
Ero Life in the Hidden Dungeon

A crippled man who worked as a gaming streamer wakes up in the world of "The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter!" In the body of Noir Stargazia. With the newfound freedom of a healthy body how will he succeed in creating a harem when the world is not what it seems? Note: If you don't like harems, why bother reading and complaining in the comments? It says in the tags bro. Disclaimer: I don't own "The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter" and this is an Au of that world. I only own my OC's and will be adding my twist to the series. This novel is sorta wish fulfillment but the mc would be working towards his goals and strength. Not everything would come easy to him, otherwise, the story wouldn't be interesting for me to write. Also, it's slow-paced fic. At least at the beginning and would take a while to get into the dungeon itself. Some stuff have changed well before he gets Olivia's skills and acquiring said skills will be a journey since I want to make things interesting/satisfying. This is also an Alternative Universe, so you've been warned. This is also my first time writing, so any constructive criticism would be appreciated. I'm not perfect but I'll do my best to listen to comments, however, I won't stress over having someone's comment implemented if I don't like it or if it's too difficult. So sorry in advance if the story isn't what you think it is. I'll do my best to upload consistantly but since I'm a student in his final year of university, that will change often Hidden tags: Huge Harem, Netori (mc takes other people's wives/gf's), manipulative mc (manipulative but also kind), incest, slice of life, slow start, Au

ero · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Hidden Truth

Noir was left astounded by the unexpected tableau that unfolded before his eyes. Never had he envisioned the enigmatic girl effortlessly incapacitating the entire gang of thugs in one swift motion.

But what truly sent shivers down his spine, however, was the jarring contrast between the gruesome aftermath and the girl's innocent smile. It was a sight that defied logic and reason, leaving Noir utterly perplexed.

Yup, that's the smile of a crazy person,' He thought to himself, his lips twitching slightly.

In the aftermath, as the echoes of anguish faded into silence, only Noir and the girl remained, surrounded by motionless bodies drenched in a pool of crimson fluids. While such a scene would typically strike fear into the hearts of most, Noir found himself oddly captivated by a sense of awe rather than dread.

"Wow… What kind of magic was that? Water magic?" He blurted out, his voice brimming with genuine curiosity and an awe-filled admiration for her mind-blowing abilities.

'I did try saving her, so she shouldn't be that crazy to fight me, right?' Despite the lingering fear of death, Noir couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that the girl might spare him. After all, when he looked at the thugs lying down, they were still breathing, even if they experienced something he couldn't fathom.

'Even then, I'm on edge,' Standing there, he couldn't shake off the overwhelming feeling of vulnerability that consumed him. His instincts told him that he couldn't let his guard down, especially since he was a powerful mage.

Dealing with that King Rock Slime was one thing, but facing off against a mage was like a whole new level of danger. He knew he wouldn't stand a chance if they had a head-on clash, so he had to rely on his quick thinking and ability to sprint away at a moment's notice.

And as for the girl, her face twisted in a slight confusion as she looked at Noir, clearly not expecting him to make such a wild guess, but there was a reason for his judgement.

"What makes you think that?" She asked, her voice was laced with a hint of disbelief, which was a good sign to Noir.

Nonchalantly, Noir shrugged his shoulders, trying his best to maintain a calm demeanour despite the rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Well, before those poor guys started coughing up blood, there were other fluids oozing out of his every orifice," Noir explained, his voice steady.

"Bloody magic doesn't work like that. It's more like forcefully draining the life out of someone until they're practically mummified. Plus, it's usually swift and merciless. Nothing like the fluid control and finesse of water magic," He elaborated, hoping his reasoning would satisfy her curiosity.

While Noir was admittedly making assumptions, he recalled that blood magic typically required a catalyst to manipulate another person's blood. On the other hand, a highly skilled water mage could possibly achieve similar effects, albeit with more time.

As he continued his train of thought, Noir couldn't help but study her expression intently, searching for any signs of hostility. If he detected even a hint of negativity, he was prepared to make a swift exit before she had the chance to employ a catalyst or any other method to manipulate his own blood–a precaution in case he had gravely misconstrued the situation.

