
Equipped: Armory of Legends

Park Jae Sung a prodigy of effort and care for the people he loved the most. But, he still lost everything. After 10 years of hard work, he manage to rise up from he ashes. With his self created companion by his side anything can be accomplished. Still, fate is not always as it seems. "Huh? A gift? Armory of Legends?" [Yes. Master will be able to summon legendary weapons from Earth to Etterra, enhance by the world energy.] [Excalibur, Ruyi Jingu Bang, Mjolnir, Poseidon's trident and many more. Master can equip them.] Join in the journey through the world of Etterra and see what happens when a prodigy and his companion crushes through it all.

IPNH · Fantasy
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64 Chs

Chapter 34: Discussion of the Royals

In a grand meeting room of the Twilight Kingdom palace. The king, queen and other ministers including Arnold and Bryce sat around the large table. Discussing about Adrian's invention.

"I suggest we should spread the influence of Cross Catch. Lots of benefits will come if we make the Twilight Kingdom be the heart of the sport. Just imagine it, our kingdom at the centre of other kingdoms and empires. Our revenue will sky rocket. Your Majesty can just say the command and the Cross boy will work with us." The minister of finance pleads to the table.

"That is right."

"We can also build trust with the other parties."

"A solid plan, minister."

The other ministers agrees to the suggestions except for King Elijah, Queen Charlotte, Royal Commander Arnold, Royal Mage Bryce and the two dukes, Duke Cromwell and Duke Edwards. The most obvious frown comes from Arnold.

"I reject the proposal. The other kingdoms are eyeing on us closely as we are at the centre of them. More time and diplomatic relations are needed for us to trust each other." Arnold voiced his rejection while thinking of the safety of the kingdom.

The ministers quieted down when hearing this. Soon they begin giving their opinions as trying to get both revenue and relationship benefit. Adrian's name is also being thrown into the discussion. The king, queen, royal mage and the two dukes kept quiet and listen to their thoughts.

"I have made a decision. We can spread the game Cross Catch all over Twilight Kingdom. Young Adrian came here to introduce the game to me first is because of he want me to vouch for him that he is the creator of the game. Making it originates from Twilight Kingdom. Smart boy. What we need to do next is nothing. He must have already planned everything." The king declares his verdict to the people of the room. Leaving everything to Adrian.

"…." The ministers became silent hearing the king's statement.

"Tch… that kid is still cunning as ever." Duke Cromwell clicks his tongue disgusted by Adrian's intelligence at the age of 10.

"Ho? Oscar's grandson sure is amazing. I need to get ear plugs after this to block his bragging." Duke Edwards cracks a joke.

"As you will it, your Majesty." Bryce just nods and respecting the king's decision.

"As you will it, your Majesty." The other minsters snap out of their shock and respecting the king's choices.

"All of you can go now. The matter had been decided. I had some work to do. And remember don't do anything to young Adrian or else." The king dismissing the meeting because he procrastinates his work today. He also left a warning to the ministers not to get involve with Adrian.

The ministers and the dukes nodded and left the meeting room. Leaving Elijah, Charlotte, Bryce and Arnold.

"Your Majesties, I have to report something." Both Bryce and Arnold said at the same time.

"Oh my… both of you are in sync like our children." Charlotte chuckle seeing the royal mage and commander's antics.

"Hahahaha…" The king laughs hearing the queen's remark relating them with their children.

After wiping of the tears from his eyes from laughing… the king breathes slowly calming himself down.

"Phew… That is a good reference Char. Now, I know what you two are trying to tell me. Arnold, you want Adrian to skip the academy and join the royal knights at the age of 12. Bryce, you must detect the boy's mana is at the New Moon stage. Is that the message you both want to tell me?" The king made his guess with the information from observing Adrian today.

"What?" The two can't believe what they just hear. Arnold was shocked hearing Adrian is at New Moon stage while Bryce is shock Arnold want to recruit a kid.

"What are you going on about, Bryce? That kid only awaked mana 3 months ago. How can he reach New Moon stage already?" Arnold glares at Bryce hearing the unbelievable information.

"I know my own capabilities, you baff… Arnold. I clearly sense his mana is at New Moon stage. What's sickening is you. You want a child who is not yet reached adulthood to become a royal knight? Have you gone mad after being a commander?" Bryce shots back, almost swearing in front of the king.

Then a sudden pressure of mana came from the king and queen stops their quarrel.

