
Errant Blade

Honor, Glory, and Justice! Never forget Acros, a knights duty is to his people! Just as a wizards is to his study. ... The knight Acros. He is a sword of the people, and a blade that hounds evil. So when a god asks for his help, his honor compels him to oblige. But this world is a far cry from his own, and evil has long run rampant. Knights are no longer seen as honorable warriors, and demons stalk the lands. The name of the monster lord haunts the minds of man. This is a land where heroes go to meet their end. ... Alright boys and- honestly who am I kidding it's just boys I have seen like five girls on this hellsite and two of them are quite suspicious. Anyways this is a MGE fiction. This means that I will be taking inspiration from the monster girl encyclopedia. However, I will be taking none of their characters or settings besides the monster lord as that world is quite vague and stupid. That means that if you haven't seen the monster girl encyclopedia, that's fine. This is a whole new story. The only things that are coming back are the monster girls themselves. Anyways that's all. Everything else can be learned by literally reading the story. Also just because mc is a knight, doesn't mean he is a goody two-shoes. He might seem like it at first, but there is a lot hidden beneath that helmet. Final things, the horny is taking a far away backseat. This is mostly action adventure. Go read porn somewhere else. ... The cover is literally the official image for lilim in the monster girl encyclopedia. I'll change it if I find better art, receive better art, or am forced to.

Vermillion_Robin · Others
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18 Chs

A Lunatic Intellect


A Day And Half After Acros's Victory Over Yaril:


The mountain beyond Barow was a turbulent inclined plateau. Small patches of yellowed flora barely managed to survive the despotic winds who lorded over the mountains, barrelling across every surface like a stampede of howling phantoms. Even in the frigid temperatures, the sun bared down upon both stone and earth, drying the little water that may have managed to pool.

It was a place where only the hardiest creatures managed to survive. 

And yet it was here that the Ogres returned to. The merciless winds whipped pebbles and dust at them, attempting to break their skin and sweep them off their feet. Even so, the Ogres moved effortlessly and unbothered, marching at a steady pace. At the head of their group, the tallest of their kind walked with her two daughters. One was held under her arm, while the others trudged forward with slight difficulty upon the uneven terrain.


The leader of the Ogres. Her wounds had healed overnight, and now, though she was physically functional, her pride had been grievously wounded. She went over it again and again in her head. She never considered herself dumb. She was unlike a majority of her brethren in that aspect. Though to be fair, they weren't stupid either. They simply lacked the capacity for complex problem solving. They weren't made for intelligence. 

Even so, she prided herself on being smarter than her brethren. She still remembered when she first met Ahra, and her face when she actually managed to have a significant interaction with someone who didn't have blue skin.

It had been amusing to her.

And for that reason she envied humans.

The intellect they had was beyond her grasp.

It was for that reason she envied the dwarves.

Their ability to innovate was simply not within her.

It was why she envied the elves.

Their wealth of knowledge that they could retain was impossible to match.

And then there were the demons that had it all.

She envied and envied until her skin could become no greener than it already was.

At least until she met Ahra. It was at that moment that she learned there was no need for envy. Ahra was living proof that Ogres could be more, even if they weren't exactly the same. So she and Ahra studied together. They grew strong together. They became sisters together, and they found husbands together.

When Yaril became the leader of the tribe, Ahra became her advisor. When she became a mother, Ahra was the children's aunt.

Yet at that moment. When Ahra cried out to her, she had disregarded her like an idiot. At that moment, she wasn't a leader, a mother, or a great warrior. She was a seething animal. 

'I have to apologize later, and in private.' She thought.

As the group of warriors made their way across a low plateau, the Ogres village came into sight.

Huts of stone, mud and sparse wood. Despite her best effort, it was the best her tribe could manage to build. And with the aid of their human husbands, the newer houses had some semblance of being brick residences.

Even so, it was a far cry from a proper village or town.

The Ogres entered the small settlement, defeated and exhaustedly making their way to their huts of clay. Husbands greeted each ogre at the door, grasping the woman's waist as they asked how the exchange went. 

Eventually, it was just Ahra, Maria and Yaril lonesomely making their way to the most professional residence. It was the only place with glass windows, and a fairly organized tile roof. As they approached, a man opened the door for the trio, tempting them with an alluring sight.

