
Era of Mystical Arts

"Era" is a world where steam, magic, machinery, alchemy, and supernatural powers coexist. When Luke, who has crossed into this world, finds himself hooded and at the mercy of an imperial secret agent with a gun to his head, he decides to bluff his way out. And so, he becomes a part of the Golden Shield Empire's Coastal... (Opening cover art is of the character Shelley and not the MC)

Read_and_Chill · Fantasy
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Chapter 8: The Assassin's Tavern

The Assassin's Tavern in the Cape District of the Furious Waves City is located on Lantern Street, on the southern side of Botu Square.

Lantern Street is a well-known bustling street in the city, mostly frequented by sailors resting ashore. These sailors, who have been drifting at sea for months, indulge themselves once they set foot on land.

They spend their last Imperial Marks on gambling, women, and alcohol, without any restraint.

Then, they return to their ships, empty-handed, waiting for the next voyage.

To avoid any trouble that his handsome appearance might attract, Luke avoids crowded places and swiftly moves across rooftops.

After some time and careful searching, he finally finds the secluded tavern at this hidden location.

There are no signs outside the tavern, just a tightly closed door hidden amidst a thicket of bushes.

Luke knocks on the door.

A small window on the door opens, revealing a pair of yellow eyes in the darkness behind it.

"Stranger elf, this is not the place you should be."

Luke utters the secret phrase: "I have heard the call from the shadows. It tells me that the color of blood can only be seen when one closes their eyes, and a dagger washed by wine emits the wails of death."

The person inside responds, "I don't know where you heard this secret phrase, but this is indeed not the place for you to be. Go back and don't let the darkness swallow you."

"I have spoken the secret phrase, and according to the rules, you should open the door for me. Tyes, the Evil Eye..."

The person called Tyes opens the door to the tavern.

Tyes is an underground creature resembling an octopus, with a spherical head occupied by a large yellow eye covering half of its face.

"I interfered needlessly. Come in, elf... I wish you to survive. I can tell that your value surpasses the price of most individuals on the bounty list."

Luke walks past Tyes.

"Tyes, you're as verbose as ever."

Behind the door, a dim light illuminates a descending staircase. At the corner where the staircase turns, two men are engaged in conversation. Upon hearing the door open, they both look up and see the elf descending the stairs.

As Luke reaches the bottom, one of the men blocks her way.

"Stranger elf, are you here to post a bounty task? You can directly entrust your task to us without any additional commission or deposit."

At this moment, Tyes shouts from above, "Hey, don't break the rules here. If you want to do something to the elf... wait until she leaves."

The man reluctantly steps aside, allowing Luke to pass.

Beyond the corner is an underground tavern. Due to its peculiar nature, all the patrons inside quietly drink and eat. Even when they converse, they lower their voices, speaking in various agreed-upon code words.

The arrival of a stunningly beautiful elf naturally draws the attention of the entire tavern.

Everyone gazes at the elf, calculating... what price she can fetch.

Luke scans the patrons inside the tavern.

Comparing them to the descriptions in the guide to the Assassin's Tavern in the Cape District, a few individuals match the common heroes found within the tavern.

All of them are three-star heroes.

Luke approaches the bar while under the scrutiny of everyone in the tavern.

The bartender, a lizardman, pours a drink and places it in front of Luke.

"As per the rules, first-time visitors to this place receive a free drink. Beautiful Miss Elf, how may I serve you?"

Luke picks up the drink, takes a sip, and places the glass on the table.

Drinking half of it signifies being an assassin here for a task, while finishing it all indicates being a client posting a task.

"I would like to see the bounty contract for the Crazy Axe Gang's Minotaur Demon Offspring, Ju Mu."

The lizardman bartender glances at the half-empty glass on the table, then looks at the female elf sitting in front of him.

"It's hard to associate such a beautiful elf with an assassin. You should be enjoying fine dining and the service of servants in high-end mansions. Any blemish on your face would be a desecration of beauty..."

At this point, another person interjects, "And it would greatly reduce your price. Elf, instead of dying at the hands of the Crazy Axe Gang for the bounty, you should sell yourself for a good price. I can introduce you to high-quality clients."

Luke knows that his radiant appearance is likely to cause trouble, but he ignores the person beside him and addresses the lizardman bartender, saying, "Just let me take a look. It won't cost you anything."

"Of course not."

The lizardman is well aware of the rules of survival, and the first rule is not to argue with customers.

The lizardman retrieves the bounty information about Ju Mu, the Minotaur Demon Offspring of the Crazy Axe Gang, from under the counter and places it in front of Luke.

After putting the information in front of Luke, he says, "This is the information you can see. If you want to learn more and increase your chances of a successful assassination, you need to pay a certain fee for information consultation."

Luke came to the Assassin's Tavern to confirm whether this bounty still exists, as the world here is slightly different from the "Era" game.

Fortunately, the bounty for the Minotaur Demon Offspring is still active.

And the price is 5000 coupons.

"I'll take this task."

The lizardman bartender dutifully responds, "Beautiful Miss Elf, I believe it would be better for you to purchase some additional information about Ju Mu. It only costs one coupon, and it will increase your chances of obtaining the 5000 coupons."

One coupon!

That's quite steep.

And I probably have more information than you do.

"No need, I'll bring back Ju Mu's head as soon as possible. Prepare the money."

Luke finishes the remaining drink in one gulp, leaves the bar, and heads outside.

The lizardman bartender calls out loudly, "Miss Elf, I need your name for the records."

"Clear Sky... Sunny Sky."

Behind the door of the tavern.

Tyes, who stands guard, opens the door.

"Poor elf, I told you that you shouldn't have come."

"Thanks for the reminder, Tyes."

Luke walks out of the tavern, and the door shuts heavily behind him.

The small window on the door opens, revealing Tyes' eye pressed against it.

"You shouldn't have gone out."

"Tyes, the elf girl just said it right. You're really talkative."

After the tavern door closes, the brothers Sheik emerge from their hiding place.

Luke finds the information about the Sheik brothers on his phone.

They are heroes who frequent the Assassin's Tavern in the Cape District.

Their abilities are acquired through secret techniques and involve having werewolf bloodlines. They can transform into werewolves and gain increased power during the night. On a full moon night, their abilities are greatly enhanced.

Evaluation: Three stars (On a full moon night, their combat abilities can reach a supermodel level, close to three and a half stars.)

Luke looks up at the sky, and a full moon has just risen overhead.

"I have never seen such a beautiful elf before. She is truly a gift bestowed upon the world. Brother, be gentle when dealing

with the elf girl later. If her face is marred, she won't be worth much!"

"I understand, brother. I envy those wealthy individuals... If we had money, we wouldn't need to sell her."