
Ero Myth: Godly Gacha System

*MATURE CONTENT *NO NTR Earth awakened a system. Humankind mutated because of the mana, and the system graded them differently according to their physique. The chain of command on Earth changed drastically. Stronger folks went up the scale of power, and every young person wanted to become powerful like their TV idols. But not all of it was rainbow and sunshine. Earth had been one of the last planets who awakened the system, so its power was way behind the other civilizations. 23rd of May of 2134, the year humankind fell. A civilization from another planet came and conquered Earth. Their powers were just too grand, and humankind could not survive. The reason for the invasion was simple: land and energy. When Earth awakened the system and mana, the entire planet suffered mutations. Powerful beasts and rare ores were all over the planet, and the alien civilizations wanted that! Zephyr Caspian had just turned 18 — the awakening age — when the invasion happened. A beautiful woman, Zephyr’s mother, placed him inside a special ship, one that had the power to freeze his body till he found a planet to land at. “Zephyr, get inside this ship, it will lead you out of the planet. Please, my son, you need to survive!” An older man was beside the woman. He had a box in hands. “My grandson, this is the inheritance I’ll give you. Take care of it, and make a good use.” “Mother, grandfather, come with me! Please!” Zephyr begged. Only one person could get inside the ship. Zephyr’s grandfather knocked him out cold, and tossed him inside the ship, thinking to himself it was the only way to save his grandson. Zephyr landed on a primitive planet, and his spaceship was destroyed, making him unable to leave the planet until he restored it. But gladly, the inheritance he got from his grandfather had its use! A special key which allowed him to enter a tavern where the Gods went for a drink and a chat. Missions from the Gods gave Zephyr points to use a type of Gacha System! [New mission from Aphrodite: Find a Milf and suck her nipples] 'What the hell is this mission?'

Ryongul · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Julie Came Over, She's Hot

The new skill had a D rank, but that didn't mean it was inferior. Constant usage could increase the rank, thereby strengthening the skill. However, the mere prospect of learning skills from beasts was immensely beneficial!

It was common knowledge that the beasts were stronger than humans. There was always a more powerful beast, one that humans couldn't defeat. If I could learn the skills from those powerful beasts, well, that would certainly turn me into a powerhouse wherever I was!

I also noticed something else. The beast gave me no strength points, but it did give me +2 in agility. So, depending on what type of physique the human or animal I absorbed had, the attributes gained would differ. At least, that was my initial hypothesis.

After gaining two agility points, my body became significantly more agile. Given my current level, even a slight increase in any stat could significantly alter my abilities. I was able to move faster and more swiftly, and my footsteps also produced less noise.

Every time I grew stronger, I felt the urge to keep working and getting even more. Was that a side effect of the skill Hades gave me, or was it just my human nature talking?

Anyway, I didn't move the beast body from my basement yet. I wanted to do it during the night to avoid peering eyes. I went outside and started my strawberry farm!

The cabin wasn't big, but the area around it was all mine, according to the village's chief, Steward. So, I could use any location to start my farm.

It was a boring process at first. I knew it would be worth it in the end when I constructed a fence to keep out unwanted animals and cared for the soil to ensure healthy crop growth. I grabbed the sack with the strawberry seeds and planted them.

Did that world have strawberries? I didn't know. Would the strawberries grow with the current climate? Yes, I thought so.

Winter was coming, and the cooler seasons were ideal for the strawberries to grow. The only issue was that it might get too cold, but I had a few ways to counter it!

I had read some parts of Lucius' books about magic, and it was possible to use magic to enchant the soil, making the crops grow faster. Not only that, but it was possible to use magical wards to act as protectors against small animals that might want to eat the crops or the harsh weather.

But I didn't know how to use that type of magic, and it was impossible for me to learn it in a short period. I needed help, but Julie, the only mage around, was busy with something important, so I had to wait before asking her that.

When night came, I went back to the basement and grabbed the dead beast, searching for a place in the forest to put it. The animals would undoubtedly consume the remains.

I brought enough food to last me 1 week in my new house, but I had to hunt for more in the upcoming days. I had meat and potatoes for dinner, which was nice.

The days passed quickly. Every time my skills refreshed, I looked for something to absorb in order to increase my power. I was eager to locate more magical beasts and attempt to acquire their skills, but I was unable to find any. The men from the tribe were the only ones I found.

Eventually, I had to return to the village to talk with the villagers about the situation and get some food for myself. I also took the opportunity to talk to Julie about magic.

"Yes, I can enchant your soil, but the weather protection is something I don't know how to do yet. But with the enchanted soil, I bet your crops will be ready to harvest before winter," she said.

"That's good enough for me," I said. "How's the plan going?"

I wanted to know more about our upcoming attack. The reinforcements Lucius sent would be coming in a few days, and we had to attack them before they arrived in the tribe.

"We still have a few pieces to work on, but things are moving in the right direction. The only thing I need now is a few mana stones, so we might have to do some mining work," Julie said.

"Mana stones?"

That was something new for me. Julie explained that she knew a few spells that required more energy than what she could normally produce, and the only way for her to cast them was by using special talismans or mana stones.

We had to go to a cavern near the village with lots of mana stones, she said. When I heard about it, Lucius was the first thing that came to mind.

"If you are saying mana stones are this good, is there a chance someone like Lucius betrayed his friend just to get the stones?" I said.

We still weren't sure as to why Lucius betrayed Steward in the first place, but the information about the cave might explain a lot.

Before going to the mining mission, Julie helped me with other stuff. We worked together to bring the food back to my cabin, and she was willing to enchant the soil to make my strawberries grow faster.

The journey to my house was a long one, and Julie also required quite some time to enchant the soil. By the time she finished, night had fallen.

"Theres's no extra room, but I have a couch to sleep, so you can have the bed," I said. "It's not a good idea to leave during the night with the whole situation."

Julie decided to stay. "You're right. Thanks for letting me stay. Also, your cabin looks pretty nice. I loved the vine decoration."

"Thanks. So, when will we leave to go to that cave with the mana stones?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning. It's not that far from here, but it's better to leave sooner than later."

We sat together in front of my cabin's tiny fireplace, feeling the warmth of the fire and talking about many things. One of us had to make dinner, but we decided to make it together.

It was a fun time. The meat Julie cooked was pretty good. I even asked her what spices she had used. I knew a few of them, but most were unknown to me.

I slept on the couch that night, and Julie stayed in my room. I had a lot of things inside my mind, so it took a while for me to actually sleep. So, during the night, I saw Julie coming to get some water. She was almost naked.

She saw me and said, "I didn't have my sleeping clothes, so don't mind me."

My eyes couldn't leave her body. She was almost showing her nipples, and her curves were damn perfect. I wasn't sure why she was doing it, but it felt like she was doing it for a sexual purpose. Did she want something from me?