Thankfully, that wasn't the scenario; instead, her expression conveyed more astonishment than anything else.

"Not to mention, I happen to know a thing or two about undertows," he added, a playful wink mirroring the mischievous ones she had been giving him throughout their encounter. Undertows are a type of current of water below the surface of a wave that moves opposite to it.

'Thank fuck I binged a bunch of nature documentaries,' Noir thought as he maintained eye contact with the mysterious girl, her expression was unreadable.

"You seem to know a bit about magic," She said, her tone neutral. Just like Noir, she couldn't quite gauge Noir's reaction to the scene she had created. Most people would've fled in terror at the mere sight of such formidable sorcery, but Noir remained rooted, even giving his observation on the matter.

Unbeknownst to her, a faint smile had graced her lips once again, 'I knew he seemed like an interesting person,'

But on the other side, a cacophony of imaginary warning bells clanged loudly in Noir's mind as he observed the girl's innocent-looking smile.

"Just a hobby, you know?" Noir responded, his voice strained. The scent of blood wafted through the air, making it increasingly difficult for him to breathe normally. He fought to maintain his composure while conversing with the girl, though a wave of nausea threatened to surge from his throat.

"You're a weirdo, you know?" The girl remarked, her tone tinged with curiosity.

"I'm just someone who's interested in people's powers," Noir replied, his voice betraying a subtle tremor as he struggled to keep it steady.

"...Oh?" The girl seemed surprised, but Noir's composure was short-lived.


In an instant, the overpowering stench of blood assaulted his senses, and Noir's body convulsed with retching, desperately suppressing the urge to vomit. Leaning against the wall for support, he sought a brief respite before regaining his composure enough to speak.

"Sorry abou-ugh that," He tried to act fine, but instead, he could feel his throat relapsing.

"Hmm?"The girl regarded him with a puzzled expression, observing, "It looks like you're not used to the smell of blood." The transformation from the confident, calculated Noir of moments ago to this vulnerable state was perplexing to her.

'Who in their right mind would be used to this?' Noir couldn't help but internally comment that no sane person would ever get used to the sickening scent of blood. He forced a smile, hoping to appear nonchalant as he addressed the girl.

With a forced chuckle, Noir continued, "Haha, I'm not. What I did before was just an act. Do you mind if we continue talking a little away?" He gestured toward a less gory area, eager to escape the nauseating odour.

"Hmm…" As Noir turned pale, the girl was stuck deep in thought about something. He wondered what she was contemplating but he didn't have the energy to try to figure out what she was thinking.

"Okay, I think it's right if I lend you a hand," The girl offered, her friendly smile easing Noir's tension slightly. She began chanting in a language completely foreign to Noir, which initially unsettled him. Yet, he chose to place his trust in her and remained motionless as she continued.

Though a small part of him hoped she wasn't considering using some strange magic on him.

'This might be an elaborate way to screw me over. I guess I'll see,' Noir thought to himself, cautious but willing to take the chance.

To his relief, however, the girl stayed true to her word and didn't inflict any harm upon him.

"Calming Waves."

In response to her encantation, a bubble of water materialised before her and gracefully glided towards Noir. Upon reaching him, the bubble burst, allowing the water to cascade over his head. Rather than feeling damp, however, Noir felt an enchanting release of fatigue and a comforting calmness that washed over his entire being, particularly soothing his unsettled stomach.

Excitement sparkled in Noir's eyes as he felt the transformative effects of the girl's spell. 'Awesome! A support spell!' he exclaimed. Even though he had been scared of her earlier, he was now feeling much better and almost forgot about his fear. Nevertheless, he remained vigilant, ready to flee at the slightest hint of malevolence.

"How are you feeling?"

The girl asked, a touch of concern in her voice. Her words snapped Noir out of his daze, prompting him to collect himself. He took a deep breath, grounding himself in the present moment.

"Phew," He sighed in relief, "I feel better now. Thank you for helping me out."

