
45: Blast from the Past: Guren Part I

Kiyomi choose to appear on the teleporter seal located in one of the rooms that made up the Den. Although she could have appeared in the Master Bedroom she didn't think her appearance would go unnoticed, and while she didn't plan for it to remain so long, she did wish to take stock of the situation. The reason for her returned stemmed from the news Rangiku had shared upon her return to Tanzaku Town. Mito Uzumaki had been restored to the world of the living. The Ancient Bijuu wasn't sure how she felt about that news considering their past history.

Kiyomi would admit to being a little surprised that the news of Mito's return hadn't created greater rumblings of anger among the Bijuu. In hindsight she supposed she shouldn't have been at least when it came to Yoruichi and even Seven. It was apparent that Yoruichi had come to believe that Naruto was the one that would make all the Bijuu one again. At least in the sense that they shared a similar purpose, and like a true believer saw her being captured and eventually the Bijuu of a jinchuriki as the necessary steps to place her at his side. Seven, although perhaps not as reverent in her belief had taken a big picture approach and also understand that if she hadn't been sealed her world view would have remained limited. Nel obviously wouldn't have a strong opinion on the matter either way due to her not remembering anything before becoming human and Urd, obviously had never been sealed in a Jinchuriki.

Tier though had surprised her by barely batting an eye upon the news being delivered by Rangiku. In truth, the three females that had pledged themselves to her blonde sister had been far more upset on their master's behalf. Kiyomi wasn't sure if Tier simply didn't care or with her more reflective personality was inclined to wait and see how Mito reacted upon learning the Bijuu she once helped capture were free. Mira on the other hand was not overly pleased to learn that the woman responsible for her becoming the Bijuu of several jinchuriki was alive, but apparently didn't feel too strongly about it one way or another. Most likely as it would take away from her enjoyment of her new form.

In truth the only one that had been ready to storm Konoha to attack the Uzumaki kunoichi had been Kukaku. Kiyomi hadn't been all that surprised considering that the Four-Tails pride as a Bijuu had rivaled her own. She imagined that the idea of being captured and sealed by a human had almost rankled Kukaku as it had her when she had been sealed in the Uzumaki. Yet before Kukaku could take a single step she had found her path barred by Yoruichi and Rangiku. Kiyomi hadn't been surprised by Yoruichi's reaction since although Kukaku and she had never been on the best of terms. Their relationship had definitely taken a massive hit as a result of Kukaku's decision that she would rather experience pleasure in the arms of other men then Naruto. Considering the two-tails belief that Naruto was the one they were meant to be with and his encouragement of her desire to free her fellow Bijuu. Yoruichi saw her sibling's promiscuous behavior as a slap in the face and as a result would likely argue with Kukaku even if she said water was wet. Yet, Kiyomi had been surprised by Rangiku's stepping up to defend the Uzumaki as well. But it had turned out the two had become drinking buddies during her stay in Konoha. The Bijuu who wore Mito's face noted that this fact had seemed to make Tier more inclined to let bygones be bygones.

In the end, Kiyomi had made it clear that she wouldn't tolerate any attack against Mito, and although she doubted Kukaku cared what she thought on the matter. She did recognize that she was out numbered on that matter so let it drop. But she had then stormed of likely to find someone to keep her company for the night so she didn't need to return to the room Kiyomi had rented.

With the matter seemingly settled Kiyomi had tried to carry on as if she didn't care about Mito's revival, but couldn't forget a great deal of the anger she carried for the woman. She had been unable to rest so shortly as the sun began to rise had decided to pay the woman a visit. Yet first she had wanted to look in on her lover.

Able to feel that Tsunade was lying with Naruto, she had an idea of what the scene she would find would be when she entered the master bedroom. Yet, her eyes shot open in surprise as she spotted not just Naruto and Tsunade, but the woman she had wished to speak with as well. She smirked as she realized that Mito had succumbed to her lover's charms, but wasn't exactly sure how she felt about sharing her lover with the woman. Yet, finding that they at least had Naruto in common now, she did find her concerns about Mito's revival disappearing.

Figuring that one way or another she and her former host would need to come to an understanding she turned to leave. Yet as her eyes traveled over Tsunade's naked form she paused as she wondered how Kushina had reacted upon finding out her predecessor had not only become one of Naruto's lovers, and yet apparently had no qualms about doing so not only with her granddaughter present, but with her joining in on the fun from the way things appeared.

A smile appeared on her face as she decided to see just how Kushina was adjusting to her current circumstances. Creating a shadow clone, turned her back as it disrobed and climbed onto the bed in order to tease Naruto's cock awake. As her clone began to kiss his length Kiyomi sat on one of the pillowed benches built into the wall which surrounded the bed. Watching her clone for a moment she used the link that existed between clone and creator to dive into the seal.

Appearing in the living room recreation that the seal appeared as, she wasn't surprised to find it bathed in a green light, and felt a smirk as she found no sign of Kushina. Deciding to check the lamp in the bedroom, she could hear moans coming from it and stepping inside found the Uzumaki face down on the bed and her hips in the air as she rubbed her moistened snatch. Despite having expected to find such a sight Kiyomi did was surprised to see the green light coming from the lamp on the night stand was on, and thus separating Kushina from the pleasure she would derive from the clone's enjoyment of the blowjob it was giving Naruto.

Kiyomi frowned as she considered that she had perhaps misread the memories that she had gleamed from Rin. After all, the Bijuu was of the opinion that if Kushina had succumbed to her desires once she would have no reason not to continue to do so. But, she quickly came to the conclusion that considering the taboo she knew humans placed on incest that perhaps it was a constant struggle for the fellow red-head. She received some confirmation of this as the Uzumaki moaned while sliding a finger past her drooling nether lips, "I-it's not fair..."

Kiyomi felt some guilt settle over her at the moaned complaint since she had created the situation in hopes of catching the woman in the midst of breaking the ancient taboo. Deciding that these weren't the best circumstances to have the conversation she hoped to have, she planned to back out of the room. However, her clone having gotten worked up due to the blowjob it was giving decided to begin teasing its pussy. Kiyomi unprepared for the sudden tingling of her snatch as she was outside the green barriers moaned.

Kushina spun around to face the noise and her face already flushed, turned several shades redder as she realized she had been caught in the midst of her self-pleasure. "Kiyomi," she called out in embarrassment as she sat up in the bed and pulled her nightgown down to cover her glistening loins. The Bijuu noticed she seemed unsure of what to do with the hand which was still coated in her juices. Refusing to make eye contact, Kushina looked at the lamp as she asked, "Are you responsible for the early morning wake-up call?"

The Bijuu stepped into the green field in order to escape the pleasure filling her so she could concentrate. "In a manner of speaking," Kiyomi answered as she sat on the bed with her back to the woman. She could feel her former host relax since the move allowed her to make herself more presentable. Although it was short lived as she tensed once Kiyomi admitted, "In truth, I had hoped to find that you were no longer availing yourself of these fields."

Kushina's response convinced the Bijuu that although it hadn't been the case this time, her reading of Rin's memories were accurate. "W-why would you think that's a possibility?"

Kiyomi looked over her shoulder causing Kushina to look away in shame as she realized that instead of an angry denial as she imagined most mothers would offer, her question had made her sound like someone that had expected to be caught sooner or later. Turning her gaze away again she could feel Kushina's eyes returned to her back as she explained, "I was curious about the technique you used to get rid of Rin's memories since I have delved into matters of the mind as well. Examining hers I saw that it was during her "initiation" that you made her younger and wiped her memories of the time she spent as Joseki's puppet."

