!

Suddenly his collection of old cellphones explodes, engulfing his former dark, unlit and cold room in warm bright flames. While he tries to find a way to escape out of these flames he runs to the door, as suddenly Bing's current phone explodes out of nowhere having the main part flying towards him hitting his head, knocking him out. With that, he silently melds and burns to death.

As his Soul leafs his body, his memories are retained within it. Unfortunately, his soul seems unsatisfied with what just happened. Forming some sort of... _ ...ooh noo, not again... His soul falls in to a 7 dimensional crack, transporting him across dimensions. "May you hold your finger up high somewhere else" perceives his soul from a for him inaudible, voice.

During his traversing of the 7th dimension, Bing Smiths Obtains the God System.

His soul, which has found its way into a forest, goes into the ground of said forest in this Isekai. Making the ground move, creating a whole new body, out of the dirt which his soul resigns in.

As Bing opens his eyes, he sees a message before him "Congrats on obtaining the God System, to actually activate it though... Please kill a wolf.".

"Yeah boy, I got Isekaied!" he says, as he gets suddenly ambushed by Wolf. Flustered, he swings a fist at the first wolf hitting his snout, feeling it crack a bit behind his fist. 

'critical hit'

 +'minor bleeding'

 -'external🩸, internal🩸'

"One Wolf down!" He thinks to himself.

Though he is enthralled by his momentary victory he focuses on the situation at hand. Hearing some movement from behind of him he swings a kick. His kick still flying - he sees that the wolf jumped a bit too high for him to land his kick on the wolf.


To protect himself, he raises his arms. The wolf bites into them, cracking them into twine, splintering his bones. 

The first wolf whom he thought dead regained consciousness despite his broken nose, suddenly attacking him from behind.

Now getting mauled to death by multiple wolf, he lets out noises of suffering, showing off his agony as he loses consciousness from the Pain. 

Bing finally dies, releasing himself in his soul form. Nearly Simultaneously, the Soul starts falling into another crack. During the moment in which the crack closes itself again the wolf he broke the nose of Collapses. Shortly after the crack closed, he dies from a brain injury that fairly slowly filled its head with blood, causing the other wolf's to mourn its death. 

Leaving only a thin connection between the God system and Bing as the condition has been met for it to activate without the host still residing in this dimension, The God System is pulled slightly towards the 7th dimension through a soul link with bing that only drags the system like a rubber band.

In the same way that he arrived in another world before he enters the next one. His Soul finding its home in a flower on a clearing filled with herbs, surrounded by wild life and trees. 

The moment he gains consciousness, he is able to notice a girl collecting herbs within his surroundings. Half ignoring her for the moment he thinks "That hurt! That insane pain still paralyses me disabling me from moving... wolf's- suck"

The girl is wearing a knife and some leather armor while picking herbs, now with his focus changed to her, it makes him think to himself "That's probably a newbie adventurer, thanks to my excessive Isekai knowledge, that much is obvious. But why is she so large?"

While he looks at the girl a new system pops up, With a green interface: 



LVL: 1 _Type: Flower_Species: Dianthus Mavi




Photosynthesis: Gain 1 XP per leave a day. *Passive*

Growth LvL1: "makes plants grow, grows speed depends on skill LVL"

Bing thinks "I'm a Plant? And a flower at that"

At the same time he reads his stats, the girl closes in on him. Seeing the flower in a light of ~shalalaReaching out her hand at him, gently grabbing Bing the flower with it - Bing gets comfortable in her warm embrace. Bing in thoughts thinks "I didn't even realize how cold my flower body was." As she suddenly ribs him from his roots making him feel as if his legs are being brutally ripped off, "AAAAAAaaaAH!" He screams out with an inaudible voice, unmoving in his beautiful flowery body. Unable to faint as a plant, his scream only arrives as a highly increased blissful smell at the girl's nose.

Girl says "Uwaaaah this flower smells incredibly good" with a pose executing grace from her 'shalala~' she seems to light up the area with it, while Bing can't stop screaming. Increasing the grace that the girl executes with a wonderful fragrance that fills the area. Bing in flower language "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHWHAAA!!!"

Enveloping the surrounding area she walks through with an astoundingly remarkable smell she goes back to an Adventurer Guild. Also, the smell has gotten weaker on her way back from the forest it's still enough for her to brighten up the day of the people she comes across, just through the smell. Now finishing her herb collection quest at reception of the guild. The receptionist, a kind, sturdy looking woman, sees her come close.

Girl: "Hi Unni"

Receptionist: "Hello Miss Guel" she responds swiftly

Girl: "Mooo~ I've told you to call me Tea"

Unni: "And I told you to call me Miss F and not Unni"

Guel Tea: "You're always as stubborn as a brick Unni F"

Miss F: "And you are weak. Now then, have you finished your quest properly?"

Tea hands over the herbs.

Miss F: "Here is your reward. Now be on your way and have fun on your date."

Undisturbed by what Miss F just said. Tea leaves the Building of the Adventurers Guild, continuing to brighten up people's days with the flower's scent while going about her daily life. 

