
Chapter 5 Fight For Your Life

Me and Tonya started hanging out in having a good time. One day Tonya and Jazz came to her mama house in I was there chilling with Jazz cousin. When Tonya called me to the kitchen to talk so we talked. Jazz was looking round the corner to see what we was talking about but she couldn't figure out what it was so she got mad.

Me and Tonya in there plotting stuff and she don't even know it. Tonya told me she'll call me later in come in see me after she get rid of Jazz. Then later that night I got a call from Jazz. Whats up Jazz? Nothing Erica would you sleep with Tonya? I paused in answered yes I would sleep with her. She ask about a three sum but I was thinking to myself like I will sleep with Tonya but not you.

We hang up with each other. I get a call from an old friend until I fell asleep on the phone with them. The next day I get a visit from Tonya she came by in we talked all night long with each other. One day Jazz disappears for days so Tonya started doing her.

One day Tonya came by in got me, we went out and got wasted. We had a great time as usual but this one particular night we decided to gone had in test the water. We went in In OMG I was in a position I couldn't get out of in she had me in tap out submission. The next day I got up in went home. I was like dam she got that awesome mouth piece.

She really was a beast at what she do. So one day I wanted her to meet my bestie Karen. And my bestie Karen looked at Tonya tongue in said dam you got a lizard tongue I bol really bestie? Hell yeah I see why she had you in the Jesus cross Lol. She got to meet her we became cool.

So that night she came over in we was at it again but this time my people came out talking about I might not can't see but I can hear I bol and so did Tonya. I made her cum we finished up so she could go home in bath. Then I get a call you know Jazz pregnant right.

All I could do is bol because she kept on saying I'm gay I love pussy but in reality she was bi sexual and was getting the best of both worlds. I go to Jazz mama house first thing she hit me with is are you pregnant Erica? I looked at her like how in when did this happen when I dont sleep with men. I said no ma'am I can't have no kids. It all came out I was like wow. The days went on Tonya and Jazz started having problems. One night Tonya in me had a heart to heart talk in we got close from that day.

When I tell you I really started feeling Tonya like we started having a good time. We would spend the night together and hang out every day. One day Jazz called her mama in told her to come get me in head to the hospital she having my nephew. We rushed to the hospital to be by her side so we made it in we had the kids. Of course we was waiting but baby boy wasn't waiting.

He came out before the doctor could come. We welcome lil man early the next morning. We left to get cleaned up in we came back in spent the whole day with her. Then me and Jazz had dinner together her last day in the hospital in we talked. I was in shock but then I wasn't because I already knew.

Like as the months went on she called her mama in told her mama not to throw the baby bed out. Tonya having a baby she gone need the bed. Of course we knew it was her that was pregnant but she lost it because she was moving to fast. Like lil man was ten months in we found out she pregnant again with nephew number 2 I was so excited but Tonya was to happy at first.

Tonya in Jazz mama started falling out about the baby because she named the baby after Tonya. An Jazz mother wasn't please so she started talking crazy thing towards Jazz. I didn't say nothing so then I told Jazz you messing up frfr. Jazz said I can handle mama I know she will be alright.

The time went on Tonya had grown attached to baby boy but Jazz mama wasn't having it. Tonya got upset because Jazz mama was acting like a straight up butt. Tonya back off in let her have it because it's not hers but she loved him like hers. The time went on Jazz mama kept the baby away from Tonya her crew. Tonya an Jazz started going they separate ways after some time.

Jazz had done took something from Tonya in her crew. I get a phone call from my home boy Tony. Yo did you know Tonya tried to hit Jazz with the truck in ran into the gate that was half down but Jazz jumped on the truck. Dam are you for real hell yeah I'm for real. I called Tonya in ask did you just try in kill Jazz? No I didn't do that mmhmm. Whats going on yo I heard from everybody over there saying you tired to run her over with your truck but you missed.

I didn't do nothing Erica I'm innocent mmmhmmm I got to see your face to see if you lying. She came round her in we talked for some hours about what happen in I was like wow Jazz wilding. Tonya left I get a call saying man this crazy heifer tried to kill me man. Who is this? Its Jazz she tried to hit me with her truck so I was like I already know everybody told me.

That's what you get for putting your hands on her stuff so you cause that on your own. The next day I get a call saying we going out tonight okay let's go. We did but from that night I never thought I would think sleeping with your so called friend girl would bring a world of troubles.