
27. Why Me: Part III

Karin felt a little nervous as she neared the bridge that connected Wave Country to the Land of Fire. The primary reason for it was she didn't want to disappoint Naruto. But also she didn't want to be a flop in her first outing as president of The Great Tree Shipping Company. She knew Naruto wouldn't hold it against her if she failed but she still wanted to prove she was the right person for the job. Although she knew Kyuubi had picked her due to her experience running one of Orochimaru's research bases. She had quickly learned doing that was almost completely different then running a company. For one, there was no profit motive when she had run one of the Northern bases. If she was running low on a particular item all she needed to do was send a request to the person in charge of sending supplies to the various bases and she'd receive what she needed. All without worrying about how much it cost since for all intents and purposes Orochimaru had ruled Rice Paddy Country so almost all of the taxes collected went to his projects. Now on the other hand if the company was short of something then she would need to find a way to get it all the while balancing cost against quality.

That was one reason she needed to be extremely smart about how she went about trying to buy the hotel. Truthfully with the limited resources at her disposal she probably wouldn't even have stood a chance if not for the fact the people of Wave so feared another Gato popping up they demanded the sale of the property be through an auction. Their hope was that an auction would prevent the remnants of Gato's old company from once more joining into one large company through the competition such a means of offloading the property would create. Gato's old company wasn't exactly pleased with such an arrangement, but since Gato's demise it had been hovering on the brink of dissolution. The reason for this was naturally due to the people of Wave boycotting the company. Still those that had taken over had desperately tried to prevent this, but Gato's putting so much stock in his monopoly had all but guaranteed that once bridge had been built they would be finished. The Whirling Tides Manor represented the last major asset they had before shutting their doors.

In truth Karin had no idea as to what Gato had hoped to gain by bankrupting Wave as it seemed such a one dimensional plan. After all, by making the people of Wave poorer it all but guaranteed that they would eventually be unable to pay, which in turn would guarantee his company's demise in turn when there was nothing left to take from what amounted as his only major customers. Karin just couldn't imagine what his goal was or how he hoped to profit from it in the long term.

Gato's actions also had negative consequences for her strategies for Wave, which was another reason buying the hotel was so important. Naturally after having a company like Gato's move in and then try to destroy their home economically the people of Wave tended to frown on new company's arriving from outside of their country. They had no problem if the businesses were homegrown, but she had quickly learned that trying to open a branch office in Wave would cause so many headaches as to not be worth it. That was why she hoped that upon buying and rehabilitating the old property the people of Wave would come to welcome their presence.

If she could pull that off then she believed Wave would be a first step towards getting a foothold into Water Country and by extension Kirigakure. As an island country, The Land of Water found itself in much the same situation as Wave had before the bridge had been built. There wasn't a megalomaniac trying to bankrupt the country, but due to its location the many companies that shipped goods there tended to charge far higher prices to send in food and other things the island needed. Karin, planned to undercut those companies, but lacked the one thing she needed, a company office with access to a large port. The only place that would work was Wave due to the demise of Gato's company and the inability of a new one to takes its place. If she could gain the people's trust enough she would be able to gain access to the port he had built without having to invest massive resources to build one herself. Not to mention she'd have practically no competition something she wouldn't be able to say if she set up shop anywhere else. If she pulled her plans off she could see Wave becoming a massive transportation hub that would supply almost all of Water and Sea Country's needs, as well as the other small island ones.

Karin was pulled from her plans for the future by a similar sensation as when she used her chakra sensing ability. Discreetly looking to her left out of the corner of her eye she could just make out in the darkness a young woman dressed in the garb of the Kiri Hunter Division. She either most have sensed Karin's eyes on her, or else she knew Karin was probably as curious about her as she was about the young woman so figured she was checking her out as well since the kunoichi gave a small nod of her head. Karin, didn't respond naturally since she didn't want to tip of the genin with her they were being observed. It was a rather surreal experience in a sense since she and the kunoichi had never met yet now seemed to share a destiny. She supposed it was a feeling similar to those of a couple in an arranged marriage meeting for the first time. Since, the people involved didn't even know if they would like each other but were expected to make a life with one another. And while they may each have strong feelings for Naruto that still left quite a few uncertainties such as what happens after they completed their goal of bringing peace to the world of shinobi. It was a question that she had yet to hear anyone bring up, but was certain it was on everyone's minds.

The kunoichi ducked behind the tree she was watching Karin from just as Udon suddenly spun towards her pulling a kunai. Karin made a fuss to his sudden action shrieking away from the perceived threat asking panicked, "What is it? Are we under attack?"

"Wouldn't you be able to sense as much?" the boy asked watching the woods warily.

Although she doubted his two teammates had detected the kunoichi's presence, they still trusted in their partner's abilities enough to scan the forest while watching for threats. "My chakra sensing abilities isn't always on," she replied. Closing her eyes more for giving off the impression of using her ability then an actual need she said, "I can't sense anything nearby that would pose a threat."

Konohamaru not seeing anything teased, "Maybe it's time to upgrade the prescription on your glasses Udon. We can't have you jumping at shadows and scaring the client."

Udon tucked his kunai back into his pouch saying, "I'll look into that when we get back. But I was sure something was there."

Karin couldn't be sure if it was just the fact that Udon seemed to be almost always drowsy that accounted for the genin's going from dangerous shinobi to relaxed bodyguard without disturbing his chakra. But feeling his two teammates' ramping down as the adrenaline from the false alarm left their systems something told her the boy was always ready to kill at a moment's notice.

Reaching the bridge that connected the Land of Fire with her destination she smirked seeing the name that the structure carried. "What the hell," Konohamaru said upon gazing on the Great Naruto Bridge, "he already has a bridge named after him. How am I supposed to compete with that?"

"Get a palace named for you," Karin replied stepping onto the bridge.

Moegi giggled as she followed the former Sound-nin as Udon silently followed behind still wearing the same sleepy expression. Konohamaru picked his jaw off the floor shouting, "Hey wait for me!"

