
Chapter 9 Demon Lair!!(4)

[You have gained an arnament. ]

Seeing the system message Alex's heart swelled with joy but he knew he still had work to do. Turning around he dashed to slay the few remaining imps that remained.

It took only ten minutes for Alex and the group to slay the remaining imps.

"Youuu!!!" Shouted the lone surviving boy in Robert's group. Turning towards him raising an eyebrow Alex replied calmly.


"Hand over the sword arnament now."

"And why would I do that."

"You stole it from us and now we're in this fucking dungeon because of you."

Looking at him like he was an idiot, Alex replied.

"If you want it you should come and take it."

And with that Alex took a fighting stance holding [Silver Raptor] while the boy summoned a spear arnament and did the same. Looking into each others eyes both were ready to lunge at each other when they heard a shout from the side.

"Enough Xavier." Shouted Robert from the side.

"Why this rat stole our masters arnament and he isn't even decent enough to admit his wrongs." Xavier replied staring at Alex in hatred.

'Rat.' Alex's eyes twitched. Although Alex was used to people calling him and others that lives in the outskirts of Mountmend 'rats' that doesn't mean he liked it.

"We can handle this matter later, right now our first priority is to get out of here. Hey you ra - ahem- kid what's your name?"

"Shouldn't you give your own name before asking someone else's or didn't your master teach you that." Alex sneered.

"Yoouu." Xavier nearly lunged at Alex but Robert stopped him.

"My mistake my name is Robert, that young fellow over their is Xavier and the girl is Carla." Robert said pointing towards the silent blonde girl with a bow in her hands. She had been quietly observing the situation making her presence so small that even Alex forgot she was there.

"Anyway, what Xavier said is right that arnament belongs to our master not you so if you could kindly hand it over so that we can be on our merry way." Robert said holding out his hand.

"Sure I would be more than happy to return what I stole..." Alex said with a sincere expression on his face as he held out the sword towards Xavier who had a smug smile on his face as he reached out to grab it.

"...If you paid me." Alex added as he dismissed the sword into a shower of sparks infront of Xavier's very enraged eyes. Now not even Robert had a calm expression on his face as his face scrunched up and he summoned a [fireball].

"You fucker!!" Xavier shouted and lunged at Alex only to be stopped once again only this time it was by Carla.

"Not to interrupt you guys but may I remind you that we are currently inside a dungeon." Carla said in a soft but loud voice.

"As you said before Mr. Robert our first priority should be getting out of here alive. So Alex is there anywhere we can stay for a while or get some water and food?" Carla asked looking at Alex. Looking at Carla for a moment Alex sighed and replied.

"There is a river upstream the lava river."

"Upstream the lava river?"

"Yeah it's weird after a few hundred meters the water becomes lava."

"Nonsense how can water turn to lava." Xavier cut into the conversation. With a sigh Alex said.

"You'll just have to see it to believe it."

"I think we should go rest up and replenish our mana and stamina...If that's alright with you Mr. Robert?"

"Yes that's alright." Robert replied and then started walking towards the lava river then he suddenly stopped and went towards the corpse of the of the greater imp Alex killed. Curious Alex followed him and saw him pull out a dagger and plunged it into the monster's chest. Cutting open its chest, Robert plunged his hand into it and soon pulled out a red glowing stone.

"What is that?" Alex asked curiously.

"As expected of an outskirt rat you don't even know what a mana core is?" Xavier sneered at Alex.

Holding his anger, Alex decided to gather some information.

"Oh then why don't you enlighten me." Alex said barely holding in his rage and humiliation.

"Hmph, I don't see why I can't bestow my knowledge on a pitiful rat such as yourself. A mana core is formed in any creature capable of holding mana in their body including humans but when it comes to beasts and monsters only E rank and above have any inside their bodies even though it is obvious F ranks have mana inside their bodies. These mana cores can be sold at the Explorers Guild for a small sum." Xavier explained reveling in the feeling of superiority.

'Explorers Guild huh.' Alex has heard the name before but never actually seen the guild or a member of the guild before so didn't know much about it. As for the other stuff he needed to confirm whether they were true or not.

Summoning [Silver Raptor] Alex walked over to the corpse of one of the imps. Slashing it's chest open Alex searched inside but found nothing but organs confirming that Xavier was telling the truth.

"Are you done now kid, if so let's go." Shouted Robert.

Forty minutes later, the group reached the spot where Alex fought the boar and it seemed that once again dinner was served as another boar was drinking water from the river.