"I...I was weak...and..."

Kiyomi held up her hand causing Kushina to lapse into silence as she waited for the woman's disgust while staring at her lap. The Bijuu surprised her as she said, "Personally, I'm surprised that upon having a taste of what your son is capable of that you'd bother with taking care of your needs on your own." Kushina looked like she was about to explain how she felt on the matter, but stopped as the Bijuu continued, "I'm not here to judge if that is what you're afraid of. By now you no doubt know that you're hardly alone in crossing those restrictions that you humans put upon yourselves."

"That's different..." Kushina began to explain as she was of the opinion that Kiyomi was talking about the recent granddaughter and grandmother action that had happened the night before. Not to mention Hana and Tsume's many brushes with incest since becoming members of her son's harem.

Kiyomi though ignored what she suspected would be to her eyes the rather ridiculous reason for not indulging in the pleasure Naruto delivered to his lovers or to deepen the bond between the mother and son, "I'm not interested in hearing about why you've decided to deny yourself unbridled pleasure. The reason for my visit has to do with surpassing the restrictions placed on your son."

"What do you mean?" Kushina said feeling her disgust in herself disappearing as it was replaced with concern for her son.

"As I'm sure you recall when I left the seal it had unintended consequences of limiting Naruto's ability to draw on my original form's power since there was no longer a consciousness to push the chakra through the seal." Kiyomi waited for Kushina to nod before continuing, "Luckily, this problem was short lived since your husband sealed your soul into Naruto in order to meet him and likely aid him in taking my chakra by force if necessary." Kiyomi channeled chakra to her hand revealing the key to the seal that she had taken possession of from the Toad that Jiraiya had entrusted it to before entering Rain. The Bijuu could see Kushina's eyes grow wide as she recognized what she was seeing as the symbols appeared on the Bijuu's right hand and extended down her forearm. "I see you recognize the key to Naruto's seal. With this we can throw open the gates and let Naruto fully absorb my power, much as I had done for Fu and Yugito."

Kushina looked excited at first, but then her eyes grew wide causing Kiyomi to believe that she also understood what such a thing would mean for her. When they focused back on Kiyomi the red-headed Bijuu nodded as she said, "I can see you understand that if we did open the seal then there would no longer be a way to shield you away from what Naruto's lovers feel when he's with them." Looking away the Kiyomi explained to the woman that she had based her body on, "That is why I had decided to entice Naruto this morning. I had hoped to find that you had developed and embraced a sexual desire for your son."

"How could you wish for such a thing," Kushina snapped angrily. "Did you believe this would happen from the very start?"

"No I did not," Kiyomi responded indignantly in turn, "I was simply trying to correct an oversight of my being freed. If that was my goal I would have simply not bothered to create the barriers in the first place."

Kushina broke eye contact as she said apologetically, "I'm sorry...it's just..."

"It's fine," Kiyomi said giving her former host a smile, "Hold out your hand." Kushina did as instructed and Kiyomi placed hers over the woman's as she said, "I'm turning the key over to you." Kushina tore her eyes from where their hands were touching as she felt a tingling pass through her arm, "You don't need to come to a decision today. If anything I think Naruto should direct his energies to mastering the power he's already unlocked. Piling on more and more power is all well and good but without fine control a lot of it would be wasted. Let him master his Sage Techniques a little longer before coming to a decision on if you want to open the seal."

Kushina looked down as she saw the symbols of the key appear causing her to ask, "W-would it be possible for me to leave the seal like you have?"

Kiyomi nodded as she said, "In time that can be arranged...I'm afraid I'm out of bodies in which to transfer your will. I ended up using more than I thought would be required when I freed my sisters. Although, there are those Taki-nin...but I believe Naruto would grow upset if I used one of them...even if they deserve it."

Kushina frowned as she heard the anger that the Bijuu harbored for the three women whose minds she had tampered with. Kiyomi shook off the negative feelings which arouse at the thought of the three women that would have killed a young child and by extension doomed her to a similar fate as it appeared Nel had experienced. Giving her fellow red-head a mischievous smile she began to say as she began to feel a pleasure building in her pussy which she attributed to the memories she was conjuring up, "Besides if you want my opinion you should give serious thought to just opening the gates and enjoying all the pleasure that would be the result. I can tell you first hand that it seems almost as if his dick was made for y...oh fuck!"

Kushina leaned forward in concern as Kiyomi fell back on the bed as she began to writhe about. "What's wrong," she asked but almost as soon as she did realized it wasn't what was wrong, but what was undoubtedly beginning to feel all so right as Kiyomi let out a moan.

Kiyomi sent an apologetic look towards Kushina as she said, "It would seem Naruto's awake and has decided to return the favor. He must...oh gods right there...he must be stimulating me directly for it to be bypassing the field...Sorry!"

With that Kiyomi disappeared to enjoy her riled up lover. Kushina looked at her hand that contained the key to the seal although the symbols had faded. She looked over at the lamp which emitted the field that separated her from the pleasure Kiyomi was most likely currently enjoying. Her hand strayed to it for a moment before she let out a weak curse as she then buried it between her legs to pick up where she had left off before the Bijuu had paid her a visit.


Naruto awoke with a smile which he normally did due to his usual waking sandwiched between several of his lovers. That morning as it turned out was no exception, although an added cherry to his morning was his awakening just as he felt himself erupting into a wet and inviting mouth. His eyes opened to find out which of his lovers had gifted him with the pleasurable way of awakening him. He smiled down upon seeing Kiyomi but admitted to being a little confused upon seeing her also sitting stiffly on one of the pillowed surfaces that surrounded the room and where his lovers could sleep or entertain themselves while awaiting a turn with the man they were bound to during the all-night marathon orgies broke out when a good portion of the women gathered.

The jinchuriki wondered what his lover was doing as she seemed to be staring off into space as her clone had pleased him. Giving the clone a wink as he silently thanked it and wanting to return the favor he shunshined from between Tsunade and Mito. Approaching the Bijuu, he knelt before her and was a little concerned that she didn't appear to have noticed him yet. Deciding to test her response in an enjoyable manner he slid her legs open and stuck his head under her kimono. Licking her pussy through the thin material of her panties, he quickly determined that her body was responding normally as her juices began to mix with the saliva already dampening the undergarments.

He heard his Bijuu lover's breathing begin to change before she came out of her trance with a moaned, "Oh Naruto."

The blond man pulled his head from beneath her kimono to smile up at her as he responded, "Seeing you spaced out over here I felt it was only fair that I return the favor." He then stood from his crouched position on the marble floor to kiss his lover. As their tongues began to dance against one another Naruto busied his hands with undoing the knot of the sash holding her kimono closed. Once he had succeeded, he pulled her silk robe open and broke the kiss to lean back to admire his lover's body. Naruto basked in the view even as he felt both a sense of familiarity and confusion. He was surprised by the sensation due to the fact that while he had been with his Bijuu lover many times. He felt as if he had seen the athletic form laid out before him in a different context. He couldn't place when or why he felt such, but he did figure that it might be as a result of his new relationship with Mito and having learned that Kiyomi had based her face on her first host. Yet, while there were a few key differences between the women's faces for example Kiyomi's green eyes which differed greatly from the dark pupiless ones of Mito. Still, he was rather surprised at how stark the differences between their bodies appeared to be.

Where Mito had been slim and fit but with the softness of a kunoichi that had spent several years away from the battlefield. Kiyomi appeared more toned with the wiry form of a kunoichi at the top of her game. Naruto found it a little strange that Kiyomi had modeled her face after Mito, but then had decided to conjure a different body for herself. But he pushed the matter from his mind as Kiyomi plaintively said, "Naruto...please...finish what you started."

