
Era Of Online Game Elves Gain Experience And Become Stronger

Story of: Era of online game elves: Gain experience and become stronger "Pick up experience +1!" "Pick up experience +100!" "Pick up experience +1000!""Add experience to Ugly Fish!"Players: "I'll go, why does this guy start with such a high-level Menus!?""Pick up super power experience +1!" "Pick up super power experience plus +2!" "Pick up...""Add experience to yourself!"Feilu Novel.com's exclusive contracted novel: "The Era of Online Games: Gain Experience and Become Stronger"; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate. Online Game Elf Era: Get Stronger by Gaining Experience Story of: Online Game Elf Era: Get Stronger by Gaining Experience "Picked up experience +1!" "Picked up experience +100!" "Picked up experience +1000!" "Add experience to the ugly fish!" Players: "Fuck, why did this guy start with such a high-level Menas!?" "Picked up super power experience +1!" "Picked up super power experience +2!" "Picked it up..." "Add experience to yourself!"

Zero_D_Darkness · Anime & Comics
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263 Chs

Chapter 135

"Ah! ~"

Zhang Lan's words made Ma Xiu, who reacted, startled, and then her pretty face began to gradually turn red.

yes, what is she so nervous for!?

Isn't it supposed to be indifferent?


Suddenly realizing something, Ma Xiu turned her head and asked seriously, "Zhang Lan, are you holding me like this without my consent~"

"Do you want me to let you go?" Zhang Lan raised her eyebrows, and there was a hint of teasing in her eyes.


Ma Xiu instinctively raised a bad premonition in her heart, and decisively chose to shake her head.

"Forget it, it's already like this, keep going, and you can get to Nibi City quickly."

"Oh~~" Zhang Lan nodded, and a bad smile flashed away on his face!

In fact, if Ma Xiu nodded or agreed just now, Zhang Lan was ready to use telepathy to talk to the wind speed dog, let it make the head broken, and when the time came, Ma Xiu could have an unforgettable memory.

It's just that I didn't expect Ma Xiu to be so vigilant.

But this is good, then you can enjoy it in 21, what is called Lori's body!



"Zhang Lan, why did you stop here."

On the top of a mountain on Mt. Tsukimi, Ma Xiu looked curiously at her surroundings.

Now two hours have passed since Zhang Lan and the two left Hualan City, and not long ago, Zhang Lan let the wind speed dog stop after rushing to one of the peaks of Mt. Yuejian.

Now Ma Xiu followed Zhang Lan and changed to walking.

"To bring you rich, of course." Zhang Lan smiled mysteriously, and naturally grabbed Ma Xiu's little hand.

"Let go~~"

Ma Xiu whispered, and tried to break free, but she only made a few symbolic efforts, and seeing that it was useless, she naturally chose to give up.

In fact, Zhang Lan did more things to Ma Xiu, and she began to get used to it.

Taking Ma Xiu's hand and feeling the softness, Zhang Lan led her to the top of one of the many peaks of Mount Tsukimi where they were now.

"Wow, Zhang Lan, what is this!?"

Standing on the edge of the top of this mountain, Ma Xiu's eyes widened in surprise!

If you look in one direction ahead, you can see that the middle part of this mountain top has become a gap!

Looking down the gap, you can see a huge stone quietly resting on a circular platform.

And this fast huge stone, Ma Xiu looked at one carefully. I always feel a little inexplicable familiarity in my heart.

"This is the Moon Stone!"

Zhang Lan answered Ma Xiu's question, and at the same time showed a smile, an incomparably bright smile.

This huge moon stone was the one found after the three of them traveled to the Tsukimi Mountain.

On the original trajectory, Zhang Lan is still working hard in the Kalow District at this time, and it was not until he set off for the Kanto when Ash set off for a trip.

And when he found the stupid thing, the other party had already obtained the water drop badge and was on his way to the Zhenghui Lighthouse.

Therefore, this huge moon stone he completely missed.

However, when the fool completed the challenge of the Kanto Alliance Tournament and returned to Zhenxin Town and passed here, in order to satisfy the curiosity in his heart, Zhang Lanyou asked him again where he had seen the Giant Moon Stone!

And now, that curiosity comes into play.

He can see this huge moon stone before everyone can see it and get it!

While thinking, Zhang Lan was a little curious about what level this huge moon stone was, so he looked at it.

Giant Moon Stone: Can be divided into thousands of evolution stones to help special pokemon evolve!

Quality: Excellent"

"It turned out to be the best!"

Even though Zhang Lan had been prepared in his heart, knowing that this huge moon stone would definitely not be simple, but after getting the news now, he couldn't help but be shocked in his heart.

This is the ultimate moon stone, still such a big piece.

If nothing else, how much is it if it is counted as money?

The Moon Stone is much rarer than ordinary evolution stones, and its price is also a little higher.

The high-quality Moon Stone, without more than 10 million alliance coins, will definitely not be able to get it.

And now, more than a thousand such moon stones were placed in front of Zhang Lan, and they were within reach!

How much does this add up?

At this moment, even after experiencing the rebirth event. Zhang Lan, who was tempered and determined in her heart, was also shocked!

"Zhang Lan, what's wrong with you!?" Ma Xiu on the side paid attention to Zhang Lan's current situation and asked with some doubt.

Ma Xiu's voice recalled Zhang Lan's thoughts, he swallowed his saliva vaguely, and said with a light smile, "There are a lot of moon stones inside that huge stone below. "

Zhang Lan did not tell the whole truth of the evolution stone, because this wealth was too amazing, even if he knew something about Ma Xiu's personality, he didn't want to test people's hearts with that temptation,

"Moon Stone!?"

But even so, Ma Xiu opened her mouth in surprise, moon stone is a very rare evolution stone, rarely seen on the market.

Ma Xiu did not expect them to have such luck to be able to meet in the wild.

"Well, it's good to follow me to get rich." Zhang Lan raised an eyebrow at Ma Xiu's smelly fart.

"Cut!" Ma Xiu pouted arrogantly, but the upside down of her beautiful eyebrows showed that she was in a good mood inside.


257 Suddenly, Ma Xiu emitted a strange look, and her eyes locked on the front.

Hearing the movement, Zhang Lan followed her gaze and found that there was a chubby, star-shaped body, pink body, with this tuft of curly hair on the top of the head, and a slightly curly tail, which was hiding behind a rock and secretly looking at them.

"It's Pippi!" Zhang Lan recognized the identity of the elf.

At this time, Ma Xiu's eyes lit up, and the moment she saw Pippi, an urge to subdue it arose in her heart.

"Zhang Lan, I want to subdue it!"

After saying a word to Zhang Lan, Ma Xiu took out the Spirit Ball and ran towards Pippi.


Unexpectedly, when Ma Xiu was also so uncalm, Zhang Lan was a little speechless for a while, but he still looked at Pippi's data by the way, if the qualification of this Pippi is not good, he will find a reason to stop it, and then help Ma Xiu find a better one!

After all, the existence of Pippi on Tsukimi Mountain is not small, he has superpowers, and it will be easy to find.

However, when Zhang Lan was surprised, he found that the qualification of that Pippi was unexpectedly very good, and it turned out to be platinum level.

Platinum-level leather is definitely worth Ma Xiu to accept and cultivate, and Zhang Lan will not do much.

"Exactly, now go and pack the huge evolution stone and take it away!" _