The trip across the bridge was relatively uneventful except for the sulking of Konohamaru. Reaching the village, Karin wanted to find a nice place to stay due to how late it was, but curiosity was getting the best of her. Walking through the village's market area, she stopped in front of a fruit stand. Stepping up to a woman that was looking through the fruit on display with a semi-full basket, having already chosen several items, Karin waited until she reached for something in order to reach for the same apple. Grabbing it up first she apologetically said, "Oh sorry...here you can have it."

"That's quite alright, as you can see I have plenty," the woman said with a warm smile.

"Hey, are we going to get a place to stay or what," Konohamaru said loudly before receiving a swift elbow to his gut from Moegi.

"Remember she's the client," Moegi hissed in a whisper, "You don't want to give the village a bad name do you?"

"I doubt Naruto had to mind his manners," Konohamaru said as he rubbed his stomach.

The woman giggled at the display before saying, "My Konoha shinobi are all so lively. Are they with you?"

Karin nodded as she replied, "Yes, I hired them to escort me here. My name is Karin Uzumaki."

The woman's eyes widened in surprise, and Karin could see her statement had raised quite a few questions in the woman. Before she could give voice to them though a loud, "What! You're related to the Boss. You aren't his secret wife or anything."

"Geez Moegi," Konohamaru said drily as he noticed a ton of looks from the surrounding people being directed their way, "What happened to being on our best behavior."

Moegi turned red in embarrassment causing Karin to giggle slightly before saying, "No, I simply have a blood tie to the Uzumaki Clan." Turning towards the woman she said, "Believe me, I was as surprised as anyone. It was nice meeting you..."

"Tsunami," the woman said holding out her hand which Karin promptly shook, "Do you have a place to stay?"

"No...but I'm sure we'll be able to find one."

"Oh no doubt," Tsunami said, "and I don't doubt you'll get a good rate at some of these hotels due to your shinobi escorts. But why don't you stay at my home, Konoha-nin will always be welcome there as well as their clients."

"That would be great," Karin said looking at the various angles. Although she had headed to Wave aware that there were two Harem members in and around the village. She had made no plans to actual talk to either of them and doubted they knew what her goal in the village was. But with the auction still a month away, she could probably ask Tsunami to discreetly leak her plans to the people of the village in an attempt to build up support for her long-term plans for the country. Not to mention it would also save her money she could then apply to her bid.


Tayuya stared at the compound she suspected was Kanji's home while dressed once more in her black infiltration outfit. It was an old style fortress that Tayuya believed was a remnant of the Warring Clan days before the founding of Konoha. It was composed of a central building surrounded by a ten foot tall wall, and from the lack of other structures she believed that a majority of the living space was underground. Watching the several women moving along the ramparts of the fort, she would have to say her guess was correct. Luckily for her though the women guards didn't seem to be overly skilled, but more like decorations to give off an air of security. That wasn't to say there wouldn't be more dangerous people inside, but Tayuya was beginning to wonder why Kanji would still believe his technique was ineffectual against kunoichi especially since he had already used it against a former Hot Water kunoichi. It would imply a certain lack of confidence in his ability to charm women that could sense chakra. Tayuya supposed the credit to that belonged to Anko's rejecting him. But it did raise the question why the priestess Momo hadn't sensed what Kanji had been up to when he would visit her.

Tayuya knew she wouldn't be getting any answers while sitting outside in a tree so was waiting for one of the guards to pass by her observation point. Once the woman was clear, she leapt from the tree landing silently behind the woman before just as stealthily leaping from the wall to the courtyard below. Tayuya pressed herself against the wall listening for any hint that her entrance had been noticed. Not hearing any, she was about to move when she suddenly felt as if she had been cut off from everything she had come to cherish. Feeling so very exposed as her ability to sense Naruto and the others vanished. She was about to retreat when she needed to jump to her side in order to avoid an attack as a large claw connected to a chain buried itself into the wall where she had been standing. Following the chain to her attacker she saw that it disappeared into the tattered sleeve of a woman's kimono. From the way the sleeve hung and blew in the slight breeze Tayuya could tell that the woman was missing that arm. Taking in the rest of her appearance she could make out a strange red tattoo on the woman's face that consisted of a stylized 'M' like shape at whose center resided a dot. Her pink hair was done up in a ponytail that blew along with the two long bangs of hair that framed her face. Her beauty wasn't tarnished by the scar over her damaged left eye which remained closed as she studied the red head.

Tayuya knew this woman was extremely dangerous and that the fact that she was missing an arm did nothing to diminish that or the fact that her sword was still in its sheath. The sounds of the other women reacting to the attack reminded Tayuya that she needed to escape quickly if she was going to be able to do so at all.

That outcome become far less likely as a powerful flame jutsu began traveling towards her, tearing up the earth as it moved to engulf her. Leaping into the air she caught sight of the caster. Finding another pink-haired woman, whose long hair was brighter and done up into two large buns, and was holding a large nodachi Tayuya cursed, "Fuck, don't tell me this fucker has a thing for chicks that like long pointy things."

Tayuya landed on the wall and was about to leap away however she smashed right into a barrier that sent her flying backwards as a powerful force repelled her. Falling back towards the courtyard she was momentarily saved as long blonde hair wrapped around her. Catching sight of her savior she saw a young woman wearing a white blouse with a high collar. Around her forehead she wore a blue headband that could have at one time carried the piece of metal that would have told what village she came from. Her long legs were bare and ended in blue sandals whose toes were covered in metal guards. Tayuya was torn between thanking the woman and letting lose a stream of curses to let her go. The blonde choose a third option and commanded her hair to smash the former Sound-nin into the ground.

As the hair retracted from the crater Tayuya's landing made, she tried to pull herself up managing to just reach the lip of it while muttering, "Stupid long haired cunt...when I get out of this hole I'm shaving you fucking bald."

Her hand landed on a foot and looking up she saw a woman with white hair which was tied back with a multicolored rope adorned with two bells. She wore a revealing red outfit which consisted of a small sleeveless jacket that showed her midriff. It was opened showing that all she wore underneath it were bandages that were wrapped around her chest covering her impressive bust. Red fingerless gloves that covered up to her elbow, matching high-heeled sandals, and skirt completed the outfit. Red diamond shaped tattoos traveled up the left side of her body and in a sheath that was wrapped around her lower left leg was a sword made in a similar vein as the one used by Yuugao.