Doing as she requested Naruto leaned down to once more capture her lips as he began to pet her pussy through her panties. Kiyomi moaned into the kiss as she began to hump her hips against his hand. Pulling his lips from hers, he began placing gentle kisses along her chin and neck, before paying special attention to her collarbone. Kiyomi gasped as her hips increased their rocking against his hand which he pulled away only long enough to slide it into her panties to stimulate her dripping snatch directly. Naruto worked his way down to her chest as he buried two fingers into her love tunnel causing Kiyomi to moan loudly as they began the work of stimulating her pleasure buds.

After teasing both of her nipples to almost diamond hardness with his tongue, Naruto kissed down her stomach and after tonguing her belly button, climbed back between her legs in order to kiss her other set of lips. Pulling his hand from her panties, he pulled the underwear from her hips as he removed them. Bringing the drenched garment to his nose he gave it a whiff like one would do to a cork before savoring a fine wine and finding the aroma delectable tossed them away as he began to lick and explore her sex.

Kiyomi basked in the feelings she was receiving from having her lover's experienced tongue caressing her folds and probing her cunt. Trying to keep her moans down, so as not to awaken the two sleeping women, she thought back to her conversation with Kushina. She supposed it had been rather fortunate that Naruto had disturbed their talk when he did as she had been on the verge of telling the Uzumaki how it felt as if Naruto's cock was a perfect fit for the void that only a man could fill. Wanting to feel it once more she panted, "N-naruto...give it to me...I want to feel you in me."

The blond pulled his face from her quim before standing from where he had been crouched in front of the futon like bench which was built into the wall. Kiyomi spread her legs widely for him as her hands held her knees. Naruto fisted his cock before simply sliding into her. Kiyomi moaned loudly unable to contain her voice as Naruto's cock kissed her womb as he buried himself in her fully.

Naruto bent down to bring his chest into contact with his lover's as he began to pump his phallus into Kiyomi's velvet and quivering quim. The two kissed passionately as she wrapped her arms around his neck while he continued to empty and fill her. Naruto began to pound into her with long deep strokes as he used his legs to drive himself into his lover. The powerful thrusts drove the two of them forward forcing Naruto to climb fully onto the futon. Kiyomi used the heels of her feet to encourage her lover to continue his relentless assault.

She felt the build-up deep within her core which would eventually be the powerful orgasm she would no doubt experience. Naruto proved himself to be the intuitive lover that he was by rolling them over so that she was on top before coming to a complete stop. The sudden lack of pleasure was almost painful, but Kiyomi knew that as a result of having already cum once that morning Naruto was likely nowhere near his own release and as such, he was leaving it up to Kiyomi to direct their lovemaking in order to decide when she would reach the finish.

Kiyomi smiled as she sat back on the cock buried inside her and ran her hands down her lover's chest. Reaching the seal which was visible due to the Naruto's exertion, she ran her fingers gingerly over it as she thought, "Kushina, you don't know what you're missing." She doubted the thought reached the woman as she was likely still inside the barrier separating her from the pleasure Kiyomi was enjoying. But as Kiyomi began to raise and lower herself on the stiff dick which kissed her womb on every stroke and Naruto's hands sought out her breasts to tease the pointy nubs of her nipples, the Bijuu couldn't help feeling sorry for the woman due to her lover's ability to bring her body to the heights of ecstasy. Something which her recent jaunt into the seal had revealed was sorely needed by the red-head whose body she had had based her own on.


Mito awoke satisfied in a way that had been greatly missed in the several decades of life she had been privy to after the death of her husband. Her eyes sleepily focused on Tsunade's face and the woman was tempted to give her a very un-grandmotherly kiss both in thanks for arranging the night with the man they now shared as well as for the several orgasms she had enjoyed from her granddaughter's talented tongue and fingers.

She briefly wondered where Naruto had disappeared to as she could feel the warm spot on the bed where he had been which was cooling, but didn't need to wonder long as the rhythmic sounds of flesh hitting together reached her ears. Sitting up in bed, Mito wondered if she was having an out of body experience as across the room from her, was a woman wearing her face as she rode Naruto's cock while facing away from him. Realizing that she was looking upon Kiyomi as Tsunade had told her the Bijuu had made use of her features in designing the form she would take as a human, Mito wasn't sure how to react. Her hesitation stemmed from the fact that in all the scenarios she had created in which the two of them would meet, she had never imagined it would be in the midst of the Bijuu making love. She wondered if she should leave so that the two could meet under more proper circumstances, but as she watched Kiyomi's face, which was showing a visage of pleasure, Mito began to remember her own night of lovemaking and the closeness she had felt with Tsunade as they shared the same lover in their pursuit of orgasmic ecstasy.

Mito figuring that since Kiyomi and she now had Naruto in common and thus believed the rest would fall into place, decided to help it along by developing a physical intimacy with the Bijuu she had once shared. Slipping from the bed, she wasn't surprised that Kiyomi seemed oblivious to her approach as she padded across the room since the Bijuu was obviously focused inward on the tower of flesh buried within her. It made Mito smile as the woman's green eyes focused on her as she wrapped her arms around the Bijuu's neck and shoulders, due to how they grew large upon recognizing the face inches from hers. The smile turned sultry as Mito said, "Let us try to get along better this time around."

"M-mito..." Kiyomi moaned as she tried to respond but found it difficult as the red-head kissed her. The Bijuu stiffened at first, but with a mental shrug began to reciprocate as her tongue met the Uzumaki woman's. She sighed happily into the kiss as Mito placed her hands over Kiyomi's firm breasts to begin massaging them.

Mito pulled back to moan aloud as Kiyomi buried her hand between her fellow red-head's legs. Finding the woman soaking Kiyomi commented, "What's this? It seems Naruto and mine's lovemaking has had quite the effect on you to make you this wet." She looked back at her lover to see him watching the encounter between Bijuu and Jinchuriki intently no doubt enjoying the sight of the two women that could be almost consider twins teasing each other. Sliding a finger inside Mito as she turned back she skillfully brought the woman to the edge of sexual release before adding, "Or perhaps this wetness is a result of being so wanton in front of your granddaughter."

"N-no don't say that," Mito whimpered as her hands grabbed onto Kiyomi's shoulder to keep from falling as her knees grew weak.

Kiyomi smirked as she felt the woman's inner muscles clamp around her probing digit. Deciding to up the ante as she wanted to gauge Naruto's own thoughts on the matter since she was aware that even if Kushina came around to the idea Naruto himself might be opposed she said, "Tell me, how hot did it make you knowing that the world would be aghast if it learned the almost saintly Mito Uzumaki had fucked a man in front of her granddaughter."

"I-I can't...," Mito began to reply which turned into a guttural, "No!" as Kiyomi attempted to pull her finger from the Uzumaki's gripping snatch. Mito moved one of her hands from the Bijuu's shoulder to place it over her fellow red-head's hand to trap it in place. But due to Kiyomi's refusal to continue the woman half whispered, half whined, "Please..." Both Naruto and Kiyomi became still as they waited for her response. Finally after several heartbeats Mito admitted, "I loved it. It felt so good to flaunt the rules that had forced me to act so stiff and proper for much of my life. It also brought me closer to Tsunade than I had ever been before. Now please...let me cum."

