
Drifting to sleep.

"It is a method that has been passed through by my grandfathers who are no longer walking in this world."

Baek Mi Cha felt disgusted with how the young master presented himself. He was calm as there could be, yet what was coming out of his mouth was rubbish.

'Is there a shortage of girls in the Orthodox factions? This guy must think I am a fool whom he can just feel up. Seriously he is even worse than the idiots who follow me. Alright, I will play along with you.'

Even though the red haired reviewed himself to be stronger than her, Baek Mi Cha was confident she would kill him, after all he is just a fool who can't control himself.

"So this massage of yours can make all the pain go away without any problem?"

Namgung Wong gently nodded his head at her question.

'Does he think I am a fool? This Orthodox bastard doesn't even have what it takes to pull that kind of stunt on me. He is just a frog in a pond who only has a pretty face.'

A rare smile danced on Baek Mi Cha's sweet face and she quickly pulled the victims card.

"Promise me you won't pull any funny trick, or else you a dead, you heard that."

Wong scoffed and shook his head a few times, "What can I possibly want from a flower whom is yet to bloom such as your ugly self, little girl. Stop fooling yourself, you won't even as much graze this great one's body with that child's strength you have."

Baek Mi Cha felt bothered by the man's words to the point she just wanted to kill him right there.

'Little girl?!! Who the hell is he calling that!? Judging by his looks we are basically from the same generation. How dare he mock me!?'

Everything that came from her targets mouth felt like poison and she wanted to really end his life, despite the fact that she was on a mission to kill him.

'Just you wait, the moment you put your guard down, I will cut off all your family diamonds, ho ho ho!'

'"What should I do next?"

Wong released a heavy sigh and accidentally looked at the position the assassin was hiding, "You are really rude for someone getting free treatment... do not underestimate your back pain, the moment it stops,then know you will be... a cripple who uses sticks to walk who can't sleep at night regretting not to take this offer."

"Cripple?! How?! When?!" Baek Mi Cha was greatly surprised by this fact that she ended up selling her location to the enemy. In all honesty she was pretending trying to make the red haired man lower his guard.

'He is good, for a second there I almost believed about being cripple. What has the Orthodox factions turned to over the years?'

Jumping down from the tree she was hiding, the young girl faces Wong who was still in an act of confusion, for a second his life was in danger. Removing her mask all that was left was a cute figure of an Asian beauty with long orange hair and black hazel eyes.

'Ha ha ha, I guess my beauty is making you run out of words arrogant bastard.'

"You still look ugly even without your mask on."

"You..! You..! What did.. you!" Baek Mi Cha ran out of words, because of rage. 'This Orthodox bastard shall suffer more than the others!'

"Greeting sen..ior I am... Baek Ting from the Unorthodox factions." The more she talked the more her face cringed. The son of a bitch in front of her was really annoying to the core.

"You can call me Lil Touchy, my birth name is too heavy for someone like you to hear." Wong felt his tongue twist a lot of times with what he was saying, even he couldn't believe it.

"Time isn't on our side little girl.,Quickly lay on the sheet on the ground with your belly. It is already near time for this great one to eat."

"Ah... sorry let me do it now. Please forgive me."

'This son of a bitch just wait, I will kill you! How dare you call me a little girl!? I am thirty-three years old!'

Baek Mi Cha quickly lay on the ground and her teeth were crashing against each other with rage, but Wong didn't notice any of that as he cracked his fingers.

"Ah!" Baek Mi Cha let out a loud moan the moment Wong touched her back and she herself was confused why she suddenly felt so much pleasure. Her body started dancing around on the sheet.

"Stop wiggling around little girl! You are not a worm!"

"Ah..! Sorry."

The young lady tried to control herself, but the more the young brat's hands moved on her like wave made her body feel like it was on drugs.

The feeling was irresistible like a promotion at work. It was like god was moving his carriage on her back. Each second she felt so relaxed that her eyes started to slowly close.

'Am I feeling sleepy? I wish sleep was always this good.'

It was like she was under a spell. She didn't even try to resist the feeling she was having. As the tension on her back got away, the more she drifted into the land of dreams.

Namgung Wong slowly raises his hand away from the orange haired lady and wrote something on the ground next to her head, before he tip-toed back to his teammates.

"Brother Wong what took you so long?!" Morong Fan was the one to ask,"Do you have an upset stomach or something?"

"Ha, ha, thank you for noticing Fan." Wong forced a smile on his face that had a vein popping out, 'You idiot! Couldn't you find a better reason for my delay!'

"Why don't we head towards the Academy and rest tomorrow."

No one disagreed with Wong and they all started packing to continue their journey. For are second the foolish swordsman exchanged glances with the assassins after him.

"So... that is were you have been hiding."