
Era of Unity | Season One

The 8 Seneses (Gods) created the world to change the given destiny of existence. The year is 838, and the black angel Cassian Blackheart is ascending as the new Marshal and Supreme General. Reluctantly, however, he has no choice but to accept the position. Everything will change with his arrival, and he will begin to uncover secrets that will bring him to his knees, and that will change him. The only angel to be blessed by the Black Sphere, he becomes the target of gossip at a young age, and the target of two other ruling houses, the Stonehearts, and the Whitehearts. With his unique powers, his spherical energy and power are at a high level, but it will not be enough to deal with future threats, and Cassian must confront his past and move forward. In 805, House Blackheart, House Stoneheart, and House Whiteheart united under one kingdom, becoming political pillars and the Monarchist Throne, which was taken over by House Holyheart by the still then-young Marcus I Holyheart.¨ Thus a new age, a new Era was born. The Era of Unity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord : https://discord.gg/FX6V5ryW Twitter : https://twitter.com/TexlRadek

AllFatherOmnis · Fantasy
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21 Chs

The Gift

"Gifts have always been a tradition, but how many angels deserve them?"



-Year 838, 6 Month, Era of Unity-

After the oath and the speech was completed, Cassian bowed slightly which made Georgian slightly uncomfortable.

He stands up, making no sign and covering his uneasiness with a smile.

Cassian who is leaving the lectern and about to leave is stopped by a couple of political officials. They congratulate him, and Cassian, with no emotion on his face, just thanks them for their congratulations.

Suddenly a loud clapping can be heard behind the slight crowd, which starts to be accompanied by another couple of claps.

The crowd of Politicians makes way for the Clapping Angels, and through this Cassian learns that they were Emanuel Whiteheart and Gregorian Whiteheart, who walked slowly towards Cassian.

Samael immediately reacts and stands in the White Angels' path with a visible sign of anger

"Don't make a scene here. Turn around and-"

"And What Samael? I'm just going to give my congratulations to our new Marshal after all." Emanuel interrupted Samael and then mocked him to his face.

"Or do you see something more behind it? You're not trying to slander me, are you?"

Raising his voice to deliberately draw more attention to Emanuel.

"Just let them go, Samael." He speaks up after Samael Cassian, whom he listens to, and lets them pass.

He, in response, sets a mischievous smile and awaits a handshake with the White Angels.

Emanuel, looking deeply into Cassian's eyes, holds out his hand to shake.

"Congratulations, Black Angel."

He leans slightly towards Cassian so no one can hear them.

"Enjoy the place while you can bastard. Just be prepared for me to keep an eye on you." He says angrily to Cassian, who squeezes his hand lightly.

The atmosphere immediately turned quite serious, so Azmeth got up and went to calm his son down, but he is stopped by Georgian.

"Just leave them alone Azmeth. The rivalry will help to develop our boys and that in turn will help to protect the kingdom. You shouldn't have to cover your son all the time. Let Emanuel answer for his actions."

Says the calm, open-hearted Georgian who pats Azmeth on the back.

"I don't want a skirmish here on Holy Ground, Georgian. You know the law-"

"Fuck the law Azmeth. We are the law, and we run this kingdom."

Georgian interrupted Azmeth. However, Azmeth was not finished with that and had a more serious matter to say.

"News has come from the Golden City."

Azmeth says emphatically to Georgian, who immediately pricks up his ears

"A tall Angel has been seen there, with Ezekiel's Blacksword. Your Father's Sword"

Georgian, completely taken aback

"Brot-" He looks around to see if anyone is listening.

"Surely he wouldn't let himself be exposed like that. Was he followed ?" He asks with a look of shock on his face.

Azmeth looks seriously at Georgian.

"Yes. They were found in pieces dead afterward. A very ugly massacre Georgian. I wonder why your brother-"

"He is the devil himself, Azmeth." He puts his hand on the table and sighs.