Kiyomi smiled at the admission, as well as from the way Naruto began to once more churn away inside her. Giving Mito what she wanted she began to work her finger even as she added a second. Quickly bringing Mito back to the brink, Kiyomi the pressed on the Uzumaki's engorged clit with her thumb causing the woman to cum loudly as she coated the Bijuu's hand in her essence. Mito sunk to the floor as Kiyomi brought her fingers to her lips and begun to lick them clean.

Mito caught her breath for a moment and then having stared at the junction where Naruto and Kiyomi were connected as the red-head continued to bounce of her lover's shaft, returned the favor by leaning forward and sucking on the Bijuu's clit in turn. "Cumming," Kiyomi shouted as she hunched over and buried her hands in Mito's hair as she rode out her orgasm.

Kiyomi fell back against Naruto's chest as her climax passed on into memory. Having not felt the familiar warmth of Naruto's own release she slid off his cock and watched hungrily as Mito eagerly took him into her mouth. She turned back towards Naruto to give him a grateful kiss and feeling Mito climbing onto the futon looked back to see her crouched on one side of him as she continued to lick and suck on his dong. Taking up a similar position opposite of the woman she began to join in on bathing his cock with her tongue.

Naruto sat up against the wall as he groaned in satisfaction to watch the two powerful women jockey for top position as they pleasured his dick. Placing a hand on each of their rears he groaned as they took turns swallowing his length and from the visual stimuli alone wasn't surprised as he felt a churning in his balls which signaled his impending release.


Tsunade awoke to the sound of women screaming which wasn't all that rare of an occurrence in her life now. Directing her gaze towards the noise she watched as her grandmother sunk to the floor, before moving to trigger Kiyomi's own release. She then watched as the women maneuvered themselves to orally stimulate her lover. Tempted to join in, Tsunade sighed as she looked at the clock and knew she'd have to pass as she needed to get ready for the day ahead. Slipping from the bed she blew her lover a kiss as he winked at her while basking in the pleasure of having two gorgeous women almost appear to be worshipping his cock.

Collecting her clothes, she reached the door just as Naruto erupted and coated their faces with his seed. She paused to watch as they collected and licked up the semen before sharing it between them in a sloppy kiss which made Naruto's erection return to full hardness. Turning away as her grandmother began to mount Naruto, she stepped out of the room. Still quite naked, Tsunade considered throwing on her clothes but figuring she'd need to shower soon anyway so simply tucked them under her arm as she began to head towards the room containing the teleportation seal. She paused though as she recalled a test she had running in her medical lab, so wondering if the machines she had left running had completed their tasks headed there instead.

Upon entering she placed her clothes on a table and seeing a green light that signaled the test was done she sat in front of her computer. Typing in the command to bring up the results she wasn't too surprised to learn that the corpse Ino and Yakumo had dug up during the chaos surrounding Guren's attack didn't appear to contain any DNA of Rin. But what did surprise her was that besides being a semi-clone of her grandfather, it also appeared that Zetsu was more plant than man.

Tsunade sent a look towards the bank of refrigerators that housed the corpse which although had been badly decomposed due in part to now autopsy being performed, had still at least on some level resembled Rin. Now with more questions, than answers she began to at least understand why the white being had been willing to sacrifice its life or why as Rin had described her encounter with the broker there been so many of them. It was now apparent to her that they were some sort of artificial being cloned from her grandfather's cells.

But, even with those questions answered more sprang forth like a levy that had given way. The primary one being how was it possible to combine human DNA with that of a plant. Also, she began to wonder what role the Synthetic Hero Water had played in the plot behind Rin's capture. Drumming her fingers on the table she wondered if the Broker had actually had any designs on it other than for the purpose of using it as a means to explain the false Rin's attempted defection. Frowning as her head filled with more questions, she stood as she decided more test would be needed. Stepping out of the Medical Lab, she preceded towards the teleportation seal so that she could appear in her residence. Once, cleaned and ready to face the day she'd summon both Shizune and Sakura to begin the process of collecting the samples from the false Rin's corpse to determine if it had indeed taken the Synthetic Hero's Water. While she knew the chances of discovering that were rare due to just how badly the corpse had deteriorated, she needed to explore the possibility. Because one thing was clear, somebody had made off with the only known viable sample, and if it wasn't the Broker or appeared to be among the items Root had collected, then she wanted to know who. Tsunade paused for a moment as she also considered that in keeping with the Broker's ability to bring together various individuals with different interests to further his own plans, he had perhaps secured or covered for the Synthetic Hero's Water disappearance for another party. If so, then she began to wonder what the Broker had gotten out of the deal.

The frown she wore deepened as she now needed to consider the possibility that there was another threat out there as well. One that could be in possession of a substance that substantially increased a Shinobi's abilities without the side-effects associated with the really Hero's Water. Yet, Tsunade felt some of her concern dissipate as she came to the decision that it didn't appear that mass producing the substance looked to be the agenda, since she was sure it would have turned up by now if that was the case. But it was a short lived comfort as she knew that meant that whoever did have it at the moment had likely found a far more creative use for it and in her experience that often meant sinister.

Knowing that she was no closer to her answers if she just stood around naked all day, she got herself moving as she made a mental list of what she needed to do. At the top of which sat her summoning Furofuki, who had been the head scientist of the Synthetic Hero Water project, in order to secure the notes on the project so Sakura and Shizune, would know what to be on the lookout for as they collected samples from the corpse. But considering the woman's current and almost obsessive study of the Jofuku Flower, she figured it might be beneficial to pick the woman's brain about how one would combine human and plant DNA.


Kin Tsuchi sat in a high-class hotel located in the South Eastern portion of Earth Country. Having taken a spot on one of the stools in front of the bar, she observed her target through the mirror at the back of it. She didn't react outwardly, but inwardly, as she watched the man brazenly rub the butt of the woman sitting on the arm of his chair. The woman giggled as the pudgy well-dressed man waved for one of the server's to approach, who had to be let passed the ropes surrounding him and his group, so they could get their drinks refilled. Kin's displeasure at the sight was due to the man being associated with the group of kidnappers and slavers called the Southern Wolves.

She wondered if the brazenly dressed woman had at one time been one of the group's many victims, most of whom ended up being sold into the sex trade. She shifted her focus away as one of the man's bodyguards began to scan the room. From the kimono that he wore and the swords at his hip, she knew he was a samurai, but unlike the other guards around her target who likely considered themselves such as well. She suspected he was one of the Samurai that called either the Land of Iron or the Land of Honey his home. Kin knew if that was the case then if things got hairy he'd be the one she should most be wary of since if he was a ronin in the employ of the Southern Wolves then it meant she couldn't count on the traditional sense of honor must men from those countries displayed.

She felt his eyes rest on her back for a moment longer than she felt comfortable with so tried to relax by letting her mind wander to more personal matters. The most pressing being what she intended to do with her life. She still wasn't sure if she was ready for the type of commitment that being with Naruto seemed to entail and with her task to locate and ascertain the status of Kanji's harem almost being complete knew she needed to come to a decision. While on one hand she couldn't deny she felt an attraction to Naruto or felt a deep gratitude towards him for saving her. She didn't know if that would translate into her forming the type of feelings to make a physical relationship between them last, and considering sleeping him would bind her to him it appeared to be a choice she would only get to make once. She shivered slightly as she recalled the few times Naruto had come personally to collect her journal and fewer still were they would fool around which usually ended with Naruto exploding in her mouth as she ground her sex against his. She would always put an end to their sessions before she got too carried away, but she knew she was playing with a fire that if she wasn't careful could end with her bound to the young man.