"You know, most people in your position would be terrified right now." Her curiosity was piqued as she wondered why Noir appeared so composed. Noir hesitated for a moment before responding.

"I don't like assuming the normal roles. Plus, it's not like I figured it out immediately. You had me in the first half. You're quite the trickster for baiting them like that."

A bright smile graced the mysterious girl's face. "Thanks! I enjoy pulling off these kinds of stunts." As she spoke, she straightened her posture and raised her chest in confidence, causing a wobble of her chest in Noir's peripherals.

But something about her words and movements stirred Noir's curiosity.

"I'm guessing this isn't your first rodeo?"

"Nope," She replied, nonchalantly. Shaking her head, she continued, "I've done this a few times already. Taking out the trash, as we say."

"Is that so?" He couldn't help but wonder what could be the driving force behind her actions, but a part of him felt like there was something amiss.

As Noir observed the mysterious girl's actions, he couldn't help but think that she was more than just an average mage.

'Looks like she's a vigilante,' He thought to himself, considering the purpose behind her vigilantism. He couldn't help but feel that there was a deeper meaning to her actions, a motive that drove her to use herself as bait to dismantle the gang members.

'It could be revenge, she's taking her anger out on them or maybe she's just really passionate. I have no clue yet,' Whatever the reason, Noir was certain that there was more to her story than what was immediately visible.

"That reminds me," She interjected, still smiling as she broke Noir's train of thought before turning to the side, then gestured towards the motionless bald man on the ground, "Why don't you stop pretending over there?"

While a smile still played on her lips, her expression turned icy, and her eyes gleamed with determination as she approached the unconscious gang leader.

Noticing his lack of reaction, she turned to Noir with a neutral expression. "Can you pin him down for me?" She said as she began a short incantation, and at that moment, she reverted back to her normal demeanour.

"Sure," He accepted, intrigued by what was about to unfold. He stepped forward to restrain the man, but as he did, the girl's expression became cold once again, her eyes fixed on the man before them.

As soon as Noir moved to pin him, the bald man's eyes snapped open. "W-wait, I'm awake! Ha-ka-ha," He stammered, attempting to call for a ceasefire, but before he could finish, the girl unleashed a jet of water at him as he desperately struggled against Noir's grip.

Noir's muscles tensed up, a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins as he maintained his hold on the man. The water was directed with pinpoint accuracy, solely toward the man's face, and miraculously, none of the excess water splashed onto Noir.

While a part of him felt a twinge of sympathy for their captive's plight, another part couldn't deny a sense of satisfaction.

'Damn, she's ruthless,' However, just as he was beginning to think she was taking it too far, she suddenly stopped her magic, giving the man a moment to catch his breath.

"You better listen carefully because I'm not in the best of moods. Have you and your sorry excuse for a gang had any dealings with a red-haired man with a lion crest and wings on his coat?" Her arms were crossed as she glared at him, her tone both sharp and intense. She exuded an aura that made it clear that she had no tolerance for jests at this moment.

But something about what she said made Noir furrow his brows.

'Why does that sound familiar?'

Soon after the thought, Noir recalled his first time leaving the kingdom and his interaction with the guards. There was a noble that briefly interrupted them with that kind of crest.

Realising that, a smiling smirk crept up Noir, 'Sounds like this got juicier.'

"I-I don't know what you're talkin' 'bout," The gang member insisted, his voice tinged with nervousness. "We haven't had any interactions with nobles or red-haired guys."

But the girl didn't believe what he said, as she narrowed her eyes and leaned closer to the gang member's face.

"You're not being truthful," She accused, her voice firm. "We've been tracking your movements, and we know that the red-haired guy is the one pulling the strings. You're just a pawn in his game. Now, tell us where he is."

"I don't know anything about him," The gang member replied, his eyes darting nervously. "We've only been fighting on our turf. That's all. We have nothing to do with a damn noble." Noir had been silent up until this point, as he didn't possess much information, but what the man said piqued his interest.

"Yo, do you have anything we can use to restrain him?" Noir asked, his voice calm and composed.

