
72: Welcome to Club N: Part III: See the Real Me

Shikamaru opened his eyes slowly feeling a level of contentment that he usually did after a good nap. However, that feeling faded as he looked over and saw that the twenty minutes that he had planned to take had stretched into an hour and a half making him late for a meeting to plan the new test for the Chunin Exams. Shikamaru didn't sit up in a panic seeing as he was already late for it, but he did feel extremely annoyed.

Pulling himself out of bed, he left his room and upon passing the kitchen sighed as his mother was sitting at a table in the kitchen just staring out the window. "Mom, I thought that I asked you to wake me after twenty minutes."

Yoshino looked away from a family of deer that were grazing at the edge of the forest. She looked at a clock and seeing she had completely missed the time that he had asked for her to wake him showed little concern as she said, "Sorry." She then turned back to the window. Shikamaru felt a surge of anger, but didn't say anything as he knew deep down she would have failed to rouse him when he asked. His anger bled off as he took stock of the kitchen's condition which in the past would have been spotless, but now he could see areas where grim was accumulating even though she had just cleaned it.

"I'm heading out," Shikamaru said and wasn't too surprised that he didn't receive a response in return. He reached for the pack of cigarettes in his vest pocket and put one in his mouth. He considered lighting it up in the house, but having learned his mother wouldn't complain, half the reason he had taken up his teacher's old habit had never materialized.

Stepping out of the house he lit up, and then put his hands in his pocket as he made his way to the Academy which was where a lot of the village's business was being conducted until the Hokage mansion was rebuilt. Thinking of the proposed changes being made to the building which removed the residential portions in favor of making the building completely dedicated to village business, Shikamaru noted where the Hokage had decided to take up residence. She wasn't the first Hokage not to live in the Hokage mansion, but most of those that hadn't had chosen not to do so because they had families. The Third Hokage, for example had originally not lived in the building during his first term. But he had chosen to when he had retaken the position after the Fourth's death, since his wife had died and his children had been for the most part grown.

Yet, what made The Fifth Hokage's decision stand out wasn't that she was removing the personal residence so much as where she had relocated. Shikamaru didn't think it was a coincidence that she had elected to move into the Hidden Eddy Inn. In many regards, Tsunade was the poster child of what the Nara suspected was a special ability that Naruto possessed, which was that he made people want to become better versions of themselves. While he believed that ability had changed since his return, it only did so in the sense that it seemed to be more focused on a specific gender. Granted, he still noticed the change appearing in men that Naruto had influenced, but he suspected the relationships that he was forming with women were of a different variety.

Reaching the academy, he frowned at the non-smoking side posted on the door so put out his cigarette and tossed it away. Making his way up to Room three-hundred and one, he felt a sigh of annoyance as he threw open the door and received the annoyed glares of the other members of the Chunin Exam Committee.

He did notice that one of the glares that he would have normally received was muted as Karui seemed rather unconcerned with his tardiness. His gaze settled on her, and from her relaxed posture he was quickly able to ascertain that something positive had happened for her recently. He suspected that it was related to her love life which had been in the process of falling apart the last time they had met in regards to the Exams which had been in Amegakure. He had been able to discern that from a meal the members had attended due to her negative reactions to any public display of affection she had witnessed at the restaurant. From the lack of tension currently, he suspected the woman had recently taken a lover that had left her a quivering mess which had made her all but forget about her past troubles.

He also noticed that the recently returned Temari seemed to be hovering around the red-headed Kumo-nin. In and of itself, such a thing didn't necessarily mean much since of the people that made up the group organizing the exams, the Suna and Kumo kunoichi had the most similar temperaments. Yet, rather than butting heads they had worked rather well together. But, currently he was noticing a type of unspoken bond between them.

He filed the information away and tried to analyze what had changed. He suspected that he knew what the catalyst was, but didn't know the why. For example, he knew that Temari had likely become associated with Naruto about the time she had ended her interest in starting a relationship with him. He had realized that the kunoichi had developed a passing interest in him after her defeat by him in the Chunin Exams. It had grown stronger during the work they had done together for the previous exams. He even knew that she had intended to ask him out, but had disguised it as a lunch at a café to discuss an upcoming exam. He had purposefully arrived late to that meeting in order that she wouldn't.

He chuckled mirthlessly as he had done so, because telling her that he didn't want to start a relationship with a woman that had the same temperament as his mother was not in his life plan. Yet, now that his mother was so listless and unengaged he was finding he missed his mother's troublesome attitude in his life. Still, that didn't exactly mean that he regretted not pursuing a relationship with Temari. But, there were moments when he wondered if he should have taken his father's comments about how a woman showed her tender side to a man that she loved a little more to heart. However, he could easily tell that if Temari did have a tender side it was not him that she had any intention of showing it to any longer.

"Glad to see I wasn't the only one that was late," A voice said from behind him. Shikamaru looked over his shoulder to see the amused and somewhat lazy looking kunoichi that was Amegakure's representative and was named Fuyou.

