
Erkwa | The Love Will End You

"How long should I repeat this? These people will not possess them, they are mine, these soldiers are mine, this army is mine, even you ... mine." As if he was telling me that I walked from the rest of the captives as long as I set foot on this vast land .. I looked at him as I gathered myself together and repeated in one voice, "I am not yours or anyone's property. I own myself, my soul is more entitled to me." He looked at me with a snarl and spoke with indignation surrounding the tone of his voice, which was covered in coldness, as usual. I proceeded with courage, regardless of my heart, which wants to escape and notifies me of the increasing number of its beats .. "Well ... how are you going to stop me, you and which army?" He laughed while looking at me coldly ... "You are alone, dear, you will not be able to do anything, you are only ... weak." He spoke with indignation while emphasizing the last word .. He knows how to make me angry with one word, I looked at him and it was decided to end ... "Eh, I will reject you ... As MY MATE " I heard the gasps rising around me while I was looking at him hard, looking at the surprise that filled his eyes and the astonishment occupying his fiery features .

Bassant_Samir_Aly · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter Four

I look around and see amazement on the faces of the Irkwa dynasty, not only them, but my clan occupying their surprising features in a frightening way ...

I smile inside me while I look strongly at the one who is called Atlas Inuit, who looks at me in surprise, and then controls his facial muscles and returns to the mask of coldness ...

I hear whispers around me, it is a companion of the most powerful thing on earth ..

Looking at him looking at him now ..

Beginnings passed as though for many hours when a voice spoke arrogantly and looked at me with murderous coldness

"I don't have a mate"

I looked at him as I approached his position, heard the sounds of the breed talking around me, I looked at his eyes without blinking ..

"are you sure ?!" Narrowing my eyes, I asked, while you were only still in place.

I sighed before using what was left of my strength, because this is the most important thing that must happen now, just to protect my clan ..

Atlas looked hard in my eyes, until he showed that shine, the shine of comrade ...

Atlas Inuit took a few steps back, unaware of the situation, he could not believe it ..

I appreciate my mother's accounts, now ...

The Irkwa dynasty knows an immortal dynasty. It looks young, but their age may be about two thousand years and more.

, And my worth, and worth, and worth, and worth, and beautiful value.

The Arcoa Emperor did not obtain a mate, because he challenged the moon gods, and angered his father Prometheus, who is considered the most powerful deity in the history of werewolves.

Prometheus rose over the course of her watch period ...

I smile as I look at the situation around me, how everyone can believe, they look at me coldly like their emperor ..

"Shouldn't you leave my clan ?!" She asked, looking with a wonderful smile.

He looked for a moment in a mysterious way, before he replied that he made everyone snort from what I did until my twenties ..

My clan became with me, and I cannot describe how happy I am about it.

I looked at him in shock, he exchanged coldness for me ..

And why damn I will stay here ?! I asked while I was losing it from the inner calm because of that head of flame ..

He will go to his palace ...

I looked in shock at the place he had left, my clan looking at me with great sadness ...

Few kids introduced my clan.

I want to go the path of telepathy, giving me a quick swipe before heading to Erkua.

I looked around quietly, but really, I couldn't stand it ..

"What? !!" I spoke in exasperation as I found two people pulling my arm towards the palace that he had just gone from from Atlas.

"Where are you taking the curse to me !!" But they didn't move even one.

Feel me a device holding a light leaf ...

I sighed as I looked at the gate of the palace in front of which I am standing now. We all went inside, and then they left me and went out.

I am constipated, and I am currently losing my muscular strength.

The image inside the palace, in reality I thought, is a lot of things and a lot of dust, and spider webs of things ..

But I found something completely different, as if I was in the thirteenth century of the beauty that I see before me ..

There are chandeliers lit up with a view that gives prestige to the palace.

The staircase looks like a snail in its design, the black brown color predominates on all basis.

The ceiling is only a masterpiece, the ceiling, the happiness, the happiness, the happiness, the ceiling, the happiness, the ceiling, the ceiling, yellow, interspersed, the roof, the orange color, gives hope instead of the ceiling ..

I heard someone's voice next to me ..

I looked and found Atlas cursed by others. I looked at him with boredom. Really tired of looking coldly ..

He said it while he was turning around and about to leave. I blew boredom, does this fool not see that I can not walk for more than this ..

I walked quietly behind him looking around in amazement from the place. Really, it looks amazing. The place stopped in the thirteenth century. Really ...

Come on, he looked at me, he looked at me from the corner of his eye before saying in an imperative voice, "Go to the bathroom and take a shower. I think you look at yourself in the mirror."

He coldly mocked me while looking at him bored ...

He really made me wandering in his beauty .. "Did you see yourself in a mirror?

My time in the bathroom ... and I saw clothes hanging that I took without hesitation and put them on ..

I went out with my hands in my two pockets. I want to go out and walk around the palace ..

Tongues at the back of the European cab.

Come on, speak again and look at me calmly. I walked after him to see where he was going ..

In front of a point and rolled him, I followed him and stood in the middle of the Chamber of Commerce, what would he say ...

"Let's sleep" I looked at him in shock, getting ready to sleep on that bed ....

Do you have to know to make it true by now ..

What have I committed myself to now? I now feel that my ability is a blessing and a curse at the same time. I really hate that matter ..

You can help stealthy,

I'm really stupid, I feel the stupidity of the whole world gathering in my head.