"Sure," She nodded and closed her eyes, murmuring a few words under her breath. Suddenly, a shimmering bubble of water enveloped the gang member, firmly holding his arms and legs in place.

"Nice work," He said, nodding in approval before redirecting his attention to the gang member, who was now struggling within his watery restraints.

"Now, let's get back to our conversation," He said, his voice firm.

"There's nothing to talk about. I have nothing to do with nobles!" The thug retorted, raising his voice. The outburst visibly annoyed the mage girl, but Noir swiftly raised his hand to silence her.

"Let me try something," He said, winking subtly as he took control of the situation. She only nodded in response as she stared at the bald man with a neutral expression.

"Alright, there's no reason to shout. It's not going to help either of us out." Noir said with a calm smile. "Now I'm curious about something. You mentioned a noble earlier, right?"

"Yeah? I know nothing about that damn nobleman" The thug replied, his voice tinged with confusion and hate.

Seeing him take the bait, Noir smiled, "Ah perfect," He responded, his eyes narrowing slightly. "I thought I misheard it for a second."

"What the heck do you mean? Seriously, you're gonna get caught by the guards at this rate." The gang member asked, his brows furrowing in puzzlement, not realising he made a mistake.

Noir leaned in slightly, a faint smile playing on his lips. "Don't you think it's interesting?" He remarked, his voice filled with intrigue. "You brought up the notion of a noble, even though she never mentioned one."

The thug's eyes widened in realisation, his face displaying a mix of surprise and uncertainty. "Huh?" he stammered, caught off guard by Noir's astute observation

"Yes," Noir continued, his gaze locked onto the gang member. "She never mentioned a word about a noble. That assumption was entirely yours." He paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. "I wonder why?" He added, his voice trailing off, leaving an air of anticipation hanging.

Having processed his words, the gang member's face contorted with unease as he struggled to find an explanation. "I...I must have misspoken," He stammered, his voice shaking. "I meant to say that crests are usually something nobles wore."

"Oh?" Noir raised an eyebrow, his expression conveying a mix of scepticism and curiosity, "But we were talking about embroidery. Wizards and adventurer parties have their own crests, you know? So, are you telling us that the lion with wing crests is part of a noble household?"

The gang member fidgeted uncomfortably within his watery restraints, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "N-no," He stuttered, desperation evident in his voice. "I wouldn't dare make that kind of claim."

Noir leaned in closer, his eyes narrowing as he detected a slip in the gang member's response. "Really?" He questioned, his tone laced with subtle sarcasm. "Then I suppose you screaming 'Damn noble' was just an illusion, a mere figment of my imagination?"

The gang member's face paled, and his voice quivered as he attempted to explain. "I-I...I must have been mistaken. It was just a heat-of-the-moment outburst."

"Ah, I see," A knowing smile played on Noir's lips as he seized upon the opportunity to further corner the man by taking the bag beside him. Inside were a dozen gold coins, an amount he wasn't expecting. "So, you're saying that someone paid you handsomely to orchestrate this, am I correct?"

The gang member hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering with a mix of fear and guilt. "No… This… This is just about protection fees," He muttered, his voice growing weaker.

"Protection fees, you say?" Noir's voice took on a tone of feigned curiosity. "Interesting. Pray tell, what is it that you're protecting exactly? Street stalls and such?"

The gang member's face contorted with unease, his mind racing for a plausible answer. "Y-yes, that's right," He replied, his voice betraying a hint of nervousness. "Just...some street stalls, nothing more."

Noir's eyes narrowed as he detected another slip in the gang member's response. His tone grew more assertive as he pressed further, determined to uncover the truth. "That's quite a lot of street stalls to protect," He glanced at the giant bag full of gold coins. It looked like he had just gotten it recently, "Are you sure there's nothing more to it?"

The gang member shifted uneasily, his eyes avoiding Noir's penetrating gaze. "Maybe an orphanage or two, I don't remember" He mumbled, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Upon hearing that, Noir sensed the shift in the atmosphere. A cold glint flashed in the girl's eyes, and her body language became tense, indicating her rising anger. However, Noir quickly responded with a wry smile, hoping to quell the building tension and bring her back to a more composed state.