The two kunoichi that had been giving him matching dark looks sighed in defeat before Temari stated, "Honestly, you two. It's not like we haven't been at this for years now."

Fuyou stifled a yawn, before replying, "There really is no point in showing up early if you know one of the members is more than likely going to be late."

"Especially if more often than not you are that late member," Karui retorted. "In any case Temari and I have finalized the last test so look it over. We need to get going in order to prepare for a mission we have to escort a shipment heading to Kumo. Look it over and we'll meet next month to finalize them."

Karui and Temari didn't wait for an acknowledgement knowing there would be letters passed between the various members so they quickly left the room along with the member from Kusagakure.

Fuyou echoed Shikamaru's thoughts as she said, "Well something has her in a good mood. Normally, she'd waste more time berating us rather than focusing on work. Whatever that mission is, she was pretty eager to get to it."

Shikamaru nodded his reading of the red-headed Kumo-nin leading him to believe she and Temari were eager to leave for the same reason. They headed to the table where the others had left the packets in regards to the parameters and conditions of the new test. The Nara picked it up and flipping through it saw that the test as he suspected was rather daunting in scoop. He sighed as it would take a lot of coordination to pull off, but could understand why it might be necessary.

His gaze drifted to Fuyou, while she read over her packet. He considered heading out to read it in a more reclined position, but stopped as she said, "This test is going to be pretty resource heavy to pull off."

"Yeah," Shikamaru admitted, "But, considering the number of participants it is easy to see why a fourth test is necessary. This one should do an excellent job of weeding out a good portion of them. But coordinating it is going to be a drag."

The Ame kunoichi nodded briefly moving the large triangle like bang covering her left eye away to reveal her violet eye. "But, Lady Konan is rather eager to make sure only the best of the best are promoted. Iwagakure seems rather aggressive lately, plus there are troubling rumors..." Fuyou stopped herself while a look of surprise at what she was about to reveal appeared on her face.

Shikamaru frowned since he viewed it as a sign that the kunoichi didn't trust him. He could understand it on one hand since one facet of the Alliance that people worried about was sometimes getting too comfortable with members from outside their home villages, and letting important information slip. Information, which could be used against a person's home village at a later date. Shikamaru didn't have the feeling that what Fuyou had been about to mention was intel of that nature. Instead, he believed it might be related to troubles within the Land of Rain itself.

He studied the kunoichi for a moment and she looked uncomfortable by his scrutiny as she knew of his high IQ so feared he would puzzle it out. Shikamaru was surprised that he hoped that she would open up to him about any issues in her home village, but attributed it to of the other committee members he tended to enjoy her companionship the most. This was because he found that while in her company he felt rather similar to how things had been between him and Temari, except Fuyou was far more relaxed. He hadn't really realized how much he had missed that ease of comradery until he had lost it with the Suna Kunoichi. The friendship he had developed with her was still there naturally, but what he felt was missing was the unspoken attraction that had lingered between them. He had first noticed it himself, when it had disappeared upon her return from Suna after he had failed to show up on time for her attempt to ask him out. Although not bitter about where she now directed that attraction, he was mindful not to make the same mistake so said, "Studying these packets is going to be a real pain. How about we go get something to eat and discuss what the others have planned to get it done with."

Fuyou smiled softly before teasingly saying, "Really, you're suggesting that we buckle down and get to work."

Shikamaru was surprise at how nervous he felt, but replied, "I know it's out of character, but I doubt whatever has Karui in a good mood will save our bacons from her fury next time if we still haven't finished finalizing the fourth exam by the next meeting. We can try to finish it now and help each other. Or do it alone later."

Fuyou saw the benefit so said, "That sounds good." She began heading for the door, but looked over her shoulder to say in an amused tone which was reflected in her violet eyes, "But if you wanted to go out on a date you just needed to say so."

"This isn't a date," Shikamaru said quickly feeling flushed. "It's just like the dinner meetings we had with the others."

Fuyou frowned for a moment but noticing some color in his cheeks said emboldened, "Sure, but you're still paying regardless."

Shikamaru shook his head in amusement as she left the room and quickly followed after her. Deciding to treat her to Ichiraku, he was surprised as he felt a note of concern that Naruto might be there. Attributing it to the idea that should the blond man set his sights on the Ame kunoichi, he might find Fuyou exhibiting a similar change in attitude as Karui had undergone, he decided he would try to keep her out of Naruto's orbit. However, quite aware of the pull that he exhibited he wondered if it might not be time to push his own mother into it.


Naruto was on his third bowl of his favorite food in the world, miso ramen. It was particularly good as it was made by Ayame, who was viewed by most of the village as his girlfriend. It was an accurate description, but he was sure most of the village would be shocked to know that she wasn't the only one. A fact he was sure would scandalize the man he was currently dining with.

"Delicious as always, Ayame," Iruka said, setting his bowl down and chuckled as Naruto handed his empty one to her for a refill. "I see Naruto agrees, although he's been rather silent."

