
Era of Mystical Arts

"Era" is a world where steam, magic, machinery, alchemy, and supernatural powers coexist. When Luke, who has crossed into this world, finds himself hooded and at the mercy of an imperial secret agent with a gun to his head, he decides to bluff his way out. And so, he becomes a part of the Golden Shield Empire's Coastal... (Opening cover art is of the character Shelley and not the MC)

Read_and_Chill · Fantasy
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Chapter 45: Wind and Ice

Under Wilfred's control, seven whirlwinds enveloped Luke, carrying ice, snow, and lightning as they swept towards her.

The sound of the wind roared, its momentum magnificent.

The edges of the whirlwinds collided with each other, generating electric chains that shimmered and crackled. The rapidly spinning ice particles became razor-sharp blades, akin to the teeth of a grinding machine.

Wilfred continued chanting spells while holding his staff.

The gusts of wind made his beard and hair flutter, and his magic robe sleeves swayed loudly in the breeze.

At the top of his staff, an electric ball formed, bursting with dazzling light.

The range of the whirlwinds expanded, completely blocking Luke's path.

Luke, like an ice skater, swiftly glided on the ice surface. The enchanted curved blade in her hands transformed into an ice wheel. She lowered her body, pressing the ice wheel against the ice surface, and leaned her body at a significant angle to maneuver between the gaps of the whirlwinds.

An outer layer of ice armor formed around her body. As new layers of ice formed, they shattered the old layers, resembling reactive armor on a tank, countering the damage from the electric energy and ice blades within the dispersing shards of ice.

Utilizing Clear Sky's incredible agility and the protection of her icy armor, Luke broke free from the whirlwind's encirclement, leaving no barrier between her and Wilfred.

Lowering Clear Sky's level to 100, Luke disappeared from her original position.

She reappeared behind Wilfred.

Raising the ice wheel in her hand, she swung it, creating a massive ice blade that struck the ceiling.

The remaining energy between the floor and ceiling formed a blade-shaped ice wall, freezing the stones that were about to fall in place.

However, Wilfred had transformed into an owl and evaded the attack from behind.

As an owl, he flew forward, with the whirlwinds clearing a path for him as he swiftly approached Luke.

Luke released the ice wheel, allowing it to hover in the air, and then took out a bow from her spatial backpack.

The bow's name: Divine String of the Heavens.

With an open bowstring, an ice arrow materialized, its tip aimed at the owl's rear.

The arrow shot forward, instantly transforming into a spear, passing through the gaps in the whirlwinds.

Simultaneously, the two slowly rotating ice wheels suddenly accelerated, flying forward. One wheel took a left arc, while the other took a right arc, intersecting after bypassing the obstructing whirlwinds.

Outside the castle, the faculty members of the Olu Academy were evacuating the students.

The internal structure of the castle shifted, indicating that Headmaster Wilfred had sealed himself and the invading elf inside the castle.

The news had reached Councilor Vajil, who arrived with a large group of Imperial spies and security officers.

He asked an Olu mage, "Is the elf inside?"


Before the Olu mage could finish speaking, Councilor Vajil gestured to the spies and officers he brought, ordering, "Go in! Kill the elf and retrieve the 'Heart of the Red Dragon Niercol.'"

However, the Olu mage immediately stood in front of the spies and officers.

"Headmaster Wilfred just issued an order. Please leave the Olu Academy."

"Why?" Councilor Vajil questioned. "We're here to help you. That elf is extremely dangerous, and she has..."

At that moment, Heidisk raised her voice amidst the group of students. "The elf didn't harm us. Instead, it was the Imperial spies who injured Lydia. She's still unconscious. The Olu Academy doesn't welcome you, and the Headmaster can handle everything."

Heidisk, along with Lydia's classmates, voiced their condemnation of the Imperial spies. Some students from other departments also joined in.

Councilor Vajil wasn't aware of what the spies had done. He turned to the blocking mage and said, "Perhaps it was a mistake. On behalf of the Secret Bureau, I apologize to the Olu Academy and the injured student. Clear the way and let our people in!"

The obstructing Olu mage remained firm and said, "Mr. Councilor, Headmaster Wilfred has asked you to leave. And since the Headmaster has taken action, the invading elf will soon be captured..."

Before the Olu mage could finish speaking, a loud noise erupted from within the castle.

Looking up, they saw an ice spear piercing through the castle wall, half of its body protruding from the outside.

The ice spear, crystalline and transparent, appeared like a magnificent work of art.

Seeing the ice spear, everyone's expressions turned sour.

They all knew how resilient the main building of the Olu Academy was.

Especially the outer walls of the castle, which were reinforced and imbued with alchemical techniques to enhance their durability.

Yet, this ice spear managed to pierce through it!

Familiar with the Olu Academy, they wondered if this display of power came from the elf.

Could she be that strong?

However, the assault on the people outside the castle wasn't over.

A few seconds after the ice spear pierced the castle wall, two massive ice wheels burst out, slicing through the wall from the inside.

They rotated rapidly in the air, passing through the cracks they had created. Then, the castle wall ruptured, and stones began to fall.

What kind of monster was Wilfred fighting inside?

The Olu mages raised protective shields, safeguarding the students from falling debris.

One of the mages who had been negotiating with Councilor Vajil asked, "Are you still insisting on entering?"

The Imperial spies and security officers stepped back.

Councilor Vajil stared at the hole in the castle wall caused by the ice spear and the two ice wheels, dumbfounded. He said, "We need reinforcements!"