Somehow it worked as he looked back at the bald man, though with a bit more annoyance than before. 'I understand her anger. I wanna clubber his face in, but let's hold out for a bit more,' Shaking his thoughts, Noir continued.

"Ah, I see," Noir said, his tone softening. "Maybe I misunderstood you earlier. It happens to the best of us." The man's shoulders visibly relaxed, and he breathed out a sigh of relief, thinking he had successfully fooled them into believing his lies.

'Looks like he's taken the bait.' Noir thought

"Thank you for understanding," The gangster said, his voice shaky. Although his face didn't say it, his eyes were practically saying 'This bastard fell for it.' Perhaps because of his cockiness, he then spoke

"I just want you to know that we're not bad people. We're just trying to survive in this tough world. Sometimes we have to do things that we're not proud of, but it's just the way it is." He looked at them, hoping that they would sympathise with him, but he didn't notice the clenched fist the girl was making.

'Yeah, that's why you were about to force yourself onto someone, huh?' Noir's expression remained neutral as he listened to the man justify his actions. He knew that there were people in this world who had to resort to criminal activities to survive, but he didn't believe that it gave them the right to hurt someone unrelated.

'I don't buy his story for a second, but for now, I need to play along for a bit.' Noir thought, remaining silent for a few seconds to let the tension build in the room. The girl seemed on edge, ready to speak out, but Noir took charge once more.

"Well, it seems like we may have been mistaken. You might not be the person we were looking for," He said with a shrug. "After all, not everyone who seems bad is actually bad, right?"

The gangster's face visibly relaxed, and he inwardly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the questioning might be over.

"How about we wrap this up and forget about it?" Noir said, turning to the girl. She looked like she was upset, and seemed convinced that he had given up questioning the man, but Noir winked at her in return. He had something planned, which she figured out as she watched him curiously.

The gangster, unaware of Noir's plan, breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank God, I thought I was going to be stuck here all night," He said, a jumble of emotions swirling within. It was akin to enduring a raid, albeit at the cost of losing comrades and belongings, yet even so, it beat facing certain death.

"I'm just glad we can move on from this and put it behind us."

"Likewise my friend, just make sure to do some good to counteract your karma sometimes," Noir said with a friendly smile as he helped him up from the floor.

The man nodded in agreement and replied, "Yes, I will."

As Noir helped the man to his feet, he subtly manoeuvred the man's foot so that it landed on a bladed weapon that had been left on the floor.


'Now the real interrogation begins,' The sudden noise of metal scraping against the ground startled the man, causing him to jump back and look down at the object.

"Oh, by the way," Noir said casually with a friendly smile still in place, "I'm a bit curious about something. Those weapons you and your gang have... They're pretty high-quality from what I saw. I mean, no offence, but you guys don't exactly look like you can afford top-of-the-line gear. So, just between you and me, how did you manage to get your hands on them?"

Noir draped his arm around the gangster's shoulder in a friendly gesture, but the man seemed to be uncomfortable with the close physical proximity. He tried shifting his weight awkwardly, subtly inching away without drawing too much attention to his movement. Noir didn't seem to notice the discomfort, however, as he maintained his friendly demeanour and continued to ask his questions in a casual tone.

"We, uh, we got them from a supplier," He stammered, his voice unconvincing and hesitant as he shifted his eyes nervously, which only made Noir more suspicious.

"A supplier, huh?" Noir raised an eyebrow and leaned in closer, his tone still casual but now with a hint of intensity. "And who might this supplier be? I'm just curious. Maybe I know them too."

The gangster could feel more of Noir's weight on him as he felt the pressure.

"What you can't tell me? Come on, shiny pearls," Hearing Noir's words triggered memories of the agony the bald man had experienced just moments before, when his teeth were shattered by Noir's kick.


He swallowed hard, the memory still vivid. After a brief pause, the gangster mustered the courage to respond.