Ayame smiled as her lover's face disappeared behind the bowl so said in his defense, "Well since Kushina's return, he only gets to eat ramen for lunch. This is one of the few times when he has been able to eat it for both lunch and dinner."

Naruto put his bowl down long enough to say, "And that almost didn't get to happen. The only reason she relented was because I told her it was kind of a tradition between Iruka-sensei and me."

Ayame smiled knowingly as she had felt Kushina in a state of pleasure before Naruto had arrived so figured he had used another type of persuasion on her. She smiled when Naruto turned a shade of red after she said, "I imagine it took a bit of time on your knees to convince her to let you slip back into your old ramen habits."

"More than a little," Naruto said after regaining his composure. Hoping to steer the conversation away from his mother and how he had convinced her to let him gorge himself on his favorite food he said, "But I'm sure Iruka-sensei isn't all that interested in my plight about being denied your ramen three times a day, Ayame."

She smiled and caused the Chunin instructor to choke on the water he was drinking and her lover to nearly spit out the broth that he was slurping down when she said, "I suppose, although you do help yourself to more than just my ramen to make up for it, and a lot more than three times a day."

Both the teacher and his student turned similar shades of red causing her to laugh as she headed to the back to gather up more ingredients as her current customers had arrived before the night time rush due to Naruto's ravenous appetite. After a moment Iruka laughed as well especially as Naruto said, "Aw come on Ayame, you're making me sound like a sex fiend."

Ayame poked her head out to quickly reply, "If the shoe fits..."

She disappeared again as Naruto chuckled since he couldn't exactly deny it with a straight face. Turning towards the bond that had saved him from the lonely hell of his childhood he said, "I'm sure you're thinking that was too much information."

Iruka smiled fondly at the student he felt might be his greatest success as a teacher to say, "Actually, I was thinking what a mature young man that you've become. The old you would have likely been bragging about your more adult exploits, not trying to downplay them. If anything, I get the feeling that Ayame is holding back."

"You have no idea," Naruto thought thinking of the many women he was bound to.

His teacher noticed the happy smile his student wore which warmed his heart remembering how infrequently the blonde had worn one as a child. Enjoying the opportunity to catch up, since both of them had been rather busy. Particularly Naruto, who seemed to always have had plans when Iruka had asked to spend time with him, he asked, "So have you given any thought to who you will be taking the Chunin Exams with?"

"I promised Moegi and Yakumo that I would take it with them," Naruto answered while leaning over the counter to ladle out more ramen while Ayame was busy in back. "We're going to begin practicing together in the next few weeks. It might still be a few more months before the Proctors finalize the Exam curriculum, but I'm sure there'll be a portion that requires us to work as a cohesive unit."

Iruka was a little surprised by the choice so asked, "What about that kunoichi on your team currently? Toka actually has years of battle experience, wouldn't she be a better ally to take the exams with?"

Naruto nodded as he replied, "True, but I gave Moegi my word, and this would be Yakumo's first exam so I would like to take it with her. Toka is going to ace any physical portion of the exam. If she is going to get tripped up by them then it would probably be during the written portion of it."

"Because she didn't have a formal education," Iruka asked surprised.

"Hardly," Naruto said with a dismissive wave, "She actually is pretty good at those stupid questions about if ninja A is so many meters off the ground, and ninja B is so many meters away and can cover so many meters in so many seconds then at what angle do you need to throw a kunai."

Iruka sighed feeling a sense of personal defeat as his greatest success failed to see the benefit of such questions. Hoping to hammer the point home he said, "Those types of questions..."

"Are just the written form of what your body is doing on instinct," Naruto said having been told as much by his Senju lover. Smiling at his former teacher, he said, "Toka says the same thing. She's been helping me work on being able to answer them if they should appear on a testing portion of the exams."

"Really," Iruka said surprised, "Why do I get the feeling you have taken her lessons to heart, while all I used to hear was how a real ninja and a future Hokage didn't need to know such things? Maybe I should ask her what her secrets for motivating such problem children are."

Naruto had a hard time keeping a straight face as he imagined what Iruka's reaction would be if he did learn how Toka would strip for him for every correct answer, and should he score high enough would reward him with a blowjob, which often led to much more. "Something tells me that her method wouldn't go over well in a classroom setting," Naruto replied amused.

Iruka arched an eyebrow as he had the feeling he often did when the blond was hiding something from him. Still, he noticed the improvement in Naruto and not just in terms of his strength, but in maturity as well. He looked over his shoulder as a few more customers arrived and saw Shikamaru with an Ame kunoichi who appeared to be bothered by something. He was about to welcome the Nara and his friend when the kunoichi said, "I...I'm sorry, but I need to go. Maybe another night Shikamaru. Take care."

The woman quickly turned to leave looking somewhat pale. The Nara looked like he was going to follow her for a moment, but his gaze settled on Naruto. Iruka noticed a conflicted look appear as he contemplated the best course of action, but settled on staying as he took a seat next to his Academy instructor. Worried for the woman that had left, Naruto asked, "Is everything okay with her? She looked like she saw a ghost."

