
Era of Mystical Arts

"Era" is a world where steam, magic, machinery, alchemy, and supernatural powers coexist. When Luke, who has crossed into this world, finds himself hooded and at the mercy of an imperial secret agent with a gun to his head, he decides to bluff his way out. And so, he becomes a part of the Golden Shield Empire's Coastal... (Opening cover art is of the character Shelley and not the MC)

Read_and_Chill · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 35: Sponsors

Luke asked Shelley, "Are all the people I invited here?"

"They're all here. Regardless of whether they're planning to side with the Security Bureau, they will surely show face to the Bureau of Secret Affairs. But... our future doesn't look good," Shelley expressed her pessimism.

Previously, the Bureau of Secret Affairs and the Security Bureau had an understanding when it came to the interests at the port. However, they never expected that once the Berserkers faced trouble, the Security Bureau would act so decisively, as if they were trying to push the Bureau of Secret Affairs out of the port.

Now the Security Bureau was threatening the Bureau of Secret Affairs' sponsors. Despite the Bureau's strong support for the Berserkers, their own power and influence were still inferior, causing some sponsors to reconsider their future plans.

If the Bureau of Secret Affairs truly lost control of the port and ended up being strangled by the City Administration Hall, they would be better off finding a ship and becoming sailors instead of relying on the meager salary from the Bureau.

These peaceful days might never be seen again.

In the midst of Shelley's worried expression, Luke threw a bag at her and stood up to leave. "Take this, and come with me to meet our sponsors. The Berserkers... I'll protect them! The port... no one can take it away!"

"What is this?" Shelley wanted to open the bag, but she saw that Luke had already walked out, so she immediately picked up the bag and caught up with him.

The third-floor meeting room was filled with smoke. The invited bosses of various factions were smoking and discussing the events at the Berserkers' headquarters.

"I don't think the Berserkers can hold on. I heard that Black Jack has paid a high price to recruit all the sailors at Cape Harbor, several thousand people! If Jumok were here, the Berserkers might have a chance, but now with Lambert?"

"Tomorrow, we might see his head being kicked around like a ball."

"The Security Bureau must have given you a warning too, right? Director Holt's determination regarding the port is incredibly firm. Our new detective won't stand a chance against Holt."

"You're not planning to join the Security Bureau, are you? No matter how the Security Bureau and the Bureau of Secret Affairs fight, the Bureau will always be here. Aren't you afraid of the Bureau coming after you later?"

"Afraid? Of course, we're afraid. That's why we're here. Let's talk to Detective Luke about our difficulties. If necessary, we can give money not only to the Security Bureau but also to the Bureau of Secret Affairs. The only thing is, the amount of money will certainly not be the same as before."

"Sigh... It's the people working down here who suffer the most from the fights between the Security Bureau and the Bureau of Secret Affairs. We not only have to spend money but also risk our lives. Do you know that someone posted a bounty at the Assassin's Tavern for the Bull-Horned Demon's giant, Jumok... 5,000 gold vouchers? That 5,000 gold vouchers led to the death of over a hundred skilled individuals from the Berserkers alone, not to mention the deaths from last night. Altogether, nearly a thousand people have died in our Cape District! I don't know when it will end. I'm afraid it will be me who ends up with my head being kicked like a ball."

"Hansen Hamilton, you have a significant business at the port. What do you think about this situation?" When someone mentioned Hansen Hamilton's name, everyone stopped talking and looked at a middle-aged man wearing a triangular sailor hat.

His skin was rough due to years of sun exposure at sea, and he had a centipede-like scar on his face. He was Captain Hansen Hamilton, in charge of a fleet and controlling a dockyard second only to the Berserkers. In terms of strength and influence, he was number one among this group.

If anyone wanted to jump ship from the leaking boat of the Bureau of Secret Affairs, Captain Hansen Hamilton was undoubtedly the best person to negotiate with the Bureau's detective.

Captain Hansen Hamilton hadn't said a word since entering the meeting room. Instead, he observed everyone with his sharp eyes, honed from years at sea.

Seeing that everyone deferred to him, he spoke slowly, "Gentlemen, you should all be well aware of how the Bureau of Secret Affairs has treated us in the past. It's not the same as the Security Bureau, which can't provide the same level of care as the Bureau of Secret Affairs. The Berserkers have also brought you substantial profits! How... now that the Berserkers are in trouble, are you all ready to abandon them? Detective Luke has already shown his unwavering support for the Berserkers on his first day in office. Are you all in such a rush to abandon ship? We sailors hate working with people like you the most."

Captain Hansen Hamilton's words silenced the room. Everyone smoked and thought about their own situations.

After a while, Pisco pushed open the door and shouted, "The detective is here!"

Everyone quickly stood up and saluted Luke as he entered. "Hello, Detective."

"Hello, hello, hello..." Luke greeted everyone warmly, waving his hand. "Please, have a seat! We're all comrades here; no need to be so formal."

"Thank you, Detective," they responded.

Luke enthusiastically greeted everyone, but suddenly, he pulled out a gun from his pocket and shot Hansen Hamilton, who was bent over in his seat, in the head. He followed up with three more shots in quick succession.

All the bullets went through his head, and Hansen Hamilton collapsed on the table, dead on the spot.

Everyone was shocked.

What is happening? Could it be... the Bureau of Secret Affairs has summoned us here to kill us all?

Shelley, who had experienced the battlefield, reacted quickly. She pulled out her gun and aimed it at the people in the room. "Keep your hands where I can see them."

Those who thought about resisting immediately raised their hands.

Someone asked, "Detective, we haven't betrayed the Bureau of Secret Affairs. We're willing to support the Berserkers with all our might."

Shelley took control of the situation and whispered to Luke, "Detective, Hansen Hamilton was on our side. He informed me about the Security Bureau's warning. He also said he would help convince these guys not to side with the Security Bureau."

Luke holstered his gun and said with a smile, "Take Hansen Hamilton's body out, and then arrest Daulty and Felix at his dockyard. Search the Lucky Princess and bring the safe from the captain's room, specifically the tenth wooden plank to the left."

"Yes, Detective!" Pisco entered and carried Hansen Hamilton's body out.

At that moment, a group of Imperial spies, who had heard the gunshots and came to provide backup, rushed in.

Luke ordered the spies to leave and then smiled at the sponsors. "No need to be nervous, everyone. I killed Hansen Hamilton because he orchestrated the assassination of my predecessor. Pisco has gone to get the evidence. Please, have a seat, and let's discuss business. Black Mamba, put away your gun."

"Yes, Detective." Shelley holstered her gun in the holster on her thigh and asked, "How did you know that Hansen Hamilton killed

the former detective?"

"Of course, through investigation," Luke replied, looking at the sponsors who were still standing. "We don't have much time, so please sit down."

"Sit down!" Shelley shouted.

The sponsors quickly found their seats, gathering at the other end of the meeting table, with four seats between them and Luke.

This new detective killed Hansen Hamilton as soon as he entered. Whatever the reason, it truly frightened everyone.

Once everyone was seated, Luke asked, "If anyone wants to jump ship, you can leave now."

The sponsors had sorrowful expressions.

In this situation... even if they wanted to leave, they didn't dare!