One reason she still refrained from making the leap from mutual masturbation and oral stimulation, outside of the lingering sting Orochimaru's betrayal had left her with, was because of a desire to reconnect with her family. Kin had been orphaned as a child in the country that was currently known as Sound due to the disastrous campaign of the Daimyo to conquer his neighbors using the might of the Fuma Clan. When it had failed her village had been one of the many to be burnt to the ground in retaliation. She had lost her parents, but she and her older sister had been shipped off to a state run orphanage. Yet as it was horribly underfunded it hadn't been long before the siblings were forced to take care of themselves. That had been when Orochimaru had found them while in the process of building his village of Sound and offered them power. Kin tired of always being poor and hungry had quickly pledge her loyalty. Her sister to her surprise had refused, and neither had been able to convince the other that their course of action was the right one. Naturally as a result, their disagreement had turned bitter before they had gone their separate ways as each felt the other was abandoning her. Yet now Kin wanted to find her sister to apologize and tell her that she was right. She wasn't too sure if she wanted to do so while explaining how she was bound to a man with designs on uniting the Shinobi world and was doing so one kunoichi at a time.

Kin dug into the small purse she had on the bar as she refocused on what had actually brought her to Earth Country and pulled out the journal which she had used to chronicle the status of the women she had located and contained the list of all those that had been bound to Kanji. Her list which had been compiled from the information Anko had put together through her research of the items she had secured from Kanji's compound was down to just a few names. Those names were the Hot-Water kunoichi Taki, the Leaf Missing-nin Kagura, A priestess from the Land of Honey Momo Hinamori, and finally a kunoichi from Mist named Suiren. It was her pursuit of Suiren's fate that brought her to the hotel. She doubted the kunoichi was there, as that would be a stroke of luck, but she knew the man she was tailing would know where the Southern Wolves main camp was since he was the one that sold the people that the group took captive during their raids into neighboring countries.

She hadn't quite counted on the man being so well guarded though. To make matters worse, for the past few days she had felt as if she had come under someone's observation. Knowing that under the current circumstances that her mission would only end in failure, she put her journal away in preparation of leaving the hotel. Mentally plotting a course to get her to the lobby efficiently without appearing to be in a hurry, she decided to risk one last glance at the Wolves representative's group so she could better find a means of approaching.

Returning her gaze to the mirror, she cursed as her eyes met the Samurai's who like a patient hunter had waited for the undercover kunoichi's gaze to return to his group. No doubt seeing the interest in her eyes, she saw him adjust his stance as he decided on how best to deal with the potential threat.

However, a moment later he turned as another woman approached the roped off area they had made their own in order to say, "Can I help you?"

The brunette flashed him a smile as she responded, "Not unless you can make me a stiff drink."

"Flag down one of the servers or go to the bar," the man said angrily.

"That's where I'm heading," the woman said, "So why don't you just stand aside so I can be on my way."

"Go around," the samurai growled as he turned back to the bar obviously expecting to see the woman he had marked as a likely threat was gone.

Kin could feel his surprise as he saw that she was still there and was now openly watching them. Kin almost wanted to shout out in thanks to the woman since their small exchange allowed her to give the appearance of a shy woman that was perhaps a little nervous by his client's over the top behavior, but also a little curious. She noticed that she may get her chance as the woman made her way away around the roped off area as she muttered under her breath about the samurai.

Kin shifted her focus to the woman and smiled politely as she approached. She spent a moment discreetly seeing if she could make out any hidden weapons but was forced to admit it would be tough to hide them considering the skin tight black dress the woman wore. Noticing the two purple marks on her cheeks she smiled politely as the woman took the stool next to her and said, "What an asshole, huh? He acts like he's guarding the Daimyo of Earth Country instead of some chubby bastard that's probably being charged by the hour by that lady considering the way she's hanging on him."

Kin made a noncommittal grunt since the woman had been rather loud and she didn't doubt that both the Samurai and his client had heard the woman's comments from the way both of them seethed in anger. Hoping to prevent the women from putting herself in any further danger considering who the men worked for she tried to say, "Um...perhaps it would be best if you let it drop..."

"Yeah, I'm talking to you asshole," the browned haired woman said directly to the samurai, "so why don't you stop sending me the death glare and go back to making your client feel more important than he is."

To Kin's surprise the man waved for his bodyguard to relax and while she was sure he wanted for nothing more than to let him cut the woman next to her down. He wasn't nearly so foolish as to have it done in a room filled with witnesses. Luckily for Kin in an effort to appease the potential inebriated woman the Samurai made it a point not to look in her direction either.

Kin decided to spend a little more time at the bar so as to not give the appearance of being anything but a woman out looking for some potential companionship. She became aware of a set of eyes studying her but as opposed to before could easily identify them as the woman now sitting next to her. Turning to the woman, she smiled politely again but felt her cheeks color as the woman said, "My, you're cute. What's your name?"

Kin had prepared an alias, but due to her being flustered by the woman's comment couldn't recall it. Not wanting to dig in her purse to pull out her false ID to refresh her memory she answered, "K-kin." She cursed mentally at her foolishness in giving her actual name.

The woman that appeared to be the same age as her smirked as if picking up on her nervousness at being hit on by a woman as she replied, "That's a nice name and rhymes with mine."

Kin nodded as she reached for her drink which was a club soda but knocked it over as the woman placed her hand on her thigh as she said playfully, "Aren't you going to ask me what my name is?"

"R-right, s-sorry...um what's your name," Kin said wondering why she was feeling so flustered as she used some nearby napkins to clean up the mess she made.

The woman gave her a bright smile as she said, "My name is Rin. It's a pleasure to meet you Kin."

Rin turned away and looked forward for a moment as her smile took on a look of amusement due to Kin's obvious nervousness. She began to run her hand gently over the girl's thigh as she took a sip of her drink. She wasn't surprised that Kin didn't know that she was dealing with one of Naruto's lovers since the dark-haired beauty had tried to keep herself away from his Harem. While she knew the kunoichi may have had her reasons, in the several days she had been tailing Kin, she had seen the woman turn down several advances for male companionship. After one such occasion she had used the locating mark Naruto had placed on her to summon him, which differed from the one placed on his lovers in that it only allowed her to call for the blond as opposed to feeling his lovers' presences as well, and while she had likely claimed it was to turn over her journal for copying. The fact that he left several hours later left Rin with the impression that Kin was definitely interested in what Naruto had to offer.

Therefore, the brown-haired kunoichi had decided to make her first official act as Naruto's scout to bring Kin fully under her lover's banner. With her greater access to resources other than money, in thanks to her fully giving herself to the blond, Rin also planned to help the kunoichi in locating Suiren. But first she planned to have a little pleasure before business.

A softly and embarrassed whisper of, "Um...excuse me," pulled Rin from her reverie. Directing her brown eyed gaze to the woman her thoughts had just revolved around she said, "Yes, can I help you?"

"W-well...um...your hand...," Kin said nervously as she directed her gaze to the hand still rubbing her thigh.

"Oh pardon me," Rin said pulling her hand away which had hiked Kin's dress up as it had risen higher and higher up her leg. "I guess I got a little carried away."

"I-it's okay," Kin replied politely. She wasn't sure why, but something about the woman made her feel a little on edge.

As a result she tensed slightly as the woman said, "I have a confession to make. I had ulterior motives in coming up to the bar."

"Oh," Kin said watching the woman carefully for any sign that she was about to attack her.

Therefore she felt a little silly when Rin said, "Yeah, you're really quite beautiful and I was hoping that perhaps you'd like to accompany me to my room for a nightcap."