Shikamaru looked over in surprise at Naruto hitting the nail on the head. "You're more right then you know." He reached for his pack of smokes, but Ayame coughed to attract his attention as she appeared from the back and noticed him pulling them out. She then indicated the no smoking sign hanging behind her causing the Nara to scowl, but he relented pushing them back in his pocket as he gave her his order. He then explained, "On the way here she spotted a girl that she said looked exactly like her deceased teammate. It was that sister of the kunoichi that looks like your Sexy Jutsu and was Jiraiya's secret apprentice. She ran up to speak with her, but was disappointed as the girl..."

"Sage," Naruto said interrupting.


"Her name is Sage," Naruto explained to Shikamaru, "Naruko's sister is Sage."

"I see," Shikamaru said, "What do you know about her? Fuyou said that except for her orange hair which she even wears the same as her deceased teammate, they are exactly the same."

Iruka could tell Shikamaru was studying Naruto for how he would react. Being an expert of when Naruto was hiding something himself, he easily picked up on his former student's not being entirely upfront as he said, "That's pretty strange. But, she is Naruko's sister if that's what you are..."

"Does that make her an Uzumaki?"

"Um... I guess," Naruto replied to the question which made him feel like he was being interrogated, "But, it wasn't like we ran a blood test on Naruko to determine if she shares blood with any of us."

"What do you mean?" Shikamaru asked quickly as he continued to press, "She is either an Uzumaki or she isn't. That Fuka woman at least shares traits with your mother who is a pure blooded Uzumaki. It's rather strange you just accepting her, even though she looks like you."

Naruto frowned as the Nara's tone was becoming more aggressive. His reply grew a heated in turn as he replied, "My Clan isn't like the Nara, or the others. We're scattered to the winds so excuse us for not caring if a person has a gallon of blood or just a drop running in their veins. If fact, I don't care if they don't have any. If they want to be an Uzumaki and are willing to work towards the betterment of the villages we'd accept anyone."

"You mean Konoha, don't you?"

"I didn't stutter," Naruto said quickly, "I mean all the villages. That's what the current Alliance is all about."

"So you're saying you would be fine if Sage was from Iwa or Kiri?"

'Sure," Naruto replied, "I'm not saying that I would ignore it if they were working in a capacity to undermine the governments of countries along their borders as has been the case. But, if they want to work with us to help foster peace between the countries and villages then of course we'd accept them."

"Well said," Iruka said proudly paying for his and Naruto's meal, at least the bowls up until his student's current one. Focusing on the Nara, he added, "Don't forget Shikamaru, the First Hokage's original dream was that Konoha would be home to all the ninja clans. Unfortunately, after the First Elemental Gathering where the Fire Daimyo was said to have explained what Lord First wanted to do, the other Daimyo extended offers to build villages in their lands. Many ambitious shinobi accepted these offers and gathered followers. Many villages failed to get off the ground, but due to the backing of the other Daimyo the villages in the five Major Elemental Countries prospered. You could say it was the fear that the other Daimyo had that the Land of Fire would corner the market on shinobi which caused the First Hokage's dream to fail."

"Sometimes I wonder about that," Naruto said softly.

Iruka was caught a little off-guard by Naruto's statement which he doubted the blond had meant to say aloud so asked, "What do you mean?"

Naruto laughed it off stating, "Oh I didn't mean anything by it. I was just a little frustrated considering how little the Daimyo seemed to care about what Iwa was doing in Paradise City." He could tell Iruka wasn't exactly convinced but Naruto didn't elaborate further since he didn't think he could go into detail without exposing more of his secrets which he didn't want to do in front of Shikamaru. Looking past Iruka from out of the corner of his eye as he slurped up the contents of his bowl to fill the lingering silence and to focus on the Nara, he was beginning to feel like Shikamaru was studying him in turn and aware of how bright he was, he didn't want to invite more questions from him.

Iruka accepted his former student's explanation although he was sure there was more to it. He stood placing a hand on Naruto's shoulder to say, "You've become a grand shinobi and an even greater man. You should stop by my class when the next school year starts, I'm sure they would want to hear from the shinobi that many of them are hoping to emulate."

Naruto grew bashful making Iruka proud to see that despite his success as a shinobi, it hadn't gone to his head. "You're pulling my leg, right? I'm still just a genin."

"A genin who saved the village," Iruka said proudly, "You truly have become a shinobi that deserves to be recognized for his accomplishments. It would do the incoming students some good to see that with perseverance and hard work even the worst students can make something of themselves."

"Hey," Naruto said annoyed as Iruka and Ayame began laughing. Seeing Iruka was about to leave he asked sadly, "Do you really need to go?"

"Yeah," Iruka said replied wishing he could stay, "I need to head out early tomorrow. The school year might be over in Konoha, but it's just beginning for others."

"I don't understand why you'd waste summer break on teaching the punks being kept under wraps in the Leaf Maximum Security prison," Shikamaru said dismissively.