"My you're a tough one aren't you," the woman said before smashing her fist down into the back of Tayuya's head which sent her face smashing into the earth and robbed her of conscious thought.


Tsunade was in a meeting with the various clan heads as they argued over the fate of the Kurama Clan. She glared at Danzou who remained unaffected, which pissed her off even more. Turning away from him she watched as Tsume laid into Shibi Aburame about his support of Danzou's proposal to strip Yakumo Kurama of her title for someone as the crippled elder put it, "More Worthy." What made Shibi's support so surprising was that practically everyone present knew it was so Danzou could install someone that would possibly break Tsunade's majority on several of her initiatives to bring Sand and the Leaf closer. Tsunade was positive that whoever it was would no doubt be a lackey for the elder, but she doubted the other clan leaders thought so.

Cursing the fact she couldn't just bring to light that Danzou was a traitor without calling her own loyalties into question she had to sit and stew in silence as Shibi's logical arguments swayed the other male leaders into taking an unprecedented step in meddling in another clan's affairs.

"As Elder Danzou has pointed out...while unfortunate Lady Yakumo is unable to attend to her duties as Clan Head. She was even unable to attend this meeting and her uncle refuses to leave her side. This implies the Kurama are hungry for their voice to be heard on the council again. It has been nearly three years since she was well enough to attend."

Tsume growled angrily saying, "Well excuse her for being sick you emotionless pri..."

"Lady Tsume, please try to refrain from insulting a fellow Konoha-nin," Koharu said interrupting the Inuzuka clan leader trying to keep the discourse civil.

"Sorry..." the woman said grudgingly before moving to lean against the wall.

Koharu folded her hands in her lap once more henged as her older self before saying, "Your point is valid Shibi. However that Unkai is unwilling to leave his niece's side may imply they are perhaps too hungry to retake their seat at the council. Would you be so quick to elect a man or woman willing to kill their leader to take her spot?"

"There is no proof of such a plot taking place," Homura said countering the point of his former teammate. "His unwillingness to leave may just be a sign of how weak Lady Yakumo has become. Still in either case it only highlights Danzou's point. With Akatsuki on the loose we can ill afford to have this situation play out on nature's timetable. Whether she dies of her disease or by ambitious members of her own clan, it could be disastrous for us if it is at a crucial point in our struggle against the Akatsuki."

Although muted, Tsunade could see Koharu react towards her teammate's logic. However she doubted it was as Homura expected since while in the past such an argument would have brought the female elder around to his way of thinking. It was Naruto's influence that reminded her that acting and throwing away the beliefs a person clung to out of fear of the unknown was as bad as whatever event was trying to be averted.

Koharu was about to counter when all three women felt the sudden disappearance of Tayuya's presence. Both Tsunade and Koharu managed to keep their reaction to themselves; however Tsume pushed off the wall to face in the direction the red-head had been. Hiashi surprised at the sudden movement asked, "Is everything alright?"

"Sorry, just thought I heard something outside the room. It's nothing."

Still all three could feel Naruto's sudden panic as the disappearance sent ripples through the Harem. Tsunade was glade that Yuugao had insisted on establishing protocols in case something like that happened. Were she alone, she would have breathed a little sigh of relief as she felt Naruto calm to follow those protocols. The most notable being that until they were alone they were to act as if nothing had happened. Luckily due to the lateness of the hour, for most that was the case as she felt the various people heading towards the Den.

Tsunade's focus shifted back to the meeting as Koharu said calmly despite the turmoil she no doubt felt, "Gentlemen and ladies it grows late and unfortunately my age is catching up with me. Let us talk on this matter at some later date."

"I believe we should call this matter to a vote now," Danzou said sensing the room was with him.

"Before we act, let me remind you this is a step we will take that future generations will look too. One that they may... if we remove her... be used to justify meddling in clan affairs again. How long until all it would take is a consensus by the rest of this council to remove say... a Clan Head that refuses to go along with the rest. Before we go down such a path I don't think it's too much to ask for some time to consider it. It will also allow us to approach Unkai with the request of letting Sakura Haruno check on his niece's condition."

"Why her and what does it gain us?" Homura asked hiding his face with his folded hands as he studied his teammate. "If he was open to such a thing he would have already taken her to the hospital."

"True, unless he believed a lack of information would have tied our hands from taking such a measure against her. By approaching him, it will let him know the time to get his house in order is running short as well as allow us to best gauge how much longer Lady Yakumo has and what our best course of action is. If she is on death's door, than there would be no reason to take such a heavy handed measure to ensure the village's stability."

Tsunade wanted to smirk as the air left Danzou's balloon due to Koharu's argument since he couldn't push the argument further without appearing power hungry. Only her concern for Tayuya prevented her from doing so. Still Danzou wasn't going to accept the stalling measure as a means for her to pass Tsume's bill as he said, "Very Well... then to be fair perhaps any future votes on bills not related to the immediate security of the village should also be put on the back burner."

Tsunade nodded saying, "Fair enough." Standing she said, "Alright with that I call this meeting to an end. We'll adjourn this issue until we meet at the normal time next month." Watching the people leave the room Tsunade sighed as she knew her and the others' night was just getting started.


"Ahh...fuck," Tayuya said as she slowly rejoined the wakening world. Feeling a cold rag being pressed towards her forehead and being held, as well as the pain in her wrist where shackles had been placed she came to the conclusion she was chained up against a wall or something. Opening her eyes, she blinked several times as a result of the pain the light entering them brought but was shocked enough by what she saw to say, "I-ino..."

The woman's eyes conveyed that she seemed to recognize the name, but she meekly replied, "My name is Fuku." Shaking herself fully awake she found that instead of the overweight woman she had been expecting, Fuku had lost the weight and now greatly resembled an older Ino again.

"Where am I?"

The woman pulled the rag away from her head and dropped it in a bowl at her feet. Backing away she said, "I must alert Kanji that you are awake."

To Tayuya the woman's response had seemed almost wooden, as if she had wanted to stay but had been compelled by something to carry out the task she had stated. However for a brief moment her eyes had conveyed all she needed to know as for that brief moment they had seemed to scream, "Hell."