"That is enough. Children need to behave or they will be punished." Queen Charlotte said with a threatening tone.

"We apologize your Majesties." The two men kneels and apologize. The king is stunned hearing his wife calling the two men, 'children' and retracts his mana.

"Ahem… I understand both of your concerns. Arnold, the boy will go to the academy. He needs to make some friends and I want him to stay close to Charles and Chelsea at the academy. I predict that the boy can bring good changes to the kingdom when he went to the academy. About the royal knight matter, you can try recruiting him after he reached adulthood." The king first turn to Arnold and give his verdict.

"I understand your Majesty." Arnold bows and realize that he was to rash wanting to recruit a kid to the royal knights. Adrian's strategies during the game of Cross Catch make him realize the boy had the potential to be his successor in the future.

"And Bryce… I also detect the boy's mana fluctuations after he was sub out of the field. It must be a habit that he circulates mana when he is tired. Malcom did tell me the boy trains since the age of 5. He must not realize it by now. If you are worry that the boy can be a threat to the kingdom, you don't have too. I already have my information about the boy. I can trust him for now." Elijah gives a lengthy reason to solidifies his stance with Adrian.

"This mage understands your will, Your Majesty." Bryce bows while thinking about Adrian's potential who reached Moon stage after 3 months of awakening mana. He also thinks it is possible for him to catch up to Oscar and be the 2nd best after the king. He is also a genius after all.

"If you two are done with your reports, please leave. This paperwork won't finish themselves. I wish they would… Sighs." Elijah sighs thinking of the possibility.

The two men excuses themselves and leave after giving a bow. After the door is closed, only the queen and the king are left.

"Eli, I know you have work to do. Can we chat while you are at it? I will also help you with it of course." Charlotte comes closer to the king.

"Sighs…. Please help. I feel sorry for the kids having dinner without us again." Elijah sighs thinking about his children. As a matter of fact, the royal family will be expecting a new member soon from the second wife, Marie.

"Thinking about the children as well? Me too." Charlotte smiles brightly while helping the king sorting the papers.

"The same? What are you thinking about?" Elijah suddenly feels a weird feeling. He couldn't read his wife this time.

"I was thinking about out dear girl Chelsea. Marie's child is almost born and our kids will be 10 years old in 2 months. Isn't it time to get for her to get engage? Our kids will become adults in 5 years. You can also feel that time goes by in a blink of an eye. The twins rarely see you because you are so busy." The queen begins to smile slyly when she talks about romance for her kids.

"Sighs… You're right. I didn't even spend much time with them. Tell me your plans, Char." Elijah sighs while thinking of what he had done after being crowned. All of it is work, work, work. There are some moments of love in them but it is very rare in the collection of his memories. So, he had to turn to his wife for a solution.

"Honey? You don't need to feel so burdened by this responsibility because I am always with you." Charlotte hugs Elijah from behind.

"I know you are raised as the second successor of the kingdom and groomed to be a one in a million years genius but you alone aren't enough. I am also not enough to lessen your burden." Charlotte said the truth to Elijah.

"But the gods have blessed us with another genius in the kingdom. We can arrange his engagement with Chelsea after both of them reached adulthood. I believe he can be of great help to us. I know you don't keep your advisors so close to you as a precaution, and that is fine for a great king. We read the reports about Adrian from his parents 3 years ago. We can conclude he is not hungry for money or power, he is just a loving boy. We should trust in him." The queen gives he reasoning for the king to drag Adrian to the royals' side.

"Engagement between Chelsea and the boy...?" The king is thinking long and hard. He realizes time really does flow fast. Then, he thought about the boy in topic. The boy manages to stop all of his strategies when playing the game of Cross Catch. Adrian's plans were a perfect counter to all of it. He was left at awe that evening, not disappointed by the lost.

"Young Adrian maybe the solution to our problem… " King Elijah let out a smile when he said that.

Meanwhile in a bustling tavern.

"Achoo…." Adrian suddenly sneezed spiling tea of from his hands.

"Young master, are you catching a cold?" Ralph asked while holding a pint of warm beer.

"Don't mind it, Ralph. Hey can I have a beer too?" Adrian asked for 'relief' after the shock that he saw today.

"For the 8th time, the answer is still no, young master. Even if you kill me." Ralph responds stoically wondering if someone put alcohol in Adrian's tea.

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