Iruka sighed before explaining, "It's because teaching is my passion, and helping kids that others dismiss is a part of it. It's easy to forget that although most villages try to keep genin safe, more than a few end up getting caught. They aren't valuable enough to trade so rarely get sent to Grass's infamous Blood Prison so Kusagakure can use them as bartering chips while they negotiate on behalf of the villages that sent them there for concessions or other prisoners. and..."

"Wat a second," Naruto said confused, "If that is the case, why didn't we send Yugito there when we captured her."

"She was the host of the two tails we captured awhile back, correct?" Iruka asked. When Naruto nodded, he explained, "Had the negotiations dragged out, she would have been. As you may know, Hōzuki Castle is located at the center of a large lake that due to weather conditions make it nearly untraversable except for brief periods. There the prisoners captured by other villages are stored while Kusagakure acts as intermediaries. Generally, they do a good job of insuring that each village involved walks away happy. A jinchuriki would definitely have ended up there in most cases since their home village would pay a king's ransom to get them returned. She would have been stored there to make sure Konoha didn't back out of the deal or string Kumo on while continuing to ask for more. In other cases, a Shinobi that has wronged multiple villages or countries is stored there to make sure that the person in question is actually being punished, and not just on paper."

Naruto nodded in understanding, but asked, "Then why would we hold onto any prisoner from another village? Why not just send everyone there?"

"Because Kusagakure isn't doing it for free," Iruka said sadly, "They get paid for jailing them, and receive a piece of whatever deal is struck. Therefore, they are only going to hold onto prisoners that they think they can get something for. Sadly, a shinobi village more often than not isn't going to negotiate for just any shinobi because if they did then some villages might begin kidnapping ninja from rival villages just to collect ransoms. Therefore a lot of genin, chunin, and even jounin waste away in our prison system since we can't just release them to strengthen villages that we aren't on friendly terms with. Therefore, most are held on well past their prime years are behind them and when they are released have very few skills to speak of, even their shinobi skills will likely be out of date from missing out on years of improvement. That's why I hold classes at the prison during the summer to help them develop skills they can fall back on; otherwise most become bandits or missing-nin ending up right back in prison."

"It's a waste of time," Shikamaru said after a moment, "How many of the ones released have ever thanked you and not ended up as criminals?"

Iruka smiled as he simply said, "Well it's my time to waste." Focusing on Naruto, who had his attention on his next bowl, he added, "Besides, it only takes reaching one to make it all worthwhile. You two take care. Thank you for the food Ayame."

"You're welcome," Ayame said graciously giving him a small bow.

"Next time I'll treat you, Iruka-sensei," Naruto said energetically despite all the ramen weighing him down.

Iruka chuckled as he replied, "Well, then I'll have to make sure to eat my fill to try and recoup some of the lost revenue from all the times that I treated you." Iruka smiled as he waved to his students receiving an energetic wave from Naruto while the Nara's was rather lackadaisical. Feeling confident the future was in good hands, he looked forward to helping those hurting from how the shinobi system currently was. After all, even though for the most part Shikamaru was correct in most of those he had tried to reach were too bitter to try and better themselves so quickly fell into destructive patterns while blaming the system, it only took one success to make the effort worthwhile.


Shikamaru watched Iruka go, and although he doubted the teacher's actions would change anyone being held in the prison, he could understand why it was Naruto gave him faith that it was possible. After all, despite having every reason to be as bitter as the prisoners, Naruto rose above it all and channeled his energy into bettering himself and the village. Something which inspired those around him and seemed to be spreading to the other villages as well. Naruto stood up and leaned over the counter to ask his girlfriend, "Are you going to stop by tonight?"

"We'll see," Ayame said happily, "I'm sure you'll be well entertained in any case."

Shikamaru watched Naruto pout playfully and taking advantage of the lack of other customers at the moment interjected himself, "By this I'm assuming you mean the other women that he is seeing."


Shikamaru stopped Naruto's sputtered denial before it started by sternly saying, "Please don't insult my intelligence. I've been aware that you've been starting relationships with kunoichi both here and abroad for years."

For a moment Naruto looked like he was going to try to deny it still, but after a moment he sat back down. Shikamaru admitted he was surprised Naruto wouldn't continue to deny it having figured the last thing the blond wanted was people figuring out the truth about the women around him. However, he suspected one of the reasons for the quick surrender was a result of the blond not wanting to outright lie to his friends. After all, in most cases he could simply let people draw their own conclusions without lying by relying on the fact that most people did not have a harem of women waiting for them at home.

"How long have you known?"

"I figured something was up around the time Temari lost interest in me. She came back from the trip just before doing so in a much better mood then when she left and not bitter about my blowing her off," Shikamaru answered. "Plus I've noticed Ino's development over the years. I didn't really begin to realize you were the cause until the tension that existed between you two around the time the Training Force was assembled."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

Shikamaru shrugged as he answered, "Why would I? Honestly, at first I was glad because you got those troublesome women off my back."

"Alright," Naruto said crossing his arms and studying the Nara, "Why bring it up now?"