Tayuya took the time to take stock of her situation. Looking around the large room she figured it was a place where Kanji tended to enjoy his women judging by the pillows thrown about the room. She imagined it was also where they would put on shows for him due to the throne sitting on a raised platform. But also judging from the chains hanging from some of the pillars supporting the ceiling she couldn't rule out it was where he punished them also. Or judging from the worst case scenario her mind was spinning for her situation it was where he forcibly added women to his flock as it were.

Tayuya wanted to summon chakra to escape but guessed the device hooked up to her stomach was preventing her from doing so. Looking down at the small device she was surprised that they would use a machine of some sort when a chakra suppression seal would no doubt be cheaper. She learned why though when in an effort to test its effectiveness she began to channel chakra to overpower it and received a strong electric shock as a reward.

"Ah it seems we have a lively one," a cultured and friendly voice said as Tayuya recovered from the shock. Raising her head to glare at the man she took in his appearance and guessed with enough money and time anyone could become a stud. No longer resembling the pimply faced nerd she had scene in his file he smiled at her with perfect teeth and an almost too bright smile. He was wearing a robe that was open to show his well-defined chest, and loose fitting silk pajama pants. Responding to the glare he said, "Hey now...don't you think I'm the one that should be upset? You did just break into my home."

Tayuya ignored his question to gaze at the women that had followed him in. Clinging to his side was the woman Momo Hinamori. She was dressed in a black version of the robes that most priestesses wear. The glare she was sending Tayuya and the slightly disheveled state of her clothes gave the red-head the impression her entering the compound had disturbed an intimate moment between them. Tayuya also imagined the petite young woman was also the reason the alarm had been raised as she had probably placed a detection barrier around the compound. Not to mention raised the one that had trapped her inside.

Her gaze merely gave a passing glance to the two pinked haired women that were standing behind him as she had already had the displeasure of meeting them. Instead she focused on the kunoichi standing between them. Her lower face was covered by a thin cloth, and she was dressed in a body suit that left very little to the imagination. Her shoulders, forearms, and lower legs were covered in metal armor forged into demon faces. She wore a pair of ninjato with one's handle appearing behind her right shoulder and the other being worn along the middle of her back. Much like the other two women she was standing with, she seemed more a statue then a person as her eyes didn't seem to convey any true emotion. Unlike Momo's who gaze had shifted towards Kanji and stared at him with admiration.

"The strong silent type hmm," Kanji said pulling himself away from the priestess to close with Tayuya. He cupped her cheek saying, "Please don't be so stubborn. I can make it worth your while."

Tayuya felt Kanji begin to use the temptation's touch on her and it confirmed something she had long come to believe which was Naruto had unintentionally used it on her when he had used Kyuubi chakra to heal her. The reason she had come to believe that was because in truth she had never once felt the same warming sensation she had that night. Not to say she didn't bask in and enjoy his presence just that it had never affected her in the same way again. What she had come to believe was that when Kyuubi had used her chakra to heal Tayuya's body, she had needed to force it past the seal. As a result some of Naruto's chakra had been carried along and had thus made her more receptive to sleeping with him. She had never brought it up for two reason the first being she was glad the direction her life had taken from that point onward. And the other was because at times she suspected that Naruto was beginning to question his success with his lovers. The last thing she had wanted to do was add to that, especially since in her mind it was the best thing that had happened to her.

But she also was now learning something else as well which was that the Temptation's Touch seemed to convey something of the users true self along with the heightened arousal. For example much as Anko had explained. Tayuya could feel something sinister in the chakra entering her. If she had to compare while Naruto's had felt like a warm fire warming her from the inside. Kanji's felt like a snake crawling just below her skin. Still her body was beginning to respond to the jutsu as she could feel her arousal spike at his touch. She knew he was aware of the effect he was having as he smirked and his eyes traveled to her bust. His hand soon began to follow and despite wanting to tell him to get away from her found her voice was failing her at the moment. Kanji's attention was pulled from her chest as his hand moved over her throat. Moving some of her long hair away he asked, "What's this?" as he caught a glimpse of the fox mark that resided where her curse mark used to be.

At that moment Tayuya focus was pulled inward as it seemed as if she was growing increasingly warmer. Then to her surprise the feel of Kanji chakra lessened as if being attacked by the warmth she had remembered from her first night with Naruto. To her it had almost felt as if the warmth had acted as antibodies to repel the invading chakra. She smirked as she figured that made sense and would no doubt explain the coloring of her and the other women's chakra. Feeling the effects Kanji's jutsu all but disappear she waited for the right moment to make her displeasure at his touch known.

Kanji smiled at the look on Tayuya's face no doubt figuring it was her coming around to his jutsu. Using a low lusty tone as he moved in to kiss her neck before examining the mark there he said, "Feeling the attraction between us I..."

Tayuya silenced him by slamming her forehead into his and as he stumbled back said, "Get your fucking slimy mitts off me." Tayuya watched the reaction of all the women present and as she guessed only the priestess seemed to care about the damage she had inflicted. She raced forward hitting a button on the device preventing her from using her chakra and stepped back as the device shocked Tayuya.

The red-head screamed in pain as it lasted much longer than before and when it finally cut off only remained standing due to the manacles holding her up. Kanji stepped up roughly grabbing her face all traces of the kind but stern master of the home vanishing as he said darkly, "Damn whore...we could have done this the pleasurable way, but that avenue is lost to you now. Soon you'll be begging for release from this mortal coil."

Tayuya pulled her face away and immediately bit down on his hand as hard as she could. "Ahhhh...get her off," he screamed as Momo tried to pull him away. His command sent the three women into action with the masked female reaching her first and she slammed her fist into Tayuya's stomach forcing her to let go.

Tayuya coughed roughly as a result of the blow and then spit the taste of blood out of her mouth as she smiled defiantly at the man. As Momo bandaged his wound using a strip of her own clothes he ordered, "Spin that bitch around."

Between the three they managed to release Tayuya long enough to spin her around before chaining her back up to the pillar. She looked over her shoulder as he placed his bandaged hand on the priestess's head like a puppy saying, "Thanks Momo." Despite it sounding almost mocking to her, Tayuya could tell the woman basked in the praise.

