

At the age of 13, Lyon Grey suffers an accident and remains in a coma for a year of his life in a private hospital where his family had taken him. On his 14th birthday, he suddenly wakes up, but instead of being happy to be able to live normally, he feels confused. After all, gender roles have been reversed due to the fall in the ratio of men to women, with 1 man for every 3 women After the opening of several towers around the world, men must enter them and complete the floors so that the portal doesn't break. When they turn 14, they must go to the base of the tower and receive their awakening so that they can use Aura. Women are not allowed to enter the tower and awaken. All governments have established that all men at the age of 14 must go to the tower and undergo their awakening, after which they can decide whether to attend the academy called "Aura Path Academy", which is now established worldwide to train all new aura users. Or whether they will start entering the tower without any training. This will be a world with reversed gender roles. Warning: This book contains smut, R-18 and Incest. If you don't like it, please don't read it. There will be no NTR, i hate NTR! As the series progresses it will be explained that they are not real blood relatives. So do not worry. IMAGE CREATED BY LEONARDO.IA

Jhon_Sinners · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Yara & Lena

"Come on, Lyon" His mother got out of the car and walked to her door, opening it for him.

"Mom, you don't have to treat me like a princess..." Lyon says as he blushes.

"Waaah... my little boy doesn't want to accept his mother's love anymore..." His mother tells him as she tries to pretend to cry.

Lyon realizes that she was just making a scene, but decides to play her game nonetheless.

"All right... Since you want to treat me like a prince, you should listen to my requests, shouldn't you?" Lyon says while smiling mischievously.

"Hm... All right, would you like me to buy you something?" his mother asks him.

Hearing this reminded him of how he constantly asked his mother for money and made her buy him anything he wanted... But now it was different.

"No! I want you to kiss my cheek until I'm satisfied, and then I'll get out of the car."

Lyon says as he blushes with shame for asking something like that.

Upon hearing her son's request, she can't help but feel shocked, after all, he would usually ask her to buy him something. It seems that after he had that dream about his mother, he would have liked to be closer to her. 

"All right..." His mother told him as she approached Lyon to kiss him.

She slowly moved closer and brought one of her hands to Lyon's left cheek and brought her lips close to his right cheek, giving him the first kiss. After a few seconds with her lips glued to her son's cheeks, she pulled away and asked him if he liked it.

"Was it good? Did you like your mommy's kiss?" His mother asks him.

"Y-Yes, it was very good!" Lyon says as he looks away and blushes furiously, anyone who sees his current appearance would find him charming and cute. Of course, his mother was no exception.

"Cute! Lyon, you're the cutest boy in the world!" After saying that, she couldn't control herself any longer and started kissing his cheeks rapidly.


Their moment of euphoria lasted just over a minute before Lyon couldn't stand it any longer and asked her to stop, or else he knew his little brother would rise up.

"M-Mom, please stop... Hnng... If you carry on I'm going to get very angry..." Lyon said this, but his expression betrayed him, he was completely flushed, his face to his ears were red.

His mother, seeing his current appearance, was delighted to be able to tease her son so much, but decided to stop, after all, he was asking for it.

She then gave him one last kiss on the forehead and moved away a little...

"Haaah... Hnng... Mom, you're so mean!" says Lyon while puffing out his cheeks...

Seeing her son acting so cute and charming, she couldn't help but look away, because if she kept looking at him, she wouldn't be able to control herself.

After looking away, she holds out one of her hands and asks Lyon to accompany her.

"Excuse me, could you forgive Mom and come with me? Your sisters are waiting for you inside." Her mother tells her.

"Um... All right... Let's go." Lyon accepts his mother's hand and gets out of the car to accompany her.

They start walking towards the door of the mansion.

After a few seconds they were finally only one step away from entering the mansion, but before his mother could open the door, someone opened it and jumped towards Lyon at an impressive speed.

"Lyooooon! Waaaaaaaaaaah... Waaaaaah... Waaaaaah..." The person grabbed Lyon in a tight hug and started crying desperately.

Lyon could recognize her immediately, this was none other than his own sister Yara who had pushed him down the stairs... She was a little taller than him, her hair was brown and went down to her waist, the irises of her eyes were blue just like Lyon's, and her figure was almost fully developed in terms of breasts and buttocks, after all, they were huge.

"Yara... I'm back." After Lyon said this, he put one of his hands on her back and the other on her head and began to stroke her gently, trying to calm her down.

"Lyoon... Waaaaahh... Waaaaaah... Forgive me... Forgive me..." Yara says to Lyon in the midst of her crying.


And so several minutes passed before she finally calmed down and just sobbed...

After she had calmed down, Lyon began to talk to her.

"Hehehe, Yara's become a crybaby," Lyon says with a slight laugh, and before she can get angry, he comes close to her ear and whispers words to her.

"But you've also become much more beautiful in the time I've been away..." Lyon says as he strokes her head, making her blush furiously and forget his earlier comment.

"Idiot!" Despite saying something like that, she had a huge smile on her face at being complimented by her younger brother.

Feeling embarrassed, she walks away from Lyon and hides behind her mother.

Lyon just laughs a little at her attitude and then turns his gaze to the other girl who was standing there crying quietly.

"Lena, you've grown up a lot! Don't you want to give big brother a hug?" Lyon says to the girl.

The beautiful girl who was standing there in her tears had black hair, brown eyes and a beautiful face. Her body was still developing, but anyone could tell that she would look a lot like her beautiful mother in the future. 

"I-I can hug you Lyon?" Yara said through her sobs.

"Of course my cute sister can hug me, come on!" Lyon says as he opens his arms wide.

She immediately jumps into his arms and starts crying with her face buried in his chest.

"WAaaaaaaaaaaaaah... Waaaaaah... Waaaah. I've missed you!" Lena says in the midst of her crying.

"I missed you too, Lena." With everyone around him crying, Lyon happens to feel a speck fall into his eye and ends up shedding tears too...

Ok guys, that was the last chapter of drama, now let's focus on the development of mc.

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