One man was wearing nothing but boxers and an apron. He had short black hair and a curvaceous feminine figure. His green eyes shone with a hint of lust as he bit his glossy lips, looking at Ahra with a flushed face, either by the sudden cold, or a slight embarrassment. 

"Ah! To'ra!"

Maria blushed and covered her eyes at the sight, leaving slight gaps in her fingers to catch more of a glimpse of the man's figure.

"Hello Chief, Maria, A-MmmH

He could barely make it through his greeting before Ahra met his lips with her own, sticking her long tongue as close to back of his throat as she could. 

"MmmmMMmmmH Ah, Ahra wai-mmMPH"

They stumbled in the doorway as Maria hustled past to her room, slamming the door.

Ahra began to caress his chest and kiss his neck, licking and slurping her way down as she left sloppy kisses across his delicate body. Her fingers traced his soft skin as she felt up his erotic body, massaging every corner as she found herself grasping his plump bottom.

"Ahra Darling! Wait, the chief is watchin- Ah-AH!"

Her tongue slowly lolled out of her mouth and flitted across his chest as she began to suckle on him, pinching his other nipple with one hand as she stroked his inner thigh, feeling the soft supple skin in all the right places.

Her eyes met his as her pupils flickered between slits and circles, her predatory instincts slowly smothering her instincts as she smelled his pre-cum beginning to flow.

However just before things could go any further, Yaril grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and peeled her off her husband.

"Wake up Ahra. Before you rape your husband in the entrance way. And you, stop enticing her like that."

"Boo! This is tyranny."

The man got up, his thighs shivering as his eyes met Ahra resolved gaze. Her instincts had won, and he knew she was going to take him the moment Yaril let go.

"Yaril. Thirty seconds."

"I know Ahra."

"Tora, where is my husband."

"He is in bed, he was having trouble sleeping so I mixed some sleeping solution into the food at his request."

"You have my thanks. Here is you reward: Ahra, get him."

Letting go of the smaller blue oni, one could see a moment of pure joy flash across Tora's face as the blur slammed into him and disappeared down the hall. The wet slurping and moans were evident of what Ahra was doing to him, so much so that even Yaril was beginning to feel her thighs rub together as she walked. Even so, she couldn't do anything yet. Her husband was still asleep. 

And so was Yakeg.

The thought of her daughters ordeal brought her back from the brink of arousal.

'Curse that man, why did his transformation make him so erotic?'

Taking Yakeg to her room, she laid the large ogre down. She slowly made her way through her home, relishing that she didn't have to duck anymore to get into rooms. This house was their third residence, and the best of the bunch so far. They accommodated for her massive height and bulk. Moving through the halls, she did her best to ignore the salacious clamor behind her as she moved to the rearmost area of the house and entered the final room. Inside, a large fluffy bed of arachne silk and harpy down awaited her.

Along with her husband.

He was nothing like Tora.

Tora was audaciously carnal. It was in his nature even before he met Ahra in a red light district.

Her husband was simply a frail, kind scholar who appreciated her. And she could want nothing more. 

The man was small, and slightly thin no matter what he ate. Even while sleeping he had an air of fragility surrounding him. He had brown hair and freckly cheeks. His eyes, though closed, were blue in colour, and oh what a beautiful blue they were to her. They reminded her of her early adventures with Ahra as they made their way across the great sands to the other side of the continent and finally saw the sea.

Ahra found her husband in that tiny little seaside town, taking him from the redlight district like a bull in a china shop.


She remembered the sheer rage she portrayed on that day when she found out how they were mistreating the boy because of how feminine he was. 

What a day that was. 

Getting into bed with her husband, she felt the man's arms instinctively seek her warmth, wrapping around her and pulling himself into her bosom, to which she replied with an embrace of her own. And so, the two fell asleep that midday, squeezing and snuggling the day away.

Writing this chapter made you a little sad I see. Suffer you fool, for I am perfectly comfortable without a girlfriend because I get to watch you all suffer.

Hehehehehehahahahahah... haaaahhh.

One day.

Vermillion_Robincreators' thoughts