
Eros Destroying the Multiverse

Eros the god of Lust is a primeval god whose mischievous meddling in the affairs of gods and mortals caused bonds of love to form and drama to unfold. Feeling frustrated over being with a single wife he begins to make mistakes till the gods are pissed off One thing led to another and Zeus gave him the power Dimensional travel. (the gods wanted him to leave and never come back.) Eros will travel to many worlds not caring about the plot or fate of the universe. (not that he knows it) even if the guy is 'heavens child' (plot armor) he might still take his girl. First world- SAO disclaimer: I don't own the characters. Please check out my coffee page https://www.patreon.com/DemonKingVan Discord https://discordapp.com/channels/579757112268161037/579759559011205122

DemonKingVan · Anime & Comics
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182 Chs

Eros hero rank C class?

The man who looked like if he coughs shit will come out started giving out ranking

Slowly but surely the names were being called out

{No students were here}

People like Sirius, and bubble girl who was a sidekick were chosen to be C rank heroes...

Eros: (Swim...huh)

Raphtalia by his side stopped and looked at Eros...she was confused by his expression

Eros: Strang why would they put him as a C rank 1

he points to a guy wearing a bicycle helmet and pads and shirt

Raphtalia: You mean...Mumen Rider? is he weak or something

Eros: No..he feels strong...I seemed to have found my rival here

Raphtalia: ...your joking aren't you

he didn't answer and assface continued with B rank

"Pineapple B rank 46"

Eros: haha he has a pineapple quirk

"Cow lady b rank 52"

Eros: She doesn't have big boobs through...well not the size to be considered a cow...

" Crying man b rank 69"

Eros: what a little bitch

" Atla B rank 2

Eros: Wow she will...actually she probably won't care

Raphtalia: well she focuses more on support anyway

Eros then whistled at the sight B rank 1

" Fubuki Blizzard of Hell"

She was tall and big in all the right places...with a seductive look on her face

"Ryukyu A rank 10"

She notices Eros who waves at her and she blushes looking at him

Some of the people Eros knew were in B and A rank. Ester was surprisingly A rank 1

S rank had some interesting people

Dragon Kid who was a girl that had a bruce lee costume. She was hot! Blue Rose who was wearing a revealing outfit showing off her cute boobs, and the way she did her makeup...Nice!

Rumi Usagiyama or Rabbit hero Mirko is one of that muscular chicks with those sexy thighs

Oh, Raphtalia was ranked 3rd another girl who looked cute and somehow alluring named (Tatsumaki) Tornado of Terror was ranked 2nd and I was ranked first...

They confused me with someone named Air Rose...who was a C rank...


While this was going on. In the League of Villains, a man is scratching his neck

Tomura: Master he killed him...I must kill him

All For one: The time isn't right. Build your pieces and then strike.

{All for one is the founder of the League of villains. His powers are said to be the strongest}

He hung up on the call

Tomura: Cupid, CUPID, CUPID

he was growing anger with rage

suddenly a figure appears behind him and spoke.

Unknown figure: Yes it is all His fault

Tomura heard an alluring voice, Like a Sirens leading a sailor to their death

Unknown figure: He doesn't understand you. He acts as he cares but he can't understand what your feeling

Unknown figure: How can you expect your master to understand your feelings he never been what you been through.

Tomura: Yeah...master hasn't been what I've been through

Unknown figure: I know understand what you want! You want everyone to feel what you're going through

Tomura nodded but said: But its impossible with people like Cupid around...

Unknown figure: But his power is Love right

the figure spun around

Unknown figure: Then the solution is simple!

the figure jumped and continued: The thing to lead to killing Cupid and having your master understand you happen with despair!

Tomura: Despair?

Unknown figure: Do you know what the opposite of Love and hope is? It's Despair! Due to Despair parents would sell their children into slavery, Due to Despair children would bully someone and that despair would lead someone to fight back, Despair makes us stronger. You know how it was when you felt the despair of losing your family and no one came for you, however, due to that you became who you are today!...but you're master doesn't understand this

Tomura: He doesn't understand this

Unknown figure: Think about it. He is strong. He never doubts himself...he gives people hope. But he never felt despair...

The figure hugs him

Unknown figure: Don't you want him to understand you better. The best way is for you to show him despair and kill him.


Unknown figure: Think about it. you're his student. What better way to show him everything you learn is by killing him and taking his power. That will show him your love for him!

Tomura: By...killing master. I will show I love him?

Unknown figure: Yes, you can wear his hands and it is the perfect graduation to show him. How much you love him

Tomura: but...killing master...

Unknown figure: What do birds do to their young. They push them off of trees to make them fly. scorpions kill their mates and Villians kill their master! Besides...isn't he growing weaker...do you want to see a weak master...

Tomura: No, master should always be strong

Unknown figure: Kill him before you see his weak self

Tomura: I...wo-will...kill him! but what about Cupid

Unknown figure: That's easy to take away all the peoples hope and love. The more you do the weaker he gets. His arrows won't be able to harm you... you will be able to cause him damage...and whats the worst thing that happens you die....but your death will haunt him and bring him more into despair. Isn't that amazing!

He starts laughing and the Unknown figure disappears


A man has just defeated a hero. this man dreams of becoming a monster! He is a former disciple of Bang (number 4 S class hero) who was kicked out from his dojo for going on a rampage. Because of his fascination with monsters and his hatred of heroes, he is commonly called the Human Monster and the Hero Hunter.

He had a conversation with the unknown figure an hour ago...

Garou: I must cause more despair...This will lead heroes to lose to us monsters!


Eros begins flirting with the girls at the Hero association..

//AN: Not much to say Some of the characters were from Tiger and bunny and One punch man.

Have you figured out who the unknown figure is? Well, I made it obvious...

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