

is fate something fixed? something that cannot be changed despite our efforts? my name is oriant, and my father is a great general whose destiny is to die in war. yes i know because i saw it. i saw it clearly. so i say no. if her destiny is to die as a mother then i will break her destiny. and if for that i have to bend the world, i will.

goldy_gods · Fantasy
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5 Chs


World of wonders, the omnipresent presence of the origin made this region completely hostile to life at the very beginning the true cradle of living beings.

Shortly after the first movement in primordial chaos, the first thinking beings were born. They were without flesh, without bones, without form but they existed.

In the heart of the first stars they saw the second born. They had flesh, bones and form but were chained.

Under the influence of the origin, the stars, celestial lands, planets, beings born from it became very numerous and unique. Whole worlds traveling with their stars through the universe, huge flat lands tens of billions of kilometers in diameter. Each star harboring unique ecosystems. Impossible creatures, dragons, fairies, in these lands everything was possible.

Thus MÛTO was all those mythical marvels created thanks to the origin. The origin had given this region its first breath of life but also carried the premises of its end.

Everything was done quickly. These primary life forms evolved and became aware of their surroundings. Understand and master

originally bending the universe to their will.

This was the advent of the era of absolutes. Races born in the worst environments, they evolved to create the most successful civilizations of all time.

Through their understanding of the origin they were able to destroy entire worlds. They were the first to tame the vagaries of space and then guided their neighbors into prosperity. Living in harmony they accepted all established boundaries. The incalculable distances between these civilizations was no problem thanks to their portal sciences.

At least until the beginning of the most terrifying years known to the entire region of MÛTO. For obscure reasons they returned to war. And the possibility of being so close had dragged all MÛTO into this conflict

On land, in the air, in the sea, in space all nature danced under their macabre clashes. Dozens of mythical wonder worlds disappeared in this period. More than 20% of all beings in MÛTO succumbed. We recognized that MÛTO will not be like before.

The only worlds that escaped the repercussions of this war were the Forgotten. Planets devoid of origin don the Earth.

It was after more than 10,000 years of war that the universe finally saw an end, albeit an absurd one.

The almost total disappearance of the individuals of two of the three warring races leaving behind empty buildings, worlds and habitats. Slowly but very painfully the last of the three lost everything, land, armies, heritage, prestige and power.

But hidden from view, deeper changes were taking place. The origin far from being itself inactive.... become aware in none other than the system.

These events were the beginnings of a new beginning where the hidden treasures, left by these races once masters of everything, would be the bases of new civilizations seeking to dominate all, including the nascent humanity.

All this was written, announced by the oracle. It was fate.

And at the center of the biggest changes stood a young human and an oradian whose characters are very different but whose objective remains the same: to break this fate.