
Era Of Online Game Elves Gain Experience And Become Stronger

Story of: Era of online game elves: Gain experience and become stronger "Pick up experience +1!" "Pick up experience +100!" "Pick up experience +1000!""Add experience to Ugly Fish!"Players: "I'll go, why does this guy start with such a high-level Menus!?""Pick up super power experience +1!" "Pick up super power experience plus +2!" "Pick up...""Add experience to yourself!"Feilu Novel.com's exclusive contracted novel: "The Era of Online Games: Gain Experience and Become Stronger"; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate. Online Game Elf Era: Get Stronger by Gaining Experience Story of: Online Game Elf Era: Get Stronger by Gaining Experience "Picked up experience +1!" "Picked up experience +100!" "Picked up experience +1000!" "Add experience to the ugly fish!" Players: "Fuck, why did this guy start with such a high-level Menas!?" "Picked up super power experience +1!" "Picked up super power experience +2!" "Picked it up..." "Add experience to yourself!"

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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263 Chs

Chapter 206

"Doctor, Doctor, give me the elves!"

Ash's voice came from far and near, and he hurried in, with a hedgehog head and pajamas.

Well, it's really the rhythm of oversleeping.

But this oversleeping should just be the time that Ash has set for himself, and it has nothing to do with Dr. Ohki's side.

Doctor Elf must have enough Elves in his hands, so the time to receive them is entirely up to the trainer himself.

Of course, if you want a good elf, you must do it earlier, then there will be more elf options.

"Brother Zhang Lan, bastard Xiaomao!"

Xiao Mao nodded towards Zhang Lan and Xiao Mao, and then stretched out his hand towards Dr. Ohki and asked

"Doctor, where's my elf?"

"Here, here!" Dr. Ohki pointed to the three Poké Orbs in front of him.

Zhang Lan: "....."

Now, Zhang Lan was really sure that this matter was a little tired, because Dr. Ohki had just changed three Pokeballs in front of him after hearing Ash's voice.

These Poké balls, 100 percent empty.

Most importantly, now Dr. Ohki is still giving Zhang Lan a look.

Yes, Zhang Lan plans to be a quiet beautiful man.

As for Xiao Mao, this product seemed to have been instructed by Dr. Ohki in advance, and there was not the slightest doubt on his face.

Sure enough, he deserves to be the son of the most pit family.


Ash looked at the three Pokeballs on the table with burning eyes, and after thinking for a while, he reached out and took the Pokeballs marked with the Jani Turtle and said

"Jeni Turtle, it's up to you!"

Xiao Mao: "...."

Glancing at Zhang Lan and finding the vague curve at the corner of his mouth, Xiao Mao only felt that he was writing on his face.

Nima: This is not scientific.

The first elf Ash chose turned out to be the Jeni turtle.

Xiao Mao only felt that the punch in the face came too quickly, like a tornado.

Even Dr. Ohki on the side glanced at Xiao Mao meaningfully, his grandson, hitting himself in the face, was too fast, too ruthless.


At this time, Ash pressed the button of the Poké Ball, but found that there was no Jani turtle in it.

"This has already been taken by someone who is not late." Dr. Ohki said helplessly, the acting level is absolutely full.

The point is that Ash didn't feel the slightest bit wrong, but just showed a disappointed expression

"Ah~~ my favorite!"

"Haha, your favorite is mine." Xiao Mao took out the Pokeball and shook it, and said with a smile: "The one I chose is the Jeni turtle." "

Obviously, Xiao Mao was hurt by the punch in the face, and deliberately showed off to stimulate Xiao Zhi, which can be regarded as seeking some comfort.

"Bastard Xiaomao, it's really you!" Ash roared at Xiao Mao unpleasantly, reached out and grabbed the Spirit Ball of the Miao Frog Seed, and shouted, "Then I will choose the Miao Frog Seed." "

"I know that the grass system restrains the water system, Xiaomao, I will kill you.."

With that, Ash opened the Pokeball marked with the seeds of the Wonderful Frog.


The Poké Ball opens, but it remains empty.


Ash was dumbfounded again, and collapsed, "How so?" "

"This one was also taken by someone who wasn't late." Dr. Ohki was still the excuse that could only deceive Ash, but as he spoke, he glanced at Xiao Shige.

And this will, Xiao Mao's good mood is not at all.

Because he was slapped in the face for the second time.

He said that Ash would not choose the Jeni turtle.

As a result, snap!

He also said that Ash would definitely choose Little Fire Dragon and be killed by him.

As a result, among the three royal families, Ash finally chose the elf.

The result is, again, snap!

And at this time, Zhang Lan glanced at Xiao Mao, looking at the child's performance, obviously he didn't know what elf Dr. Ohki prepared for Xiaozhi, and he mourned for this child for 0.3 seconds, and this face was not finished.

"Then the little fire dragon, I also like it, so I decided it was you."

Ash finally reached for the Pokeball with the little fire dragon in it and pressed the switch.

Can be fruited.


The Poké Ball is still empty.

"This one was also taken by other trainers who were not late, this time they told me that there were four people who received the initial elves, and now all three have been taken."

"I'm a little nerve-wracking too."

Saying that, Dr. Ohki scratched his head, looking like he couldn't help.

The point is that his flawed words, Ash believes so.

"How so, I was still fighting with Little Chi Brother yesterday, I was shocked and fought with it, how come I don't even have an initial elf."

Ash fell to his knees weakly.

"Doctor, is there nothing you can do? Do I have to eat for a year while traveling? Ash looked at Dr. Ohki with a hint of hope.

"There's another one!" Dr. Ohki said directly that there was one left, and at the same time pressed an opening.

Immediately afterwards, on the high platform, a Poké Ball with the logo of the electric system appeared.

"There's also an elf here, it's just a little special." Dr. Ohki explained, but before he could finish, Ash was already full of blood, took the Poké Ball in his hand, and said happily, "That's enough, just have the Poké Ball!" "

With that, Ash pressed the switch!

"Pi, pickup?!"

A fairy with yellow fur, long black ears at the tip, small mouth, black eyes, two red round electrical sacs on its cheeks, and a tail like a jagged lightning bolt appeared in front of everyone.

"Wow, so cute!" Ash excitedly held Pikachu into his arms.

"This elf is called Pikachu, scientific name Electric Rat..." Dr. Ohki began to introduce Pikachu to Ash.

At this time, Zhang Lan glanced at Pikachu's data.

Name: Pikachu

Attribute: Electricity

Characteristics: Static electricity

Hidden features: Lightning rod (available)

Level: Advanced (29) Experience Points: Zero/10,000

Qualification: Master

Intimacies: 100

Carry items: None

Mega Stone: None

Skill: Shock. Call. Wagging the tail. A flash of electricity. Two consecutive kicks. Shadow doppelganger. Electromagnetic wave. Wall of light. One hundred thousand volts. Beat. Move at high speed!

Special instructions: Parents break through racial restrictions, break through qualifications and restrictions many times, for special reasons, when heredity, there are electric rule genes in the elf egg, and accidental states can stimulate the effect of controlling the rules! (1 in 100 million)


Zhang Lan's eyes widened in surprise, and she couldn't believe what she saw.

God... Yes!

Electrical regular genes.

Is this a rule, or control, that is, if it occasionally breaks out, the power of the electric system will directly increase sixteen times?

Who can stop this?

Sure enough, the skin god is really open, no wonder it can hit the divine beast.

But who are the parents of this skin god?

Looking at the trickiness of a thing, Dr. Ohki must know a little.

Zhang Lan planned to ask well.

PS: After checking the information, I found that Ash's Pikachu first met at the Elf Center, so I set it myself!