Shikamaru found himself swallowing heavily as he did get the sense that Naruto while outwardly appeared calm was gauging the threat that he might present to the women tied to him. He didn't necessarily think that his concern at how Naruto would react stemmed from being physically harmed, but he could tell that the blond was weighing options as to how to respond. Hoping to put him at ease, the Nara said, "Because, there was another troublesome woman I thought I would be happy about having her off my back, but now that she is... I find I want her to go back to how she was. You have a track record of making people get over the pain in their hearts and to return stronger from it. That's why I want you to work your magic on my mother."

Naruto looked genuinely surprised at Shikamaru's request. He looked over at Ayame, who gave him an amused smile before shrugging. When the blond's gaze refocused on the Nara, he asked, "Are you aware of how exactly I've gone about it?"

"I have an idea," Shikamaru answered, "and truthfully, all I want to be left with is that extremely vague idea. But, I'm desperate here. She's listless and Tsunade's only given her a month to shape up or be removed as the Head of the Nara. I'm afraid if that happens then even the small effort she puts into interacting with the outside world will evaporate."

Naruto studied Shikamaru for a moment and could see that he was at his wits end in how to deal with Yoshino. He knew a little about the woman remembering her from the times that she had picked her son up from the Academy. But, outside of that he had no interactions with her. He was aware that Tsunade had made her decree that Yoshino get her act together or be removed from the Clan council and as head of the Nara to elicit some sort of reaction. She had been disappointed by the response that she got primarily as Tsunade had been of the opinion that Shikamaru had been the one responsible for the slight improvement in her reports. There were only two weeks remaining on the month deadline, but Tsunade hadn't been impressed so was considering following through on her threat. Naruto decided he would ask his lover to give the Nara woman an extension so he could find some sort of solution. Yet not willing to make a promise he couldn't keep, Naruto stood again and stated, "I'll see what I can do?"

"Thanks, I'll owe you one."

Naruto smiled while leaving as he said, "Don't worry about it."

Shikamaru watched the Uzumaki exit the stand before turning back to his meal. A part of him felt guilty about asking the blond to help his mother get over the death of his father. But, a part of him feared that if nothing was done, sooner or later his mom would be reunited with him, either through just not having a will to live, or arranging the reunion herself.


Naruto drank a cup of sake and sighed as it warmed him from the inside out as he and the women with him rested on the last leg of their journey to Kumo. His cup was refilled by Temari as she sat by his side. The hand not holding his sake cup was gently rubbing Karui's backside as she pressed her body into his side. Arrayed before them on a low serving table was a banquet of food as they ate at a small inn located just inside the Land of Lightning's border. Sitting on the opposite side of the table was Yoruichi and Soifon.

Naruto smiled as piled before Yoruichi were the various dishes that she had finished, a mountain of dishware that nearly rivaled the one before him. She was sitting cross-legged on the pillow as she drank her sake directly from the small bottle. Despite the relaxed atmosphere Soifon was kneeling on her pillow almost ramrod straight with her hands resting on her knees as if waiting for a command.

Naruto enjoyed the scene as Yoruichi took another swig of her bottle before telling the petite woman, "Soifon stop being so tense and relax."

"Yes, Lady Yoruichi," Soifon replied as if receiving a command from a superior officer. However, her following through was the tension of her shoulders relaxing slightly.

Yoruichi sighed in annoyance, but instead took another sip of her sake. Naruto took a moment to study the kunoichi since she, unlike him and the others who were dressed in bath robes having made use of the Inn's extensive baths, was wearing the clothes that she did when traveling. The clothes were obviously meant to imitate the bodysuit of the dark-skinned woman sitting next to her, although her pants were baggy and loose. Her hair was cut short, but it appeared that she was growing a pair of ponytails from the back which were just beginning to meet her shoulders. She was sporting a small blush which he attributed partly to her embarrassment at how Karui was rubbing her hand over his exposed chest. But he felt most was due to Yoruichi's presence as the small robe did little to protect her modesty. He smiled as Yoruichi's comment to relax might have been as much for Soifon to stop sitting so stiffly as so she could disrobe since she more often than not preferred to be naked whenever possible.

Soifon's gray eyed gaze tracked Karui's hand as it began to move down his body. Naruto had a good idea of what the Kumo-nin was going to grab, and from the way Soifon's cheeks grew darker, he suspected she had a good idea as well. A color which deepened as Karui said, "Now that we have gotten dinner out of the way. I'm in the mood for a little lovin."

Naruto sat straighter as her hand found his manhood and she began to stroke his flaccid penis. It didn't remain that way long especially as Temari's tongue began probing his ear.

Yoruichi threw her robe off as she proclaimed, "Now it's time to get this party really started. How about it, Soifon?"

"I'll see you in the morning," Soifon said collecting the dishes as Yoruichi moved around the table.