He then came up behind Tayuya and grabbing the back of her shirt ripped it away saying, "You won't be needing clothes in your new life bitch." He then roughly pushed her head forward into the pillar as he began to inspect the mark on her neck. He suddenly let go laughing as he said, "So...he's opened the scroll after all."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Tayuya said, hoping to lead him away from the conclusion Kanji had come to.

"Oh you needn't bother covering for him," Kanji said letting go of her. "It explains so very much...like what you are doing here. So my apprentice has come looking for me has he? Rather clever of him to mark his property." Giving Tayuya's naked back an admiring glance he added, "And he has an eye for quality." Kanji moved to his throne and sitting on it said more to himself than those present, "But why play stupid? Unless... he doesn't know you are here, does he?"

Tayuya stared back defiantly but refused to be baited into giving away anything. However despite her stonewalling him, he leaned back in his chair saying smugly, "He doesn't. I can't say much about his ability to control his whores, but still it does seem to suggest a certain confidence in himself to keep you in line."

Despite hers previous desire to keep quiet Tayuya couldn't help leaping to her man's defense saying, "He doesn't fucking need to control us you tiny dick wielding son of a bitch. We've gladly aligned ourselves with him."

For a moment Kanji glared at her harshly before breaking out laughing as he said, "Is that what you believe? How naïve and precious...ha-ha-ha... ah I haven't laughed like that in a long time." Still staring at Tayuya's unwavering stare he said, "Amazing... he's either done a hell of a job in convincing you of that or you actually believe it."

"Momo, please remove that mark."

"Yes, my master," the woman replied moving towards the red-head. Flashing through several hand-signs her hands began to glow so Tayuya began to struggle against her bonds. "Hold her still," Momo ordered the women present causing the shinobi and the pink-haired warrior with both her arms to respond. They grabbed Tayuya roughly around the arms and pressed her body against the pillar she was chained to. She felt the small woman press her hands against her fox mark but to her surprise felt nothing happen. But she learned that the mark had been removed as Momo said, "There's another one beneath it." Running her fingers over the name she found there she said, "Is this the name of her Master? It also seems to be a seal." The priestess studied it thoroughly reporting, "The formula is extremely complex...I can't be sure off all that it does...but there seems to be some sort of locator portion to it. If not for the barrier I erected it is likely he would know she is here."

Kanji studied the woman for a moment before asking, "Girl how much value do you believe he holds in you?"

Tayuya returned to refusing to answer him, but Kanji again smiled saying, "You need not reply. Your eyes tell me all that I want to know. They practically scream you believe he'll come for you."

"He will," Tayuya replied definitively.

"Good," Kanji countered with a pleased grin. Directing his gaze to the priestess he said, "Momo, lower the barrier, not completely, but ramp it down just enough that he should be able to sense her again. If she's right he must be quite worried for her."

The woman quickly left to fulfill the task she had been given. Directing his gaze to the others he said, "Ikaruga, Baiken, you two go alert Kagura and Millia to be on alert. I want one of you stationed along each wall. Taki, remain here in case our guest gets any funny ideas." As the two warriors began to leave he added as an afterthought, "Oh also send for Fuku. I believe that should set the board up nicely."

The women paused only long enough to give the impression they had heard the command but no hint that they would carry it out. Kanji seemed to have no doubt his orders would be obeyed. Tayuya noticed the difference between how the three warriors reacted as opposed to Momo and hoping to gain some insight said, "I don't get it. You claim I'm a confused puppet to Naruto's desire and seeing the level of control you wield over those warriors under your sway I can see why you want to believe that. But that priestess genuinely admires you."

"Therefore you believe I in turn harbor some sort of feelings for her." Kanji chuckled before asking, "Just how far away is your master?"

"He's closer than you think," Tayuya replied smugly.

"Good... well I suppose it doesn't hurt in explaining the truth of things to you. To begin, what are emotions?"

Tayuya wasn't sure what Kanji expected to hear so remain quiet causing the man to say, "No answer...or you simply want this to be a one way communication. Hoping I can't get inside your head are you. Don't bother... I already know what you believe. To you emotions are an expression of what a person is feeling at any given moment. However, that is only a half truth. You see like everything emotion can be manipulated. Lovers can easily be turned against each other at the drop of a hat and I think you'd be surprised at how easy it is."

"That's bullshit," Tayuya said angrily thinking of the Governor of Noodle Country and the strong feelings he still carried for his wife, even when he was under the impression she had left him for Kanji.

"You truly believe this...how sad. Love and admiration are the easiest of emotions to manipulate. Take my dear Momo...if you asked those pathetic fools at her temple about the timeline of events before she ran away. It was I who came to her seeking the warmth and direction that only a holy person could give. Those fools didn't even realize that by the time I first arrived at the temple she was already under my sway."

"You mean..." Tayuya said getting a queasy feeling in her stomach.

"That's right...by then I had already thoroughly enjoyed her. But as you noticed...my control over my other slaves is a bit too precious. Sadly it's a byproduct of my trial and error approach to learning and mastering the Temptations Touch and Binding."

Although Tayuya wanted to know what he had done to the priestess hearing an opening to direct the conversation to something she felt was truly pertinent to Naruto and the others said, "I'm sorry I was under the impression you created them, sounds to me like you learned it from somewhere."

Kanji gave a knowing grin saying, "No need to direct me towards revealing the secrets of the jutsu. I'll gladly tell you, but let's wait for your master."

Tayuya nodded before then glaring at the man asking, "What," as he smirked at her.

Kanji raised his hand as if to calm her saying, "It's just you are so adamant that he cares for you. But when I call him your master you've barely batted an eye."

"You obviously believe he sees us similarly to how you see your lovers..."

"Lovers...ha-ha-ha...ah, again how quaint. They are merely holes to be used for my amusement or a set of skills I wish to employ for my own plans. Don't think I feel anything for these worthless receptacles of my lusts. You believe I felt something for that priestess...why because I speak kindly to her. You're a fucking fool... and you are merely seeing what you wish your own master feels for you. You want to know the truth that kind gentle way of speaking to her is the gravest insult I can give her. You see the reason I was at the temple comforting her was because she had been gang-raped by dozens of masked men one night as she returned to the temple. Men I in turn killed, causing her to see me as her savior. But, do you know the true beauty of what happened that night?"

