
Era Of Online Game Elves Gain Experience And Become Stronger

Story of: Era of online game elves: Gain experience and become stronger "Pick up experience +1!" "Pick up experience +100!" "Pick up experience +1000!""Add experience to Ugly Fish!"Players: "I'll go, why does this guy start with such a high-level Menus!?""Pick up super power experience +1!" "Pick up super power experience plus +2!" "Pick up...""Add experience to yourself!"Feilu Novel.com's exclusive contracted novel: "The Era of Online Games: Gain Experience and Become Stronger"; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate. Online Game Elf Era: Get Stronger by Gaining Experience Story of: Online Game Elf Era: Get Stronger by Gaining Experience "Picked up experience +1!" "Picked up experience +100!" "Picked up experience +1000!" "Add experience to the ugly fish!" Players: "Fuck, why did this guy start with such a high-level Menas!?" "Picked up super power experience +1!" "Picked up super power experience +2!" "Picked it up..." "Add experience to yourself!"

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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263 Chs

Chapter 147


A voice that seemed to penetrate time and space sounded in Zhang Lan's ears.

"Well, are you leaving?"

Zhang Lan instinctively looked in one direction, and in the void, a ripple of Dao space appeared, and Sherabi's small and agile green figure constantly swirled and flew around that ripple.

At the beginning, when Zhang Lan was playing soy sauce with stupid things, he had seen off Sherabi in a forest in Chengdu, so he was very familiar with this sound.

This is the prelude to Sherabi starting to travel through time.

"Is this voice Sherabi?" Somewhere, Shirona and Yulongdu were moving towards the direction where Zhang Lan was, and with their background, they knew about any phantom beast and divine beast.


Sherabi waved her small wings to the entrance of the space, but before it disappeared, she did not forget to glance at Zhang "Seven Nine Seven" Lan, and a deep green color flashed in her eyes.

With this look, Zhang Lan On Thursday, a touch of greenery emerged from countless newborn vegetation and gathered into Zhang Lan's body.

"This is~?"

Feeling a certain power that was constantly getting stronger in his body, Zhang Lan showed a surprised look, and then thought of a possibility and glanced at his data panel!

Name: Zhang Lan

Identity: Blue Star Human, resident of True New Town

Trainer Level: Heavenly King

Has a pokemon: Fast Dragon (72 Heavenly King level)..... outline

Special abilities: Force of Nature (Advanced), Superpower (Advanced), Enchantment Small World. The blessing of the god of the sea, the blessing of the god of the forest

Experience: 200 million!

Special Items: Full Recovery Elixir X1, Psychotropic Elixir X1, Space Ring... outline


Seeing the change on his panel, Zhang Lan's eyes flashed with a hint of clarity, he should have received the blessing of Sherabi before, that is, the blessing of the god of the forest, this power made his natural force stronger on the original basis.

From intermediate to advanced.

With a touch of curiosity, Zhang Lan took a look at the role of the blessing of the forest god, and what changes had occurred in the power of nature after the breakthrough.

Force of Nature (Advanced): The power to understand all pokemon speech, calm mood, and restore elf physical strength and trauma.

Blessing of the god of the forest: where there is a forest, you can get the gift of the forest, never get tired, you can use the power of the forest to restore your physical strength, and naturally get the closeness of the grass elves.

"Nice nanny skills, I like it!"

Zhang Lan couldn't help but have a smile on his face, the power allowed him to use his ability to restore Xiao Jin's physical strength and the damage he had received.

The blessing of the god of the forest is that his physical strength can be helped by the forest, which can be said to be inexhaustible.

If the two abilities work together, he can really become the strongest nanny.

"Good, good!"

Feeling the extra intimacy in his body that seemed to be able to surround the forest, Zhang Lan couldn't help but nod.


Suddenly, Zhang Lan's spiritual power caught someone approaching in one direction.

"It's Hirona, well, withdraw, it's better not to meet him!" Zhang Lan quickly threw out the identity of the other party, immediately stopped staying, and chose to return to the small world.

What Zhang Lan didn't know was that he could hide for a while, he couldn't hide for a lifetime, and Shirona had already remembered his taste.

The two will meet soon, and it will be interesting then.



At the same time, on the top floor of a tall building in Shen'ao Crown City, a man stood up with his eyes covered, his expression was hideous, and his icy voice came out

"Sure enough, as I saw, it will be stopped by Hirona and Dragon Du in the end, this Burroughs is really stupid, I didn't expect that the final cause of defeat was not doing a good job of the energy reserves of the spacecraft."

"Damn, my future view is becoming more and more unclear, otherwise such things will definitely be able to be found out in advance, if you prepare in advance, at that time, the expressions of Imperial Dragon Du and Shirona will be very exciting!"

"Then again, who is the man who can't see his face? Without him in the original picture, is this also the uncertainty caused by the imminent disappearance of my ability!? "

"Forget it, don't mention this, or focus on Sherabi's capture, get him, and I will have a permanent "space-time ripple!" ""



On a deserted island in the Orange Islands, a huge underground research institute was built in a cave under rocks.

The inside of this institute is printed with a capital R, and apparently, this location is the secret place of the rocket team, the world's largest criminal organization....

In this place, there are often researchers in white coats, and researchers are running around.

And at the end of these researchers, there is a huge conference room.

At this time, there was a computer on the main seat in the conference room, and the computer screen was occupied by the face of a middle-aged man.

This person is none other than one of the current supreme leaders of Team Rocket, Sakaki!

"Fuji, Nanba, Silano, Saig, Xiab, the god-making plan has progressed to the last step for more than a year, isn't it okay!?"

Sakaki's tepid voice came from the computer, making it impossible to hear the emotion.

"BOSS, according to our research plan, Mewtwo should have woken up a long time ago, but the truth is that it has always been asleep, and we can't find the specific situation for the time being!"

The first to speak was the person in charge of this god-making project, Dr. Fuji, a man who was good at cloning, and even cloning elves, and delusional to find a way to resurrect humans.

Because his idea was too crazy, he was fooled by Sakaki for a while and joined the rocket team.

"I really can't find the reason." Nanbo scratched his bald head and said, "I also want to find the reason, the news from Silver Rock Island is that there is news from Lokia, I want to leave quickly!" "

"Reconsideration, ah, I'm not good at cloning." Silanou sighed and said, "I haven't finished the project yet." "

"Over there in Chengdu, the direct evolution method of the King Carp has been studied to a climax point, in addition, I also have eyebrows for the special weapons and new 0.0 weapons to restrain Lei Gong, which is too boring here."

"Hmph, I don't dare to be interested in this matter." The white-haired Saige said coldly, "That poisonous snake is really a waste, let him pack the elves, give him so many subordinates to miss, it's ridiculous." "

"I think I need to go to the United States area in person."

"Don't be so cranky everyone."

Xia Bo stood up at this time and said roundly: "Mewtwo is the existence of the potential that we use the genes of dreams to create, beyond the possibility of surpassing dreams. "

"Once you get it, everything you want to work on will be done easily."

It was also in the corner of these people that somewhere in this research institute, a figure placed in a huge incubator unknowingly released his superpowers. _