
Chapter 142 Duels Introduction

"Learning a powerful spell doesn't make you powerful, turning a regular spell into a powerful spell makes you powerful, and that's what basic training means, yes you what do you have to say?" The instructor stops as one of the students raises her hand.

"The cold spell you cast earlier was so powerful, I have never seen something like that in my entire life, how can we stop and create something like that"

"Good question, I thought no one would ask, it's called a union spell and it would only work if you have the same affinities, don't worry we are getting there"

"To protect yourself from the spell you need highly condensed Mana skin"

"Can the mana skin protect us from spells?" Another of the students asks.

"That's a good question, let's answer the question with an example, shoot me a spell," the instructor said to the girl who asked the question.

"Huh, I should fire a spell at you?" The girl muttered with her lips trembling.