
Erkwa | The Love Will End You

"How long should I repeat this? These people will not possess them, they are mine, these soldiers are mine, this army is mine, even you ... mine." As if he was telling me that I walked from the rest of the captives as long as I set foot on this vast land .. I looked at him as I gathered myself together and repeated in one voice, "I am not yours or anyone's property. I own myself, my soul is more entitled to me." He looked at me with a snarl and spoke with indignation surrounding the tone of his voice, which was covered in coldness, as usual. I proceeded with courage, regardless of my heart, which wants to escape and notifies me of the increasing number of its beats .. "Well ... how are you going to stop me, you and which army?" He laughed while looking at me coldly ... "You are alone, dear, you will not be able to do anything, you are only ... weak." He spoke with indignation while emphasizing the last word .. He knows how to make me angry with one word, I looked at him and it was decided to end ... "Eh, I will reject you ... As MY MATE " I heard the gasps rising around me while I was looking at him hard, looking at the surprise that filled his eyes and the astonishment occupying his fiery features .

Bassant_Samir_Aly · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter One

I hear sounds of pain and screams from behind me, trying to hide my ears from hearing those voices. I wished for a moment that I could not have this acute sense of hearing .. I saw the place that the alpha had prepared for us when an attack occurred. I could smile as I approached him and tried to make my feet slowly stop running. I became jogging .. My smile slowly faded away as I saw that the secret door was open to the end, I could see the blood scattered on the floor.

I tried to communicate with anyone in my group through telepathy but ... nothing.

I focused my senses and could smell a scent I used to be accustomed to, but now it's wilted .

I reached the door, standing in front of it, and I heard the attackers' voice on us from a distance not too long, not too short.

I looked at the bodies that are on the ground, I mean the remaining parts of their bodies ..

I wrinkled my nose involuntarily, due to the intensity of the blood-mixed scent.

I looked left and right, everyone who survived the attack and came here, I saw them arrogantly sprawling on the ground ...

My eyes fell on the people I lived with every day, sharing our joys and sorrows.

I am walking slowly and hoping inside me that I will not see them in front of me, but not everything that one wishes will be fulfilled .

I see my little family, without a soul, without a life sprawling on the empty land that welcomes them with generosity.

My mother and my sister ... my little family, I took a few steps to alert, as I heard the sound of the attackers getting closer and closer ..

Without hesitation, I ran away, running away from here as fast as I tried to stop my gasps from coming out .

My ears alerted when I picked up a sentence that made her run relentlessly.

"This group has been knocked down. The emperor will really be pleased with this."

I could not stop my tears from falling down while I was running more and more, as if I were racing with the wind .

Without warning, I found myself hitting the tree hard, I felt as if my bones had been shattered.

Quickly my bones were healing and I looked in front of me and stood in the attack position ..

I look to my right when I see a shadow walking quickly. I quickly sighed as I tried to summon my wolf ..

I would have turned into my wolf before another attack took me by surprise.

I screamed in pain because of his paws, which found a place in my stomach.

Really, are you going to run and come back like a little shit, now? .. "I laughed as I looked around and tried to make my wounds heal quickly ..

I heard a roar coming from my left. I turned quickly as I delivered a punch in the middle of his stomach.

Ali gave me a smile as I saw him now in front of me. I looked at him carefully, and I saw him standing on his feet and his hands, as he was in his wolf form .

I looked at the color of his fur and found it blue, with some white.

I knew who they were, these are the Erkwa dynasty ..

But what do they want from us ...

"Is your emperor now bragging about his strength at the expense of my group and my family?" i spoke with indignation as I tried to punch him again, but he dodged it quickly ...

Strong snarl as he approaches my paws, I try to summon my lupus and I don't believe it has worked .

I stood with pride and arrogance showing me my life and I see how this wolf surprised Erkwa while looking at my fur.

I boast with my fur, I have always done this, my fur was invaded by the bloody red color and in the middle of my forehead is a sign of half a moon, as if it gives me a look of prestige .

I took advantage of the opportunity as he looked at my body with amazement occupying his features, and I attacked his neck with force and took it between my jaws and I did not leave him except while he was lifeless, his human body now embraces the earth with all openness ...

I returned to my human form, in order not to make my wolf get tired more than this and also so that no one notices me ..

I heard voices howling more and more, and I ran away from the land that had been my shelter from childhood until now, away from my family and my group .

I am alone in this vast, foolish world. I hear my wolf trying to relieve me a little of what I feel ..

I must get away from here with all my strength ...

Weakness? A feeling that I did not know and did not recognize.

I have only experienced strength and victory .

This is Lakota .... Lakota Precious


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