
Era of Unity | Season One

The 8 Seneses (Gods) created the world to change the given destiny of existence. The year is 838, and the black angel Cassian Blackheart is ascending as the new Marshal and Supreme General. Reluctantly, however, he has no choice but to accept the position. Everything will change with his arrival, and he will begin to uncover secrets that will bring him to his knees, and that will change him. The only angel to be blessed by the Black Sphere, he becomes the target of gossip at a young age, and the target of two other ruling houses, the Stonehearts, and the Whitehearts. With his unique powers, his spherical energy and power are at a high level, but it will not be enough to deal with future threats, and Cassian must confront his past and move forward. In 805, House Blackheart, House Stoneheart, and House Whiteheart united under one kingdom, becoming political pillars and the Monarchist Throne, which was taken over by House Holyheart by the still then-young Marcus I Holyheart.¨ Thus a new age, a new Era was born. The Era of Unity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Discord : https://discord.gg/FX6V5ryW Twitter : https://twitter.com/TexlRadek

AllFatherOmnis · Fantasy
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21 Chs


"Solitude was my destiny and work my life. But now it's different."

-Cassian Blackheart


-Year 838, 6 Month, Era of Unity-

Cassian, who is in a bit of a hurry, meets white soldiers of Whitehearts along the way.

"Highness Marshal."

They salute

"You guys don't know where Cias is right now?" He shows no emotion.

He puts a cigarette in his mouth and lights up.

"Highness Marshal, she is in the Angel Orphanage. She is there to support the abandoned Angel Children."

Cassian thinks for a second, then takes the cigarette from his mouth and throws it away

"Fuck, I smoke too much."

"Anyway thanks, boys."

Pulls out cigarettes

"Here are your cigarettes." He throws them cigarettes, and the soldiers are thrilled.

"Thank you very much, High Marshal."

---[Gardens of Holy Parliament]---

On the way out of the Holy Parliament, Cassian meets a carriage, which Georgian Blackheart gets into.

Cassian subtly rolls his eyes trying not to get Georgian's attention.

"I see you, I hear you, and most of all I feel your Blackness Cassian." Georgian tells Cassian.

"Fuck" Cassian says disappointedly but silently.

"Uncle. I didn't notice you. I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry." He starts to leave but is immediately stopped by Teivel Purdark, Cassian Blackheart's mentor and the best Dark Spherer in the Era.

"Nowhere young one. We need to discuss the first duties of the Marshal. Very important duties." Says the ever-emphatic and famed Teivel Purdark.

"Fucking function. Teivel, I'll come by and see you, I just have one thing to take care of. I promise."

Teivel turns to Georgian "You have entrusted this to the right man my lord." Teivel replies sarcastically.

"Umbra Mittentes" comes from the mouth of Cassian, who has transformed into shadows, causing him to disappear from Teivel's sight and quickly move in front of the Orphanage.

"I will kill him someday" Then he laughs.

---[Holy Orphanage]---

Cassian transforms back to his physical side and immediately enters the Orphanage.

"What do you want-" The angel at the front desk notices that it is Cassian and she immediately stands up and bows.

"Highness Marshal, Wha... What brings you here, my lord."

"Drop the formalities. Where's Miss Cias?" He asks emphatically

"She's in the conference room with the other children-" Before she can say a sentence, Cassian has already rushed to the conference room.

------[Holy Orphanage, conference room]---

Cassian opens the door to see a crowd of young Angelic children sitting there, just listening to the stories Cias is telling them.

Cassian, looking at the happy Cias and the completely happy children, doesn't want to spoil the show, so he stands and listens from a distance.

Cias, who shifts her gaze from the book to her surroundings, notices Cassian, and this makes her incredibly happy. Of course, she continues reading.

But Cassian, while listening to the story, notices a little boy cowering in the corner of the room, completely cut off from society, happily listening to Cias.

Cassian remembers himself, and his youth that made him what he is. He decides to go to him.

He stands next to him. The boy begins to twitch nervously with his gaze. Cassian sits down next to him, and when he looks into his face, the boy recognizes him

"Wait, You're Cassian Ehhhm... I mean Highness Marshal, my lord." The boy is all surprised and startled that he stammered.

"I'm Cassian and only Cassian, boy." And shakes his hand, which makes the boy sad.

"Did I do something wrong ?" Cassian asks, not knowing why he got sad.

"Marsh- Mr. Cassian, you shouldn't shake hands with me." The boy says very sadly.


"According to everyone, I'm a dirty, and unlucky b- bast-"

"Bas-what?" He nudges the boy to finish the sentence.


Cassian is greatly disturbed by this and decides to talk to the others afterward. She shakes his hand again, which surprises the boy.

"Fuck the other kid." With a cold voice.

The child was surprised by a dirty word.

"If you take their opinions to heart, you will never be happy and you will only hate yourself for that." He looks at the child and smiles.