Tayuya remained silent as Kanji's voice raised in volume and he stood from his throne slowly walking down the steps towards her. Tayuya became instantly aware that although facing away from him she was still topless as his eyes traveled over her body lecherously. As he came to a stop behind her at a loss for words for the first time in her life and afraid he'd attack her if she so much as moved suddenly, he pressed himself against her saying, "The first of those masked men who robbed her of her virtue was me." Kanji pushed away from her laughing as he walked away basking in the fear Tayuya was trying to mask that he planned to do the same to her. "I could have simply commanded her to follow me...but it was so much more fun twisting her emotions until only I was important to her." He sighed before saying, "To think I spent so long being careful about using the Temptation Touch to get most of my victims to lower their guard. It's so much easier to simply force them to give me what I desire." He calmed as he began walking back to his throne saying, "But that route isn't without its drawbacks."

Tayuya directed her attention towards the kunoichi he had called Taki saying, "You don't seem worried she'll let your little secret out or I will."

"I imagine if Taki was capable of it she would definitely reveal all my secrets. But truthfully she'd be too busy lamenting that it was her screw up that led me to the truth of the Binding. You see...one of the passages in the book I learned my techniques from read like, "When she presents you the flower that blooms with arousal the Binding would be complete. Naturally, I assumed this meant after warming her up with the Temptation's Touch. But thanks to little miss Yugakure Anbu kunoichi there I soon realized they could be used independently of one another."

"Did you learn this before or after you gave Naruto that scroll," Tayuya asked. She was aware that Kanji had lied to her about where he learned the jutsu. It might have just been a slip of the tongue since scrolls and books were two mutually exclusive items, and while both held information saying he had read it in a book was a small way of misdirecting her.

"What a strange question," Kanji stated studying her for a moment. Shrugging he asked, "Why?"

"I was wondering how you got close enough to Kanisawa..."

Tayuya found her ability to speak hampered by Kanji closing the distance blindingly fast and wrapping his hand around her throat. Glaring darkly at her, he said in a low and dangerous voice, "Don't ever mention that name again." He let go of her throat, before saying almost apologetically, "Sorry. But it does appear you've done your homework on me. Anyway my point was that the more direct the method used to bind a woman, the more aware she is and thus the more controls you need in place. Taki was the first that I used the more direct method on...Momo was simply an experiment in how to get around that drawback."

Tayuya studied the silent woman and judging her ability from the way she carried herself said, "She looks like she should be able to easily kick your ass. How'd you get the drop on her?"

Both their attention was pulled to the sound of feet approaching. Finding the new arrival was Fuku he smirked saying, "Speak of the devil." Turning back towards Tayuya he said, "Anyway that's enough about me for now. Momo should almost have lowered the intensity of the barrier enough for your seal to transmit where you are. Let's see if he even comes for you at all."

Tayuya waited until he sat in his chair to make eye contact with him saying, "When he gets here, you're going to wish he hadn't."

Kanji simply smirked before leaning forward to reply, "Or perhaps you will come to wish that." Pointing at Fuku he snapped his fingers before he pointed at his crotch. The Princess of the Land of Noodles responded to the wordless command climbing the steps of the platform before kneeling on them before the throne. Pulling out his cock the princess began to service the man that stole her from her husband with her mouth.

Tayuya turned her head not wishing to watch the woman debase herself for a man she was sure Fuku despised. Tayuya was also concerned that by coming to Kanji's compound she had set in motion something the man had long hoped for.


"Naruto you need to calm down," a voice which belonged to Sakura said as Tsunade entered what was considered the War room of the Den.

"Calm down...Tayuya may be dead bec..."

"She isn't dead," Kyuubi replied.

"Kiyomi," Tsunade thought correcting herself remembering the name Naruto gave her.

"Report," she said harshly in the way that pulled all eyes towards her. Tsunade could tell Kiyomi was not pleased at her taking charge of the room, but the Bijuu aware that most of those present answered to her said, "As I was just stating her presence disappearing does not indicate her current status."

"We can't know that," Naruto replied his voice giving away how panicked he was.

"That is true...but the way it suddenly cut off does tell us she was at least alive up until then. If her vanishing was due to her being killed quickly then it would be a slow fade as her chakra disappeared."

"You mean someone threw up some sort of barrier?" Tsunade asked the Bijuu.

"Precisely, it's likely still in place so we can't ascertain her status until it is dropped."

"Wait a second," Tsume said, "I thought the whole point of these marks was to keep track of each other. Including Naruto should Akatsuki take him. Didn't it ever occur to you they would put up a barrier?"

"Have a care, Inuzuka," Kiyomi replied proudly resorting to her old habit of calling people by their family name due to the implied insult. "Most barriers shouldn't have impeded our ability to sense Tayuya in the slightest. This is obviously a type used by those of the religious caste when dealing with demons and the like. They work on several plans of existence at once making them extremely effective."

"You mean like the type Shion used," Naruto said not feeling any better about things but calming somewhat now that he knew his inability to sense Tayuya didn't mean the worst had happened.

Kiyomi nodded before saying, "Yes, it's also why that demon you faced when aiding her needed to wait until she raised a barrier to leave the body of his follower."

"Just who are we dealing with then," Tsunade asked looking around the room.

Naruto was the one that answered saying, "I don't know. The last time we talked...she said she would be sneaking into Earth Country through their western border. That was just after she started her tour of filming locations for Koyuki's next movie."

"It would appear she deviated from the plan," Kiyomi said picking up the conversation as Naruto trailed off. As the eyes of the room traveled towards her, the Bijuu informed them, "Before coming here, I teleported with Nibi..."

"Yoruichi," everyone supplied as a result of everyone at one point or another hearing the two-tailed cat ask to be called that and to which Kiyomi seemed resistant to calling her fellow Bijuu.

Kiyomi's face grew annoyed before saying, "In any case I used the seal on the Hiraishin kunai I could still feel closest to her location as a starting point. We appeared inside a hotel room located in the Land of Honey. She is currently looking through it for clues."