Kin's eyes grew wide at the offer even as she began to ponder whether she should take the woman up on it. On one hand, she doubted having a drink was the only thing on Rin's mind, but she couldn't deny that the woman was offering her a chance to perhaps salvage her mission. Not to mention that if she read the people she was looking into correctly then she doubted that they had forgotten Rin's rudeness towards them and considering the business they were in. She didn't doubt they might have plans for her new friend. But aware of what accompanying Rin may entail, she found herself wondering if she could go through with it. Giving herself a mental push she thought, "It's not like you're officially tied to Naruto and who knows, maybe a night spent in the arms of another might help me come to a decision."

Giving a slight nod of consent, she blushed as Rin licked her lips in a not so subtle hint of desire. Waving the bartender down, the brown-haired woman asked him to charge her room for their drinks even as she ordered a bottle of champagne and asked for two glasses. She passed the glasses to Kin as she beckoned the former Sound-nin to follow her.


A pair of feminine laughs cut the night air as the two hostesses responded to an amusing part of the story that their customer was regaling them with. One of them said, "You can't be serious. Your teacher once tried to peek at you while you were bathing while wearing a toad suit."

Naruko laughed boisterously in a manner similar to her teacher as she held the two women around the hips as she said, "Yeah, that perv heard that I sometimes bathed with toads to get to know them better so tried to sneak in after I summoned a few."

"Really, it's amazing you stayed on to learn from him if he was such a pervert," the other hostess said.

Naruko waved the comment off as she said, "Nah, he didn't mean any harm by it. I mean who could blame him right. I'm rather well put together if you don't mind my saying."

All three of them laughed for a moment before one of the women said, "Lady Naruko, your companions don't seem to be having a good time."

Naruko sighed as she took in her two companions who had waved off the various hostesses that had approached them. Her gaze first settled on her sister Sage, who was watching the room as she took in the various interactions going on around them. After their mother had freed her Bijuu siblings Naruko had approached Sage to accompany her on a journey through the Elemental Countries. Their journey had come about due to the fact that despite her being recognized as a student of Jiraiya; Tsunade hadn't made her an offer to make her a part of Konoha's forces either officially or unofficially. She had wondered if the Hokage had still held some grudge over her earlier treatment of Naruto, but learned that wasn't the case as she was preparing to leave the village.

Tsunade had met her personally at the gate to thank her for her efforts on her village's behalf. The display had obviously cemented her place as a hero of the village among the people that had witnessed it, which had made Naruko even more confused by Tsunade's not offering her a position among her forces. That was until she had met Tsunade's summons Katsuyu a few miles outside of it. The slug had explained that Tsunade would have gladly offered her a position, but in the end felt Naruko might serve a bigger purpose by appearing to remain unaffiliated with a particular Shinobi Village. It was an insight that appeared to be quite accurate as several representatives from several of the smaller Villages had sought her out upon hearing about her exploits in defending Konoha and the strength she had displayed and had made her offers to join their villages. However, Naruko had thus far turned them down and in truth planned to continue as she instead wanted to follow in her teacher's footsteps as a true Sage and Hermit. But also she planned to keep the information network her teacher had established alive and feeding Naruto with the Intel he needed to move his ambition forward. To that end she had dragged Sage along for some sisterly bonding, as well as to give the former Animal Path of Pain some exploits that wouldn't need to be fabricated for her backstory.

Her gaze next moved to the refined kunoichi sitting next to her sister as she drank tea. Haku sensed Naruko's blue eyes on her and gave her a smile as she said, "Please don't stop on our account. The tea is surprisingly good so I'm rather glad we came."

"That's not the point," Naruko said with a shake of her head. Sighing she said to their hosts, "Ladies can you please excuse us for a moment." The women nodded as they moved off to find another customer they could begin to separate from his money. Taking in both of the other women she said, "I thought the idea was for us to not draw attention to ourselves. Could you two at least try to look like we belong here?"

Haku set her cup down before looking around at the clientele of the gentlemen's club they had entered. Taking in the ninety-nine percent male customers she responded dryly, "I think there is little chance of that."

Sage watched her sister sit back in annoyance since she had been enjoying herself. Sage's gaze landed on the two women that had just been entertaining her sister and seeing them acting just as friendly and interested in the man they were currently talking to asked, "Sister, why bother coming to places like this? Those two despite how they had appeared would have laughed and acted engrossed even if you were talking about fungus."

Naruko followed her sister's gaze and smiled as she watched the two women get the man they were currently entertaining to order another bottle of the club's most expensive liquor. Naruko sat back as she set her geta wearing feet on the table between her and the other two women. "It's all just part of the game," Naruko said watching the various women work. "The men that come here just want a woman to treat them as if they are the most important person on the planet. Deep down they know these women are not sincere. But, so long as it appears that they are they are content, and drunken content men tend to let valuable secrets slip passed their lips. That's why so many of Jiraiya's contacts were in places like this."

"Are you saying this is one of them?" Haku asked her interest piqued.

"It doesn't appear to be," Naruko said. Indicating the barely touched and various bottles of booze she explained, "The reason I placed such a specific order was to attract the attention of any of his contacts."

"Perhaps, she refused to make herself know since she has heard of Jiraiya's death. She may not be willing to meet with a stranger even one in possession of Jiraiya's contact method."

Naruko nodded at Haku's point, but said, "True, but Jiraiya-sensei was very careful about maintaining the secrecy of his contacts. I just have a list of specific drink orders which correspond to towns and countries. I imagine there will be quite a few misses before I make contact." Placing her feet back on the floor she leaned across the table as she added, "Besides, this little jaunt into Earth Country was Rin's idea. I just felt like killing a little time while we wait for her signal."

Haku nodded as she picked up her tea again and resigned herself to waiting in the noisy establishment. Sage, continued to watch the women ply their trade and wondered what it would feel like to be pressed up against a man in a similar manner as the women often allowed themselves to be held since it seemed to result in better tips.


Rin pushed open the door to her room as she said, "After you."

Kin nodded as she walked past the woman while beginning to feel a little nervousness in the pit of her stomach about her decision to follow the woman up to her room. It had little to do with any concerns Naruto would find out seeing as she wasn't official bound to him. Not to mention he had likely added to his Harem since she had last been in Konoha village. She didn't feel there was anything she needed to be worried about the woman as far as danger, but from the way she opened the small mini-fridge in her room to pull out a bucket of ice, Kin had the feeling that Rin had been planning to entertain someone that night.

Watching as Rin settled the champagne in the ice she noticed that there appeared to be a third glass on the table. Her attention was pulled from it though as Rin began to walk towards her with a noticeable sway in her step. Kin felt her heart begin to beat faster as the browned-haired woman approached. She came to a stop in front of the former Sound-nin and paused as Kin's heartbeat began to beat even faster and louder. She stared into the woman's brown eyes and felt her cheeks color as she realized she had gotten lost in them as Rin needed to call her name several times to get her attention.

"I-I'm sorry...what was that?"

Rin smiled as she asked, "Would you mind handing me the glasses?"

"R-right," Kin said bringing them up quickly. She felt a gentle caress against her fingers as Rin took the glasses from her. She looked down, but felt her eyes widen in surprise as she also received a quick but gentle kiss against her lips. Rin then spun to walk back towards the table and Kin found herself watching the woman's hips sway in the tight black dress that she wore. Rin looked over her shoulder and asked, "The bottle was chilled in the bar. Would you like me to open it?"

