
Era of Castles: The exhibitionist lord girl

this is a fanfic of "Era of Castles: Starting with 99 Dragon Eggs" Tandara went to sleep and when he woke up he found himself in a castle, he soon realized that he was in a generic Chinese novel where the protagonist of this novel pulls several dragons out of his ass and everything he does or tries works because he has the conspiracy armor, and to To make matters worse he was given a barracks of common farmers, luckily she awakened an exhibitionist's golden finger

takeoffyourbra · Others
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meat capitalist

Klaus felt the energy in his body increase, he was happy because with Kong out there he would get strong fast.

He went to his castle to rename

[Elementary Castle (unnamed)]

[Common Building: Warehouse]

[Special Building: Primate Tree, Divine Banana Tree]

[Upgrade Requirement: 2000 units of wood, 1000 units of stone]

[Next level: Intermediate Castle]

[Current Status: Invincible]

[Current Faction: None]

"Fuck it, from now on your name will be Hall of the Primate Gods" Klaus

After renaming the castle, Klaus started boxing by punching the air, he faithfully believes that he needs to keep his body in shape in all situations.


"quickly, carry these bodies to the castle, our king will be happy" Kong, he ordered the 4 monkeys to serve as transporters

there were corpses of different species, snakes, jaguars, wolves, toucans and several other animals that live in forests

Klaus was still training, but within hours hundreds of animal corpses were lying on the ground.

[Monster's corpse found. Do you want to collect it?]



[Collection successful!]

[Obtained 08 units of snake meat!]

[Obtained 01 units of poison bag!]

[Obtained 03 units of toucan meat!]

[Obtained 01 bird's beak!]

[Obtained 20 units of jaguar meat!]

[Obtained a jaguar skin!]

[Obtained 20 units of jaguar meat!]

[Obtained 08 units of snake meat!]

Several notifications popped up in Klaus' mind

"too much meat hahaha"

in just a few hours he got over 300 units of meat, after all Kong is not only stronger than Tyrell but there are still 4 more troops under Klaus' command, they can hunt much more

"Mike made a fortune in meat, the market is big enough for me too" Klaus

Klaus quickly put 290 units of meat on the space exchange

[One unit of food for two energy stones.]

[Additional exchange: 40 units of wood and 20 units of stone.]

This price wasn't random, it's literally double the price Mike put on them, Klaus knows Mike is a plot-armored freak so he'll try to outrun him on everything

"I feel like a capitalist with a monopoly, hahah now I understand why they like to control the market so much" Klaus


somewhere in the forest nirvana

A stupid-faced castle lord was happily putting up wolf meat to sell

"80 units of meat on the market, this is definitely a great chance" Mike

"I doubled the price, very good, right now people need to eat and so they should easily accept" Mike

[One unit of food lost, 20 units of wood gained.]

[One unit of food lost, 10 units of stones gained.]

Mike looked at the notifications and felt a joy, with his dragons he will definitely conquer the entire continent

Mike who still watched the chat, enjoyed while other lords cursed him

but suddenly they stopped cursing him, and started cursing another, the curse was even bigger, if Mike was called a vampire then Klaus was the demon

[world chat channel]

[Bastard, 290 units of meat, what troop does he have? a buddha?]

[no buddha, I bet it must be some demon with a profession of politician, to be that cruel...]

[compared to Klaus, this Mike is so kind...]

Mike read the messages and didn't understand, finally returned to the negotiations page, his mouth almost dropped

He saw that a bastard was selling 290 units of meat for twice the price he sells

"290 units is impossible!!!, I have a dragon how can he have triple meat" Mike

Mike wanted to change the price of his meat but it was all sold out, be it him or Klaus all meat was gone in seconds

"shit, I lost a lot of money, I'm going to raise the price of meat, plus I need more strength, I can't be behind anyone" Mike

In addition to feeling the loss of money, Mike quickly improved his mind, he has dragons and believes that in time no one will be able to overcome him, as for this Klaus is a passing thing.

After that Mike looked at the friendship notifications, there were thousands, but he denied them all

"I don't need friends, I have dragons" Mike


meanwhile, Klaus analyzed his profit

After a few hours, night had arrived and Klaus ordered Kong and the 4 monkey gods to return.

In all, Klaus made 930 units of meat and 28 energy stones.

Klaus also analyzed the list of friend requests, he separated some to accept, he wants to create some trade organization with other lords in the future

Klaus accepted Bella's friend request and some other strong lords, but he was still sad because Lin yaoyao didn't accept his friendship.

He knows that Lin yaoyao's existence is basically a convenience fairy bug to help Mike, he wanted to steal this bug and use for himself

However the stupid loli doesn't accept her friendship

"whatever, I can try to convince her if I have more performance" Klaus

After that he simply went to upgrade his castle, he got over 30,000 units of wood and 15,000 units of stone.

Enough to upgrade castle to intermediate level and advanced level at once, 2 levels

Of course he wasn't the only one, Mike increased the price of his meat and got resources to improve two levels too

besides that other lords also earned more, even the goddess Bella earned more than in the original, the reason is that Klaus' existence increased the whole meat market

Klaus arrived in front of the castle and started

[Do you wish to upgrade the castle?]