Yoruichi frowned but then shrugged as she made her way around the table to join the other two kunoichi in pleasuring their lover. Naruto while making out with Karui, watched Soifon carry the dishes out of the common area of the suite they had rented. She carried them into the hall where she set them down and then closed the door behind her. He knew she would return later at night as she was sharing a room with Yoruichi, although he doubted the purple-haired kunoichi would be joining her in it. He knew that while Soifon accepted that Yoruichi and he were together, a part of her was rather jealous of him as well. Particularly, as a wall seemed to exist between her and the woman that she admired which obviously did not exist between him and the dark-skinned woman. He had discussed with the Bijuu about how to bring that wall down, but knew she was rather nervous revealing her secret to the young woman.

But, he focused on his current circumstances as the Bijuu's mouth wrapped around his pole while Karui and Temari guided him to lie on his back. Temari then muscled her way into a three way kiss. But, Karui pulled back allowing the Suna kunoichi to seal her lips to Naruto's as they deepened their kiss. Karui then undid the knot holding Naruto's robe closed and began kissing down his body. She watched the woman that she had learned was the Tailed Beast that was once housed within Yugito run her tongue from the base of Naruto's dick to the tip. Yoruichi smiled at the amber eyed woman before swallowing his manhood and began slurping on it loudly.

Karui paused for a moment as the dark-skinned Bijuu repeated the action. A part of her in that moment understood why she was embracing the new life laid out before her. She would have let out a childish giggle for having such an epiphany from watching a woman licking a man's cock, but instead settled for a moan as Naruto reached up between her legs and buried his middle finger inside her. She closed her eyes to bask in the feeling as her lover's digit tickled her insides pleasantly.

She also further reflected on the understanding that she had achieved due to Yoruichi's licking of Naruto's tasty pole. Karui had been rather surprised at her own rather quick acceptance of joining not only Naruto's ambition, but of the idea that she had become a part of a family. But, watching a Bijuu that before coming to terms with Yugito had been as much a danger to Kumo as it had to its enemies, eagerly giving pleasure to a man was all the proof Karui had needed that there was something special about Naruto. After all, she had learned that Rangiku was the one-tail, and that she also counted herself among the blond man's lovers along with several other Bijuu. Rangiku had even jokingly called Naruto's cock a Bijuu tamer when she had joined Samui and her later on during the night after her joining the Family.

She had been surprised at how open and honest the One-tail had been. But seeing Yoruichi with Soifon, who apparently knew the secret of their relationship with Naruto, but not that some of the women she was working with were Bijuu and as a result a wall seemed to exist between them. Karui realized that the reason they were being open with her was because Naruto had chosen her as a lover and they trusted in his judgment. This led Karui to a startling realization and one which Yoruichi had confirmed in one of the few moments during the trip where Soifon had not been hovering around, which had been that the Bijuu felt no love for Kumogakure. As far as the Bijuu was concerned it was still the place which had imprisoned her for over a century. She had also informed her that if she hadn't been freed of Yugito and had someday been sealed in someone else then if they didn't come to an accords she'd attempt to free herself.

It was a rather disquieting thing to hear, and one that made her respect her Sensei Bee all the more. It also highlighted for her the importance of being a positive force in Kumogakure to fulfill the Family's ambitions. She felt a warm feeling inside her, which she attributed to the belief that Naruto had expressed in her.

But, she felt it could also be from the pleasure building inside her from Naruto's fingering of her snatch. Focusing again on the here and now, she said, "Mmm, do you mind if I have a lick?"

Yoruichi smiled as she answered, "Not at all."

Karui leaned in and ran her tongue from the base up to the tip and then back down. Naruto groaned after her tongue joined in with the Bijuu's in painting his cock with their saliva although it was muffled due to Temari's mouth covering his. Karui after several moments reached the tip and began to flick it with her tongue. Yoruichi anticipating what she was going to do, began to suck on one of his testicles. Karui then sealed her lips around his cockhead and began to swirl her tongue around it. Naruto groaned again, but this time it sounded even more muffled. It was followed by a soft moan from Temari leading Karui to believe that the blonde Suna kunoichi was now having her pussy kissed by Naruto.

Karui focused on her own task as she began bobbing her head while she tried to swallow as much of his dick as she could. She gagged several times, and wondered how it was that the Hokage could completely force the large piece of meat down her throat. She found a steady rhythm which she paused every now and then in order to gobble down more of his length until her eyes began to water. She'd then pull off to catch her breath allowing Yoruichi a chance to do the same as they competed to see who could swallow more.

When Yoruichi let his manhood go, Karui said, "I need to have this in me."

"Don't let me get in your way," Yoruichi said moving back before sitting on the serving table. She then began to rub her pussy before dipping her middle finger inside her.

Karui let out a small moan as Naruto's finger slipped free of her, but she let out a much louder one as she replaced it with his dick. Resting her hands on his knees as she faced away from him, she raised her hips until just before he slipped free of her pussy before bringing her hips back down. As she began to do so steadily, her moans mixed in with Temari's as Naruto's tongue worked her into a similar pleasurable stupor.

