
Chapter 11 Task Completed_1

"Damn it, how thick is this skin? Aren't you dead yet?"

Du You aimed his sword at the junction between the frog's neck and head, a fatal weak spot for most creatures. Plenty of nerve endings converge here; if damaged, even the most formidable animal dies.

However, Du You was surprised that his sword didn't pierce through the toad's skin. Years of practising swordsmanship had made his strikes precise, but it was useless without penetrating its defense.

The injured toad suddenly leaped off the ground. If it weren't for Du You gripping the toad's bump, he would definitely be shaken off.

As the toad hopped, it shot out icicles in all directions, causing the surrounding temperature to drop significantly. Nearby bones scattered, and the ground pits instantly froze over.

Seeing this, Du You resisted the urge to wipe his cold sweat. He thought if he had fallen, he definitely would have lost his life.

"Law Formalization really isn't an easy task; it's too dangerous." Du You finally relaxed a bit after the toad calmed down. It was severely poisoned and exhausted from the struggle, probably on the brink of death.

Regardless, now that he was in the thick of things, there was no way Du You would back down.

Gripping his longsword tightly, he forcefully lunged at the same spot again. This time, because it hit the same location, the toad's injury worsened.

Attacked again, the large toad fiercely fought back, though it seemed like it was barely hanging on.

However, it had run out of energy and could only struggle momentarily before stopping.

Du You slightly crouched, lowering his center of gravity and steadied both hands on the bump, ready to withstand the toad's counter-attack. But this time, it was all bark and no bite.

"Does it not have any energy left so soon? Regardless, keep attacking."

Since the toad wasn't fighting back, Du You wasn't going to let this opportunity slide. He plunged his longsword into the same spot once again for the third time, causing the toad more damage. After this attack though, the toad's tremors diminished.

Feeling relieved, Du You cautiously launched one attack after another, pushing the toad closer to its end.

With relentless attacks, Du You finally pierced through the skin at the back of the toad's neck.

"Finally, its skin is so tough. If I could take it away and make an armor out of it, it would probably have a higher defense than standard armor," Du You took a deep breath.

He had no choice. As an ordinary person, his physical stamina could not be compared to an Awakener's, which is always at its peak. But soon, he will be able to achieve that.

The toad's skin was broken, revealing its segmented bones with visible gaps in between. These gaps were not as resilient, and Du You grinned as he targeted these weaknesses with his sword.

Suddenly, his sword turned into a ray of light. With nothing obstructing it, half of the blade slid into the gap.

The still trembling toad suddenly stiffened and then lost all its strength.

"I knew it. When slaughtering cows, a needle aimed at this gap can kill instantly. This has to work," Du You triumphantly said.

"This task took less than half a day. That's pretty fast, isn't it?"

As Du You finished speaking, a prompt appeared before his eyes.

Task: Kill the Giant Magical Frog. Do you want to submit the task?

"Of course, only an idiot wouldn't. Is there anything more impressive than this giant toad?" Du You said somewhat impatiently. Even if there was, he wouldn't be able to handle it.

Looking at the blinking task submission window, Du You sighed in exasperation. This technology appeared great, but it lacked in intelligence.

Du You tapped on the task submission point at the top, and the panel finally changed.

Task completed, Law of Formalization beginning to run, Universal Skills being allocated…

Allocation completed, Universal Skill Random Summoning

Random Summon: Summoning Class Universal Basic Skill, randomly summon a Level 1 Magical Beast, duration 24 hours, cooldown time 24 hours (Fixed at level 1)

Du You looked at the rapidly flickering words before him while silently comparing it with notes in his small notebook.

"Damn, random allocation, doesn't each class of Awakeners only get a few universal skills?"

His book clearly stated that so-called Universal Skills were skills that any Awakener of a large class could potentially obtain. Unlike basic skills, this was the first skill acquired after Awakening and served as a transitional skill.

The fixed level means the skill can never be upgraded. And the summoning-type skills have a long cooldown period - a whole day, which is somewhat impractical.

However, there's nothing much to complain about, everyone else is in the same boat. But such luck-based skill makes it hard to be happy about it. "Might as well aim for stability with my luck."

Du You understood that the strength of an Awakener varies based on their level. Each level comes with two skill slots. Universal Skills don't take up a skill slot and act as a transition skill, neither do Basic Skills. But Basic Skills can only be improved through one's own practice.

Well, that being said, can standard skills be leveled up by some method? If so, that would be fantastic. But why hadn't any knowledge about this been given to him?

As Du You submitted the task, the toad was turned into points of light and disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

Seeing this, Du You looked disappointed: "I was considering skinning it to see if I could take it with me. Guess it's not possible now."

Having completed the task and about to begin Law Formalizations, Du You couldn't afford to stay any longer. As soon as he left, the arena would automatically refresh. Any items left behind would not remain.

Du You hadn't heard about anyone finding any leftover items in the Derived World.