As time goes on the smell significantly weakens also still stronger than any normal flower, All because Bing is, in a way, growing numb to the pain. Enabling him to notice the feeling of slowly dehydrating over the passing day. With the girl carrying him around. Though it doesn't seem to bother him that much in his current situation. As he is unable to think straight right now anyway.

On the next morning Tea gets herself ready, leafing the Inn, to take another herb gathering quest from the guild, after obtaining the quest she gets on her way to get out of town. On the way out, she gets stopped by someone. "Young Miss, I'm one of the 'Eisheiligen' from up North" He Introduces himself.

Tea answers in a scared and shy manner 

while taking a step back "A- A- Ah Ok"

The Eisheiliger continues "And I've seen you carry this flower around. 

Would you be so kind to sell it to me? 

I'd be willing to give you 1 Whole Gold coin for it."

Tea: "M- M- "

The Eisheiliger: "More? Hmm~ how about 10 Gold?"

Tea: "m- mkay Ojisan"

With a disapproving "k" The Eisheiliger things to himself 

"ojiiisan? I'm not that old... man, seriously"

Tea reaching out with an empty hand, she is Bing the flower back waiting for the 10 golden coins first. The Eisheilger completes the trade like a gentleman. Showing off his full hair, meaning to say with it "See I'm not balding at all, I'm not an ojisan."

Now holding Bing the flower in his hand he eats him right before the young girl's eyes. "O- ojisan? The Flower- Why?" Asks Tea shocked, shortly before the Eisheilgers power increases through the digestion of Bing, causing a sudden pressure in his near surroundings through the sudden but anticipated increase in his power. Thanks to his high proficiency in controlling his power he managed to keep it in check, dissipating the pressure that his consumption of LVL 1 Bing caused in a flash, leaving it as a fluctuation of sorts.

Bing as soul falls into another crack.

The Plant System stays within him. However, he still obtains another, a normal LVL up system with a 1000xXP boost. The systems open up through the same method, taking up more of his vision when they are open or sending messages. This time around, he is born as an illegitimate child of a noble family, with the patriarch as his father. His future is being decided in a short meeting of the Patriarch and his agents code name "cleaners".

Patriarch "Dispose of this stain on my honor this instance!"

Figurehead of the cleaners "Right away patriarch."

And so he is quickly disposed of, thrown down into a cliff with monster inside. With nothing to his name, not even a bonus name given from his bonus parents.

After falling through another crack he possesses the body of someone who died from being rolled over by a coach a second ago. Just to have the same happen to him, gaining another system, clocking up his vision space every time he opens one.

After that, he reincarnates as a toiled with a toilet system. 

"F******CK" he screams, but there is no sound. Right before him standing a dragon which is fighting humans in a world similar to his own, just to be blown to bits by the dragon's burning fecal matter. Another System, another crack.

His Soul now falling into a murim world, posses a body of a village chief,

who just died of a heart attack. After having traveled through the 7th dimension ones again he gains the beard system this time around. "How could someone even scare a dragon shitless? Whatever. Let's look at the new system... I guess." He thinks to himself right before he opens the systems the same way one uses a body part and starts reading.

"hmhm 'Skills', 'By the Power of the Beard' what a weird skill name, 'The longer your beard the faster you cultivate. '1Cultivasionspeed×2^Xm of beard'' lol that's dumb. But it gives me a Déjà vu for some reason. The beard of the person I possessed is only about 10cm lo-" A sudden heart attack finishes him of ones again.

'Bing Smith fell out of the world'

'Bing Smith fell from a high place'

'Bing Smith fell out of the world'

'Bing Smith was shot by Skeleton'

'Bing Smith fell out of the world'

'Bing Smith fell into a pool of lava'

'Bing Smith fell out of the world'

'Bing Smith got finished off by Zombie using Potato'

'Bing Smith fell out of the world'


After an uncountable amount of happenings for him, causing his death and gaining systems. The systems fight for space in front of him, glitching into each other. As he is falling unconsciously from high up in the air.

On The other hand, the god system's soul connection is now strained to such an extant that it causes small cracks to form between its world and the 7th dimension. 

The cracks growing 



allowing the god system to crash through them leaving a bigger crack that closes behind it. Gaining a ridiculous amount of speed causing it to crash through every previously cracked dimension wall that Bing had passed through and as the soul link is supposed to have a distance of 0 between the system and Bing, since it was meant to be part of him the moment the wolf died, the God system's speed only increases. Causing it to scream in a system word form 


The moment the god system crashes through the last wall, It crashes into all the other systems, glitching them out completely.

ERROR screens all across the board

Every single system merged into one.

ERROR is the only thing remaining on the System surface.

Can not be botherdddfgj to care sysd


anyone who reads

the authors thoughttt

have fun with my grammar

I hope this is changebal,

you know. ~just in case~

just in case i feel like not having BS in here or actually wriding about BS kekse

Noguidecreators' thoughts