Karui's gaze zeroed in on Yoruichi's pussy and she felt a hunger which hadn't existed before her inclusion in the Family. But, having found Samui's flavor which she had tasted both from the source as well as from when her teammate's essence was coating the cock that they now shared. She found she was eager to explore this new avenue to her sexual tastes. She began to do so by leaning forward in order to bring her face before Yoruichi's drenched lower lips and dived in when she removed her finger from her quim. The Bijuu moaned as Karui began to lap at the juices coating the purple-haired woman silken folds, and then pushed her tongue inside so she could begin to collect more.

Naruto's hands gripped Temari's tits while she ground her muff against his mouth. He breathed in her intoxicating sent while straining to move his hips to stir up Karui's honeypot. But it proved to be difficult due to most of the red-head's weight was holding down his knees. He was buried deep inside her, but she wasn't moving much which he couldn't see was due to her leaning so far forward to enjoy Yoruichi's snatch. Eager to feel her gliding along his cock, he focused his energies on bringing Temari to climax. Having brought her to the edge some time before and was where he had let her linger, he sent her over by pressing his tongue on her clit and pinching and rolling her nipples between his thumb and index fingers. She cried out in delight as her body offered up more of her juices to reward him for a job well done.

Naruto took the time to lap it up before Temari fell to the side to catch her breath. Naruto took the opportunity to sit up and get to his knees. His movement caused his cock to slip free of the sheath that was Karui's pussy. She whimpered in loss, but it only lasted a moment before Naruto roughly slammed back inside her. She cried out as his cock pressed on her womb. Naruto reached forward to angle her face back towards him and pulled her into a kiss. Both of them moaned as they tasted the other woman that coated their lips and tongues.

She looked forward again as Naruto began pumping his length inside her. She then began to lower her face back down to drink in more of Yoruichi's heady flavor, but the Bijuu gripped her face and pulled her towards her. Karui moved on all fours while Naruto followed behind as the Bijuu urged her forward until she was on top of the table with her. Karui then lowered her lips to the golden eyed woman's. They kissed heatedly while Naruto continued to drill his cock inside the red-head.

Yoruichi let out a pleased shout when Naruto slipped free of Karui's tight cunt to quickly bury his manhood inside her. Karui wasn't left without though as the Bijuu reached between them to begin rubbing her mound. Their tongues continued to dance as Karui began mirroring the Bijuu's actions by petting the woman's cunt while Naruto continued to pound it. It helped Yoruichi deal with the loss when he once more switched to Karui, who broke the kiss to raise her head and cry out in joy at his return. Yoruichi used the moment to latch onto one of the woman's nipples as they bounced before her due to Naruto's vigorous pounding.

Yoruichi's mouth let go of Karui's tit when Naruto once more slipped into her, causing her to arch her head back as her moans increased. This presented an opening to the red-head who promptly began to kiss on her collarbone.

After several strokes Naruto was back inside her causing Karui to rise up again. When she fell forward she rested her hands on Yoruichi's breasts which she began to squeeze and fondle. Yoruichi mirrored her actions causing both women's moans to grow as Naruto switched between them quicker and quicker as they neared their finish. Karui moaned loudly when Yoruichi squeezed down on her fun pillows as she climaxed after Naruto buried his pole inside to the hilt. A moment later, Karui screamed in release when Naruto buried himself back inside her.

Naruto basked in the feeling of Karui's inner muscles coiling around him as he fought to stave off his own release. But, it proved not to be an issue for long as he was pulled out of her and then found himself spun and pushed back so that he was lying on the serving table. Temari smiled at him hungrily before climbing atop of him and quickly slammed herself down on his rod.

They both groaned as Temari didn't mess around and began to ride his cock wildly. Naruko groaned as he strained to keep from blowing his wad while his Suna lover bounced on his dick and massaged her breasts. Having already been near the end of his rope, it wasn't long before even his practiced ability to stave off his orgasms failed. He was pleased to see that even as he released his seed, he had managed to hold out long enough for her to achieve her orgasm. Then to his surprise after a few spurts painted her womb she slipped off of him and began jerking him off so that his seed splattered on his stomach.

He looked at Temari curiously since he was not used to his cum seemingly going to waste as it were. His Suna lover seemed to know what he was thinking as she gave him a smirk before she made him moan by swirling her tongue around his sensitive head. He closed his eyes to bask in the warm, wet feeling engulfing his dick as she swallowed him.

He opened them again when he felt tongues licking his stomach and found that Karui and Yoruichi had recovered. The two women were on either side of him as they continued to lick up his seed. Due to his position on the serving table he felt a bit like a platter which the women were dining from. Temari's eyes smiled at him while she sucked his cock as she again likely had a sense of what he was thinking. She let him slip loose of her lips and stroking his length said, "I don't know about you ladies. But I'm finding that the more I enjoy this meal. The hungrier for more I seem to get."

Yoruichi had pulled Karui into a sloppy kiss where they had passed his collected cum between them. She smiled as she replied, "Well this is the perfect venue to eat our fill." He was then treated to the sight of the three women running their tongues over his manhood causing him to groan and bask in how good it was to be him.


Happy New Year Readers

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