I gave him the sword before he left, thinking he was doing the right thing and trying to find his purpose in life, but that was only my foolish dream." He looks at Cassian and continues

"He left Serena, and then he vanished. Poor girl."

The disappointed Georgian looks at Azmeth and continues

"He has become a murderous monster that will stop at nothing. Worse, no one can stop him."

"Dracula Pierce is after him. He is the certainty that-"

"You're wrong, Azmeth. My brother has special powers that are very similar to Cassian's." He interrupts Azmeth, who is even slightly shocked.

"He also possesses the Black Sphere ?"

The stricken Georgian looks at Azmeth with concern in his eyes.

"I'm afraid so. Azmeth, don't mention this to anyone. And certainly not in front of Cassian, and I strongly caution you against it." With serious and murderous eyes he tells Azmeth who becomes slightly concerned

He nods his head in agreement and then leaves the Great Hall with him.


Meanwhile, Cassian and Emanuel are still in a murderous mood

Azrael stops to watch the scuffle between them before leaving the hall


And then he leaves The Great Hall.

"Emanuel, Emanuel. Lest you exceed the limits of my patience for once." Cassian says with a firm voice and a serious face

"I don't care about the status, position, or the fucking angels around us. If I wanted to, I'd kill you here, and as a bonus, I'd kill these bystanders..." Cassian threatens Emanuel but is interrupted by Gregorian, who swings at Cassian with all his might.

He doesn't have time to react, so he only manages to set his hand in front of his fist, which hits with all its force

And knocks Cassian back a few meters.

A slight shockwave shakes the Great Hall, and Emanuel then slaps Gregorian

"What the fuck are you doing? You're shitting yourself, aren't you?" Says a completely enraged Emanuel.

"I was bored, little brother. And I'm not going to listen to that bastard's threats while I'm bored." Gregorian says with a calm face and voice before whom Samael appears in the blink of an eye, his face completely cold and his eyes so murderous

"APO-LO-GIZE," Samael tells Gregorian in an angry, emphatic voice.

"Samael, I apologize for my brother's behavior. Please excuse-"

"You shut up, or I'll have no mercy here." He interrupts and immediately emphasizes the gravity of the situation.

"You think I'm afraid of you, Samael." Gregorian's desire to kill has risen to the same heights as Samael's. A huge Spherical Energy radiated from both of them, shaking the building slightly. But Cassian grabs Samael by the shoulder.

"It's okay Samael. Let's calm down."

Cassian's words calmed Samael slightly.

"Let's go, Samael." He calls for Samael to leave the Great Hall with him.

Gregorian, who is still carefully watching Cassian leave, and Emanuel, who points to every angel there with the words

"You didn't fucking see anything. All right?"

The two, therefore, make their way to leave the Great Hall, where of course Cassian stops before leaving and turns his head to Gregorian

"I almost forgot." Upon finishing, the sentence, Cassian swings just as fast and hard as Gregorian did a few moments ago.

With a blink of an eye, Cassian was at Gregorian, who doesn't have time to cover himself, so Cassian hits him in the gut with all his strength, knocking him into the wall.

Cassian smiled, looked at Emanuel, who was calm, and then Cassian left.

"Was that necessary ?" Samael asks, getting no answer from Cassian.

Gregorian immediately gets up with a calm face and a slight smirk leaves with Emanuel.

--- The same night ---

Cassian lying in his bedroom, thinking about his future. His past. His deep thought, asking himself the same question over and over.

I hate those white angel ass-kissing holy king motherfuckers.

He was talking in his mind

Knock! Knock!

There is a knock on Cassian's room door, interrupting his thoughts.

He gets up and walks to the door and upon opening it, sees a person in a robe. Cassian, with a surprised expression.

"And you are ?"

The mysterious person pulls down his hood, revealing beautifully clean white hair, white skin, and bloody gorgeous red eyes. Cassian is taken aback.

"C- Cias ?" Surprised Cassian, and then sees him smile happily...

To be continued...