Koharu spoke up saying, "The Land of Honey is far to the West of Earth Country. Unless she got lost she believed something far more important than scouting Iwa came up."

"Why wouldn't she tell us? Tell me," Naruto asked the room. "Do you think it's related to Kanji?"

"Why do you think that?" Ino asked surprising everyone with her speaking up. Ino had been glad about her decision to show as nobody had been surprised by her coming to the Den since whatever problems she was having with Naruto. They figured it wouldn't stop her from helping an important person. But she guessed that didn't translate into being an active part of trying to figure out what was going on.

"It's just she was curious about what he was playing at after getting the original scroll. I just got the feeling she didn't like the idea of him being out there. It's the only thing I can think of that would make her want to deviate from her goal of infiltrating Iwa, especially since she spent months plotting their border patrols."

"Where exactly did you meet Kanji?" Ino asked. "Was it the Land of Honey?"

Naruto shook his head saying, "No it was Earth Country. Pervy Sage said something important had happened there and we needed to investigate."

"What did you look into?" Koharu asked, but wasn't too surprised when Naruto shrugged his shoulders.

"I don't know... Pervy Sage was always saying stuff like that to get me to stop whining about his research interfering with my training. He'd give me instructions before going off to handle things on his own. I always just figured he was peeking on girls."

Tsunade stepped in asking, "Where in Earth Country were you? Was it the Western Border?"

"I think so...why?"

"Well..." Tsunade said thinking back to the reports she had received from Jiraiya about the border in question, "If I remember correctly Jiraiya had looked into Iwa's role in toppling the government of the Land of Noodles. He hadn't found anything concrete since it appeared they had needed to take over due to all the unrest that had been generated as well as the apparent disinterest of the Daimyo to handle it. They had simply stepped in claiming it was necessary to ensure the security of their own borders."

"Okay but what..."

"The Land of Noodles," Ino said excitedly as she recalled the mission Naruto and she had performed that had hooked the ruler of that Country up with a client of theirs. "Naruto don't you remember we met the ruler of that country?"

"Yeah, but..." Naruto began yet trailed off as he remembered his encounter with Kanji and the missing-nin's comment about the governor's weight problem. Feeling sick he asked, "I-is Chikara still in charge of Noodle."

Tsunade nodded saying, "In order to maintain a semblance of order he was made governor of the territory he once ruled freely. Not much changed except he kicks a percentage of the taxes towards the Earth Country Daimyo. Why?"

Naruto closed his eyes as he leaned against the wall saying, "Because Kanji had seduced the Governor's wife. Considering how in love those two were if you wanted remove Chikara as an obstacle I'd target her." Naruto slammed his fist backwards against the wall saying, "Shit! I should have been more..."

"Naruto, it's not your fault," Hinata said gently moving towards him. "For all we know they stopped caring for each other."

Naruto shook his head saying, "No...he was enjoying his taunts of the governor's men. I should have realized he wasn't what he seemed..."

Naruto's gaze suddenly turned west and none of those present needed to ask why as Tayuya's presence had suddenly reappeared. Tsunade quickly tried to shout, "Naruto wait don't..." but he had already disappeared before she finished saying his name.

"God dammit," she shouted a moment later as her hunch that it was a trap proved correct when his presence disappeared a handful of heartbeats later.


"Welcome apprentice," Naruto heard despite his body feeling as if he had been hit by lightning as a result of the weakened barrier he had passed through while the Hiraishin. He was dragged along the floor of the room he had appeared in before having his hands shackled behind his back and then chained to the floor. The woman that had dragged him then flipped him onto his back stuck a device to his stomach that once the tubes that appeared from the sides of it latched to his stomach gave him a shock for good measure. Recognizing the chakra sealing device he had encountered in Snow Country he heard Kanji say, "Impressive aren't they. Dotô Kazahana had just begun selling those on the black market when you put an end to him."

Naruto managed to get to his knees glaring at the man, who replied, "Why such a dirty look? Haven't you enjoyed the techniques I've shared with you? No need to deny it. I already know you have."

Kanji nodded his head for Naruto to look behind him. Doing so, he saw a naked woman that greatly resembled Ino, especially since it appeared she had finally lost the weight and a topless Tayuya. Both women were chained so that they their chests were pressed to a large stone table as they faced each other with their arms hung over the sides of it and were chained to the ground. Their legs were spread and chained to the legs of the table so that although standing due to their bent over stances both women's backsides were on display for whoever stood behind them. Tayuya's tattered shirt was tied around her mouth preventing her from speaking but from the heated muffles coming from it he knew she was cursing up a storm.

Naruto whirled to face Kanji, "If you so much as hurt them I'm going to..."

"How droll," Kanji replied unimpressed, "Besides I've already hurt Fuku a great deal. Do you think threatening me is going to change that fact? A better use of that energy is to ask, why me? Or, perhaps why I haven't fucked that delicious red-head that dropped into my lap today?"

Knowing a threat when he heard one he sat back asking quietly, "why..."

"Come now, you can certainly do better than that."

"Why did you choose me?" He said between gritted teeth.

"There's no need to be like that...besides the answer is so simply." Kanji got close to Naruto's face as he said, "Because you're just like me."

"I'm nothing like you." Naruto replied heatedly causing Kanji to pull back chuckling.

"Please apprentice..."

"I'm not your apprentice either."

"Okay then Naruto," Kanji said using his name mockingly, "You can deny it all you want but you're a monster."

"Please, that's the best you got. I've been called that most of my life."

"I'm not referring to the beast you carry," Kanji said, his amusement picking up as Naruto reacted to his words. "Why so surprised? Your village did a fantastic job of keeping that information away from you. Not so much from the rest of the world." Kanji moved away from the blond jinchuriki heading towards the table where he stepped behind Fuku to begin fondling her rear. "You see much like you I was born to a world of misery. My father was a great man...a great shinobi of the Hot Water Village. But being born to a great man doesn't make you great in turn especially when you are treated as a disease to the very village you live in. You see much like how large villages struggle against one another. We of the lesser villages also struggle against one another. My father was tasked with an important mission to destroy a brewing alliance between Rain and Taki. Since Taki was our bitter rivals it was only natural for us to fear they would use the alliance to destroy our village. However the mission went horribly wrong...the minor Rain diplomats that he was supposed to kill turned out to be none other than Hanzo the Salamander."

