

Raleigh is a wolf/goddess, that has no idea that she is. Her mother has had her wolf and magic bound. Her mother believes that she is part of a destiny. One that involves, Prince Chris, whose father has also bound his powers. Both being descendants of god's, and in Rae's case, a goddess. They can control elements. Rae's is the wind while Chris controls storms. They have a job to do. Neither know of their powers until they are awakened. No one knows that Hades is coveting Rae. She's powerful being a full blown goddess that has been given powers. He wants her with him and Persephone.He hides in the shadows and commits a series of murders to attempt to keep people away from her. What he doesn't realize is that Rae is fated to, not just one but, two mates. One Alpha wolf and one demi god. Prince Chris has a destiny. He's told at a young age that he is going to have a destined queen but that he won't know who she is until the goddess tells him. In an effort to respect that queen, and his best friend, he decides to break his best friends heart. She can never know how much he truly loves her. Toby, watches Rae grow up with a sense of needing to protect her. With wolves being almost extinct, he never expects to find his fated mate. When he does, he has to leave her in the midst of girls being murdered that are similar to her. What happens when they find out that they are all fated? Will they accept it? What happens when they find out has a secret child? What happens when they bring the attention of the hunters? Will Rae fulfill her destiny?

Amber Ivers · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
109 Chs

Chapter 8

My breath hitches when I make it to the top. Daddy lies there looking as if he is peacefully sleeping. His raven colored hair, much like my own, is styled just as he always wore it. You can see the bags under his eyes from his lack of sleep. If I didn’t know any better, I would think that it has all been a nightmare. It’s not, though, and my heart breaks.

“Daddy.” I whisper. I know he can’t hear me here but maybe he can hear me where he is now. “I’m not ready for you to leave me.”

I reach out to brush his hair from his face. “You promised me, Daddy. You promised that you would always be here for me.”

I feel my knees buckle under the strain of standing on the last ladder. Tears are flowing now, unstop, and I clutch my chest. The second that I let go, I nearly fall back. I hear every one gasp but I don’t care. Instead of climbing down, I climb into the sticks with him.

“Rae!” I hear Talon hiss. “Get down from there! That’s too far.”

I ignore him. It may be wrong but I need to lay beside him one more time. I lay me head on his chest, just as I used to do when I was scared or hurting.

A sudden chill rolls through my body and I snuggle up to him tighter. He isn’t warm anymore but he’s still Daddy to me.

“What is she doing?” I hear someone ask.

“She’s grieving.” Mama answers.

I don’t acknowledge any of them. I just lay in my daddy’s arms. I tell him about everything. Everything that he missed since his death.

My new friendships. My confused feelings. My sadness that Chris isn’t here. I tell him about what Chris said before he left, how I was a nuisance. I didn’t tell him the whole thing before because I didn’t want him to tell the King.

I don’t know how long I have been up here but my tears are dry now. Toby’s head pops up over the edge. “Hey, sweetheart, we need to start now.” My heart flutters. “The King is starting to get sick and needs to go back in.”

“Okay, Toby.” I respond. As he climbs down, I turn back to look at my dad. “I guess I have to go now. Thanks for listening.” I giggle at my silliness. “I love you, Daddy. I will never forget you.”

I reach down and give him a gentle kiss on his forehead. His forehead was frozen and I shiver. I take a breath to stabilize my emotions before I proceed to climb down. I freeze when I hear a sinister laugh. It feels like the laugh was right beside my ear. My heart rate accelerates.

I glance around but the only thing that I see is the boys all watching me climb down with anxious faces. I really need to talk to someone about these things I keep hearing. I think that I am finally losing my mind.

Alrich wraps me up in a hug as soon as I step off. I attempt to pull away but I hear him sniffle and I stiffen. Is he crying now? Of course, he is. He lost his dad too. I relax and wrap my arms around him. I glance up to see Toby watching me with a confused look on his face. I can see him clenching his jaws and frown.

“I’m so sorry, Alrich.” I whisper.

“Thank you, Rae.” He grips me tighter. “I’m not ready for this. My dad was a great man. I’m afraid that I am going to fail him and the King.”

I pull away and look at him, offering him a tiny smile. “You’re a wonderful friend. I think that you’ll do great.”

“Thank you, beautiful.” He says as he kisses my cheek, gently.

