
Chapter 21 Testing his new gains(1)

Running through the forest, Alex could feel a stunning difference between his current speed and the one he possessed when he was fighting the Imp King. As he ran through the forest he could tell he was moving faster than before, his breathing was a lot more even than it should have been as he was running at full speed for a few minutes now and he processing what he saw quicker than before as he dodged tree after tree effortlessly. As Alex marvelled at how powerful his new and improved physique was he encountered a mana beast he was all too familiar with, berserk deer.

Wanting to see exactly how strong he was he decided to forgo the use of a weapon arnament. Walking towards the deer, Alex threw a stone towards it to get it's attention and then took a fighting stance.

Turning around to look at the creature that dared to interrupt it's peaceful grazing. Looking at the human that interrupted it's meal the beast let out a blood thirsty roar unbefitting of a herbivore and charged at the offending human with it's metallic antlers at the ready.

Seeing the deer charging towards him Alex took a deep breath, looked towards the beast and swung his leg forward.


For the deer's part it didn't know what happened. One minute it was charging at the human ready to screwer him with it's horns, the next it saw a blur make contact with it's head and now it was lying on the ground with it's neck twisted in an unusual angle and feeling the cold touch of death clawing at it's soul.

[You have slain the F ranked Mana Beast, Beserk deer. You have gained 100 exp.]

Looking at the dead deer on the ground Alex couldn't believe what he was seeing. With just one kick he snapped the creatures neck killing it.

'Dinner time.' Not dwelling on it too much Alex decided to appease his rumbling stomach. Firstly, he summoned the [Crimson Dagger] to dismantle the deer's corpse. The [Crimson Dagger], as it's name suggested, was red in color with it's hilt being a darker shade than the blade. The entire weapon was around 35-40 cm in length with the blade having a curved edge.

After analyzing the blade for a few minutes Alex began to dismantle the corpse of the deer, separating the fur, bones, innards and meat from each other. Alex noted that he felt a slight resistance from the body when dismantling it unlike when he used the [Silver Raptor] he felt no resistance. Attributing this to the dagger being a low rank he continued to make his meal. Cutting a few branches from a nearby tree and gathering a few sizeable stones he created a fire spit. Creating the fire spit, Alex decided to test the [Ignition] enchantment, igniting the blade he lit the wood on fire and began roasting the meat. After a few minutes of roasting the meat it gave off a tantalizing smell indicating it was ready to be devoured. Not waiting for it to cool he stuffed the meat into his mouth savoring each bite of the delicious meat. After his battle with the Imp King and being 'baptized' in it's flames the heat from the food felt like nothing to him.