Kin did have a desire to drink to help combat the nerves that she was feeling. But, aware that she wouldn't want her senses dulled either if the trouble she felt Rin had called upon herself appeared, or if she had an opportunity to make a move on the man associated with the Southern Wolves, she declined. When Rin then set both glasses down without opening the bottle she asked, "You don't need to deny yourself some on my account."

"Don't worry, I'm not," Rin said as she began to walk towards a couch, "But it's a little depressing to drink alone." Sitting down on the couch she patted the cushion next to her and as Kin took a seat asked, "So why don't you tell me a little about yourself, Kin. What brings you to the hotel this night?"

A part of Kin went on the defensive at the question, since naturally shinobi tended to be the ones extracting information not giving it, and thus tended to be suspicious of anyone prying into their business. Kin studied Rin's face but didn't see any sign that the woman was interested in her answer as anything other than a means to learn a little more about the person she intended to seduce and sleep with. Coming up with an answer that would explain her accepting the woman's invitation she said, "I guess I felt like coming here I might meet someone... to pass the night with."

Rin gave her a pleased grin as she leaned a little closer, "Strange, when I approached you at the bar you didn't seem all that interested."

Kin felt her anxiety grow not only from Rin's observation that her objective at the hotel bar hadn't been to meet anyone, but also from her moving her face and body closer to hers as well as from the brown-haired woman's hand returning to her thigh. Trying to recover she said, "Well...that was because I wasn't expecting to be picked up by a woman."

Rin giggled as she replied, "Understandable I suppose. But what I meant is that you seem to be trying to come to a decision about perhaps becoming committed to someone."

"R-really," Kin said her eyes showing her surprise at Rin's insight.

Rin nodded as she said, "Yes. In all honesty I think the only reason you did decide to join me tonight is because I am a woman."

Kin couldn't deny what Rin said had a certain measure of truth to it. She knew it was rather silly considering the number of women Naruto was already bound to, a number that had likely grown since she was last in Konoha. But she couldn't deny that if a man had approached her that she would have turned him down. She had already done so several times as she passed through the many villages she had visited in her pursuit to learn how the women of Kanji's Harem had adjusted to their newfound freedom. She supposed that somewhere in her heart she had decided that if she did give herself to Naruto, she wanted him to be the only man she ever slept with.

A velvet touch against her lips brought Kin back to the present as she realized that Rin had taken her silence as proof that her statement was correct. For a moment Kin considered extracting herself from the situation and the room, but couldn't deny the subtle kiss and Rin's early petting of her thigh had put her in the mood to enjoy a little sexual stimulus. Deciding to respond to Rin's advances as she felt that if she did become a member of Naruto's harem she'd likely find herself pleasing a woman almost as often as she did Naruto, she opened her mouth to deepen the kiss. Rin's tongue quickly met hers as Kin began to push her mouth back against the brunette's.

After thoroughly exploring each other's mouths, Kin suddenly found herself moaning into the kiss as her new female friend cupped one of her breasts. Kin pushed her chest into the hand that was fondling her breast through the dress that she wore. She felt Rin smile against her lips before she pulled back and standing said, "Let's continue this in the bedroom."

Kin nodded taking the hand that was offered, and giggled as she was quickly pulled to her feet and into another wet kiss as she was backed towards where she guessed the bedroom was. She eventually felt something soft make contact with the back of her knees before being pushed backwards to fall onto a large bed. Out of breath, Kin watched as Rin pulled the straps of her own dress down to free her pert breasts before hiking up her skirt to reveal her bald pussy. Kin scooted further up the bed to make room for her new friend, but was stopped as Rin climbed onto the bed and grabbed onto her hips.

Sliding her hands up Kin's skirt she gripped ahold of the young woman's panties before pulling them down. Kin raised her hips to allow Rin to free her of the undergarments and blushed as the woman's brown eyes zeroed in on her exposed sex. Rin licked her lips before causing Kin to hiss in pleasure as she gently began to stroke her dampened labia. Lowering her face to the kunoichi's ever increasingly wet pussy she said, "It looks like someone's kitty is in need of some attention."

"Yes," Kin moaned as Rin's tongue made contact with her nether lips and began to stimulate them. Finding the woman to be quite skilled Kin stared down and found the brown-eyes staring back at her extremely erotic as she began to rock her pelvis against the skilled tongue. Although no stranger to coming from having her pussy eaten due to her messing around with Naruto, Kin was surprised at just how quickly Rin was bringing her to what she imagined would be an earth-shattering orgasm. She began to fondle her breasts and tease her nipples through the material of her dress, and moaned with loss as Rin pulled back.

"Please...I'm so close," Kin moaned as she raised and lowered her hips before Rin to tempt her into finishing what she started.

Rin watched the display before moving to press her own wet and needful quim against Kin's as she said, "Let's reach the peak together." She began to rub her snatch against the dark-haired kunoichi's who quickly mirrored her actions. Rin moaned loudly as she made sure her right leg was the one facing against the bed to prevent Kin from seeing the fox-mark high up on her outer right thigh. Rin reached forward to grab Kin by the neck and pulled her into a sloppy kiss as they energetically rubbed their pussies against each other.

Kin moaned into the kiss as much from the pleasurable buildup she was feeling which was heralding her impending release, as from tasting herself on Rin's lips. The kiss ended and her head shot back as she moaned loudly when Rin lowered her mouth to one of the visible erect nipples despite the dress hiding them from view. Rin, bit on it gently even as her other hand roughly twisted her other one, the two new points of pleasure were just what Kin needed to cause her world to explode into a white state of bliss. As she came she pushed her hips out roughly increasing the pressure on Rin's cunt causing her to cry out as she came as well. Both women fell back as their bodies spasmed as a result of the pleasure coursing through them.

Kin's eyes were closed as she continued to bask in the afterglow of her orgasm. But they shot open as Rin had other ideas and slide three of her fingers into the dark-haired kunoichi's hypersensitive sex. "N-no," Kin moaned in weak protest as she tried to reach down to arrest the woman's movement.

"Shh," Rin whispered, "Just imagine it's the man you're thinking about giving yourself too."

"H-how...how..." Kin tried to ask as Rin quickly pumping fingers began to bring her to another climax.

Rin having an idea of what Kin was trying to ask answered, "I told you I felt it was my being a woman that made you accept my invitation. The fact that you didn't deny it tells me there is a man you're thinking of giving yourself too. Who is it? What's the name of the man you want to pound this beautiful pussy?"

F-fuck...I...I can't say..." Kin moaned as she tried to resist calling out Naruto's name since his name was beginning to become almost as well-known as some of the current Kage. She didn't know if Rin would make the connection but she didn't want to take the chance, plus she was also hesitant to admit how much she did want Naruto to take her and make her a part of his Harem. Considering how things had turned out the last time she had pledged herself to someone, namely Orochimaru, she was a little shy about doing so again.

Rin increased the pace at which she was fingering her target as she said lustfully, "It's okay Kin. You can say it. Close your eyes and imagine he's the one making you feel good. I'm sure his dick would make you feel so much better than my fingers can...call out to him."

Kin bit her lip even as she followed Rin's instructions and imagined Naruto was the one pounding away at her. She wasn't surprised at how the pressure building inside her suddenly intensified as she applied her imagination to the task of how the cock she had occasionally sucked on and stroked would feel prodding her insides. Applying the kind way he would always stare at her after their fooling around to the imaginary Naruto that had replaced Rin she couldn't help calling out, "I...I'm cumming...Naruto!!!!" This time as her world went white there was a flash of red that showed up as well.

