
Chapter 87 Dungeon Break(9)

Each of these crows were E ranked but I could tell that they were incredibly weak individually but for some reason a deep sense of fear permeated my soul when I looked at them. The crows dipped closer to the ground and they flew into the crowd of Explorers and monsters fighting each other. As soon as they did I could hear screams and roars of pain and the crows weren't stopping...infact...they were heading right towards us.

'Fuck.' I shouted in my mind and immediately I barked out some orders.

"Sarah I need you to create a large wind shield in the crows path, Rickie I need you to create a barrier inside the wind shield. Everyone else we need to to use any long range abilities or weapons you have." I said to them, I looked around and I could see a few Explorers that has realized the threat of the crows but instead of trying to do something they were running instead.