

<<<[system reboot]>>>




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[{input/sequence}//no selected//]

[Are you sure?]




[{input/sequence}// yes selected//]






{//loading complete//}

//.Status.// satisfactory




System~~ Greetings host. It's nice to see you in full consciousness.How may I assist you?

Host.name_unavailable: What is this? Who are you? And um...where am I?!

System~~ Let me assist you. Im gathering information...information gathered. Username not available. What is your username?

Host.name_unavailable: Username...you mean my name?

System~~ Affirmative. What is your name?

Host.name_unavailable: My name is Xuhuan. Now...what is this? I still seem to be alive despite my request...

System~~ [updating database...] Xuhuan.  You were confirmed deceased  December 1st. 10:05 pm. Cause of death...gun shot. Alright, Xuhuan, you are neither alive or dead.  This is the Nudiempyrean  Realm. Or dimension if thats what you prefer. It simply means the  day before yesterdays highest heaven. You may call it Past heaven, I guess.

Xuhuan: Im still confused. Im pretty sure this is all  in my head... None of this makes sense in the first place.

[Transmigrating system]

System~~ Well, Xuhuan. Now that I am in a physical form, does anything make any more sense than before?

Xuhuan: No. I dont understand how you suddenly becoming "human" or whatever physical form this is would help me understand anything. Please elaborate for the sake of my sanity.

System~~ Ah- Um...well. Regarding your wishes to not perpetuate life, you were transmigrated into a virtual world. Albeit this is a physical world, the best way I am able to describe it is virtual. To the realm of living, this world simply does not subsist. One can only fathom its existence without concrete proof. This realm is currently inaccessible to such a minuscule minded species of man. Only those who are culled may enter and perpetuate thriving in the luscious life of Nudiempyrean.

Xuhuan: Im sorry, what? Dumb it down a bit, please. And why was I chosen?

System~~ Sigh- Since you've been given a second chance in life and you've refused it, I've decided to bring you here. Death is far more frightening than this. Trust me. And I've just chosen you because you're cute. Also, off topic, but please give me a name. I am  your personalized system. Feel free to do as you please with me. But be gentle o///o

Xuhuan sat down on the ground and stared at the system. He furrowed his brow and stared at the oddly saturated grass beneath him.  He observed the dew on the blades of grass. He ruffled his hair and looked at the system. 

Xuhuan: You want a name? How about Rashi. Short for Kawairashi. Its gender neutral, if you're comfortable with that.

Xuhuan smiled, flashing his pearly white teeth and pointy canines. His baby pink cheeks can be seen from underneath his bangs. The light reflecting  off his hair.

Rashi~~ To my understanding that can be roughly be translated to 'adorable', right? I like it. Although with the shimmery scenery and the wind flowing, this is starting to seem like a boys love, is it not? Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with it...but I just didn't expect it to go like this with you just meeting me. Or am I reading too much into this?

Xuhuan: I don't now, Rashi. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. But yes, your new name does in fact mean adorable. I think its your eyes. They're really pretty.

Rashi~~ o///o Oh. Well, thank you. I appreciate it.

Xuhuan smiled and looked into the sky. The scarce clouds, the stars brightly shining despite it being broad daylight. Everything here was so ethereal.  Instead of calling this place Nudiempyrean, you might as well just call it Etherealm. Cheesy, but it fits it so well.

Xuhuan: Hey, Rashi...take me to the city. I wanna see what we're working with...

I don't really care what Im here for, Im just happy to be here. Its...so calm its almost perfect, but I can sense that its no where near that. Its different...very different. I think I already love it though.

Rashi~~  Xuhuan. Are you ready to go? I can take you to the city. Just stand next to me, or hold my hand- uwu

Xuhuan stared at Rashi for a moment. Then he got up and brushed himself off, and took Rashi's hand.

Lets go.