Rin having sensed the kunoichi about to explode in another orgasm had channeled chakra to her mark to call to the man she had contacted earlier and asked to keep his schedule clear. She could see that Naruto had obviously expected to be called into a possible combat situation as he was wearing his standard clothes and the red cloak that he had added to the ensemble. She smirked as his faced showed that the last thing he expected to find was her finger-fucking a woman to climax in time for his arrival. But his gaze shifted to Kin as he heard his names escape from her lips during her cry of ecstasy.

Kin felt Rin's fingers slip from her cunt as she moved off the bed. She opened her eyes to see where the woman was going, and felt shocked as they met with Naruto's. "W-what...Naruto...I...I..." She trailed off as Rin pulled the stunned blond into a kiss before turning to lean her back against him as she stared at Kin with an amused smile.

Kin realized that the woman before her was one of Naruto's lovers and not sure how she felt about being, 'targeted' as it were sat up and closed her legs as she said, "Y-you sent her to seduce me?"

Naruto's face showed his confusion as he shook his head in the negative while answering, "Kin, I have no idea what's going on here. Rin told me that she had a line on Suiren and..."

"All in good time, stud," Rin said before reaching over her shoulder to place her hand against Naruto's cheek and pull him into another kiss.

Kin's cheeks colored as she saw that the fingers of the hand she used were still glistening with her juices. Rin ended the kiss and then placed the fingers against Naruto's lips, who promptly began to suck them into his mouth to suck them clean. Kin felt Rin's eyes bore into her as she watched Naruto clean her juices from the brown-haired woman's juices. But she diverted her eyes down, this proved to be a mistake as they quickly zeroed in on Naruto's groin which she noticed was begin to tent from his excitement at the scene he was becoming an active participant in.

She looked up though as Rin said, "I hope you're not too upset with me Kin at my little deception. I've taken over Tayuya's role as Naruto's scout due to her assuming the duties as Koyuki's manager and after observing you for a while. I figured you just needed a little push to accept that you wanted to become a part of his life as a lover. I figured you might be a little more honest with a stranger then with a woman you knew was already bound to him." Rin pulled her fingers free from Naruto's mouth and bringing her hand down to his groin began to rub his cock through his pants. She then pulled his fly down and catching his dick as it sprang free began to stroke it.

Kin couldn't deny that it appeared that Rin had been correct seeing as she had called out Naruto's name. Watching the brunette stroking the cock she had just imagined was buried inside her, Kin felt her apprehension about fully committing herself to Naruto's cause disappear. Unable to deny that she wanted to be fully initiated into Naruto's harem of lovers and to enjoy pleasure that came with such membership; Kin leaned back on her elbows and spread her legs. Reaching down to give her twice pleased quim a rub she said, "Naruto, if you'll still have me please fill the void inside me."

Rin gave a pleased grin as she moved behind her lover and pulled his cloak off. Draping it over her arm she licked his ear before whispering in it, "You heard her stud."

Naruto nodded as he divested himself of the rest of his clothes. Rin watched for a moment as Naruto climbed onto the bed and began to kiss Rin hungrily as his hand took over the duties of rubbing her soaking cunny. But preparing for the next phase of her overall plan she turned her back on the action as she picked up Naruto's clothes and folded them so that should the guests she expected showed up it would only look like the hotel room was occupied by the two women.

Kin felt like she was on a cloud as Naruto rubbed her pussy while kissing her deeply. But as good as it felt, it wasn't anything that they hadn't done before during the times they had fooled around together. Desiring what all the foreplay should have led to she broke the kiss and gripping his cock said breathlessly, "N-naruto...I want this inside me."

Naruto gave her a grin as he said, "I guess Rin did do a fantastic job of getting you ready for me." Kin's cheeks grew red at the reminder, but her embarrassment passed as Naruto took one of her still clothed nipples into his mouth even as he adjusted himself to lay over her. Naruto pulled back as he slid between her legs and gripping his manhood guided it to her entrance. Kin raised her legs up to open herself wider for the large love muscle preparing to penetrate her. Kin moaned happily as his cockhead pushed passed the opening of her love canal and her delightful cry grew in volume as he fed inch after magnificent inch into her until she was completely wrapped around him.

As Naruto began to move, Kin couldn't help but agree with Rin's earlier statement that her fingers were like nothing when compared to the large tower of flesh currently churning about inside her. Wrapping her ankles around his ass, Kin wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck to pull him into a kiss even as he pulled her up so that he could kneel on the bed as he raised and lowered her on his cock. As Naruto began to hit her even deeper due to his new angle of attack and his cock began to pound her womb, Kin's strength gave way as her arms unclasped and she fell back to the bed. Naruto held her by her hips as he continued to pound her with powerful thrusts that rocked her very center of being.

Kin's view of her lover was blocked as a succulent pussy was placed in front of her as Rin joined the pair on the bed. Slowly lowering her cunt to Kin's mouth she said, "Kin would you mind...mmmmm yes." Rin moaned appreciatively as Kin latched her mouth to the sweet-smelling snatch of the woman she was grateful to for making her the first woman she had aided Naruto in seducing.

Rin wrapped her arms around Naruto's neck and shoulders as Kin ate her pussy with gusto and moaned into his mouth when Naruto placed his lips to hers. Kin couldn't get enough of the sweet pussy her mouth was clamped to or describe how much wetter and hotter it made her as Rin's cries mingled with hers and Naruto's. Even without the cries, she would have known Rin was enjoying her efforts as the kunoichi's body produced more and more of the sweet nectar coating her tongue and lips. Kin moaned deeply into the brown-haired woman's folds as Rin began to rub her clit as Naruto continued his relentless pounding of her pussy.

Kin went taunt as her climax hit her, and hoping to push Rin into a similar state zeroed in on the medical kunoichi's clit. Rin's eyes grew wide as she came as well due to Kin's sucking on her love button before breaking away and shouting out her climax. Naruto watched his two lovers climax and joined in as he buried his cock fully in Kin's milking grip and filled her womb with copious amounts of his thick cum.

Once the last of his seed was deposited he moved to sit against the wall at the head of the bed and watched as Rin disengaged herself from Kin to enter the living room. Kin climbed up his body to kiss Naruto lightly before resting her head against his shoulder. A moment later Rin entered with the champagne and the three glasses. Handing one to Kin and the other two to Naruto she popped the cork. She laughed happily as it began to pour out as the pressure was released and then filled each of the glasses. Taking one glass she toasted, "To our expanding family."

Kin smiled contently as she clinked her glasses with that of the others and felt a little foolish in taking so long to make the leap. Especially as she watched Naruto pull Rin onto the bed and against his chest so that he could wrap both of his lovers in a tight and loving embrace. Meeting his kind blue eyes as he shifted his gaze to her, Kin couldn't help but noticing that the warmth they shown with seemed almost endless, unlike with Orochimaru who could convince people he cared for them with a look and a few kind words. Yet now with Naruto's gaze to compare it to, she realized that it wasn't what appeared on the surface that mattered, but the many layers beyond that which determined a person's character. Kin broke the eye contact first as she felt many emotions welling up within her, but the most prominent being that by binding herself to Naruto, she never need fear being used and abandoned again.


Blast from the Past Arc: Guren Part II


Blast from the Past Part Duex: Toka Senju

Target: Samui

Blast in the Past: Sara


Target: Fuka





Expanding Territories Arc:??????

Expanding Territories Arc:??????




Revenge Arc:??????

Revenge Arc Intermission:??????

Revenge Arc:???????






Adventures in Sea Country: Isaribi

Adventures in Sea Country: ??????

phoebebrowncreators' thoughts