I hear what sounds like a growl and I turn my head towards the sound. What was that? I look towards Toby and his eyes are wide. Did he make that sound?

I see him blush a deep blush before he heads back towards his sister. I look at Arich’s confused face, thankful that I am not the only one that heard that one. I walk back towards Mama and collapse into her arms.

The King, Clay, clears his throat. “Thank you everyone for showing up today to honor the fallen.” He takes a deep breath.

“As you all know, we were attacked a few days back. I know that some of you have questions as to who attacked us, and why.”

He looks over the crowd and we can all see the sorrow in his face. He is barely holding it together.

“However, we don’t have those answers for you. What I can tell you is that these men fought bravely. The men fought against an unknown, and unseen, source.”

I hear gasps ring out through the crowd. I guess not every one was told of the unusual circumstance. I can hear the cries of many women. Some were crying for their own loss while others were crying at the loss of everyone. I feel numb. My heart beats fast and I feel as though I am about to have a panic attack.

Someone touches my back and it soothes me, calming me down almost instantly. I don’t turn to find out who, as I realize that Clay has been speaking and I haven’t heard a word. The name of my father snaps me out of my head.

“Kyle fought bravely beside me. Even when the force had him on the ground, he still managed to get himself up and attempt to strike.”

He glances in the crowd towards my family. “We did not know where our foe was, or even how to kill it, but that didn’t stop him from attempting.”

We could see the pride, and sorrow, in the King’s eyes. “When we felt the air shift towards me, he ran at me and tackled me to the ground. He took the blow that was meant for me.”

He looks away from us, almost like he is ashamed. “Even though it pierced me, and I am still ill from the battle, he saved my life. For that I am forever grateful.”

As the King finishes his sentence, I collapse, no longer able to hold myself up. I clutch my chest as pain rips through it. I can no longer hear any words that he’s saying.

All I can hear is whirring sounds. I lean my head on the ground as sobs wrack my body. I can hear my mom crying as well but I know that Talon is holding her up.

I’m not sure who is holding me but I can feel warmth and safety. I clutch onto their shirt as I am unable to control the flow of tears.

Katy crouches in front of me and she lifts my face to hers. "Come on, Rae. They're about to light the pyres.”

I allow her to help me up. When I reach Mama and Talon, he wraps me up in between him and Mama.

“I’m right here, Rae.” He whispers, brokenly. I clutch him tighter. “I’ll always be here for you, little sister.”

I can hear the tears in his eyes. I glance up and give him a soft kiss on the cheek. “I know you will, T.”

All of a sudden the field is shining bright with light. The fires have been lit. The wind is shifted in the opposite direction of us so the smoke doesn’t affect us much.

Even the forest is mourning as it is eerily silent. I watch as the flames lick over my dad’s body. I’m unable to watch. I don’t want to remember him that way.

I catch a glimpse of Alrich as he watches his father’s with clenched fists. Where is his mother?

Alrich notices me watching and walks over to me. “Hey, Rae. How are you doing?” He asks, pulling me into a hug.

Instead of answering, I ask him one of my own. “Where’s your mother?” I ask quiet enough that no one else can hear.

He freezes. “My mother died a long time ago, Rae. I only have my step mother now. She didn’t come. She only cared about his status, not my father.”

Oops. I didn’t know that. I feel stupid for asking him such a question. I’m unsure of what to say to that. Thankfully, he doesn’t seem bothered by it. I pull away, embarrassed. He pulls me back into a hug, out of nowhere, and holds me tighter.

“Don’t worry about it, Rae. I’ve gotten used to it. Do you want to get out of here?”

I look back at the pyre. It’s complete ashes now. Tears drip down my eyes but I nod yes. He grabs a hold of my hand. We head towards Mama where he asks permission to take me home. Talon answers for Mama.

“Of course, Sir Alrich.” He pulls me into a hug. “Be careful, sister.”

He leans closer to me so he can whisper low enough that I am the only one who can hear him.

“Don’t allow him into the house.” He orders me.

I look at him questioningly. “He’s a boy still, Rae. He isn’t Chris.” Sharp pain erupts after that reminder. He notices my discomfort and hugs me against him. “I’m sorry, sis.” He apologizes.

I nod and head home with Alrich. I shiver as I hear that laugh again. This time, I hear someone actually say. “You’re belong to me. Get ready.” My breathing speeds up as panic tries to sit in.