
Erotic Adventures in the Omniverse: Vampire Lord got too many wives

Finding a strange orb, Jayden finds himself turning into a vampire. Strange quests start to appear in front of him, sending him to different worlds. He finds himself playing different roles in different worlds, as he gets stronger and gets the most beautiful women from each world. " So, you want to save your son, impossible. The treason he committed can't be forgiven. " " Please, *sob*" I'm begging you. I'll do anything if you spare him. " Jayden looks at the breath-taking beauty kneeling in front of him, as a sly smile appears on his face. " Anything, you say. Then..." ****** Using his mind control abilities, Jayden will become the richest, strongest vampire, and have lots of beautiful women in his harem. ________________________ -No NTR, But MC will steal other's women. -Might be a bit slow at the beginning. -No Yuri Discord link: https://discord.com/invite/wckUrBNVUd Extra chapters after 30 golden tickets and gifts

Jin_moon · Fantasy
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702 Chs

One Bad news after another

" And don't even think of attacking him in the future, if I find that you tried something then I'll personally punish you. "

Liling said, her eyes narrowed on him making Qiang shiver again.

" Y- Yes, mother. "

Saying that he finally walks away, veins were bulging in his face, he wanted to cut Jayden into pieces after Suffering for an entire day and night, but now even his mother sided with Jayden, he could only grit his teeth and wait to find the perfect moment for revenge.

Seeing his son finally walking away, Liling turned to Jayden and asked:

" You are fine, right? "

In response, Jayden smiles charmingly, and nodded his head, after that he spoke:

" Let's meet again later, I'll make it even more fun next time. "

Jayden said and handed her a jade plate, that could be used to contact him.