
Erotic Royale Of Villains.

The heir of the Evil Progenitor bloodline ended the war between the two race by slaying the human and vampire alikes but was backstabbed by the only person he addressed as family. Fate played a trick and sent him to a new world to continue as Villain but the weakest of all villain, a Virgin who faints at the sight of beauties. Manipulative: Check Handsome: Check Big Rod: Check Evil mentality: Check Magic: Check Rarebloodline: Check. Op Friends: Check With all these how would he not be able to conquer this world the same way he did with the other worlds. _______ Follow me on Instagram _ EroXd Join my discord channel - https://discord.gg/5M3eBT9EAp

EroXD · Urban
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52 Chs


Ethan has fought so many beings, even monsters, in his previous life, and he possesses that amount of power in this life as well, so why would he find it difficult to kill a bunch of chiroths, even the higher-ranked ones?

Ethan forcefully seized a chiroth, almost his own height, and forcefully slammed it face-first into the ground before swiftly moving on to the next target. A sense of satisfaction washed over him as he mentally chuckled, inviting more opponents to engage him in combat.

Utilizing his hooked blood thread, he snatched another chiroth by its neck and twisted it mid-air.

At the moment, Ethan was engaged in a battle against a group of mid-ranked chiroths. These chiroths differed from the initial ones he encountered in that their flying capabilities were limited and they primarily fought on the ground. This disparity granted Ethan a significant advantage in dispatching them.

Ethan reveled in the thrill of battle as he faced off against the mid-ranked Chiroths. Their inability to take to the air meant that Ethan could utilize his full range of skills without the hindrance of aerial combat. With a swift motion, he unsheathed his vampire claws, the metallic gleam reflecting the dim light of the crystals.

As the Chiroths charged at him, their razor-sharp claws extended, Ethan sprang into action. He sidestepped their lunges with incredible agility, narrowly evading their deadly strikes. With each movement, he displayed the grace and precision of a seasoned warrior.

Launching himself into the air, Ethan executed a series of acrobatic flips, delivering devastating kicks and punches to his adversaries. The force behind his strikes was magnified by his enhanced strength, sending Chiroths flying through the air and crashing into the dungeon walls.

The hooked blood thread in Ethan's hand served as both a defensive and offensive weapon. He skillfully maneuvered it, entangling the limbs of his opponents and leaving them vulnerable to his swift attacks. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the thread whirling through the air, severing the Chiroths' limbs and rendering them immobile.

The scent of blood filled the air as Ethan continued his relentless assault. His sharp claws tore through the Chiroths' thick hides, leaving deep gashes that oozed crimson. The monsters shrieked in agony, their once formidable presence now reduced to a desperate struggle for survival.

Despite their size and strength, the Chiroths proved no match for Ethan's superior combat skills and supernatural abilities. With each passing moment, their numbers dwindled, and the remaining creatures grew increasingly desperate. Their attacks became more frenzied, fueled by a desperate determination to bring down their relentless adversary.

But Ethan remained focused and unyielding. He utilized his vampire-like speed to swiftly evade their attacks, countering with lethal precision. His blood threads danced through the air, entangling the Chiroths and leaving them defenseless. One by one, they fell beneath his onslaught, their lifeless bodies littering the ground.

And finally, the last one fell to the ground dead. Ethan let out a wild grin as he stole a glance at his generoid, only to see that his total gene points had grown past 900, which is more than sufficient.

He proceeded deeper into the dungeon, and now he could hear whispers coursing through the wind.

The whisper kept getting louder as he proceeded deeper; it was almost scary, but to Ethan, it was nothing.

He reached the den of higher chiroths. They are almost human-like; the only difference between them and humans is their bat wings, claws, and fangs.

For some reasons, they were a little bit similar to the ancient vampires of his time.

Like those vampires that reigned millennia ago in his previous world.

'Just some similarities, nothing different.' Ethan thought to himself as he brushed through their line-up.

He did not wait for the monsters to let out shrieks and attack him before he attacked.

However, he just made progress and a huge mistake at the same time.

All these higher chiroths can use magic, and the worst of all, they used dark magic!

Several dark magic balls, dark curves, and darkness-forged weapons started flying in his direction.

He let out a low curse and quickly created a hooked blood thread to evade their attacks.

But also unknownly, the higher chiroths were able to fly!

As Ethan dodged the onslaught of dark magic and flew higher, he realized the gravity of the situation. The battle had escalated to a new level, and his previous strategies wouldn't be enough to ensure victory. The whispers in the air grew louder and more chaotic, echoing through the cavernous dungeon.

Ethan swiftly adapted to the changing circumstances, relying on his instincts and honed combat skills. He utilized his vampire-like speed and agility to evade the incoming attacks, narrowly dodging the dark magic balls and weaving through the chaos of the battlefield.

With a burst of energy, Ethan propelled himself into the air, engaging the flying chiroths in an aerial showdown. The clash of claws and fangs reverberated through the chamber as he engaged in a deadly dance with his adversaries. Each movement was a calculated strike, as he aimed to exploit their weaknesses and overcome their magical prowess.

The whispers intensified, reverberating through Ethan's mind. They gnawed at his concentration, threatening to disrupt his focus. But he refused to yield. Determination burned within him, driving him to fight with unparalleled ferocity.

As the battle raged on, Ethan suffered a glancing blow to his knee area from a higher chiroth's claw.

Pain seared through his leg, momentarily slowing him down. But he let out a grin and continued to ravage the battle field.

'Hehe, it's been a long time since I used my self-healing ability," he thought to himself.

Using his blood threads with precision, Ethan launched counterattacks against the higher chiroths. He entangled their wings, restricting their movement and causing them to crash into the ground. With his vampire claws, he delivered swift and precise strikes, targeting vital points and exploiting any opening he could find.

Despite the overwhelming odds, Ethan's indomitable spirit fueled his resilience. He fought with unwavering resolve, channeling his pain and frustration into his strikes. The higher chiroths, though formidable opponents, began to falter under the relentless onslaught.

The whispers in the air grew louder still, their chaotic voices echoing through Ethan's mind. They were no longer mere whispers; they had transformed into a cacophony of sound that threatened to overwhelm him. But he refused to succumb to their influence, focusing instead on the task at hand.

He ran towards the last chiroth standing and slashed its two wings with his claws before slashing his neck off from its head.

The whisper soon turned into a torturing energy wave that tried to disorient his thinking. The whisper was so strong that it stopped Ethan from healing himself.

'What is the cause of this whisper? It feels like it's calling me and yet still trying to avoid me at the same time.' Ethan gritted his teeth as he tried to force his self-healing ability to heal his wounds.





Meanwhile, in a cloaking darkness inside the dungeon, a being with voluptuous human female features and wings sat on an ancient throne with both her legs spread on the armrest.

Her position is both sexual and chaotic at the same time.

So guys I'm planning to go premium on the next chapter (becos I need moni :'-(

So after this one, expect more actions and eroticism as the darkness unfold. The true Erotic Royale unfolds in upcoming chapter. Thanks for reading. Everybody is welcome, don't forget to thrown some Powerstones in

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