"I-I don't know his name," He stammered, "But he's been our go-to guy for weapons for a while now."

Noir leaned in closer, his eyes still locked on the gangster's face, "You know," He said casually, "I find it hard to believe that a supplier would give you such high-quality weapons without some kind of exchange," His breath now washed over the bald man's face, adding to his discomfort.

"What did you give him in return?"

The gangster's nerves got the best of him, and he swallowed hard again, feeling beads of sweat form on his forehead. "We, uh, did him some favours," He muttered, "You know, helped him out with some things."

Noir's lips curved into a sly smile, his eyes narrowing with a sharp glint as he leaned in a little closer. "Favours, huh? Like what exactly?" He pressed, his tone low and insistent.

The gangster squirmed uncomfortably under Noir's scrutiny, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. "Just, you know, some small jobs here and there," He mumbled as he avoided Noir's gaze. "Nothing big or anything like that."

Noir slowly released his grip on the man's shoulder, causing him to wobble unsteadily on his feet due to the uneven restraints on his legs. As the gangster struggled to regain his balance, Noir turned his attention back to the unconscious bodies scattered around them.

"Hmm," He muttered thoughtfully. "I wonder if your supplier has any ties to the red-haired guy we're after."

The gangster's head shook back and forth frantically. "No, no, he's just a supplier," he hurriedly explained. "We don't know anything about him, he just supplies us weapons. Been like that for a few months."

Noir raised an eyebrow. "That's interesting. So you don't know anything about him? Not even his name?"

"No, we don't."

"He seems to be taking great pains to remain anonymous,"

The gang member nodded. "Yeah, that's right. He always wears a mask when he meets us, and he never tells us anything about himself. He just gives us the weapons and takes his payment, and that's it."

"That's a lot of weapons, huh? You trying to make an army or something?" Noir voiced out, now he was curious about this supplier they have.

"It's not often, y'know?"

"How does he benefit from this arrangement?" This time, the girl interjected. Her expression mirrored Noir's calm demeanour, yet subtle lines on her face hinted at her nearing the limits of her patience.

"I don't know all the details," The gangster replied, his demeanour relaxing slightly in the girl's presence as opposed to Noir's uncomfortable approach. Noir only smirked as he watched the girl try her hand, thinking she'd have better success now.

"All I know is that he pays us to do what he wants."

"Hmm, what kind of jobs does he usually give to such a capable strong man like you?" She probed for information, lacing her words with sarcasm.

"We've negotiated deals with bandits and other gangs on his behalf," He replied eagerly at the slightest hint of a compliment.

Perhaps it was because Noir was going too hard at him, but when it came to the girl asking him, he felt a bit more relaxed. However, it was this very habit of bragging to women that ultimately sealed the deal, leading him to unconsciously divulge a crucial detail.

"Oh? So a weapon dealer wants you to negotiate with bandits and other gangs, ay?" Noir raised an eyebrow, sensing that the gang member had slipped up as he walked up to him again. "What do you mean by that?" He asked, his voice low and dangerous.

"N-nothing, I didn't mean anything." The gang member stumbled, realising his error, and quickly backtrack, "He just wants us to, uh, keep the peace, you know? Make sure there's no trouble between the different groups."

Noir smiled at the response, fooling the man for a moment that he believed it, but Noir was buying it.

He leaned in closer, his eyes fixed on the gang member's face. "That's not what you said before," He replied in a menacing tone. "You said he wanted you to negotiate deals with other gangs. What kind of deals are you talking about?"

No response came from the gang member, looking shocked and with nowhere to go back on, he stayed silent to avoid leaking any more information. He was scared of Noir, but his life was on the line here

But thanks to that, Noir increased the intensity of the interrogation.

"You know what? I think you know more than you're letting on about this red-haired guy and his schemes," Noir's voice persisted, a low and menacing tone underscoring his words. "And if you don't start talking right now, I can guarantee you won't enjoy the consequences."

Stepping forward, the girl crackled water in her hand. "And believe me, my friend can be very creative with her water magic when she's angry," Noir said, his voice cold, dripping with a mix of cynicism and threat.