"And anyway, you couldn't bring me any more bad luck." He smiles more, causing the child to laugh. So she shakes his hand, and they finally shake hands.


"And who knows what would have happened if Friatal had decided differently then."

She is slowly finishing the stories of the famous Friatal Allheart.

"Anyway, I dare say he was a personality."

"And a bigger personality has come to see you in person."

Hearing the end of the show, Cassian gets up with the boy, whom he'll take on his neck, and they walk towards Cias, who is surprised by Cassian's behavior.

"Oh my god, it's Cassian Blackheart."

"Seriously, no way."

"But what is he doing here ?"

"And why is that scumbag Pret with him in the first place ?"

Cassian hearing the words referring to the boy sufficiently disgusted him.

Cassian kisses Cias, at which all the kids make crazy noises. Cias completely surprised takes the boy from Cassian's neck, and he stands in front of the kids.

"Is this the glorious future generation ?" Cassian asks promptly and with action.

The children responded in action that it was them.

"High Marshal, what are you doing here?" asks one curious child.

"To tell you the truth, I was bored and wanted to see a future generation." Cassian smiles, which makes the children smile.

"Pret, sit back down where you're supposed to be, you dirtbag." One of the children shouted

"That's a dirty Pret, Your Majesty. Smells like bad luck." this comes from one child, and they all immediately start laughing.

Cassian gets extremely angry on the inside, but on the outside, you can see that he is still calm.

"Now that you have heard the story of Friatal from the beautiful and good Cias."

"I'll tell you a story now, from the evil Cassian. Would you like to hear that children ?" Smiles Cassian

Cias is equally disgusted by the behavior of the individuals and who knows what's coming.

The children shouted with joy and were happy for another story

Cassian still sits down, puts his leg over his leg, and starts to talk.

"There was once such a child. He was special in some ways. So special that others avoided him. He didn't have a mother because she died. He didn't have a father because he left him and began to wonder if he was cursed and doomed to be alone forever."

He taps his fingers on his temple

"He kept asking himself the same question over and over in his head for the next 12 years. During this time he was constantly bullied, scorned, and slandered."

"But that didn't stop him from asking again, and again, and again"

"But one day a boy came to him. He was quite nice to the boy, and he experienced a whole new feeling. The feeling that someone cared about him." Cassian sighs.

"Soon they became friends and the boy went home feeling the happiest in the world but on the way, he hears the shouting and laughter of children talking to each other, and this catches the boy's attention."

"He tells himself how friends should probably treat each other. He was just curious about it out of interest. So he went around the corner and watched them."

"He watches the children with a feeling of sheer joy. But then he notices that his only friend is there with them and is kind of sad. He tells himself that he probably doesn't like being with them and that's why he finally found the right friend. Himself."

"He smiles, and decides to leave, but coincidentally he hears them start talking about him because they were too loud."


"Why do I have to be friends with him? We even said we were friends."

It came from his "first friend"

"Really? You're an idiot." He laughs

"You lost the bet anyway, and this was a punishment."



"After hearing these words, the boy completely succumbed to despair. He was just punishment, an idiot and a complete fool as it turned out."

"The next morning, the boys were found dead. Completely chopped to shit"

"And the boy who came into the classroom smiling started asking the same question over and over again, but this time a little differently."

"Why do I want to be alone? Why ?"

"And all it took was one thing. Willingness and friendship with each other." Cassian stands up

"Why am I telling this story here ?"

"The angelic heart and angelic mind cannot survive without the bond of friendship. But if he's strong enough, it will only take a toll on his psyche."

Point to the kid who said Pret was dirty earlier.

"If you call him dirty again." Cassian He smiles strangely

"Then I'll fucking cut you to shit, you little bastard, understand?"

As aggressively as Cassian could

Cias, who, shocked by Cassian's words with a hint of enthusiasm

The children began to cry, and Cassian went to Pret with the Black Ring in his hand.

"Beg Vaacus for the Dark Sphere's blessing, and when it is done, put on the ring and embark on your journey of new self-discovery." Cassian smiles, and so does Cias still shocked, and bids him farewell.

"Take care Pret, and don't lose faith, and hope." Cassian ruffles his hair and leaves with Cias.

Pret bursts into tears of joy, bows aggressively, and starts shouting

"Thank you, thank you so much." The tears that fell to the floor were loud, like a heartbeat of God.

Cassian is happy, and with a smile, he leaves, but he loses it in a moment, because here comes the part he wanted to leave but he couldn't.

Cassian walks away with Cias snuggling more tightly into his arm.

"You did the right thing, Cassian. Beautiful, brave and so.. scary."

"I can see why I fell in love with you." Says a delighted Cias

---[Streets of Angelicum]---

Once they're on the street, Cassian is determined and stops Cias.

"Cias, are you hiding something from me?"

Cias, who stands in front of Cassian and asks in surprise

"What do-"

"Yes or no? He aggressively asked

Cias shocked by the aggressive approach and Cassian's reaction.

To be Continued...