Kanji pulled his hand away from Fuku's rear and she moaned at the loss of contact before he moved to block Naruto's view of the table as he continued, "As you might expect my father was no match for the man that gave the Sannin their title. However, to guarantee Yugakure didn't suffer he proclaimed that he was acting alone without his village's approval. I don't know if Hanzo believed him, but considering his history of recognizing the bravery of those he faced he choose not to press the issue." Kanji's face twisted into a mask of hate as he said, "Fat lot of good that did me. I had been born a few months after that incident and while my father's bravery spared his home it devastated his family. The Yugakure elders couldn't just act as if nothing had happened after all. Hanzo might question why no action was made against his family when surely they must have known what he was planning. As a result we were stripped of our family name and cast out onto the streets. My mother struggled to support me... but it was a hard life despite the meager assistance we received from the Village Leader. Still it would have been much harder if he didn't watch out for us. Kind of like how your precious Third kept an eye out for you Naruto."

Naruto did react to Kanji's words having to look away as the man said, "See we are similar after all, aren't we? How else can I know that a question you've no doubt asked yourself is if the man watching over me truly cared how could he lie to me about the truth of my existence?" When Naruto looked back he smiled saying, "Much like you the truth of your jinchuriki status was kept from you. The truth about my father's actions was kept from me, and as a result just like you I began to act out against a world that didn't seem to want me in it."

Tayuya had heard enough and through her struggles managed to loosen the cloth in her mouth spiting it out she shouted, "Naruto don't listen to this manipulative fuck. Ask about why if you're so similar he decided to hunt down a former Hot Water Kunoichi and used the jutsu to force her to kill her family and her..."

Taki grabbed up the cloth and gagged Tayuya again with it, this time holding it in place herself. Kanji though didn't seem perturbed at all at one of his sins being brought to light. Instead calmly saying, "Please have patience, we're getting to that. But that's still quite some time away. After all, we still need to discuss how I ended up with the scroll." Kanji looked over his shoulder at Tayuya saying, "Yes I'm aware I told you it was a book, but I saw you picked up on my little white lie. Oh don't give me that look. You were less than honest about having stolen it were you not." Kanji chuckled at her surprised look before facing Naruto saying, "The current fool in charge of Yugakure has no idea his top Anbu tracking me has been compromised. A rather lucky break for me since all I need to do is have her send back false reports on my movements in order to receive up to the date reports from him. He was quite pissed when his scroll went missing. He suspected me due to my file also disappearing. I'm truly flattered to know you were as curious about me as I was about you. That is as it should be hmmm, apprentice."

When Naruto didn't correct him, he turned away giving Tayuya a dark smile which caused her to redouble her efforts to escape or at least break the spell Kanji seemed to be weaving over her lover. Ignoring the struggling red-head he walked so that Naruto turned away from the table to kneel in front of him and placing a gentle hand on his shoulder, "I don't know why your Hokage lied to you. But I know why mine lied to me. You see we were a small village so anyone capable of wielding chakra was pressed into service even the child of a disgraced shinobi like me. I lacked much in the way of physical skill, but made up for it with a keen mind capable of breaking even the toughest of codes. Still I wanted to be a great shinobi like my father so ignored that calling for frontline action, much to my Leader's disproval. He claimed it was a waste for me to turn my back on such obvious gifts in favor of my own selfish desire. Still I was improving so he couldn't force me...at least not at the time."

Looking past Naruto to meet Tayuya's gaze he said, "That is where Kanisawa enters my story. All through Yugakure's training program she was the one I wanted to impress more than anyone. Tell me Naruto was there a girl like that in your class." When Naruto looked away he smiled saying, "There's always one like that for everyone isn't there. But for me at least there was another she bestowed her favor on." When Naruto looked back again he said sympathetically, "No, you don't need to say anything. I'm sure it was the same for you. You were the village pariah after all, why would she look at you with the eyes you longed for. Unfortunately for me, the one she did love turned out to be a long term Taki spy. His family had moved to our village via false documents before he was even born in order to get a readymade traitor in our midst."

Standing and walking away from the jinchuriki he clasped his hands behind his back saying, "I will admit that Aoga loved her. But when you are trained since birth that the village you have sworn to protect is actually your enemy and you are to fight for a home you've never know it makes gauging a person's true loyalty rather difficult. I suppose that is why he decided to run off with her. Together they conspired to steal a valuable scroll containing a list of undercover Hot-Water Anbu and sell it to the highest bidder. But every great plan requires a willing sap, which is why she approached me claiming to notice how far I've come along. Oh she played me like a stringed instrument telling me how much she had come to desire me. After hearing everything I ever wanted, I was putty in her hands. She told me to meet her at a secret place where we could be alone to explore our new relationship. Like a fool I went only to find a scroll filled with more sweet words and which told me to come find her. Naturally I held onto the scroll since it contained more proof of her feelings for me...but was actually a counterfeit of the scroll Aoga was busy stealing. When the alarm was raised several hours later I was still searching for a woman long since gone holding a scroll that caused the Anbu to seize on me as the culprit."

Kanji's fists clenched as he remembered the day he was describing. Turning to face Naruto, he said, "After a thorough questioning by the Anbu I was eventually released at the insistence of the Village Leader. However he then lectured me about the foolishness of my actions before telling me the consequences would be to be transferred to the Cryptanalysis Division. What a sack of shit and how very convenient my punishment was the very thing he had desired. But in the end it was also the catalyst to my truly understanding my place in the world. I'm not sure how I knew that scroll we found in those ruins was important to my destiny. But I did, which was why I couldn't let that doddering old fool stop me from researching it. Luckily, I didn't need to worry as a fellow shinobi felt the same way I did. He came to me with the idea and probably still believes he talked me into. What a fool, but he did have his uses in keeping people from suspecting what I was doing. I also was quite aware he planned to turn on me as soon as I finished with the scroll."