"Oh yeah, after you tell us your side, we'll have one of your associates vouch for you and corroborate your story. But here's the thing," He continued, his voice getting darker, "If a single, tiny detail doesn't match up – just a sliver of doubt – well, then..." Noir's voice trailed off as he ominously raised his hand, his thumb tracing a deliberate line across his throat.

"I think you know what happens," With the final threat, everything was set up as the Bald man looked around nervously. All of his men were down, he was restrained and cornered like a cat chasing a mouse. He couldn't continue the charade anymore after messing up big time.

With a sigh of defeat, he finally spoke, his voice barely audible.

"He's selling weapons to other gangs," He admitted, not daring to look the two interrogators in the eyes, "And he wants us to ensure they pay up and stay in line. In return, we get a percentage of the profits."

Noir nodded, his expression grim. "And what else? Does he have any other plans?"

The gang member shook his head. "I don't know anything else, I swear."

Noir's expression remained cold as he stared at the gang member. "You sure about that? You wouldn't want to hold anything back at this point."

"I swear, that's all I know," He repeated, his voice shaking a little.

The woman wasn't convinced, however, "You're lying," she said, her voice cold as ice. "I can sense it. You know something else, and you're not telling us."

'Oh? How would she know?' Noir decided to take a step back for a bit now that she got involved.

The gang member paled, realising that he had been caught. "I... I don't know what you're talking about," He stammered.

This time her eyes narrowed, and she raised her hand, ready to summon a powerful water spell. The air around her crackled and her body language radiated a dangerous aura.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," She said in a low, menacing tone. "Don't play games with us. If you don't start talking, things are going to get very messy for you and your gang."

The gang member cowered, realising that he was no match for her magic. He swallowed hard and finally spoke up. "Okay, okay. I'll tell you. Just please don't hurt me."

They both leaned in closer, their eyes fixed on the gang member as he took a deep breath, his voice barely above a whisper, "The masked man… We call him 'Lord Crimson'... And he's planning something big."

"What kind of big are we talking about?" Noir inquired, his tone urgent enough to ignore the silly name.

"I don't have exact details," He shook his head, "But I've heard whispers that he's been gathering people in robes for some kind of ceremony. I don't know what it's for, but it's definitely gonna be a major event, and he's been providing them with weapons."

Both their eyes widened in alarm. "What kind of ceremony?" The girl asked.

The gang member shook his head. "I don't know, but I've heard he's been talking about a 'great awakening' or something like that. He's been saying that he's going to bring a new order to the city."

'A coup or a sacrifice ceremony?' Hearing his words, the realisation hit Noir like a ton of bricks, causing his heart to race with confusion and concern. He couldn't believe that his seemingly harmless act of helping someone had led him down such a dangerous path.

'I really am in an alternative world. I didn't think it was by this much though.' As he absorbed the gravity of the situation, he realised that the world he thought he knew was merely a façade. The shadows concealed powerful and dangerous forces, and he had inadvertently become embroiled in one of their paths.

Noir's resolve hardened as he clenched his fists. 'Whatever they're planning to do, it's not going to stop me from enjoying my peace,' Whatever nefarious plans the masked man and his gang had wouldn't stop Noir from achieving his goal of his ideal harem life and the reason for his transmigration.

While Noir was deep in thought, the other two continued, "Who else knows about this in your gang?" The girl asked

"No one else, besides my right-hand man."

"Which one's that?" She asked with a glare.


He looked at a blonde man with a thick Viking-like beard on the floor. Noir recognised him as one of the people who tried to talk to him.

"I see. Thank you for your cooperation," she said, nodding in acknowledgement. The gang member let out a sigh of relief, thinking he was finally free. But his relief was short-lived as he saw her begin another incantation. Panic set in, and he tried to plead with her.

"Wait! What are you-" But before he could finish his sentence, he was hit by a powerful force of water to the head as he was rendered unconscious, body hitting the floor with a loud thud.


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We're 7 chapters ahead so far. If you help me out it'd motivate me to write more chapters :)